Food Recipes from around the world

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Search : A
Displaying 1 through 33 of 33 recipes found. (33 recipes displayed).
Main Dish - Afghanistan - (795)
Main Dish - Somalia - (325)
Dessert - Palestine, Middle East - (662)
Dessert - Palestine - (668)
Main Dish - Spain - (553)
Appetizer - Al-Andalus (Spain) - (255)
Sauce - Syria (Aleppo) - (478)
Dessert - Germany - (220)
Other - Syria - (161)
Dessert - Lebanon - (455)
Dessert - France - (361)
Dessert - Germany - (221)
Dessert - Syria - (394)
Appetizer - Lebanon - (152)
Salad - Syria, Lebanon - (124)
Dessert - Lebanon, Syria - (465)
Main Dish - Palestine, Middle East - (672)