I Asked Allah

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Life & Society Topics: Allah Channel: Poetry Views: 6949

I asked Allah to take away my pain.
Allah said No.
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

I asked Allah to make my handicapped child whole.
Allah said No.
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.

I asked Allah to grant me patience.
Allah said No.
Patience is a by-product of tribulations, it isn't granted, it is learned.

I asked Allah to give me happiness.
Allah said No.
I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.

I asked Allah to spare me pain.
Allah said No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares, and brings you closer to me.

I asked Allah to make my spirit grow.
Allah said No.
You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked Allah for all things that I might enjoy life.
Allah said No.
I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.

I asked Allah to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.
Allah said ....... Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

Nigel Keens-Douglas, who resides in England, wrote this short poem. He accepted Islam two years ago during the month of Ramadan.

If you have poetry you would like to share with others please email [email protected]

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Life & Society
  Topics: Allah  Channel: Poetry
Views: 6949

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Older Comments:
this poem is an eye opener but if only every body could learn from it. i want to know about Nigel keens - douglas who has written this poem. may Allah grant him the best of everything in both world ameen. if anyone knows about him plz do let me know.
peace to all.

i am proud to be a hispanic muslim . My wife stacy and my daughters victoria and melissa both 16 are muslims also. i pick this religion to convert to because islam is a good religion

good god what a load of rubbish from this ayad geezer. What are you on about mate? I thought the poem was super; very personal and yet very instructive for us all. To Nigel, I say keep it up, you've a good poetic voice there.

To Ayad I say lighten up; why do soem of you ALWAYS have to pick fault with others?

What the hell is wrong with you Ayad? Bring down an Islamic Inquisition, astaghfir Allahu al-'Azim, are you for real? Listen to yourself:"I appeacite your attempt to write down your feelings. However, I only remark on how you make use of freely style to choose words that seem strong in sense. No, and hahhh." Where is forbidden in Islam to write down your feelings and choose free style and words strong in sense? Are you really stupid or this is how you are? With your inane remarks on the poor man that was gracious enough to share with us some of his inner experience in this great bond between Man and Creator? "I guess you have read profane agonistic writres like Thomas Hardy who feel free to write whatever comes in their spirit. Make sure for not falling into words' trap." Are you a professor of English Language? How on earth can you make those assumptions? Did you know that making assumptions is forbidden in Islam? Islam brought about the need for evidence! Before Islam a judge needed just somebody's say and he burnt the accused on the stake, no evidence needed, all based on assumption. We have poets in Islam, alhamdulilla, will you deny poethood to Nigel Keens-Douglas? Now you are an art critic or what? If he said something wrong, specify, don't give the man lectures in English Literature or art. Besides, this is art and art has a different status than common talk, he didn't claim that what he said was revealed to him by God in a personal manner. Everybody can get an inspiration from God, you, Nigel, me, I wish Bush would get an inspiration from God and listen to it...

I appeacite your attempt to write down your feelings. However, I only remark on how you make use of freely style to choose words that seem strong in sense. No, and hahhh. I guess you have read profane agonistic writres like Thomas Hardy who feel free to write whatever comes in their spirit. Make sure for not falling into words' trap. Language is sometimes tempting, and engages you in profane discourse. Poetry yes, literature ok, but we have islamic criteria and we are confine not to be carries on by sublime aesthetic language.