Paradox of Islamic Civilization
'Man was born free, and is everywhere in chains,' remarked the great French thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78). This is the most famous paradox in his philosophical enterprise constituted by the logic of paradoxes. In my opinion the most important paradox put forth by him is the paradox of civilization. He argues that human civilization made possible a higher stage of living, but it also laid the foundations for the enslavement of men. What he meant by that was, in the state of nature men lived spontaneous, natural, peaceful lives. But such life was boring and uneventful. On the other hand, when men learnt to produce more than their immediate needs, civilization emerged. But the new production techniques necessitated a division of labor, which in turn resulted in some people owning private property while others were driven into slavery or different types of bondage and subservience. Hence the paradox of civilization: that it made possible a higher stage of living but also divided men into those who rule and those whose work is exploited.
Rousseau's prescription for resolving the paradox of civilization was not to go back to the state or nature, but to create a new type of civilization. He proposed a radical 'Social Contract' entered into freely by all men. It was to give all men the right to participate in the making of laws. Thus equal male citizenship was to be the basis of a higher civilization founded on direct democracy. Rousseau did not want to abolish private property, but was opposed to great differences in wealth and income.
Looking at the dismal situation of the contemporary Muslim world, one becomes acutely aware of a paradox attendant upon the Islamic civilization too. The paradox is that the revolution carried out by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his four pious successors helped initially Arabs and later others who became Muslims, to free themselves from petty tribal and clannish loyalties, establish a centralized polity based on exemplary conduct of the caliph, achieve all-round economic prosperity and high standards of spirituality. But in the present times that revolution has been misinterpreted by modernists as well as fundamentalists as the final point in human achievement and therefore to be revived in the present and future. So the paradox is that the pristine Islamic civilization freed Muslims from tribal culture, but currently they are in chains everywhere to cultural and structural fetters representing at best a medieval mind-set.
Let me elaborate this point. The pious caliphate lasted only 29 years. It was succeeded by hereditary rule and the later 'caliphs' from the decadent stages of the Abbasid dynasty were often scoundrels and debauches. Things came to a head when the Mongols destroyed Baghdad in 1258 and the Abbasid caliphate passed into the annals of history. Spanish Islam continued to prosper for a while but conflicts between the various Emirates in Spain dissipated Muslim power. They were expelled from Spain at the end of the 15th century.
Thereafter, Muslim societies stagnated. Despotism became the order of the day. Development in jurisprudence was negligible as ijtihad (exercise of independent judgment in the interpretation of the Quran) was replaced by taqlid (submission to the authority of the preceding scholars). The economic base of such a society comprised revenues from land, trade and small-scale manufacture. Wealth from conquest dried out by the end of the 18th century. Such a society lacked dynamism, innovation and creativity.
On the other hand, the rival European powers freed themselves from the fetters of medievalism and with better military technology and an aggressive expansionist worldview embarked upon the conquest of the Muslim lands, which fell to them easily, one after the other.
After World War II the modern ruling elites in the new Muslim-majority states tried to modernize and develop by applying either the capitalist or socialist models, but such experiments did not meet with any great success. On the other hand, with increasing income from oil, the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia began to assert an alternative fundamentalist leadership in the Muslim world. The revolution of the Ayatollahs in Iran in 1979 established a rival center of fundamentalism. Both propagated a return to the social order of the past - the Saudis to that of the pious caliphate, the Iranians to the reign of Imam Ali.
Indeed, such ideas had always been part of the historical Muslim memory and from time to time gave birth to chiliastic movements. But harking to a pre-modern past in the late 20th and early 21st century means that the 'reforms' imposed by the fundamentalists leave Muslims in a much worse position than before. Thus Sudan under the influence of Hasan Turabi, the Taliban of Afghanistan and the MMA government in Pakistan's NWFP have enforced changes that make Muslim societies archaic and reactionary.
The way out of this predicament is to establish a new Islamic civilization which carries forward the best spirit from the past, but discards dogmatic rules and regulations which are clearly not workable in the modern era. A radical social contract should be agreed between the citizens and the state whereby all the democratic and human rights reforms that other societies and civilizations have achieved in the last few centuries should be incorporated into a new constitution.
