Aleppo’s Tears

Category: Featured, Middle East, World Affairs Topics: Syria, Syria War Channel: Poetry Views: 1485

Aleppo’s Tears

by Ershad Khan~


It’s getting dark and cold

But she’s running again,

There is no time to wait

When misery unfolds….


From street to street

Block to block

They bombed and shattered shelters

Brick by brick.


Where will she run now?

With her innocent kid

He’s tired and hungry

He can barely breathe!


No trace of her husband

And her angelic daughter

Aleppo has turned into

A land of slaughter!


A whole generation

Bombed, shelled,

Tortured and raped

I gently change my TV channel

Watch something else instead.


Their unspeakable misery is

Happening in a distant shore…


Aleppo’s Tears

Don’t reach my door !


December 17, 2017



  Category: Featured, Middle East, World Affairs
  Topics: Syria, Syria War  Channel: Poetry
Views: 1485

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