White Man's Burden: The Never-ending Saga
Take up the White Man's burden-- |
So, wrote Rudyard Kipling, the great champion of colonialism, nearly a century ago (The White Man's Burden by Rudyard Kipling, McClure's Magazine 12, Feb. 1899). |
For the last few centuries the West has been undertaking the missionary task of "educating" the natives of the colonial territories. She has pursued this objective rather brutishly without any sense of guilt or qualm. She is so sure of her particular role in history that she is ready to use whatever means that are necessary to meet her objectives. Remember what Jumo Kenyatta, the founding father of Kenya, had to say of the African experience vis-a-vis colonization of their land: "When the missionaries came to Africa we had land; they had the Bible. They asked us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them they had our land; we had the Bible." Yes, that is precisely what the Europeans did in Africa. Europe needed mineral resources for the dawning of its industrial age. Africa was recognized as a virgin continent with huge mineral resources, which could only be plundered if she was colonized. Belgian King Leopold put it bluntly: "We must obtain a slice of this magnificent African cake."
Along the sea-coast, from Misr (Egypt) in the north-east corner to Morocco in the west along the Mediterranean coast, to the Hausaland (in today's Nigeria) in the south - along the Atlantic coast, and from the Somaliland in the north-east corner to all the way down to the Mozambique (distorted form of Musa-bin-Baik), the people had been mostly Islamic, thanks to the Arab traders who had settled since the early days of Islam. Islam, much like it did in any other territories, had always allowed the indigenous people to retain their culture as long as it did not interfere with the very basic tenets of Islam.
To the European would-be invaders, the presence of Muslims among the African populace was an eyesore. In the European psychic, Islam has always been, especially since the early Crusades, looked down as an anti-thesis to Christianity. It was recognized as an obstacle towards the fulfillment of their dream to plunder and loot Asia and Africa, and to enslave her people. It reminded them of the Moorish or Arabized Muslims in Andalusia (Spain), which had been cleansed [by then] of any Islamic influence. To prepare the ground for invasion and subsequent colonization, first came the propaganda about ridding the black Africans of "slavery" from the Arabs, and then came the muscle - the weapons. It was a "White man's burden" to "civilize" the so-called "uncivilized", "savage", "Negroes!" Within a few years, the entire Africa was colonized by the Europeans, and her mineral resources looted out to Europe and her people put into chains to work in the white-men's plantations in the new colonies in the Americas. Joseph Conrad, commenting a century ago on King Leopold's conduct in Congo, called it "the vilest scramble for loot that ever disfigured the history of human conscience." {Ref: Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness} [Much credit for developing the infrastructure for the highly industrialized and technologically advanced society in the West is due to the looting of Africa (and other non-European territories) and labor of these slaves and their descendants. The Western society is indebted to them. {Ref: Prof. Ali Mazrui, The Africans, a PBS Documentary, USA}]
While slavery as an institution had always existed in some form or other, it was only during this African Diaspora that the world saw how terrible, cruel, ugly and brutal slavery could be.1 The enslaved Africans lost more than their land, property and personal freedom. Their entire institution of family was uprooted: husbands separated from wives, parents from children, and siblings from each other. Foods considered foul and forbidden were forced on the slaves. Worst still, the black people, enslaved or not, were considered to be devoid of "souls." They needed to be Christianized to save their "souls." This task was left to the Christian missionaries who sealed the fate of Africa, esp. in the sub-Sahara region, by providing the extra logistics, which the European colonizers required. {Ref: Barbara Kingsolver, The Poisonwood Bible} One of the colonizers, Cecil Rhodes, the founding father of Rhodesia, even devised a cunning scheme that included taxing the natives to live and work in their native lands. [It is no wonder that the father of modern Zionism, Theodor Herzl, would seek the approval of his plan for a Jewish homeland from none other than Cecil Rhodes, the master planner and implementer of African colonization! {Ref: Diary of Theodor Herzl}] In the Muslim majority areas, mostly to the north, while Christian missionary tactics did not succeed, harsh colonization was able to destroy most of the centuries-old Islamic institutions. The transformation was so complete that in the post-colonial era it has become impossible for these nations to find an alternative solution to any problem outside the sphere of influence of these former colonizers.
