Renaissance of Faith

Category: Life & Society Topics: Iman (Faith And Belief), Internet Views: 1404

About 700 years ago, representatives of the Abbasid Khilafah in Baghdad were introduced to a new device.

Some of the officials had read about this new device, others had heard about it through rumor or through discussions with ambassadors from the great states of the Mongol Horde.  None of them had actually seen the printing press, but, when they did see it, they were skeptical.

The Abbasid officials, and the Ottoman judges who came after them, would not allow the Holy Quran to be replicated through the technology which had come to them - long before it ever reached Europe. The officials claimed that the Quran should be copied only using handwritten script and that its pages should not be 'desecrated' by greasy steel machines.

Two hundred years later, Guttenberg made sure that the first book he printed was the bible. Although he was criticized like many scientists of his age, Guttenberg realized what printing could do: the mass distribution of books and literature, and along with it, global dissemination of European culture and values.

Had the Khilafah taken the initiative when it had a chance, Muslims would have had a 200 year head start in printing and distributing the Quran, and other literature which espoused Islamic values. The effects of such moves are difficult to fathom: instead of an anti-religious Renaissance, there may have been an Islamic enlightenment in Europe.  And, instead of centuries of colonial oppression, there may have been a golden age of Islamically inspired peace and tolerance throughout the world.

Today, we the Muslims are presented with an opportunity very similar to that which was presented to the Abbassid and Ottoman officials; we are presented with the opportunity of using the Internet - a tool that is changing the world. This new super media need not be under Muslim control. Nor does it have to be built around Muslim laws; both of these matters are a shared responsibility of humanity and every soul is responsible for its own actions.

However, it is our duty as Muslims to carve out a prominent position for Islam on the Internet. With more than 500 million people using this medium as prime source of information, we cannot afford to ignore what is rapidly becoming the most important source of communications in the modern world.

Alhamdulillah, there have been many good efforts by Muslims to use the Internet. Notwithstanding, we remain far behind. The Internet was not introduced in Saudi Arabia, the home of Mecca and Medina, until 1997. It was not introduced in Syria, home of the Ummayad Khilafah, until last year - and, believe it or not, the Internet has not yet been introduced on a large scale in Iraq, home of Baghdad, once and the world's premier center of scientific learning. Only 42% of Muslims are literate; even fewer understand the importance of the Internet. This is a disturbing phenomenon.

Collectively we must not only be concerned toward this disturbing phenomenon but strive to resolve it, InshaAllah.

  Category: Life & Society
  Topics: Iman (Faith And Belief), Internet
Views: 1404

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Older Comments:
We share your thoughts on the subject of education. Many muslims feel the same but most think that muslim governments should so something about the state of education. Of course this will never happen for various reasons. However, we have set up an organization called "Al-Hikma Schools" to provide free education to poor muslims and fee based places for those who can afford to pay. The curriculum will be based on the British national curriculum and will include Arabic & English languages, Maths, Science & Technology along will all subjects required for a good all round education. Islam will be taught and practiced in all the schools. We aim to have schools running in every muslim country along with schools in non muslim countries with muslim populations. To enable the curriculum to be delivered correctly and to a high standard, we will train teachers for this purpose. The standard of the education delivered will be closely monitored and maintained. There will be one universal curriculum for all the schools in every country with the exception that local languages and local history will be taught as per local conditions. We wish to give a large number of muslims a good education rather than create a few muslims with high education. The root cause of the failings of muslim societies in all spheres of life is due to lack of the correct education. How can muslims make use of technologies and mediums like the internet when nearly 60% are illiterate? We need the help of concerned and like minded muslims who wish to act for change rather than just despair at our present situation. We need volunteers from every Islamic country who can teach and we need financial support. Help us to bring about a positive change for the muslim world insha-Allah. If we wait for the renaissance of Islamic civilization to occur without getting up and doing something then we are in for a very very long wait. Please visit for further information or email us on [email protected].