Muslim conspiracy
Muslim conspiracy to rule world just nonsense
We had Wahhabism. We had the madrassas. We had the houris of Heaven. Now we have the caliphate.
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld et al have been raising the spectre of a worldwide Islamic rule by a caliph, as envisaged by Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab Zarqawi and other terrorists.
The chances of a caliphate coming are zero. But raising its spectre helps keep Americans scared. Never mind that, just as the reasons given for the Iraq war proved false, the explanations offered for terrorism have not met the test of time either.
When 15 of the 19 terrorists of 9/11 turned out to have been Saudis, Washington and its apologists blamed Wahhabism, the essentialist Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia. The problem with that theory was that the Saudi ruling family, the guardians of Wahhabism, was and remains the staunchest ally of the U.S. and guarantor of its energy needs.
We were also told that terrorists were hatched primarily in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere in religious schools. But we know now that most of those who bombed Bali, Jakarta, Istanbul, Amman, etc. were not graduates of those schools. Nor were those responsible for the train bombings in Madrid and London. They were Muslims born or raised in Europe.
So were the two Britons who went to Israel in 2003 to be suicide bombers. So was the man who murdered Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in 2004. So have been some of those turning up in Iraq to join the insurgency.
The third theory was that suicide bombers were inspired by Islam's promise of a Paradise full of virgins. That may have motivated the religiously inclined but not others, certainly not women bombers, who had no such sexual favors to look forward to in Heaven.
Now comes the caliphate - from the Arabic word, khil'afah, rule by a khaleefah, successor to the Prophet Muhammad, who died in 632 A.D.
A caliphate is an ideal Islamic polity governed by God's law. But a debate has raged for 1,400 years over whether it's a religious requirement or just a tool to regulate social order and public welfare. Is it local or worldwide? There's no consensus.
The first caliphate lasted until 661 A.D. Others followed, the last one being the Ottoman Empire that ended in 1924.
Since then, debate has turned to how best to combine religion and state. There's no agreement. States labeling themselves Islamic have offered varying models - Afghanistan of the Taliban, Iran of the mullahs, the semi-dictatorships of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and the moderate Malaysia. Iraq now calls itself an Islamic democracy, la Israel's Jewish democracy.
The dream of a caliphate is confined to the marginalized: a rallying cry by the bin Laden-Zarqawi crowd, and, among others, by a Central Asian group battling the dictatorships there.
Uzbek President Islam Karimov invokes the caliphate to justify his brutality. Who would have thought he would be echoed by Washington?
Gen. John Abizaid, U.S. commander in the Middle East, says Islamists "will try to re-establish a caliphate throughout the entire Muslim world." Rumsfeld magnifies the danger, saying "Iraq would serve as the base of a new Islamic caliphate to extend throughout the Middle East and which would threaten legitimate governments in Europe, Africa and Asia."
George W. Bush talks about "a totalitarian Islamic empire that reaches from Indonesia to Spain."
Exaggerating the power of the enemy is a standard war tactic (used against Saddam Hussein by both George H.W. Bush in the 1991 Gulf War and by George W. Bush in 2003). But this caliphate business takes the cake. One can laugh it off but for its possible long-term consequences.
One of the biggest mistakes of the war on terrorism was the misreading of bin Laden's initial popularity among Muslims.
He always had two constituencies; the few who joined his terrorist campaigns and the many who identified only with his articulation of Muslim grievances, albeit in religious terms.
America analyzed his theology and ignored his political message, while Muslim masses tuned out his religious claptrap but identified with his political message. He has since lost even that lure but America remains hobbled by its fixation with his religious pronouncements.
In being so, the Bush administration makes him and other terrorists sound more important than they are, thereby playing into their hands.
They no doubt love their own caliphate talk getting such worldwide amplification from Washington.
Haroon Siddiqui is the Toronto Star's editorial page editor emeritus. [email protected]
Topics: Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, Caliphate, George W. Bush, Government And Politics, Osama Bin Laden, Terrorism, Wahhabi Movement
Views: 5225
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The author makes a number of good points in regards to the U.S.'s reasons for perpetuating neo-colonialism and its empire on Muslims but fails to realize 2 things:
1. Islam's ideological component which places Allah (swt) and not corrupt 'congressmen', MPs, dictators, kings, and presidents to rule over men.
That is Human will is subjugated to divine will and the job of a caliph, emir, or Imam is simply to IMPLEMENT it. Contrast that with the U.S. where Bush is proclaiming under the unitary executive theory that the executive branch is "above the law" during wartime for his reasons for illegally spying on Americans, imprisoning people in Guantanimo, or torturing them in CIA dungeons.
2. this comment here:
>The dream of a caliphate is confined to the >marginalized: a rallying cry by the bin >Laden-Zarqawi crowd, and, among others, by a >Central Asian group battling the dictatorships >there.
is blatantly false and shows a poor understanding of islam or Islamic texts. For whatever the injustices and crimes of jihadis and BinLadenists, the issue of khilafah is *above them* and seperate from them. Muslims the world over understand this Some evidence is here:
as well as by numerous Islamic evidences of which here are just two:
a. "Those who rule by other than what Allah has revealed are kaffirs" Surah Maida v. 44
(repeated in next two verses for emphasis)
b. "One who dies without having bound himself by an oath of allegiance (to an Amir) will die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyyah (before Islam)." (Muslim)
There is a simple solution to the problems of the muslim ummah. The solution lies in Prophet's(sal-lal-lahu alayhee wa sal-lam) final sermon. Until & unless we believe & follow it from the very depth of our heart, we as an ummah will continue to suffer.