Overall, by the time the European colonizers left, new maps were redrawn which on one side segregated people who had earlier lived together for centuries and on the other side forcibly joined ethnic groups who had not lived together. Much of the discords and tensions in Africa (and Asia), now ravaging the continent, are due to the creation of these artificial boundaries by the former colonizers. The worst victim of such a redrawn map is the Kurdish people, a people that produced the great Islamic hero - Sultan Salahuddin Ayyoubi - who liberated Jerusalem in 1187 from the Christian Crusaders. [When in 1099 al-Quds, the holy city of Jerusalem, fell to the Crusaders, tens of thousands of innocent Muslim men, women and children were mercilessly massacred, much in common with today's ethnic cleansing operation against the Balkan Muslims by the Serbian Christians. {Ref: Anthony Nutting, The Arabs}] The Christian hatred for Salahuddin was so great that the former European colonizers divided the Kurdish people into four segments - in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey - thus, sealing their fate to never ever become a single nation. The Kurdish problem remains a stumbling block to any real, lasting peace in the region. During the First World War, when the Ottoman Empire crumbled to the European invaders, the British General Allenby landed near the grave of Salahuddin and said, "Saladin, today the Crusade has ended." What is so grotesque about his remark is that to him [and possibly, the Europeans] the Crusade never seemed to have ended in the middle ages when Muslims finally were able to reclaim Jerusalem. To him it could only have ended with the Christian re-conquest of the territory, which ignores the demographic reality that the vast majority of the people in that territory were Muslims and not Christians. So much so for crying out for democracy and human rights!
The British colonizers helped in the settlement of European Jews into Palestine soon after the infamous Balfour Declaration. This Declaration ignored the fact that more than 90% of the population in that territory were Muslims and that Jews owned less than 3% of the territory. Notwithstanding that half the territory was given to the Jews by the western superpowers (including the USSR), thus dispossessing millions of Palestinians from their ancestral homes and properties, while relocating European Jewry into the occupied territory. In the 1967 Arab-Israel war, Israel annexed the other half of Palestine. Thanks to superior arms provided by western nations to Israel. In reality, since its very inception, Israel has always remained a rampart of the West, much in common with the intention of the founding father of modern Zionism. {Ref: Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State} The US replaced Britain as Israel's greatest benefactor. Then came the Kissinger era with his notorious doctrine that barred any negotiation with the dispossessed Palestinians. The latter's crime - terrorism! Well, if fighting for self-determination is terrorism, then one can argue that the US had shown the way in her struggle for independence from Great Britain. Since occupying the West Bank, Israel has been guilty of destroying Palestinian properties and constructing one settlement after another, ignoring all the UN Resolutions, which explicitly bars such. But when she has a powerful friend in the US - with a veto power in the UN Security Council - there is no fear of ever being punished by the world body! Instead, the US grant for the Jewish state has been steadily increasing!
On January 31, 1970, Bertrand Russell said, "Traditionally, the imperial power wishes to consolidate its authority with the least difficulty by appealing to 'reason' and 'negotiations' what it has taken already by violence. Every new conquest becomes the new basis of the proposed negotiation from strength, which ignores the injustice of the previous aggression. Every experience is an experiment to discover how much more aggression the world will tolerate." Israel obviously has perfected the art of negotiating from a position of strength. The West, through her support of this rogue state, has epitomized the art of double standard!
Remember the American Indians how they were virtually wiped out of the Americas - their ancestral homes - by the European newcomers! The simple-minded American Indians' only crime was to honor their guests into their homeland. A short story is sufficient to tell the sad saga of this unfortunate people. A white American of European descent once taunted an American Indian by saying, "O Indian, what do you have to say, how we wiped you out?" The Indian did not reply. The white man taunted him again saying: "You must feel awful, how we took your land, killed your men, raped your women, brought pox, syphilis and gonorrhea to your people, burned your villages, took your cattle and crops." Still, the Indian remained unperturbed. This calmness of the Indian further infuriated the white man, who went on to saying, "How come you don't say anything? We must have done something that should make you feel angry?" This time the Indian opened his mouth, saying, "White man, you know: none of what you said really makes me feel bad, sad or angry. Yes, you are right. You have wiped us out, you stole our lands, you destroyed our homes, and you raped our women and brought deadly diseases to our people. You have done all the unthinkable crimes anyone can imagine. It does not hurt me any more. What truly hurts my people and me is that despite all these crimes you have committed against my people, we are considered savages and you the "civilized" people. That truly hurts me the most!"
Remember the [English] East Indian Company, how the Muslim rulers of India gave them duty-free land for trade and commerce, how the Company dishonored that trust by bringing in weapons to colonize our people? Bengal succumbed to these English pirates in 1757 in the Battle of Plassey. Outside the Americas, this single event is recognized as the greatest event in the annals of English colonization. East Bengal was famous for her ultra-fine, delicately woven cotton fabric - Muslin. England could ill-afford to have any competition for her mediocre and struggling textile market. The colonizers, to ensure that this technology is never transferred to later generations of Bengalis, thus, chopped off hands of the skilled weavers [of Bengal]. What a cunning and savage ploy! Former nobles were made beggars and the ruled made barons. Peasants were forced into planting indigo, instead of rice and jute, to support the British textile industry. Many died as a result of famine. Those who rebelled were killed, their houses and crops burned.
