Woman Imam Leading Men and Women in Salat
Islam places no restriction on women to teach, preach and guide both women and men. "Men and women are supporters of each other. They command what is right and forbid what is wrong... (Al-Tawbah 9:71) There are many women today who are fully qualified to be jurists (faqihah) and give religious opinions (fatawa). They do issue fatwa and teach Qur'an and Hadith in schools, colleges and universities all over the world. Many Islamic organizations, Islamic centers and mosques in America also have very learned and knowledgeable sisters who participate in their Masajid's boards and involve themselves in administration, teaching, preaching and counseling. Muslims should give them more opportunities, allow them and encourage them to become full partners in Islamic work.
Leading Salat, however, is restricted to male Imams only when the congregation consists of men and women both, whether the prayer is performed in the mosques or outside mosques, whether they are daily Salat or Friday and Eid Salat. Women are not allowed to lead such prayers.
This has also been the practice of Muslims all over the world since the time of the Prophet . This Shar'i ruling is not because of any notion of spiritual deficiency among women. Men and women both are equal in the sight of Allah and both of them must be fully respected and honored. Women are allowed to lead the Salat when the congregation is all females. They are also allowed to lead the Salat in their homes among their family members, if they are more knowledgeable of the Qur'an and Islamic rules.
Recently some people have started a controversy about this matter of Shari'ah. Questions are being asked about the Islamic reasons why women are barred from leading the prayers of men and women both. In order to understand the rules and wisdom of Shari'ah in this matter, following points are in order:
There is a difference between Salat and Du'a in Islam. Salat is a fixed and formalized form of prayer. Its timings, positions, postures, style including the wording and recitations are all fixed by the Prophet . It is not permissible to introduce any new style or liturgy in Salat. Du'a, however, is another form of Islamic prayer that is informal and there is no restriction as to who performs it and how and when it is performed. It can be performed in any language. It can be done individually or collectively. It can be led by males or females. In Salat we are supposed to follow the Sunnah. We cannot add or delete anything from the Salat if we want our Salat to be valid and acceptable to Allah.
About Du'a one can say that since we are not forbidden to do our Du'a in a particular manner we are allowed to do it the way we want it; but in Salat every thing is forbidden unless it is allowed. For example the Prophet did not say that Salat cannot be performed in English. He did not say that you cannot have Salat in congregation six times a day. Now based on this argument we cannot start having our Salat in English or six times every day.
In our Salat we stand very close to each other or as we say "shoulder to shoulder and ankle to ankle" almost touching each other. We stand in straight lines. We make ruku' and sujud. We are supposed to pray with sincerity and devotion concentrating our heart and mind towards the prayer. For this reason the Prophet told us that men and women should have separate lines. The lines of men should be in the front area, then the lines of children and then women. The Imam should stand in front of the congregation and should make ruku' and sajdah before the congregation and they should follow the Imam.
The ideal way in this structure of prayer service is to separate men from women and not allow a woman to be ahead of all men and bow and prostrate in front of them. Haya' is a special character of Islam. It is emphasized that men and women both must observe Haya' (modesty) always and especially in their places of worship. Prophet's wife 'Aishah and his Companion Ibn 'Abbas are reported to have said that a woman leading other women in prayer should not stand in front of them like a male Imam, but in their midst.
Some people refer to the Hadith of Um Warqah who was allowed by the Prophet -peace be upon him- to lead the Salat. According to the Sunan of Abu Da'ud, the Hadith says: "Umm Waraqah wanted to accompany the Prophet to the battle of Badr, but the Prophet told her to stay in her home." Further in this Hadith it is said that the Prophet
used to visit her in her home. He appointed a person to give Adhan for her and he told her to lead the prayer for the people of her house (Ahl dariha). Abdur Rahman ibn Khallad (the reporter of this Hadith) said, "I saw her mu'adhin who was a very old man." (Abu Da'ud 500). In another reports of this Hadith it is said that the Prophet told her to lead the prayers of the women of her house (nisa' dariha). (Reported by Dar Qutni).
