Part 2: Interfaith Hospitality, Beyond Tolerance in Perspective of Christianity

Beyond Tolerance: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Theologies of Interfaith Hospitality.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been in conversation with one another throughout their history. Frequently, the mutual engagement has been marked by arrogance, mischaracterization, to outright hostility. In the modern era, such conflictual attitudes have largely given way to mutual pledges of tolerance. Although clearly better than mutual disdain, is tolerance enough? We believe it isn’t.
Each of our three religious traditions contains rich resources to guide its adherents to go beyond tolerance when engaging ‘the religious other.’ This guidance is distinct in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. However, the goal is the same: to move far beyond mere tolerance to genuine respect, indeed honor and hospitality, of ‘the religious other.’
The series of three Trialogues will explore the specific teachings undergirding each of the distinctive ‘Theologies of Interfaith Hospitality’ inherent in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Rabbi Elliot Dorff, American Jewish University
Reinhard Krauss, Academy for Judaic, Christian, and Islamic Studies
Hedab Tarifi, Islamic Center of Southern California
Eliana Mastrangelo, American Jewish University
Casey Crouch, University of California, Los Angeles
Kienan Taweil, Loyola Marymount University
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Topics: Christianity, Interfaith Channel: Interfaith
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