Ar-Rahman: The Most Compassionate

Category: Faith & Spirituality Values: Compassion Views: 3006

Quran 55:1-30

The Most Compassionate
Who taught the Qur'an
Who created humankind
And taught them to communicate
The sun and the moon in their reckoning
The star and the trees bowed low in prayer
Heaven he raised up and the balance set down
Do not oppress in the balance
Mark the proper weight and do not cheat in the balance
And the earth he placed down for humankind
In it are fruit and date palms with unfolding calyxes
And the kernel in the blade of grain and the fragrant herb
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

He created the human being from wet clay like that of a potter
And created the jinn from smokeless fire
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

Lord of the Easts and Lord of the Wests
Which of the signs of your lordwill the two of you deny?

He brought the two seas together until they met
Between them a barrier never to be breached
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

From it are taken pearl and coral
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

His are ships set up upon the seas like landmarks
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

Everything upon it passes away
Only the face of your Lord endures, majestic and giving.
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

Those in the heavens and the earth beseech him
Every day He manifests Himself in wondrous ways
Which of the signs of your lord will the two of you deny?

  Category: Faith & Spirituality  Values: Compassion
Views: 3006

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Older Comments:
Allah (S.W.T) has ninety nine Names he who memorises them will enter Paradise. So now Ramadan is coming if we are serious we can memorise all the ninety nine Names of Allah before the end of Ramadan. We should try to memorise 3 names Daily before the end of Ramadan 30 Days we memorise 90 so only 9 left that can be memorised in another 3 days. May Allah give us taufiq to recognise the Power of the Most Compassionate Ar-Rahman Allamal Quran.