This Hadith does not give permission to women to lead the Salat of men in the Masjid, it is restricted to the home and according to some only for the women of the home. Most of the scholars of Hadith and Fiqh did not use this as a general permission of the Prophet for women to be Imams of the Masajid and lead men and women in prayers. If this would have been the general case then many other very able and qualified women in the time of the Prophet and after him would have been leading Salat in the Masajid.
We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that we sincerely follow His Din (prescribed way of life) without any innovation or exaggeration.
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Topics: Gender Equity, Prayers (Salah), Women
Related Suggestions
I am really wondering that West is promoting the discussion on the issue of woman Imam.I am sorrow fully saying that I think that west want to make Islam Just like Christanity.InshaAllah we muslims will all ressist and no change imported from west will acceptable to us even a muslim of week believe can never accept these changes.
The prayer hall for women in all the masjids here in Singapore is either on the upper floors or behind. WHY? Men in general would likely to give more than a 2nd look at women and then having some "silly" mild thoughts later. So should women lead the Salat, do you ever not THINK that your Salat would not be a peaceful one???!!! Ladies while we are doing the ruku' and sujud... our behind - the men will somehow indirectly BUSY staring at that! NO PEACE AND PROPER CONCENTRATION ON THE SALAT! And what if the so called women Imam would have menstruation period dates that gone astray, and they are leading the Salat... IMAGINE! The Salat would have to restart all over again! yadaa yadaa HELLO!!! ALLAH has bestowed upon us this gadget "Brain - Intellect" - use it properly if not wisely...
ALLAH is ALL Knowing and Knows Best. There are reasons as to WHY some can or cannot be done. They are for our own good and benefit. ALLAH do not need any needs at all. That's WHY the LA ILLA HA ILLALLAH is!
All improper/bad from me... All good from ALLAH Almighty... Assalamu'alaikum.
Let us be ever wary of so called 'Progressive Muslims' deviating from Islam true teachings. It was a sad day for Muslims and the ummah.
Dear Brother and Sister...
I just want to know about one question to who wrote this issue. The question is the end of sentence ( we sincerely follow ''His'' Din ), so the means was Allah are ''Male'' , but in my the whole life I am never think about who is Allah. Now today I saw in one words '' His Din'' .
I am really to sorry to say about this reason.
I think you should better to change this words to ( we sincerely follow Allah's Din...) .
PLEASE... May Allah Bless You.
Soe Wana ( Nasir Armed )
i was really terribly shock to hear the news regarding woman lead the prayer as immaam, i disagreed her being a scholar of islamic nation.Its a terrefic way of misleading the islamic umah to satanic way, well as we all know the way she has p[ractice is a way of diverting to bidaad. pls as a request to the muslim organization to give her a severe punishment to lead the muslim umah in wrong ways.
thank you
First of all Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi's article most eloquently expresses my position on the matter. I will only add the following.
Given the fact that women have been leading prayer for women since the time of the Prophet and there is a 1400 year old tradition established by the Prophet himself on the proper structure of the public prayer - with a male Imam leading - I beg to ask the question, who were these 'men' so eager to fall in ranks with and behind the women?
Being from California we have a famous governor who has popularized a phrase "Girlie Men."
Ms. Wadud's demon-stration would have been futile had not the 'men' showed up.
If this is all a publicity stunt to promote her upcoming book - don't be suprised if her next stop is San Francisco...
ok! Mr. Rahim in meccah women and men do umrah together BEACUSE THAT ALLAHS HOUSE AND ITS OPEN ALL DAY! SO MEN AND WOMEN GO WHENEVER THEY WANT! but, when prayer takes place women go behind men and pray! that is the right way! and muhammad(pbuh) said that it is better for women to stay at home and pray leading a prayer is FAR FAR FAR away! right? yeah! i don't know what kind of people agree about a women leading a prayer! THEY SHOULd READ QURAN! in Quran it tell you role of women and men! we are not christians. they changes their seprate prayer to mixed gathering that is because they changed their BIBLE too. we did not and we are not going to! im not letting any women come and change our religion, and tradition. she should be stoped!
