Why I Became Muslim with Jacob Williams

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights, Videos Topics: Islam, Muslims Views: 1288

Jacob Williams, a PhD candidate at Oxford University converted to Islam in 2017. In this video Jacob discusses his intellectual journey to Islam.

He emphasizes on historical analysis, addressing the Trinity concept in Christianity, and dispelling misconceptions about Islam, especially regarding family relationships and women's rights. They also explore the compatibility of Islamic values with Western traditions and touch on Jacob's views regarding liberalism and the coexistence of traditional beliefs within the liberal order.

The conversation briefly mentions John Locke's influence and touches on disagreements about Roger Scruton's work. Overall, it provides insights into Jacob Williams' journey and perspectives on the intersection of religion, culture, and liberalism. This video addresses the complex questions people have relating to Islam and its conservative misconception.

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Highlights, Videos
  Topics: Islam, Muslims
Views: 1288

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