Amble Through Surahs of Quran

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights Topics: Miracles Of The Quran, Quran Channel: Poetry Views: 2907

This beautiful poem about the Holy Qur'an describes the essence of each surah (chapter) in a chronological order.

Let’s get apprised with surahs of Quran

Al Fatiha, Al Baqarah, and Al Imran
Al Fatihah is the opening surah
Guiding us whom and how to pray
Al Baqarah has the story of cow
Longest surah to understand now,
Guiding us aright in Quran
Is what we call surah Imran

Al Nisa, Al Maidah, and Al Anam
Notifies about the women, food, cattle, and farm
Al Araf educates about the knowledge of height
And the border’s height between hell and paradise.

Al Anfal means spoils of war
And Surah At Tawbah has repentance for all.
In Surah Yunus, Hud, and Yusuf is disclosed
that life of prophet was tougher manifold.

Ar-Rad, the thunder is surah thirteen
And comes after this in Quran is Surah Ibrahim
Al Hijr Al Nahl and Al Isra
The rock city, the honeybee, the journey of night are told in these surahs

Al Kahf, the cave is Surah eighteen
And after this, Surah Maryam, and Surah Taha is seen
Get acquainted with prophets, pilgrimage, and believers soon
In Surah Anbiya, Al Hajj and Al Mominoon.

Surah An Nur is related to light
And Al-Furqan tells standard of wrong and right.
Surah Ash Shu’ara, An Naml, and Al Qasas
Keep us informed about the poets, ants, and stories as they pass.

Surah Al Ankabut tells about the Wall’s rider
It has the story of spider
Surah Ar-Rum and Surah Luqman
Represent people of Rome and sage of Luqman in Quran

As-Sajdah, Al Ahzab and Surah Saba
Communicates about worship, clans, and people of Sheba
Surah Fatir means the originator
Telling if the world is light, then Allah is illuminator.

Importance of Quran is expressed in Surah Yaseen
Ranking is told in As Saffat  and thirty eighth Surah, Surah Sa’ad has been.
Surah Az Zumar and surah Ghafir
Indicates the crowd and show how all forgiving Allah is.

Surah Fussilat, Surah As Shura, and Az Zukhuruf
Open up Sajdah in detail, the consultations, and gold ornaments loof
Al Dukhan, Al Jathiya and surah Al Ahqaf
Clues in the smoke, the crouching, the sand dunes that fly half.

Surah Muhammad is called Al Qital
With the life of prophet and his aal
Al Fath, Al Hujrat, and Surah Qaf is sent
To divulge about the victory, the chamber, and the day of judgement.

After Surah Al Dhariyat, Surah At Tur, Al Najm, and Al Qamar fit
To set forth the story of winnowing wind, Mount Sinai, the stars and the moon in it.
Next comes Surah Rahman
Allah is the most merciful, it tells in Quran.

Surah Al Waqiah and Surah Al Hadeed
Tells about the inevitable and the iron that we need
Surah Al Mujadilah and Surah Al Hashr is compiled
To describe the pleading women and exile.

Surah Al Mumtahanah, As Saff, Surah Al Jumuah, Al Munafiqun throws its light
And reflects the examined ones, the ranks, the congregations, and hypocrites.
At Taghabun, Al Talaq, At Tahreem are mentioned
To let us know about the cheating, the divorce, and the prohibition.

Surah Al Mulk, Al Qalam, Al Haqqah, Al Maarij, and Surah Nuh
Enumerates the dominion, the pen, the sure reality, the stairways and the works that prophets do.
Al Jinn, Al Muzzammil, Al Mudathir, Al Qiyayamah have predictions
Of the unseen, the enfolded one, the cloaked one, and the day of resurrection.

Surah Al Insan, Al Musalat, AN Naba, and An Naziat gather
To disclose about the human, the wind sent forh, the announcement, and the soul snatcher
In Surah Al Abasa, Al Takweer, Al Infitar, and Al Mutaffifeen,
The folding up, the cleaving, the dealers in fraud are seen.

In Surah Al Inshiqaq, Al Burooj, Al Tariq we get the sight
Of the sundering, the constellation, the morning star and the night
Surah Al Ala,  Al Fajr, Al Badad and Al Shams
Speaks about the most- high, the Dawn and the sun.

With Surah Al Lail, Ad Duha, Al Inshirah starts
Discussion about the night, the morning bright and the opening of heart
From Surah At Teen, Al Alaq, Al Bayyinah, Az-Zalzala the fact we take
Are about the fig, the clot of blood, the evidence of truth, and the earthquake.

The tract of Al Adiyat, Al Quraish, At Takathur, and Surah Al Asr that we climb
Allude us about the war horse, the great calamity, the greed for more, and the flight of time
Surah Al Humazah, Al Feel, Al Quraish, Al Maa’oon have the sentences
Pointing at gossip mongers, the elephant, the life of Quraish, and the neighboring assistance.

Surah Al Kawthar, Al Kafiroon and An Nasr, take us to port
And embellishes about the good in abundance, the disbelievers, and the divine support
Now comes Surah Al Masad, Al Ikhlas, Surah Al Falaq and Surah An Nas
Highlighting about plaited rope, the purity of faith, the rising dawn, and surah of mankind at last.

Tazeem Fatima has completed her M.Phil in Chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University and presently works as Assistant Professor in KNIPSS Engineering college, Sultanpur, India.

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights
  Topics: Miracles Of The Quran, Quran  Channel: Poetry
Views: 2907

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