In conformity with the best traditions of the pious caliphate, the ruler (government) should be a servant of the people and not the other way round. He should rule only by consent, earn a salary that is reasonable, and commit himself to not making any private economic gain while in office. Liquidation of feudalism, parasitism and obscurantism should be given top priority and the state should help establish environment-friendly industries that pay fair wages to the workers.
In the religious sphere it would be advisable to educate the ulema (clerics) on modern lines so that they can develop a dynamic and progressive position on Islam. Most necessary in this connection would be a theology of emancipation from all cultural and structural modes of oppression, besides an interpretation of Islam as a message of love, international solidarity and social justice. Such an Islamic civilization will put Muslims back on the road to progress and make it a model for others to emulate.
The author is an associate professor of Political Science at Stockholm University. He is the author of two books. His email address is [email protected]
Topics: Islam, Muslim Civilizations
Views: 11927
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The paradox of Western-Muslim dilema... The Western societies (USA, Europe...) have advertised through the world their own idea of democracy, human rights, and freedom.
These concepts are not even really practiced or equally distributed to all american citizens !!
So, no wonder why this country feels free to invade, exploit, take over, and judge other countries...
This the model of "civilization" USA and Europe are imposing, like the ancient Roman Empire, imposing their own "pax romana" designed to expand their borders inside others, secure high interest positions (oil or whatever), judge, and finally, keep talking nonsense words claiming to be interested in "free the world"...
Islamic countries don't need to look out for these models or immitate their procedures. They can do it for themselves.
I say it clearly: USA and Europe, stop being the police of the world!
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah. You raise a few interesting points. True the text of the original Islamic sources will not change. There are certain Islamic practices that will also not change.
There are other things though that we do differently today compared to the way in which was done in the time of the Prophet(may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him pbuh)-eg there were no airoplanes in the past. Our understanding of the world has become more advanced which has allowed us to interpret the Quran better (eg understanding verses which pertain to embryology) Similary, society has also changed. Slavery is no longer existent, and the practice of the Prophet (saw) was to free slaves. I cannot see us going back to the practice of slavery - how can a slave own another slave? Similarly there are other things in society that have changed.
This does not mean that we should discard everything that was done in the past. I disagree with the author, if he is implying that we should abolish Taqlied. Taqlied has its place and we cannot ignore 1400 years of Islamic Scholarship. We need to realize though that the problems that we face today are very different from ones we faced even 20 years ago. In order for us to find constructive answers to these problems, we need to go back to the Quran and Sunnah, and derive principles there from in order to address the current problem. That is in my humble opinion that this is the struggle for the truth.
I pray that Allah guides us all on the Siratal Mustaqeem and forgives us for our shortcomings. Anything good that I say is due to the thanks of Allah, and any wrong that I say comes from myself which I sincerely apologize for
Was Salaam
I didn't read what you wrote Syed before I posted my first post here. if I did, I won't post at all.
you were more explicite than me, thank you brother very much.
May Allah raise the number of people who speaks the truth like you. AMeen
The real pardox here is when you think you know all about Islam, while all what you know is what you read in the kind of books that reaches you.
I agree with the article in most part. Here is a comment from a brother which reflects my ideas.
The problem with Muslims is the ignorance of the essence of their religion. Quran has been replaced with "hadeeth" and other forms of dogmas.
I will give an example. In the early stages of the second Palesetinian intifada, I happened to visit an internet site, which displayed some horrific photos of Israeli brutality and requested the reader to print the material and infrom others of what was taking place in Palestine. So I did and posted it on the mosque's bulletin board before the Juma prayer. After the prayer I found out that somebody had torn off the pictorial portion of the posting. Without the picture, the narrative had completely lost its relevance.
It so happens that there is a hadeeth that says something like, " Any dwelling that has pictures or dogs in it is not visited by angels".
As long as Muslims are ruled by superstition instead of the liberating spirit of Quran, they are condemned to remain backward worthy only of universal ridicule.
The Muslim rulers have "deals" with the Western powers and unless someone comes along who can stand up for what is right for the ummah of that country there will be status quo. There can be no change since the Western powers and governments are working together.