Dear Muslims,AOA
This fitnah should ALARM all of us,and we shoud wake up .learn the lesson from this FITNAH which is the result of Doing own interpretation of Quran And Hadith without consulting Our JAmhoor ULLma of Ahlay sunat waljamat,Actually we need to stick to our ulma,s
Tafseer Quran and Explaination of Hadith.If we will not do that Aoozobillah,we will get trap of these type of fitnahs...MAy Allah give us strength to fight these fitnahs...Ammen
The author is correct. This is how innovation in pure and true Islam starts. The actions of amina what's her name should not be supported by any true Muslims anywhere in the world. Allah SWT has already perfected Islam and revealed that perfection through the Quran, Hadith/Sunnah. True Muslims beware of mixing man-made ideas with divine revelation and guidance!
I agree with the article. Women are not allowed in Islam to lead Salah in masajid or where men are present. May Allah give guidance to those who are creating these inventions in Islam.
bishops"! I wonder why these people need a religion to do evil things. Some Christians may find ways to support such individuals by telling that Jesus loves everyone. For them, my question is, do they support and love Satan as
well ? How about Hitler ? Now, coming back to the question of imams, Islam does allow women to lead women in prayers, a woman may also lead her family members (husband, brothers etc.). This is sufficient to prove that there is no double standards. Man and woman are equals in sight of Allah. I hope and pray that Allah lead this lady and her followers to the right path.
You can always find reasons to support whatever you want to and be convinced and convince those who follow you, but it does not change the
truth. If you still do not get it, read "Mein Kampf"!
bishops"! I wonder why these people need a religion to do evil things. Some Christians may find ways to support such individuals by telling that Jesus loves everyone. For them, my question is, do they support and love Satan as
well ? How about Hitler ? Now, coming back to the question of imams, Islam does allow women to lead women in prayers, a woman may also lead her family members (husband, brothers etc.). This is sufficient to prove that there is no double standards. Man and woman are equals in sight of Allah. I hope and pray that Allah lead this lady and her followers to the right path.
You can always find reasons to support whatever you want to and be convinced and convince those who follow you, but it does not change the
truth. If you still do not get it, read "Mein Kampf"!
61:11] but others trade eternal life for mortal one [2:86,159,174,200;5:44;9:9;14:3;16:107;42:20;
53:29]. The Second caliph said " Reconcile your accounts before to be accounted for".Repent before death and make yourselves deserve for the promise of ALLAH SWT for the success in this world and Hereafter as proven by the companions and true followers;that is still possible if you act according these Ayat 112-113 of Al-Hud and 44,45,47 of Al-Imran.O!mankind choice is with you to join Hizbullah or Hizbushetan for which you are accountable soon.Salam o Duaa
I beg to differ on this one. I know well that we Muslim men especially Arabs are worse than the East/South East Asian, Orthodox Jews, Christians or Australian men when it comes to overt maleshauvinism. It's in our die hard Jahilia tradition to view women as inferior; some of us still disrespect the prophet in practise by beating their wives and still do practise "honor killing" I call it dishonor killing. My stand on women leading prayers is that if women constitute a majority in a mosque, a qualified female Imaam should be able to lead the prayer. This may be an innovation but if Khalifa Omar innovated in our deen (He initiated Salaat Tarweeh in Jamaat). Although, praying Ramadan's Taraweeh collectively in the mosque is neither found in the Quran nor in the Sunnah our Muslim scholars still call it Bid'a hassana meaning good innovation because it is. A woman Imaam (Imaama) if I may innovate an Arabic word for it please in cases where men form a minority in a masjid should not be cause for controversy. As far as mixing is concerned, we mix in Hajj and if you only open your minds, you would not forget that we mix in Almasjid Alharam in Makkah during Tawaaf Al'ifaada in the greatest mosque in the world. So Brother change your prayers: "We pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that we sincerely follow His Deen (prescribed way of life) without any BAD innovation or exaggeration." because good innovation like Khalifa Omar's Taraweeh are good for the Muslim community; rigidity of the intellect in Fiqh and Sharia will do nothing good but more harm to Islam and the propagation of the greatest religion in the world.
I hope the founder of that corrupt decision will remember that they are totaly changibg the base of Islamic Prayer
1) Wrt your question if a woman leading prayers attime of prophet occured: the answer is no. It never occured.
