From the Streets to Islam

Category: Featured, Life & Society, Videos Topics: Converts, New Muslims Channel: My Journey To Islam Views: 798

Muslim Belal "The Street Muaddhin" grew up in south London with his Jamaican mother and spent his youth mixed up in gang culture. He converted to Islam in 2002. The former rapper has spent the past year touring the country delivering his story "From The Streets 2 Islam" In a unique poetic style, which will leave you inspired and amazed.

Belal is not only a spoken word poet, but a successful British actor lead roles include, ITV drama 'The Bill' BBC Film 'Storm Damage' ITV drama "Holby Blue" & "The Fixer" and will also be seen in new series of 'Law & Order UK' ITV. To further inspire the youth, Belal delivers workshops and thought provoking talks at youth clubs, universities and varies events.

  Category: Featured, Life & Society, Videos
  Topics: Converts, New Muslims  Channel: My Journey To Islam
Views: 798

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