With the failure of the so-called Sepoy Mutiny (Indian First War of Independence) in 1857, led by Muslims, Britain effectively colonized the entire India. Muslims were most severely treated in a Draconian measure. The British wrath did not neglect independence-seeking members from other religious communities. Even peaceful meetings and gatherings for independence were most brutally dealt with. The cold-blooded murder of 400 Indians on the 13th April, 1919 who had gathered at Jalianwala Bagh is an example showing how savage the English colonizers were in their treatment of the native Indians. 2 All the precious jewelry in the treasure of the Mughal emperor was stolen to England, including the Kohinoor, now dazzling the crown of the English Monarch.
As if these measures were not enough, a new history of India was written by pseudo-historians, some English and others - Hindu puppeteers, whose sole aim was to implement the colonial master's policy of "divide and rule" by planting the seed of permanent hatred and animosity between the majority - Hindus and the minority - Muslims. Hindus were told that they were better off under the new rulers. {Ref: M.H. Elliott, Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Mohammedan India, Calcutta (1849)} A new breed of Hindu fanatics was bred whose hatred for anything Islamic was insurmountable. To this date, much of the problems challenging India's pluralism are due to these Hindu fanatics. In recent years, the case of destruction of the Ayodhya Mosque is a glaring example of how the ludicrous, unsupported writings of a pseudo-historian like M.H. Elliott would be used later by the Hindu fanatics to destroy this historical mosque. {Ref: Dr. Ram S. Sharma, Communal History and Ram's Ayodhya (1992)}
It would not be an exaggeration if I were to state that, of all the various European [Christian] colonizers, the English were the worst in their treatment of Muslims. Their hatred and animosity toward Muslims simply do not have a parallel. Even when they had to leave India, they made sure that Muslims only got a moth-eaten Pakistan, minus Kashmir, minus Calcutta, with borders that could not be protected [against any Indian invasion plan] and with economy that could not be sustained. The Radcliff Award was so biased in favor of Hindu India that only a trip along the Bangladeshi border is sufficient to see its unfairness. It is, therefore, no wonder that while the glory days of the British Empire are a distant memory, we are still haunted both by their ghosts and living descendants. The British reluctance to take actions against the marauding and savage Serbian Christians, and collusion with the US to punish Iraq are two of the latest examples in this regard.
When the late Mahatma Gandhi was calling for independence of India, he was once invited to plead his case in England. On one occasion, an English reporter asked him as to how he felt about the European Civilization. He sarcastically remarked, "What! European Civilization? I don't know if they had any." What the Mahatma meant was Europe had not, by then (in the early part of this century), evolved into a genuine civilization. If she had, she would not be committing the kind of brutality and savagery for more than a century in the colonized territories of Asia and Africa. What was true during Gandhi's time, obviously, has not changed much, only that colonization has been replaced by neo-colonization! The western nations still have not taken that quantum leap necessary towards a genuine civilization.
Truly, the West has neither a high moral ground to stand on, nor to accuse Muslims of terrorism. Through her very actions, past and present, she has proven her blameworthiness. No matter how she wants to portray her current role in the Muslim world, as one of fairness, actions do speak louder and show her innate enmity against Islam and what it stands for. She is guilty of religious bigotry, in the least. Her bloody hands are behind the genocide and massacre of Muslims in the three continents - Asia, Africa and Europe. The US, in particular, has been the greatest sponsor of 'state terrorism' in the last half of the 20th century.
The trouble with us, the Muslims, is that we never seem willing directly to engage the US and her western partners morally and intellectually in ways that highlight their crimes against us. There is such a dismal ignorance of them that exists in our part of the globe - an ignorance painfully disconnected to the system of western exploitation and its organized cruelties against the non-white peoples of this globe - makes us prey to the illusion that America is the only arbiter, the last superpower, the power with the greatest chance of giving us what is genuinely our due. At the core of our difficulty is the regrettable disunity that divides us, where our rulers, behaving as puppets, robots or circus clowns, think only in terms of the narrowest interest and no concern is given to the ways in which we are used against each other, robbed, traduced, punished and manipulated.
The entire Muslim nation, from Indonesia in the east to Kosovo and Senegal in the west, is bleeding. Something has obviously gone wrong with Muslims. Instead of becoming guides to a dying humanity we have become myopic followers. In the end, we have become our worst nightmares. We simply cannot agonize over memories of past glory. We develop our consumer instincts more than we do our scientific and cultural talent, and we manifest so widespread a degree of incompetence and helplessness with our endlessly proclaimed summits that we cannot even take ourselves seriously. That is a sad reality! We need to reevaluate our purpose in this life and rethink our role in history.