EG: after the prophet died, when Ayesha (ra) was in the battle of camel and time of jumu'ah came, the people asked her who should lead. She chose a man (I could not remember who). Now tell me after the prophets death, who would know as much as Ayesha (ra). When this esteemed woman would not dare to give the khutbah, who is this amina wudud to do it simply because she feels that Islam is too patriarchical?
You are right that we cannot judge ones actions but what amina wudud and this progressive muslim group have done is absolutely shameful. What next - having a woman imam marry a couple (BTW this is next on their agenda and it is going to happen in the next few months).
The founder of progressive muslim has roots with RAND organization - if you haven't read their report, I suggest you go to their web-page and download the article. It points out the strategies that the West should employ against the Muslims.
But this debate is certainally a debate that needs to be had in Islam. In the end, I believe, it will be good for Islam. This should be a wak-up call to all Muslims, that if Muslims do not address and eradicate gender inequality and racial inequality, others will use these issues to serve there agenda's. As exemplified in the book "What's wrong with Islam"; those who have personal agenda's will attack at the weakest points by highlighting shortcomings in the faith.
(i.e., we must act instead of react for justice.)
but I wonder those who were behind her even so called men, are they??? and those ignorant who have courage to be netural,no way you are either
with the truth or against the truth...this is not multpart buziness, it is TWO PART ONLY,Islaam
from Allah and explained by His Prophet as it was understood by sahaab,not Drs&Profesors like
those who write their minds no knowing Islam,Allah said that(if you have no knowlege then ask those who have knowlege,UHAMMADF s.a h
said Ulamah are inheriters of prophets..
musalamah alkadhaab(liar)and the lady from Iraq and others claimed prophethood when MUHAMMAD(s.a.w)was alive,British made another prophet from Pakstan/India,(nation of )their own Islaam
and now we have a payee from the anemies of Islam
this makes me feel sick,I rather go back where I came from(christianity)than having a second of thinking of this evil product,anemy of her self
may Allah seal their hearts till they meet Him,Alhamdulillah rabil'alamin Islaam is true and is for Allah to protect it,let them go too far and over board,they will regret and wish
1) Has it ever happened in the time of the Prophet (S) that a woman led prayers?
2) If the answer to the above question is, yes then, the next question we must ask ourselves is whether the Prophet (S) allowed it or disallow it?
3) Again, if the answer is that Prophet (S) allowed it, then we as the followers of the Prophet (S) have no right to assume the prohibition of such an act.
While I do not know the intention of Dr. Amina Wadud and whatever she is trying to prove, I also would not go far enough to outright call this act prohibited unless, we have a clear evidence from the life of the Prophet (S) and his saying.
We have no right as Muslims to call an act prohbited, only Allah (SWT) has that right. If we would do so, we might be acting out on our desires more so than establishing the true Islam.
While we might question Dr. Amina Wadud's intentions, which she has obligation to identify, we all must dig deep into our own hearts and judge our own intentions.
May Allah show us all the right path and guide us.
The prayer leading men have failed, that is why the Sisters are saying why don't you try our lead.
Why do men and women pray side by side in Hajj???
those who are happy that this woman has chosen to ignore Allah and His Messenger pbuh, please take shahada again.
if your not happy with what Allah has given us in Islam, are you really a muslim?
i mean no offence, but consider this, who are the best of people? The Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his Companions, all agree? did this group of people do this? are we better than them to do this?
thanks again to Islamicity for putting an emphasis on this issue.
I hope that we may be guided to the betterment of Islam and not be of the people who are misguided.
I do not support women leading prayers of mixed congregations and I must say this new development was quite shocking to me.
Muslims must be very weary of the tactics and political motivations behind these un-Islamic acts. Do not be pulled into these "feminist" or "modernist" believes. Sure there are many places in the world where women are treated as inferior but it not because of Islam, it is despite of Islam.
Muslims, please be aware of what is driving these newfound ideas. Yes, there are certain issues in the Muslims comunity which needs resolution. There are groups who seek these issues out and are using it to cause division amongst us. It is like throwing a stone in the crowd and sitting back and see what happens. Do not be sucked into this vortex that is trying to destroy our beautiful religion.
