The Eternal Path of Charity The Eternal Path of Charity 22304 3025 1 Mar 23, 2024 November 13, 2019 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} A man looking at the Milky Way in a desert (photo: iStock by Getty Images). <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" > <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Zin Eddine Dadach By: Zin Eddine Dadach   Source: IslamiCity Zin Eddine Dadach IslamiCity Faith & Spirituality, Featured Five Pillars Of Islam, Iman (Faith And Belief), Paradise (Jannah), Ramadan, Tawhid (Oneness Of God), Universe Charity, Gratitude, Love, Wisdom Ebooks, Ramadan - Day 14 faith featured five-pillars-of-islam iman-faith-and-belief paradise-jannah ramadan tawhid-oneness-of-god universe charity gratitude love wisdom ebooks ramadan-day-14 Download the book free, The Eternal Path of Charity, made available by the author for our readers. Most Muslims know and practice the five pillars of Islam: The Profession of Faith (Shahada), Daily Prayers (Salat), Alms-Giving (Zakat), Fasting during Ramadan (Saum), and Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). However, like any building or structure, these five pillars… 1 Five Pillars Of Islam Five Pillars Of Islam 5 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 0 1 1 1 n/a:cell-part-1.php 1 same-as-desktop 1

The Eternal Path of Charity

A man looking at the Milky Way in a desert (photo: iStock by Getty Images).

Download the book free, The Eternal Path of Charity, made available by the author for our readers.

Most Muslims know and practice the five pillars of Islam: The Profession of Faith (Shahada), Daily Prayers (Salat), Alms-Giving (Zakat), Fasting during Ramadan (Saum), and Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). However, like any building or structure, these five pillars must have a foundation. According to my personal interpretation, this foundation is like the soul of Islam that makes our faith (Iman) in Allah (SWT) strong.

The five pillars of Islam are the body parts that one must know in order to practice our faith with love and thankfulness. Notably, the three most important elements of the foundation of Islam are:

(1) Al-Eaql (Wisdom): Quran has put a great amount of importance on using wisdom in all themes, including gaining awareness about the existence of Allah (SWT), knowing good from evil, differentiating between truth and lies, knowing the difference between freedom and domination, following the moral and leaving the immoral and finally to find purpose in life.

(2) Al-Fitrah (Goodness): Islam is the religion of Fitrah because human beings are born to do good deeds, to be kind, and to help others. Considering my travel experiences, I encountered both good people and bad people everywhere. This illustrated that goodness doesn’t depend on any particular cultural or religious background.

(3) Al Tawheed (Law of Divine Oneness): As mentioned in the Quran, “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is Guardian of all things.” (Quran 39:62). Tawheed in Arabic means attributing Oneness to Allah (SWT). In order to help us adopt Al Tawheed in our daily actions, Allah (SWT) defines Himself with Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names in the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

About the Book

If you have ever been fully engaged in any social or professional activity, you might have been experiencing a mental state that psychologists define as flow. You are completely involved and you feel enjoyment in the process of the activity. Some might experience flow while engaging in a sport and others might have such an experience while engaged in an activity such as painting, reading, or fishing. For some, this activity involves helping people, animals or plants in one way or another, which relates to the state of the soul introduced in this book called The Eternal Path of Charity. Indeed, during any charity based activity, you will feel some kind of tranquility in your heart and sometimes, you will even experience tears of inner joy. This means that you are putting the path of your life in the pleasant Eternal Path of Charity.

“See you not that whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and living creatures, beasts and many of mankind prostrate themselves to Allah…” (Quran 22:18)

This Quranic verse aroused my curiosity in order to find the commonality in the commandments of Allah (SWT) related to the universe and human beings and encouraged me to write this book. My exploration is predominantly based on lessons learned from professional experiences over the duration of my travels and the lectures of Dr. Mohammed Rateb al-Nabulsi. First, since I have been for many years conducting research in different types of scientific fields and utilizing diverse theories to interpret data from my experiments, I realized that, if the mathematical models used in different fields of science look different in their application, they have a similar profound concept. I came to the conclusion that these scientific principles could belong to one divine science imposed by Allah (SWT) on the whole universe.

