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Displaying 1 through 50 of 105 terms found. (50 terms displayed).
Na'ib 2931
(Plural nuwwab) the representative of the shaykh, synonym of muqaddam. (Source:Taha Publication)

Na't 2564
Attribute, quality, that which describes something. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nabi 1659
(Plural anbiya') a prophet. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nabi (NABBI NABEE) 133

The meaning of the word Nabi is a prophet. To be a prophet he should receive a revelation from Allah that does not necessarily mean a revealed book. When a prophet is instructed to deliver his message to a certain group of people, he is a messenger. It is stated in the Qur'an that there are no more prophets and messengers after Muhammad.

Nabidh 1660
A drink made by soaking grapes, raisins, dates, etc, in water without allowing them to ferment to the point of becoming intoxi cating. if it does become intoxicating, it is still called nabidh. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nadhr 750
A vow. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nadiha 751
A camel used for agricultural purposes. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafahat al-uns 3152
By jami (d. 898/1492), an account of the sufis of the naqshbandiya of the fifteenth century and a summary of sufi thought. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafaqa 752
Maintenance, adequate support (especially of immediate family.) (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafas ar-rahman 2924
"Breath of the merciful," the manifestation of possibilities, in which the entire creation is constantly renewed in each moment. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafi 753
Banishment; negation. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafila 754
(Plural nawafal) supererogatory act of worship. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafila 1661
(Plural nawafil) supererogatory or voluntary act of worship. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafkha 1956
A blast of the trumpet. there will be two blasts. at the first all in the heaven and earth will die, and at the second all will rise. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafr 1366
(Day of) the 12th or 13th of dhu'l-hijja when the pilgrims leave mina after having completed all the ceremonies of hajj at 'arafa, muzdalifa and mina. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafs (nufs) 320
The soul or spirit. Muslims believe that humans are ultimately spiritual beings, housed temporarily in a physical body. The nafs represents that core of each individual which exhibits an innate orientation towards God, called fitrah, and which passes into a different unknown realm upon a person's physical death in the present world. (Source:CIE)

Nafs 2925
The self. usually in reference to the lower self - either the self which commands to evil, or the reproachful self. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafth 2930
Literally, spitting, often meaning to cast something into the mind. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nafth 2038
Literally "spitting", often meaning to cast something into the mind. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nahd 755
Sharing the expenses of a journey or gathering the journey food of the travellers together to be distributed among them in equal shares. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nahr 756
The slaughtering of camels only, done by cutting the carotid artery at the root of the neck; the day of nahr is the 10th of dhu'l-hijja on which the pilgrims slaughter their sacrifices. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nahr 1367
(Day of) the 10th of dhu'l-hijja on which the pilgrims slaughter their sacrifices. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nahw 1662
Grammar. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nahy 757
Prohibition. (Source:Taha Publication)

Najasa 758
Impurity. (Source:Taha Publication)

Najash 1200
A trick (of offering a very high price) for something without the intention of buying it but just to allure and cheat somebody else who really wants to buy it although it is not worth such a high price. (Source:Taha Publication)

Najdiya or najdat 2559
Najdites, the followers of najda ibn 'umaymir al-hanafi (d. 72/693), an extreme kharijite group in yamana who dropped the label "shirk" in favour of "kufr". if a muslim persists in a sin, they asserted, he is an unbeliever and a mushrik. they introduced the distinction between kufr ni`ma and kufr din (ingratitude for blessing and unbelief). (Source:Taha Publication)

Najh al-balagha 2560
A collection of sayings and sermons attributed to `ali compiled by sayyid Muhammad ar-radi (d. 406/1016). (Source:Taha Publication)

Najis 759
Impure, the opposite of tahir. there are variations in opinion as to what are najasat. however, wine and other intoxicants are regarded as najis by all fuqaha'. (Source:Taha Publication)

Najsh 1201
Bidding up, the practice of making a tender for goods without any intention of buying them with the aim of increasing their price. (Source:Taha Publication)

Najwa 2932
The private talk between Allah and each of his slaves on the day of resurrection. it also means a secret counsel or conference or consultation. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nakira 2933
Non-recognition, the opposite of gnosis (ma`rifa). (Source:Taha Publication)

Nama' 1202
Productivity. (Source:Taha Publication)

Namaz 1664
Persian word for prayer. (Source:Taha Publication)

Namima 2039
Tale-bearing, to quote someone's words to another in a way that worsens relations between them. (Source:Taha Publication)

Namira 1368
The site of a large mosque just before 'arafa where the hajjis stop on their way to 'arafa. (Source:Taha Publication)

Namus 2561
From nomos (greek for law), an angel who brought revelation, mentioned by waraqa when khadija informed him that the prophet had received revelation from jibril. (Source:Taha Publication)

Naqd 2170
Criticism. (Source:Taha Publication)

Naqdan 1203
Cash, specie, gold and silver. (Source:Taha Publication)

Naql 1009
Transmission. (Source:Taha Publication)

Naqshband 3223
Muhammad ibn Muhammad baha' ad-din al-bukhari, (717/1317 - 791/1389). born in a village some distance from bukhara. (Source:Taha Publication)

Naqshbandiya 3118
An order founded by Muhammad naqshband (d. 791/1389), characterised by silence for recollection and concentration and the dhikr of the heart. ahmad sirhindi (d. 1034/1624) was a member of this order. the naqshbaniya tariqa is the only tariqa whose silsila traces back to the prophet through the first khalif abu bakr. the other tariqas all trace back to the prophet through the fourth khalif `ali. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nar 3470
The fire, hell. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nas 1667
Mankind. also the name of sara 114 of the qur' an. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nasab 1668
Lineage, descent. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nasab 134

means lineage or geneology.

Nasara 1669
(Singular nasrdni) "nazarenes", christians. in modern times the term `masihi' is usually used for a christian. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nasi'a 1204
A sale in which the price is paid later for goods to be delivered at once; ownership in the goods passes at the time the contract is made. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nasibi 2562
One of the nawasib. (Source:Taha Publication)

Nasiha 2040
(Plural nasa'ih) good advice, sincere conduct. (Source:Taha Publication)