What needs to done is to educate the West and work to create a better government in the Muslim world.
As a suggestion read the book "Confessions of a Economic Hit Man" you will understand why both needs to be done.
Finally Islam is perfect the way it is - what we need is economic empowerment of Muslims based on fairness and fair value not someone else's standard of risk and reward - which is the right Islamic standard. Without Muslims standing up for this standard we will continue to in our current position.
Human Rights in last few centuries:
Apartheid(India, Africa)
Slavery and exploitation of weak
Ethnic cleansing of aboriginals (America, Australia and Africa)
Occupying and exploiting foreign lands
Nuclear bombing cities full of ordinary population (Japan)
Polluting the environment big time and endangering the human existence
Iraq (shock and awe), carpet bombing cities and populated areas
Fallujah (cutting the basics needs water and electricity and bombing hospitals)
Abu Gharib
New Orleans (ignoring the plith of people because of their color)
Opressing others because might is right (Syria, Iran)
And the list go on.................
When the so called "terrorists" do crime they do have good reasons to backup, but the crimes done by the so called civilized people had no reason and left ugly marks on humanity for ever.
I fully agree with what you are saying and suggesting. I am an engineer by profession so I can put it more as "bare" fact devoid of the hubris of niceties.
Muslims have surrendered their thinking and leadership to Mullah's who have IQ nearing zero. They can not deduce a principle from an act (ritual or practice). They can not understand the difference between Qur'an and Hadith - one talks of principles and the other only narrates actions in a particular time & place. When they emphasize on imitation like monkeys, without understanding the underlying principles, then Mulims will live or wish to live in 7th century.
Problem with living in 7th century is that men of 21st century will trample us under their feet and we can continue to pray for miracles, but in the mean time live in gutter as worms.
When "taqlid" of rotten ideas & rotten men is the biggest virtue - only qualification being that the writer, idea or the practice is centuries old; when that is the criterian, there is no hope. Testing a practice with Qur'anic principles is a taboo.
Unless Muslims understand what this great religion is in principles, they will continue to exist as monkeys and other humans will exterminate them if they see them as becoming a menace.
We are lucky to survive as third rate peoples of the third world. Why do we have puppet kings or Presidents? Why there are no human rights? Why do we have ignorant religious leaders ? Why our societies are the most corrupt ? Our self glorification does not answer these basic questions.
Hong Kong - 11th Nov 2005
From a political viewpoint, such an Islamic state in a predominantly Muslim country would not pose any particular problem to most Americans (not that you need our permission, but that a government based principles outlined in the article would not be a threat to us). The question is whether it is set up as an Islamic state versus one set up based on Islamic principles. The danger is that without expressed separation of church and state and freedom of religion, a pious caliph could quickly descend into an autocratic theocracy.
I agree with the author for the most part of the article and believe that the Muslim world is in dilemma and at the same time there seems to be occurring a reawakening or a renassaince. There are too many problems but the essence of the true atributes of Islam have vanished for the most part in the hearts of Muslims and thus we find ourselves making organizations and taking various scholars as our guides and different perspectives evolve. The true essence, once comes back in our hearts even if it is in little, will inshallah make the Ummah unite and unification will not occur until our Minor is given up for the Major. The essence/major is ALLAH/GOD/CREATOR and the Most Merciful has stated in a hadeeth Qudsi to Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) "I was a hidden treasure waiting to be known, so I created the creation in order to be known". It does not mean we fall into extremism but rather a middle, easy path according to our own levels cause' only GOD will decide who HE forgives and WHO HE has MERCY in the end, not ourselves, so we should appeal to the Almighty's Mercy. The Muslims in the past, once united under mercy, compassion and under great leaders found themselves in great empires in every scope, spiritual, economic, social... The taqwa hit their hearts and along came wisdom. May ALLAH give us and Our families good in the life and the hereafter.
Its a waste of ur time and energy.
You may say it some what worked in the case of Turkey. But not exactly.
On the other hand author undermines power of established systems / all together. That has nothing to do with islam. Unlike author the Republicans know better in this regard.
