Raise Your Voice Against the Gaza Catastrophe

Use our ACTION TOOL to message your representatives, urging them to use their office to bring an end to violence in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Muslim Leaders Betrayed Palestine
This article posits that Palestine - as a symbol and heart of Islam, and so, a prime concern of all Muslims – has constantly been betrayed by Muslim leaders. Now that the Palestinian issue has reached the tipping point, the role of Muslim leaders (governments) will be critical. Without them, very little can be done.

How Complicated Is It To Steal Land and Property?
A Story: I spread out the wrinkled quilt on the grass under the shade of a large tree at the center of the park. My daughter, Hana, hopped up and down excitedly, the contents of the picnic basket she was holding drumming lightly within the container, enticing us to begin our meal as soon as possible.

Living Through A Genocide
I’m living through a genocide - Thousands of innocent children died - Bombed, crushed, torn in pieces - I simply feel numb inside - I’m living through a genocide…

An Oasis of Peace Amid the Gaza Crisis
In a region plagued by violence and conflict, there exists a unique village known as the 'Oasis of Peace.' Amid the ongoing tragedy that has seen innocent lives lost and Palestinians forced from their homes, this village continues to shine as a beacon of hope and prosperity.

Addressing Palestine with Jewish Friends
Watching the Israel-Palestine conflict unfold, I find myself in deep confusion. I have several close Jewish friends in my circle that I hold dear. When news of the Hamas attack first emerged, I reached out to express my heartfelt sympathies, hoping to stand by them during a challenging time.

It's Like Telling a Rape Victim Maybe You Weren't Raped
MPAC President Salam Al-Marayati was live on CNN Newsroom with host Fredricka Whitfield to discuss the growing distrust among American Muslim voters as the Biden-Harris Administration continues its unwavering support for Israel's ongoing assault on the people of Gaza.

Europe, the Jews, and the Muslim World
The insane bombardment of some of the poorest and most vulnerable people on the planet with the obvious intent of ethnically cleansing middle eastern territory from its indigenous people is as genocidal as it gets—and Europe seems to be completely fine with that.

Why do Evangelical Christians Support Israel? Must Watch!
This documentary looks at the theology of Christian Zionism, which teaches that the Jews are God's chosen people. They have a divine right to the land of Israel. Aspects of this belief system lead some Christians in the West to give uncritical support to Israeli government policies.

Palestinian Food Activism
Make this simple and delicious Palestinian dish and share it with your neighbors and ask them to pray for peace and urge their representatives to call for ceasefire.

Beautify your house and office with Islamic Art
Modern Islamic Art for your houses and offices.

Best gift for her
Beautiful Islamic Pendant Express Your Identity

Premium California Medjool Dates
Premium California Medjool Dates - FREE SHIPPING

Sakoon HALAL Nutrition, boost your health.
Sakoon Nutrition is Cruelty free, 100% Halal, No Gelatin, Paraben free, Non GMO. No Burps, No Bitterness! It's the essential protein that is one of the main building blocks of healthy bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Alcohol Free (Halal) Roll-On and Spray Perfume
Our perfumes are alcohol-free they do not evaporate quickly and are not overpowering

Ihram and Money Belt
Get ready to perform umrah, don't forget ihram and money belt.