May Allah SWT protect out deen from its enemies.
P.S. I am a female that has lived in the states over 32.
This woman is knows this is not right!! I wonder does she think by doing this it makes her gain any good. She doing like the Christians with dealing with Women in the church , What she must know Allah's laws and Will does not change because she wants to prove she is a muslim or more of an imam than a man. She must know the place of the MAle and female in islam. if she knows it are not she cannot divide islam make a woman thing out of it by brings us together in prayer, we all alreayd togetherwe pray to one God. no matter seprated or not, Allah has made certain things to order and no man or woman can change them. Just we want to make a point....
I do agree. It seems to me that Muslims have confronted their enemies, supported their prosecuted bothers and sisters living under occupation and under aggressive regimes and monarchies. It might be far-fetched idea; but such act of woman leading the prayer has caused so much Fitna and Beda'a. It looks like the work of CIA or entities that want to harm muslims (Please do not laugh at me saying that). It is unbelievable that Muslims (Women or Men) forget about the suffering of Muslims Worlwide at the hands of dictators and at the hands of the US government and dwell on matters that undermine the basics of Sunna and Sharia. Despite of what these ignorant Muslims do, Islam will never touched and will be forever protected. Muslims will suffer NOT Islam. We will suffer from our enemies who are attacking us from every side....Are we ready to fight back!!! or just Kill Each others.....
I would like to know for those who are for this idea, who believe it is right, and there is no clear ayat or hadith against it, and that Islam is overall negative and oppressive towards women: "Why Be Muslim???" If you detest the purdah system, being behind curtains, veils, praying behind men, or not on Friday at all, then why not make a new religion for yourselves? You can lead salat, eat non-halal, not wear veils, have girlfriends instead of husbands, drink, and do whatever else you prefer. The "wise" degree holders among you can write a Quran however you like, and you won't have to worry about such oppressive males, because your religion will have women as the Leaders, and men will submit to them. And of course everyone will go to paradise without reckoning because answering to Allah and facing the torment of hell just sounds scary...so maybe you should change that part too. If you think Islam is against women try learning the truth instead of listening to Shaytan who's job it is to get you as far away from the truth as possible by falling into the pitfalls of "Feminism" and how badly you've mistaken it as having a place in Islam.
Only Allah knows who's prayer is valid and not.
We should all seek refuge in Allah and help the Female in what she want to with the leaf of Allah
Perhaps to some today this prohibition seems against the grain of modern humanism, but it is important to avoid moral relativism. Secular beliefs of right and wrong may change with the times, but the Word of God does not change and as submitters to that Word, we must respect and obey its dictates as revealed to us through the prophets. Otherwise, what are we doing saying we are following Islam?
I am for it but---, I have difficulty in knowing the truth of the Hadith coming from Men. I have read the book- "The veil and the Male Elite by Sr.Mernissi. I advise those who have not read the book to read it.
I congratulate Sr. Sarah Eltantawi and her associates to take a much needed and a very leading role for Muslims Women. Is it extreme as noted in some of the articles debating the issue in the Islamicity or the result of oppression by the Mike Holders of the Mosque across the world including the West specially USA and Canada.
We in the early 70's had kept the Mosque very open for Women. There was no resentment.It was the influx of the AALIMS later that drove them out.
Where were Dr. Muzammil Siddiqui,Dr.Aslam Abdullah,Dr.L.M.Safi and others when these women were uprooted or being uprooted from the Mosques across USA,Canada and elsewhere.
They held good position including the presidency of ISNA.
I have mentioned in one of my address "Muslims women are being forbidden to enter the Mosque, being Curtained, and being given most rejected places in the Mosque, while their fathers, brothers and husbands sit and listen as obedient disciples of the Imams who rule the mosque and hurl awy these Muslim Women"
So these are the net results of such oppressions.
I wish them the best in their efforts and not be discouraged by more discouraging obstacles yet to come. How ever they must exercise their judgement with in the parameter of Islam.
Can these writers of the Articles and leaders come with help to reach a reasonable solution?
Of course I am a man!
