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Faith and Action

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured Topics: Iman (Faith And Belief) Views: 13411

Faith provides the ideological foundation for human existence and the criterion through which to categorize good from bad, right from wrong and righteousness from impropriety.

Through faith we bind ourselves to a system of belief that impacts the personal, social, economic, religious and spiritual dimensions of our lives.

Faith offers a moral framework and an ethical standard for our behavior in this world.

In Islam, the belief is that God revealed the true path to humanity throughout history via the agency of prophets and messengers such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus with Muhammad being the final of these messengers (peace be upon all of them).

The term for "faith" in Islam is iemaan. Iemaan is considered as one component of an inextricable set; the other part being 'amal-us-saalihaat (good deeds). See Qur'an (98:8) (18:30)

The terms iemaan and 'amal-us-saalihaat are so often conjoined in the Qur'an that the reader is convinced they are intertwined. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have said; " Faith and Good Action are partners. One is considered incomplete without the other."

The Qur'an considers life as a test of deeds (Qur'an  67:2) and in Islamic tradition all good deeds are considered 'ibaadah, a form of worship. Since human beings have been created primarily for 'ibaadah it is obvious that all actions of a believer must be of the highest ethical standard. From this we understand that worship is not limited to mere ritual but to all expressions of goodness and righteousness.

Actions must be inherently good not just apparently good. (Giving charity for show may appear good but the intention is to show off, whereas giving charity purely out of compassion is genuine.) The most famous Prophetic tradition in all of Islam therefore is: "Actions are by intentions and God rewards according to intention." 

Good deeds in Islam are of such great significance that salvation is dependent on good actions that emanates from sincere intentions. 

People will be held individually accountable in the hereafter for all their willful actions (ie. actions they did by choice not by force), and each will be receive retribution accordingly. 

"Whosoever does righteous deeds, male or female, who have faith, to such God will grant a higher existence in the hereafter that is good and pure. They will be rewarded according to the best of their actions." (Qur'an 16:97)


Sadullah Khan is the Director of Islamic Center of Irvine. He has presented lectures on Islamic Civilization at California State University at Dominguez Hills. He is a frequent lecturer for the Academy of Judaic, Christian and Islamic Studies at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). He is also an advisor to the Chancellor's Committee on Religion Ethics and Values at UCLA and serves as Director of Muslim Affairs at USC (University of Southern California).

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured
  Topics: Iman (Faith And Belief)
Views: 13411

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Older Comments:
It is also charity to utter a good word as the Prophet said in another Hadith either you say something good or you kepp quite.Do not disdain a good deed no matter how insignificant it may seem even if it is your meeting with your brother with a cheerful face. Iman and amaala saliha are always joined together in Islam.We should remind ourselves about the Hadith which was quoted in Bukhari and Muslim that Allah's Messenger said Jibril (A.S) impressed upon me (the importance of kind treatment) towards neighbour so much that I thought (neighbour) would soon (get) the right of inheritance. In another narration the Prophet is reported to have said "By Allah he is not a believer!By Allah he is not a believer! By Allah he is not a believer" It was asked ,"Who is that O Messenger of Allah?" He said one whose neighbour does not feel safe from his mischief." As they say action speak louder than words we Muslims wherever we are we must be the best example as we are the best Ummah commanding people to do good and forbiding them from evil and we believe in Allah THe Universal Rabb, Rasulullah is the Universal Prophet,Quran is guidance for mankind and we are UKhrijat Linnas guidance for mankind We have a big responsibility to propagate this Deen to the entire mankind so as to save them from from evil deeds that may eventually save them from Jahannaman and enter Paradise a sign of success on the Day of Resurrection.May Allah make the Ummah the best shining examples like the Companions of the Prophet (S.A.W).inviting people towards good and forbidiing them from evil.