Taking away the power of mullahs as Romesh says is like taking away the power of mother and father in a family. This will be almost impossible.
I would suggest the world has to adapt itself to deal with muslims / islamic states. Not the other way round. Cause its 1 Billion people here.
I would suggest to better perform in this department (of dealing with islam) educate your nation accoringly, good start would be what is allowed and what is not allowed in islam, second what muslim likes and dislikes are. etc etc..
with your 200 years of trials and error, mostly errors
dont tell muslims what is good for them. or what kind of islam will work for both of us.
Answer me this question, "Where are the mullahs ruling the government of any country?"
SAUDI ARABIA is a kingdom in the service of USA, ruled by Saud family. The Saud family's Islam is not only local,e.g.,Wahabi, but also questionable.
IRAN is an Islamic republic that lost its initial verve and vehemence, headed toward an "Islamic Democracy" where the people will elect the body of governace and mullahs my friend are not first on their list of choice.
The rest of the so called Muslim countries are secular and dictatorial regimes that have an Islamic culture.
So mister "knows it all", what on earth are you talking about, dude?
Quran/Islam is the divine message revealed to Muhammed Bin Abdullah (PBUH) until the end of time. It's NOT something we cut & paste whenever or wherever we feel like or whenever it serves out purpose.
It's a revelation for all the times. Those who follow it & seek guidance from it they do get it. My question is; Were their any Sunni's, Wahabi's OR Shiite's (and many other groups present today) during Prophet's (PBUH) life time? We all know the answer. So where did the Muslims go wrong?
Unless, one reduces the role (and power) of Mullahs (ulemas), nothing is going to work; need to separate the role of mosque from the state -- an impossible situation in islam and muslim countries. Unfortunately, the author does not want this separation at all.
"Such is the tendency of weak minds: They judge the truth according to it's teachers instead of judging it's teachers by the standard of the truth." "Al-Ghazzali"
The early Caliphs were successful because they could make the necessary changes as the times changed.
Let me make clear: the priniciples of Islam are universal but their particulars and application are dependent on the context.
The Caliphs couldn't go from ruling the tribal, bedouin society of Arabia to ruling a vast empire without making changes, they had to adapt to the new realities using Islamic principles as their guides.
Islam prospered at this time due to the dynamism of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs.
The Ottoman empire, however, failed to adapt to the changing times from the 19th century onwards. As a result they were outdone economically, militarily, ideologically, and in a variety of other categories.
The Ottoman Empire failed to change and thus was defeated and destroyed. Those who don't change become history.
Bro Yahya, pointed out,how different it would eb if western country is transform iinto muslim country,rather than vice versa.
The author contradicts himself on some issues, he points outhow western capitalist idea fails in muslim land and with the same degree,he brings his own suggestion of overhauling muslim mercenaries with his west grown concepts. To voice the same opinion of one bro's comment " Idea of fine governemnts never in scarcity,only the fine governments are in scarce".
But By allah, who did not come up with his/her own understanding of islam,rather than obey and follow the islam brought by Prophet(pbuh).Islam doesnt need overhauling,nobody acheives enough knowledge to eradicate rules of islam. You may not perceive the relations of islamic law with current situation, but it would be need of hour in different situation. Allah's plans are better than human.
ofcourse, cultural bagging could be removed only when muslims realize they have to learn to submit their will to the will of allah.We cant hold opinon of ours so close to our heart, when allah and his prophet has spoken otherwise on the same issue. Pls for godsake, try to obey,rather than preach. if you are so desperate to preach, pls preach abt OBEYING TO ALLAH alone.
Is, encourages these kind of so called moderates to voice their opinion and get easy platform?! Bcoz i notice time to time there is article by some moderates. If they give us a reply like we are only being fair to all of them. I am yet to see the article by hardcore so called terrorists. Is management of this website listening?!
For example: is not the purpose of preventing my garments from dragging about on the ground primarily to prevent expressions of vanity? Therefore (by my reasoning) if I pay more for a pair of trousers than (let us say) a young man in Iraq would typically receive for the sale of a kidney (perhaps to start or support a family) I might as well leave my most expensive trousers not hemmed (to drag about on the ground) considering the way I should expect such purchases to effect me on the Last Day.
