A Cycle of Fortune and Misfortune
Do not be faint of heart, and do not grieve; for you shell gain the upper hand if you are truly believers. If misfortune befalls you, a similar misfortune has befallen other people as well. Such days [of fortune and misfortune], We deal out in turn among men. God wants to mark out those who truly believe and choose from among you such as [with their lives] bear witness to the truth. God does not love the wrongdoers. (Quran 3: 139-40)
Believers must not lose heart, nor should they allow grief to overtake them because of what may happen. Eventually if they remain steadfast they will gain the upper hand, because they have faith. Believers submit themselves only to God, while others are worshiping false deities and worldly desires.
These verses makes it plain to the believers that they are indeed on the path of truth. It tells them, they follow a way of life established by God while the methods followed by other groups have been devised by His creatures. Moreover, their role is noble, because they have been selected for a position of trust, to convey God's guidance to all mankind. Other people are unaware of this guidance, and have gone astray. Their place on earth is righteous, and it is the righteous that will inherit the earth. Therefore, believers have to demonstrate the strength of their faith by not losing heart and not grieving. The rules determined by God make it possible that they may score a victory or suffer a defeat, but in due course, after enduring the test and striving for God's cause, will be in their favor.
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"If misfortune befalls you, a similar misfortune has befallen other people as well" The misfortune which is said to have befallen the Muslims and the fact that a similar one befell those who reject the truth may be a reference to the Battle of Badr, in which the idolaters suffered a heavy defeat. On the other hand, it may be a reference to the Battle of Uhud, in which the Muslims were initially close to victory, but were then defeated. What the Muslims suffered was fair reward for their disagreement and disobedience. Moreover, it represents an aspect of how the rules of nature established by God never fail. The disagreement among the rearguard of the Muslim army was the result of their greed. In any campaign of struggle, God grants victory to those who strive for His cause, without regard of the petty gains of this world. Another rule of nature which is seen in full operation is the dealing out of fortune and misfortune among people according to their actions and intentions. In this way, true believers are distinguished from hypocrites. Mistakes are identified and the way ahead becomes very clear.
"If misfortune befalls you, a similar misfortune has befallen other people as well. Such days [of fortune and misfortune] We deal out in turn among men. God wants to mark out those who truly believe." (Verse 140) When hardship is followed by prosperity and the latter is followed by another hardship, people's true characters emerge. They reveal how clear their vision is , how much they panic and how patient in adversity they can be, as well as how great their trust in God is and how submissive to His will they are. Thus true believers are distinguished from those who are hypocrites. Their true intentions are apparent to all. The believers who submit them selves to God are strengthened by the fact that those who do not truly submit to God are identified and excluded.
God knows all secrets and He is aware of those who are true believers and those who are not. But the alternation of days of fortune and misfortune does not merely reveal secrets; it also translates faith into action and compels hypocrisy to express itself in practical measures. Hence, it is action that merits reward.
God does not hold people to account for what He knows of their position, but He counts their actions for or against them. The cycle of hardship and prosperity is an accurate criterion. Prosperity is as good a test as hardship. Some people may withstand hardship but become complacent when they are tested with ease and prosperity. A true believer is one who remains steadfast in adversity and is not lured away by prosperity. He knows that whatever befalls him of good or evil happens only with God's permission.
In the process of molding the Muslim community and preparing it for the role of leadership of humankind, God tests it with hardship after prosperity and with a bitter defeat after a spectacular victory. Both happen according to the laws of nature which never fail. That is because God wants the true believers to learn what brings them victory and what causes defeat. Thus, they become more obedient to God and reliant on Him. Through the cycle of fortune and misfortune they become aware of the true nature of the Islamic way of life and what is required to implement it.
1. In the Shade of The Quran by Sayyid Qutb
2. The Holy Quran - Text, Translation and Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Topics: Believers, Iman (Faith And Belief), Quran
Views: 16389
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I strive to learn more about Islam and to be a true believer and I know that I will experience fortune once again.
I encourage all brothers and sisters to be good Muslims and to surrender themselves to Allah for He will make things easy for us.
May Allah guide and bless all of us.
When we are experiencing misfortune it is a wake up call for us and we should not remember Allah during these time only but at all times.
