
Category: Americas, Featured, World Affairs Topics: Katrina, Natural Disasters, Poetry Channel: Poetry Views: 2912


A Poem by Ershad Khan
(Originally composed on August 30, 2005) 

Keeping my eyes glued on TV set

An overwhelming sadness I can't reject

To see human misery unfold

Reasoning gave way to hunger and cold.

In raging water life changed fast

Nothing is eternal and nothing will last.

A lesson for us, a humble reminder,

To be more caring and kinder

Every human life is oh so precious,

A chance to reach out and be gracious

Common human's uncommon valor

Has risen above race and color.

In the time of such tribulations,

Not to give up hopes and aspirations....

God will shower His blessings on those

Stood by not, but giving who chose.

Ershad Khan has a background in Journalism and Media Studies. He occasionally writes poems on contemporary issues.

  Category: Americas, Featured, World Affairs
  Topics: Katrina, Natural Disasters, Poetry  Channel: Poetry
Views: 2912

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