Assalamu alaikum.
--Yahya Bergum
The article is phenomenal and there is no disguising this fact at all. Others could pierce and bash Islam in any way or shape they desire until they truly study it and speak its language. How could anyone dare critique the religion of Islam while they are not making an effort in learning its language (Arabic)? I do take the credit away from all those who claim that they do know about Islam while they do not understand its very means of expression. How could any one critique the field of computer programming when he/she has never learned at least the basics of programming (codes, etc.). I agree with the author that the so called Muslims have gotten astray from Islam in every major way. We do know that the farther we stand away from it, the farther God will stay from us as Muslims. The Muslim World is indeed in dire shambles and the diverse cultures which exist within it make things worse. Most Muslims have forgotten that Islam transcends all sorts of barriers no matter what nationality or ethnic group one could belong to. The picture is as close as Iraq and the ethnic hatred which exists within its people; we have the Kurds hating the Arabs, the Turkmen hating the Kurds, The Sunnis at times do not get along with their Shiite brothers, etc. It is a shame on all of them to mistreat Islam the way they do. Obviously, the corrupt leaders have always added fuel to the fire so that they could stay in power, but they can rest assured that they will lose eventually. Saddam is one manifest example. We need the US to help us get rid of those corrupt regimes because that is the only way to have a prosperous Muslim World, one which is void of brainwashed extremists, obscurantism, ignorance, hate, despair, etc. I think it is time for us to stop sowing the wind (support those awful regimes); otherwise, the whirlwind will always cause us havoc and destruction. Let us not forget that when we "sow the wind, we end up reaping the whirlwind."
Peace be with you.
--Yahya Bergum
your article still takes some more time for our
so called aged islamic scholars , who for their own ends justify islam without any basis from our
written contitution 'THE QU RAN '.
we pray insh Allah our young scholars working hard
to break the traditional islam ,which is nothing to do with pure Islam.
i am doing research on comparative study on religions...
thank you for your time,
The Democratic society we hold in America has helped us advance and gives people from all backgrounds and ways of life a chance to reach for their dreams. I feel politics here has become far more capitalistic than previous years; however, I believe strongly in a government "by the people, for the people".
I would like to add, that I believe prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was one of the few religious leaders whose union of theology and state did not cause problems. In my humble opinion, it is probably because he respected the rights of others to their own unique views (specifically others "of the Book") BUT he was a prophet and a gift from Allah. I do not have as much faith in leaders of today. I am glad that the USA has a "separation of church and state"; it seems that interpretations can be used to oppress others in a governmental situation. At times, I have been very saddened to see Shariat IMPOSSED on others. True enough, as Muslims, we are to "encourage what is right and forbid what is wrong"... but what good is piousness if it is not from one's heart?? I am sure many will scoff at my opinions, after all, I am American born to a diverse.. non-Muslim family. I truelly respect those who follow the teachings of our Prophet (pbuh) and follow Sunnah. Thanks.-aisha
I recommend please read the book "Islam Under Siege ( Poility Press , U.K.) written by Prof Akbar Ahmed - Head of islamic Studies at American University , Washington D.C.
The article is good analysis of the of present the Muslim Ummat. The universal community of Muslims have no one to blame but themselves because we have strayed from the straight path and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him.
Secondly, we support corrupt leadership.
Finally, true representation of Muslim character and leadership is being offered by Imam W.D. Mohammed. Let us appreciate the value of this brother.
I will give an example. In the early stages of the second Palesetinian intifada, I happened to visit an internet site, which displayed some horrific photos of Israeli brutality and requested the reader to print the material and infrom others of what was taking place in Palestine. So I did and posted it on the mosque's bulletin board before the Juma prayer. After the prayer I found out that somebody had torn off the pictorial portion of the posting. Without the picture, the narrative had completely lost its relevance.
It so happens that there is a hadeeth that says something like, " Any dwelling that has pictures or dogs in it is not visited by angels".
As long as Muslims are ruled by superstition instead of the liberating spirit of Quran, they are condemned to remain backward worthy only of universal ridicule.