Mohamed Salaam
Assalam Alaikom,
A True Believers(to the last message of Allah Subhaanah wa ta'aala) does not scare about Islam or about themselves. It is Allah's Words that He protects Islam and reward the true believers with the best rewards. and Allah's Words does not change. A true believers, when they see the disbelievers are preparing to fight them, their True Belief to Allah increase instead of decreasing (3:173 Men said to them: "A great army is gathering against you": And frightened them: But it (only) increased their Faith: They said: "For us Allah sufficeth, and He is the best disposer of affairs." )
A True belief, following Assalaf Assaalih of this Ummah(the first Humains other than the Prophet Mohammad Salla Allah alaih wa sallam who Established this Deen successfully) , is:
what you accept as certain with your heart, you confirm it with your mouth and you practice it thru the pillars of Al Imane(the True Belief).
True belief can not be without practice, that's what makes us different of those who call themselves believers to something in our time. the True Belief can not be thru claiming with your mouth what is not in your heart, that's what makes us different than the secret organizations of faith. the true belief can not be thru accepting in your heart the things that Allah and His Prophet did not say. that's why we are different than the hypocrites.
May Allah accept us from the True Believers to Him and helps us to defeat our enemy number one: shaytan who promised to not stop challenging us in this life. Amine. and thanks to Allah the only one to deserve thanks in every situation we live in.
The World Is a Place of Testing:
- Exchanging Eternal Life for the Life of This World
- Allah Tries People with Good and Evil
The Great Secret:
- Submission to Destiny
- To Look at Events from the Vantage
Point of the Future
The Muslim of Difficult Times:
- The Voice of Conscience and the Voice of the
Lower Self in Times of Difficulty
- The Separation of Good from Evil
- Exhibiting Good Moral Qualities at Times
of Difficulty and Frustration
- The Strength that Supports Believers
- Meticulous Obedience to Allah in
Times of Difficulty
- Muslims Are True Friends in Times of Need
- With Every Difficulty There Is Some Ease
How Unbelievers Act when Faced with Difficulty:
- The Inner State of Those who Are Attached to This World
This Testing Continues until Death:
- Those who Come to Belief but Later Reject It
- Those who Lag Behind in the Struggle and Those who Avoid It
The Deception of Evolution:
- The Scientific Collapse of Darwinism
- The First Insurmountable Step: The Origin of Life
- "Life Comes From Life"
- Inconclusive Efforts of the Twentieth Century
- The Complex Structure of Life
- Imaginary Mechanism of Evolution
- Neo-Darwinism and Mutations
be doing. The writer has been kind enough to present this article
for all of us as an wake-up call. We tend loose our patient when we
are in distress or hardship. We forget the unlimited mercy and
blessings of Allah definitely destined for the believers in the next
world. Which is eternal and permanent.
His pure love is to Purify and Sanctify us, so that we are worthy of returning to Him with a Pure Soul/heart.
2:151 A similar (favour have ye already received) in that We have sent among you an Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our Signs, and sanctifying you, and instructing you in Scripture and Wisdom, and in new knowledge.
MashAllah this is a wonderfull artical to say the least. InshAllah after every hardship we face there will be ease. Ya Rabb. SubhanAllah wa bihamdi. Alhumdulillah Ya Rabbil Al Amin.
keep up the wonderfull work. shukran
You have to apply Islam irrespective of the difficulties we would face, that's what being referred in this article. There is hell a lot of difference between people who go easy during difficult times & people who persist with their belief even it means aggrevating their situation, thats Submission.
As muslims we should always remmber that the way of Allah is the way of "just and true",that nothing is permanet. Just take a look at what is happening in the Middle East,we should see it as a tempoary set-back and Allah that is "just and fair" will not let the enemy go unpunish. Let pray for those killed and remind enemy of Allah that sooner than they expected misfortune of Allah will soon smile at them.
Jazakallah. Such an article is an eye opener esp. to the believers. As our fate is decided by the Almighty, we should bother about the result, but continue to do the good deeds as has happened to famous converts like Mohammed Ali Clay, Yusuf Islam and Idris Tawfique.
May Allah give us the desired strength, Imaan and patience to bear the losses and/or prosperity for the total submission and faith in Allah. Amin-Summa-Amin.
I request IslamiCity to keep sending such articles for further Islah (correction) of our actions.
We need these articles to be send to one another to strengthen ourselves and many others who are suffering with no fault of theirs. The Holy book is such a pivotal guidance at such times and we have to very firmly believe in these verses which take the whole burden away from the suffering hearts and make us closer to our Almighty Creator. Even sufferings make so much meaning to your life as a believer now and in the hereafter.
Let us all make sure that we spread knowledge and wisdom that we gain after reading the enlightening articles from this site to as many muslim brothers and sisters as we can!
A matter of Tuning or MisTuning ....to the Qurn