Dr.Naiyer Habib
)"A people whose affairs are in the hands of a woman will not prosper". You should know that christians are already weakining the muslim society by telling them that the muslim men think they are better and woman are a load of garbage. And that comment you posted is what can really flip a females mind.
Subhanallah.....it really breaks my heart to know that Islam has reached that level
this is pure DISGUSTING!!!
Subhanallah.....it really breaks my heart to know that Islam has reached that level
this is pure DISGUSTING!!!
I believe this congregational prayers was lead by Amina Wadud- Islamic Studies professor of Virginia Commonwealth University.ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST.Is it a CONSPIRACY or so called FREEDOM or LIBERTY?. Please read an article on THE SEATTLE TIMES - Nation & World SECTION (on Islamicity main page link).
In Islamic history, no woman including Prophets' wives, daughters or mothers has led the prayers with men behind. They have had good status and honor in other branches including some Islamic areas & they were highly respected.
I am quoting some hadith and references from religious books, May ALLAH forgive me If I do any mistake.
(1)"The best rows for the women are the last two rows & the worst are the front rows". The further a woman is from men ,the better & more chaste that is for her person & honor.
(2) It is not legally sanctioned for women to give adhan or the iqama as they are only obligatory upon the men".(therefore woman leading the prayers ???).
(3)"A people whose affairs are in the hands of a woman will not prosper".( woman cannot lead prayer even for her husband or son or brother even she is more knowledgeable of the Quran.)
(4)Women are forbidden to recite Quran loudly during congregational prayers with men in front rows.
(5)Friday salaat is not obligatory for women but they can go to the mosque and offer as stated above.
ALLAH has divided society into two parts MEN & WOMEN, with duties, responsibilities, status, rights etc. No religion except ISLAM has given so many rights, good status to women, Then why this fitna, controversies,confusion etc.Do not fall into trap. Nobody is forcing you to stay in Islam.
Women cannot change their instincts and the way of their anatomy(body figure), physiology(monthly cycles, pregnancy) and strength. Such women can fight with these.
MAY ALLAH show such people and the believers the right path and bless us with his mercy.
Best regard.
i read this whole article i am fully with it. Hazrat Aisha was the master in Islamic Knowledge after the death of Holy prophet. Even Hazrat Umer and other great Sahabah use to come to her for answers about their questions and according to the great ravi of Hadfith [which i do not remember his name]said that i did not find any amoung men and women having more knowledge in Islam and other Subjects than Hazrat Aisha. so it she and other women like her came later did not started leading as Immam than how come women can lead know. May Allah show right path to those who introduced it and those who are following it and also those who are supporting them.
Allah hafiz
It would reasonable to say the least that such practice will lead to fitna, not because it is not conventional. The Prophet said wherever there is wisdom or knowledge seek it. And as such, trench digging was an introduction of new defense strategy/practice to the Arabs which the Prophet authorized for adoption. More importantly, the Prophet performed the authorization not on a grounds of liberalization but rather because the introduction was helpful and was not an innovation into spiritual principles/practices.
This new practice that Dr. Amina is trying to introduce will lead to fitna because of the fact that women will prostrate in front of men with her outline being exposed. Her 'iffa (respect of men and women towards her) may be harmed because an ill-intentioned man will take the opportunity to stare at her outline.
In terms of the man, his 'iffa is also at harm because an ill-intentioned lady in front of him may make a subtle movement to lure him into staring at her outline.
Even if we assume that the men and women congregate for the prayer without ill-intentions, such mingling during prayer where men and women are in complete view of each other's bodies during prostration makes both vulnerable to lustful interaction. And any situation with a sexual connotation does not have any place in a spiritual gathering.
Jazak Allahu khair.
It would reasonable to say the least that such practice will lead to fitna, not because it is not conventional. The Prophet said wherever there is wisdom or knowledge seek it. And as such, trench digging was an introduction of new defense strategy/practice to the Arabs which the Prophet authorized for adoption. More importantly, the Prophet performed the authorization not on a grounds of liberalization but rather because the introduction was helpful and was not an innovation into spiritual principles/practices.
