Abortion in Islamic Perspective

Category: Life & Society Topics: Abortion, Health Views: 32099

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo from the womb, before it can survive on its own. An abortion which occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage . An abortion may be initiated and hence called "induced abortion". The word "abortion" is often used to mean only induced abortions. A similar procedure after the fetus can possibly survive on its own is called a "late termination of pregnancy".

Modern methods use medication or surgery for abortions. Every year, unsafe abortions cause 47,000 deaths and accounts for 5 million hospital admissions. About 44 million abortions occur each year in the world, with a little under half done unsafely (performed in unsafe conditions). Abortion rates have changed little between 2003 and 2008, the rates at which people abort decreased due to better education about family planning and birth control. As of 2008, 40% of the  women in the world engaged in abortions.

In ancient times, abortions were done using herbal medicines, sharp tools, with force, or through other traditional methods.

Abortion laws are different around the world. In some areas, abortion is legal only in special cases such as rape, problems with the fetus , poverty, risk to a woman's health, or incest . In many places, there is much debate over the moral, ethical, and legal issues of abortion. Those who are against abortion largely claim that an embryo or fetus is a human with a right to life and may compare it to murder. Supporters point to a woman's right to decide over her own body and to human rights in general.

Abortion may be induced, that is intentional. Approximately, 205 million pregnancies occur each year, worldwide. Over a third are unintended and about a fifth end in induced abortion. Most abortions result from unintended pregnancies. In the United Kingdom, just between 1 to 2% of abortions are done due to genetic problems in the fetus.

Likewise, abortion may be spontaneous, that is, unintentional. Spontaneous abortion, also known as miscarriage, is the unintentional expulsion of an embryo or fetus before the 24th week of gestation . A pregnancy that ends before 37 weeks of gestation resulting in a live-born infant is known as a " premature birth" or a "preterm birth". When a fetus dies in utero after viability, or during delivery , it is usually termed " stillborn".

Premature births and stillbirths are generally not considered to be miscarriages although usage of these terms can sometimes overlap. Only 30% to 50% of conceptions progress past the first trimester . The vast majority of those that do not progress are lost before the woman is aware of the conception , and many pregnancies are lost before medical practitioners can detect an embryo. Between 15% and 30% of known pregnancies end in clinically apparent miscarriage, depending upon the age and health of the pregnant woman. Relatively 80%  of these spontaneous abortions happen in the first trimester.

Islamic Perspective

Muslims' views on abortion are shaped by the Hadith as well as by the opinions of legal and religious scholars and commentators. In Islam, the fetus is believed to become a living soul after four months of gestation, and abortion after that point is generally viewed as impermissible. Many Islamic thinkers recognize exceptions to this rule for certain circumstances; indeed, Azizah Y. al-Hibri notes that "the majority of Muslim scholars permit abortion, although they differ on the stage of fetal development beyond which it becomes prohibited."

As a matter of fact, abortion has no original stand in islam except consideration, i.e. it is forbidden except for the following:

When abortion is permissible

Among Muslims, the permissibility of abortion depends on factors such as time and extenuating circumstances.

Before four months of gestation

Seyed al-Sabiq, author of Fiqh al-Sunnah , has summarized the views of classical jurists in this regard in the following words:

"Abortion is not allowed after four months have passed since conception, because at that time it is akin to taking a life, an act that entails penalty in this world and in the Hereafter. As regards the matter of abortion before this period elapses, it is considered allowed if necessary. However, in the absence of a reasonable excuse, it is detestable. The author of ‘Subul-ul-Maram’ writes:  (wrote?) "A woman’s treatment for aborting a pregnancy before the spirit has been blown into it is a matter upon which scholars differed on account of difference of opinion on the matter of ‘Azal (i.e. measures to hinder conception). Those who allow ‘Azal consider abortion as allowable and vice versa." The same ruling should be applicable for women deciding on sterilization. Imam Ghazzali opines: "Induced abortion is a sin after conception". He further says: "The sin incurred thus can be of degrees. When the sperm enters the ovaries, mixes with the ovum and acquires potential of life, its removal would be a sin. Aborting it after it grows into a germ or a leech would be a graver sin and the graveness of the sin increases very much if one does so after the stage when the spirit is blown into the fetus and it acquires human form and faculties"

Threat to the woman's life

On the issue of the life of the woman, Muslims universally agree that her life takes precedence over the life of the fetus. This is because the woman is considered the "original source of life", while the fetus is only "potential" life. Muslim jurists agree that abortion is allowed based on the principle that "the greater evil [the woman's death] should be warded off by the lesser evil [abortion]." In these cases, the physician is considered a better judge than the scholar.


Most Muslim scholars hold that the child of rape is a legitimate child and thus it would be sinful to kill this child. Scholars permit its abortion only if the fetus is less than four months old, or if it endangers the life of its mother.

Muslim scholars were urged to make exceptions in the 1990s following rapes of Kuwaiti women by Iraqi soldiers ( in 1991 ) and the rape of Bosnian women by Serb soldiers. In 1991, the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Ekrima Sa'id Sabri took a different position than mainstream Muslim scholars. He ruled that Muslim women raped by their enemies during the Kosovo War could take abortifacient medicine, because otherwise, the children born to those women might one day fight against Muslims.

Fetal deformity

Some Muslim scholars also argue that abortion is permitted if the newborn is sick in a way that would make its care exceptionally difficult for the parents (e.g. deformities, mental retardation, etc.).

  Category: Life & Society
  Topics: Abortion, Health
Views: 32099

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