This supposition informed my spirituality and encouraged me to look for the hidden forces beyond the material world. Secondly, based on the lessons learned from the lectures of Dr. Nabulsi, I have come to the understanding that the foundation of Islam is fundamental to having a strong faith in order to worship Allah (SWT) with love and thankfulness. The adoration of Allah (SWT) in this book is related to adding our daily actions during social and professional activities in the Eternal Path of Charity.

Dr. Zin Eddine Dadach
obtained his Bachelor's degree in Refining and Petro-chemistry from the Algerian Institute of Petroleum in 1980. He received his Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, N.J.; USA) in 1984. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Laval University (Quebec, Canada) in 1994. He worked in the organic materials department at the Osaka National Research Institute (Osaka, Japan) from 1994 to 1996. He joined the Chemical Engineering department of the Higher Colleges of Technology (Abu Dhabi, UAE) in 2005.

Download the book free, The Eternal Path of Charity, made available by the author for our readers.

Table of Contents

Al Fatihah (the opening)
To My Father
About the Book
List of Tables and Figures
Abbreviation and Nomenclature
The Beautiful Names of Allah (SWT)
Charity: The Divine Science
The Cyclic Flow of Charity
The Eternal Path of Charity
My Beloved Teacher (PBUH)
Charity-based Workplaces
Islam-based Leadership
Consumerism and Global Warning
The Eternal Spring
Concluding Remarks
Appendix: Poetry
The happy Fisherman
Path of Life
Haiku: The Quiet Village
Without You
The Coming Spring
The Only One
Your Beautiful Names
The Day of Reckoning
A New Day
Haiku: Hanami
Beauty and Serenity
About the Author

List of Tables and Figures

Table 1: Beautiful Names of Allah (SWT)
Table 2: Dadach Consumer Spending Equations (DCSE)
Figure 1: Electrical battery
Figure 2: Heat transfer by conduction
Figure 3: The Laws of the Divine Science.
Figure 4: The Water Cycle
Figure 5: Cyclic Flow of Charity and Spring
Figure 6: Eternal Path of Charity in classrooms
Figure 7: Eternal Path of Charity in workplaces
Figure 8: Some employees in the wrong position
Figure 9: Eternal Path of Charity in Organizations
Figure 10: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Figure 11: Flow of Consumerism and natural disasters
Figure 12: Helping Others Make Better Leaders


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Older Comments:
I tried to learn about the divine commandment that was meant for both the universe and humanity. The first connection that I could make is that both the universe and human beings are created to be in constant movement, which means dynamic and imbalanced systems. I understood that nature is imbalanced in energy because the sun does not equally warm up the different regions of earth. As for humanity, the inequity is due to the fact that Allah (SWT) created us within a “gradient” of wealth including finances, material elements, health, appearance, intelligence to learn and the ability to master different skills. Based on the two Quranic verses (55:7 and 15:21) used to perceive the divine science and a spiritual view of movements in nature, I came also to understand that Allah (SWT) installs balance both between different regions of earth and between people by establishing two divine laws of charity in order to create justice between the rich and the poor and harmony in the universe and humanity. The most important lesson learned is that Allah (SWT) used nature as a universal school in order to show us that His science is based on charity in order to create balance and harmony. For the same purpose, the same divine laws of charity for Muslims are indicated in the Quran and The Prophet (PBUH)’s sayings. There is therefore a complete harmony between the signs of Allah (SWT) in nature, scientifically described by universal laws and His words in the Holy Quran. For instance, after the gestures of charity perceived during the summer, autumn and winter, the reward is the beauty of the deserved spring. This reward of the Cyclic Flow of Charity is a sign that comes every year as a lesson for humanity. Similarly, according to the Quran, helping people during our social and professional activities brings happiness and tranquility in our hearts because we self-purify our soul in the Eternal Path of Charity. This is now supported by research that link happiness to charity and unhappiness, poor moods and psychological problems to materialism. Moreover, natural disasters seem to be the second lesson from Allah (SWT) through nature in order to urge us to change our lifestyle from consumerism to charity-based societies.