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Displaying 1 through 50 of 210 terms found. (50 terms displayed).
Haba' 2436
Fine dust, the passive universal substance. (Source:Taha Publication)

Habal al-habala 1126
A forbidden business transaction in which a man buys the unborn offspring of a female animal. (Source:Taha Publication)

Habib ibn muhammad al-`ajami 3186
Al-basri, a persian settled in basra, a muhaddith who transmitted from hasan al-basri, ibn sirin and others. he converted from a life of ease and self-indulgence to a life of self-denial. (Source:Taha Publication)

Habil and qabil 3424
Cain and abel. (Source:Taha Publication)

Habus 626
Habous, another term for waqf. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadath 627
Minor ritual impurity requiring wudu': passing wind, urination, defecation, vomiting. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadath 2736
Situated in time. the opposite is qidam. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadd 628
(Plural hudud) Allah's boundary limits for the lawful and unlawful. the hadd punishments are specific fixed penalties laid down by Allah for specified crimes. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadhf 3287
Ellipsis. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadith (HADIS HADEETH) - 66

Reports on the sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) or what he witnessed and approved are called Hadith. These are the real explanation, interpretation, and the living example of the Prophet (s.a.w.) for teachings of the Qur'an. His sayings are found in books called the Hadith books.

Some famous collectors of Hadith are Imam Al-Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam An-Nasa'i, Imam Abu Dawood, Imam At-Tirmizi, and Imam Majah. There are many others.

Hadith (ha-deeth) - 257
Unlike the verses contained in the Qur'an, Hadith are the sayings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad himself, and form part of the record of the Prophet's Sunnah (way of life and example). The Hadith record the words and deeds, explanations, and interpretations of the Prophet concerning all aspects of life. Hadith are found in various collections compiled by Muslim scholars in the early centuries of the Muslim civilization. Six such collections are considered most authentic. (Source:CIE)

Hadith 439
A saying or tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Plural: Ahadeeth. (Source:IslamIQ)

Hadith 1486
Reported speech of the prophet. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadith an-nafs 2012
The chatter of the self which goes on inside one's head. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadith qudsi 2097
Those words of Allah on the tongue of his prophet which are not part of the revelation of the qur' an. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadith qudsi 1487
Those words of Allah on the tongue of his prophet which are not part of the revelation of the qur'an. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadith qudsi 67

the Hadith Qudsi are hadith's in which the Prophet says that Allah says so and so. The meaning of the these hadith was revealed to the Prophet but he put them in his own words, unlike the Quran which is the word of Almighty Allah and the Prophet conveyed it exactly as it was revealed to him.

Hadith-Qudsi 440
A saying of Allah Ta'ala narrated by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), that is not a part of the Holy Qur'an. (Source:IslamIQ)

Hadr 3288
Rapid recitation of qur'an. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hadra 2738
Presence. al-hadra al-ilahiya, the divine presence, sometimes synonymous with hudur. also used to designate `imara, a form of dhikr done in a circle. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hady 1313
An animal offered as a sacrifice during the hajj. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hafiz (haa-fiz) 258
One who has memorized the entirety of the Qur'an. Thousands of Muslim men and women throughout the world dedicate their time and energy to this tradition, which serves to maintain the Qur'anic scripture as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad over 1,400 years ago. (Source:CIE)

Hafiz 2098
A hadith master who has memorised at least 100,000 hadiths - their texts, chains of transmissions and meanings. the plural is huffaz. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hafiz 3187
(C. 720/1320 - 793/1391), hafz was the poetic nom-de-plume of shams ad-din Muhammad. he was born in shiraz, persia. as a theologian he preached tolerance, and as a poet he produced over 700 poems collected in his divan. hafiz's poems are considered the supreme example of the persian ghazal. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hafiz 3289
Someone who has memorised the qur'an. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hahut 2739
Divine ipseity, beyond-being, absoluteness. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hahut 2437
Ipseity. (Source:Taha Publication)

Haja 915
General need. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajar (haa-jer) 259
One of Abraham's wives who, along with her infant son Isma'il, was settled in Arabia by Abraham. She may be considered the founder of the city of Makkah, since it was a desolate valley prior to her arrival and discovery of the sacred well known as ZamZam. (Source:CIE)

Hajar 3425
Hagar, the mother of isma'il, from whom the prophet Muhammad is descended. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajar al-aswad 1314
The black stone. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajar al-aswad 1488
The black stone in the ka'ba. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajar Al-aswad (Al) 441
The 'Black Stone', a stone which is said to have fallen from heaven, set into one corner of the Ka'abah in Mekkah by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (A.S.), which pilgrims, in imitation of Prophet Muhammad, (S.A.W.), kiss while performing the Hajj or Umrah. (Source:IslamIQ)

Hajb 1281
Preventing someone else from inheriting. such exclusion can be total (hajb harmani) or partial (hajb nafsani). (Source:Taha Publication)

Haji 916
"Those masalih which are needed in order to extend the purpose of the objectives and to remove the strictness of the literal sense, the application of which leads mostly to impediments and hardships and eventually to the disruption of the objectives." (ash-shatibi). such things are supplementary to the five essential values and their neglect would lead to hardships. haqiqi: literal, real, original. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajib 1489
A chamberlain, door-keeper. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajis 2740
Firm thought. according to ibn al-'arabi, the first thought is the divine thought and is never wrong. sahl at-tustari called it the first cause and the digging of the thought. when it is realised in the self, it becomes will, and when it is repeated it becomes himma and the fourth time it is called resolution. when it is directed to action, it is called aim. when the action is begun, it is called intention. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj 1490
The annual pilgrimage to makka which is one of the five pillars of islam. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj 1321
(Plural hujaj) a hadji, a pilgrim, someone who is performing or has performed the hajj. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj (huj) 260
The pilgrimage (journey) to Makkah (in modern-day Saudi Arabia) undertaken by Muslims in commemoration of the Abrahamic roots of Islam. The Hajj rites symbolically reenact the trials and sacrifices of Prophet Abraham, his wife Hajar, and their son Isma'il over 4,000 years ago. Muslims must perform the Hajj at least once in their lives, provided their health permits and they are financially capable. The Hajj is performed annually by over 2,000,000 people during the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. (Source:CIE)

Hajj (HAJ) 68

Hajj is an Arabic word which means the performance of pilgrimage to Makkah in Arabia. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. A Muslim is to perform Hajj at least once in his/her life, if means and health allow.

There are rules and regulations and specific dress to be followed. It is to take place during the last month of the lunar calendar called the month of Zul-Hijjah.

Hajj (Al) 442
"The Pilgrimage", which commences on the 8th of Dhu'l-Hijjah. There are three types of Hajj: *Hajj at-Tamattu' (interrupted). Umrah followed by Hajj, but taking off the Ihram in between these two stages.
*Hajj al-Qiran (combined). Umrah then Hajj without taking off the Ihram
*Hajj al-Ifrad (single). Hajj without Umrah.Hanafi (Source:IslamIQ)

Hajj al-ifrad 1316
Hajj by itself, the simplest way to perform hajj. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj al-qiran 1318
The joined hajj. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj at-tamattu` 1319
The interrupted hajj. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj mabrur 1317
A hajj accepted by Allah for being perfectly performed according to the prophet's sunna and with legally earned money. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajj-al-asghar 1315
'Umra. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajjat al-wada` 1320
The `farewell hajj,' the final hajj performed by the prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hajr 1127
Limitation of a person's legal competence. (Source:Taha Publication)

Hakam 629
An arbiter. (Source:Taha Publication)