Life’s Essence
Allama Iqbal: Bal-e Jibril (Poem 24)
Human intellect resolves issues only with information
But the cure of humanity's ills requires holistic vision
The human place in the universe is above everything else
Life is having the drive to always keep moving ahead
Human’s priceless value is only because of his ‘self’
Oyster’s value is only because it turns drop into gem
Blood flows in the body but what is its objective
Life is a continuous struggle with unwavering drive
O Beautiful Bud! It is not possible to hide from me
As I am nothing but the fresh early morning breeze
What the business people of the West think as fake
It is nothing but divine treasure trove of universal way
Disenfranchised Iqbal is very generous and courteous
But he has nothing to give but the spark of divine love
Translated by: Dr. Mansoor Alam
Topics: Human Dignity, Humanity, Life Challenges Values: Love Channel: Poetry
Views: 2933
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