This new practice that Dr. Amina is trying to introduce will lead to fitna because of the fact that women will prostrate in front of men with her outline being exposed. Her 'iffa (respect of men and women towards her) may be harmed because an ill-intentioned man will take the opportunity to stare at her outline.
In terms of the man, his 'iffa is also at harm because an ill-intentioned lady in front of him may make a subtle movement to lure him into staring at her outline.
Even if we assume that the men and women congregate for the prayer without ill-intentions, such mingling during prayer where men and women are in complete view of each other's bodies during prostration makes both vulnerable to lustful interaction. And any situation with a sexual connotation does not have any place in a spiritual gathering.
Jazak Allahu khair.
It would reasonable to say the least that such practice will lead to fitna, not because it is not conventional. The Prophet said wherever there is wisdom or knowledge seek it. And as such, trench digging was an introduction of new defense strategy/practice to the Arabs which the Prophet authorized for adoption. More importantly, the Prophet performed the authorization not on a grounds of liberalization but rather because the introduction was helpful and was not an innovation into spiritual principles/practices.
This new practice that Dr. Amina is trying to introduce will lead to fitna because of the fact that women will prostrate in front of men with her outline being exposed. Her 'iffa (respect of men and women towards her) may be harmed because an ill-intentioned man will take the opportunity to stare at her outline.
In terms of the man, his 'iffa is also at harm because an ill-intentioned lady in front of him may make a subtle movement to lure him into staring at her outline.
Even if we assume that the men and women congregate for the prayer without ill-intentions, such mingling during prayer where men and women are in complete view of each other's bodies during prostration makes both vulnerable to lustful interaction. And any situation with a sexual connotation does not have any place in a spiritual gathering.
Jazak Allahu khair.
The Prophet upon him blessings and peace said:
1. "Lo! Let absolutely no woman lead a man in prayer!"
Ibn Majah, Abu Ya`la, `Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad, Abu Nu`aym in the Hilya with different chains from Jabir, and al-Tabarani in al-Awsat from Abu Sa`id al-Khudri.
2. "No nation shall succeed that is led by a woman." Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Bakrah, Allah be well-pleased with him.
This is even more binding in Salat, since the imamate of Salat requires a far more slavish imitation and following than the greater imamate. Further, the imamate of prayer is a delegatory function of the latter.
3. "The best of the men's prayer-rows is the first and the worst the last, while the best of the women's prayer-rows is the last and the worst is the first." Muslim, the Sunan, and Ahmad from Abu Hurayra, Jabir, and Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, Allah be well-pleased with them.
I.e. the contrary of imamate, which means "leading from the front."
4. `Ali said, Allah be well-pleased with him:
"A woman does not lead as imam." Mudawwana, I`la' al-Sunan.
Imam al-Bayhaqi mentioned all the above but the last in his Sunan and said: "This is also the School of the Seven Jurists of Madina among the Tabi`in then those that followed them."
This is also the position of the Four Schools. More, Ibn Hazm in Maratib al-Ijma` and Ibn Qattan al-Fasi in al-Iqna` fi Masa'il al-Ijma` listed it among the rulings that muster unanimous consensus :
"They concur one and all that a woman cannot lead men in prayer with their knowledge of her being a woman and, if they do, their prayer is invalid by consensus."
Second, it would not be right for one upon whom congregation is not incumbent to lead one upon whom it is obligatory.
Third, the best salat of a woman is in her house without contest, and it is not right that the leader of the Salat be precluded from excellence to begin with.
We must hold on to the Qur'an and Sunnah in matters of religion. This controversy over woman imam leading men and women in salat has been started by a group of deviant minded Muslims, who seek discord and disunity among Muslims, and they are supported by the enemies of Islam.
May Allah ta'la guide us to the straight path. Ameen!
There are many real life situations that need to be addressed as well, however. We need women leaders, so a good option is for them to lead us in Du'a as suggested. In my experience, women have been afraid to lead the prayers even in a group of women because a man may enter the mosque late even though when they started no men were there. And since it was a curtained off area of the mosque, I really can't understand that. We have a group meeting; it is time for prayer: Lead! Otherwise, we can't get the benefit of praying together!