The West needs to be confronted in detail, not with brave or empty slogans and purchase of more new weapons from it. Its hypocritical, double-standard policies have to be exposed, its irrational positions disallowed and unaccepted. It should be pointed out that peace without justice is only an illusion. Peace cannot be attained through uneven-handed policies and goals that further victimize the victims and reward the culprits.
1. Slavery existed in the African states, and it was used by Europeans to justify their own colonization and slave trade. But the "slaves" of Africa were more like the serfs of Europe - in other words, like most of the population of Europe. But an African slave, e.g., in the Ashanti Kingdom of West Africa, had the right to marry, own property; own slaves, and ultimately become heir to his master. An Ashanti slave, nine cases out of ten, possibly became an adopted member of the family, and in time his descendants so merged and intermarried with the owner's kinsmen that only a few would know their origin. (Howard Zinn, A people's history of the United States, HarperCollins, N.Y., p. 27)
2. General Dyer was responsible for the murder.
Dr. Habib Siddiqui lives in suburban Philadelphia, PA, and is the author of the book Islamic Wisdom. He can be reached at [email protected]
Related Suggestions
I really don't know where you got Mosque of Latter Day Prophets from, but I can tell you I have no clue what in the world your talking about, or what you wrote means.
I don't know what the Mosque of Latter Day Prophets is, please enlighten me on that.
If you're trying to make fun of my response with your weird version of Church of Latter Day Saints...just wanted to tell you it wasn't funny...actually it was pretty lame man, work on your comedy. Peace.
Also, according to a federal court case from the Continental Congress, the Cherokee Blackfoot American Muslims help to create the U.S. Constitution, and these documents are available in the National Archives and in the Library of Congress.
And note this, almost all of tribes in their vocabulary's include the name, Allah.
The dress code for Indian women was the kimah, and long dress. Men wore turbans and long tops which came down to cover the knees. Look at some of the old pictures of Cherokee Natives, up until the year 1832, you'll see men wearing turbans and women wearing long head coverings. The very last Cherokee Chief who had a Muslim name was Ramadhan ibn Wati in 1866.
You now what Tallahassee means? It means that He, Allah, will deliver you sometime in the future, in Arabic, and as well for the Cherokee people.
To go back all the way...a Chinese document called the Sung Document, records the voyage of Chinese Muslim sailor, Zheng He, to a land called Mu-Lan-Pi (America) in 1178 A.D.. Mention of this document is in the publication, The Khotan Amiers, 1933.
African Muslims (Mandinga) arrived in the Gulf of Mexico in 1310, to explore America using the Mississippi River as their access route. Theyse Muslims were from Mali and oher parts of West Africa.
A man called Pri Ries completes his first world map, including the Americas, after research maps from all over the world. The accuracy of his map was beyond any maps before it.
The Iranians (along with the Indians and Afghanis) are indeed Indo-European. Their languages are related to English, Russian, etc. (interestingly, Hungarian and Finnish are non-Indo-European, and are Ural-Altaic, more closely related to Korean and Chinese).
The name Esther, however, is Semitic, and Middle-Eastern in origin, it is cognate with ancient Goddess names of the region such as Astarte and Ishtar.
As a side note, Akbar Khan, you may be interested to know that the Greeks referred to Japheth as Iapetus, and there is some interesting material on this matter in books by Robert Graves. Thanks for explaining the Gog/Magog thing, I've wondered about it for quite some time.
Now if you want to spread the peace and love of Christianity, then by all means, but I do not think you likewise will not achieve much by talking the way you did, and a good thing the editors removed his comment after br. Hudd D'Alhamd brought it to their attention to remove your obscene commment.
As far as my comment goes, it addresses the masses of people who are of caucasian ancestry, who demean, and look at those of varying ethnic backgrounds who do not fit into the model of being "black" or "white" especially in the United States, are automatically side stepped and called a stupid term like "visible minority." Now what does that make everyone else, invisible majority, as if they are normal and everyone else are freaks or something? When I said that people do not know their own history, is that in the bible, I ask you, do Christians of caucasian ancestry know their origins? I for one know my origins, they rae from Khurasaan, Isfahan, and Al-Hind. I am sure you can go and find out where and what those regions are and what they represent. My point being, when I said that I have a good friend from Kashmir who is so fair in skin colour that he is more fair than a caucasian, I am trying to tell you that humanity has one origin, and take for television for examlpe. When you watch a daytime or evening sitcom, why are all south asian people cab drivers, of Apu's on Seinfeld, or something like that. Why are Russians so commonly depicted as being Communist who are strange or alien to American society? I am trying to make a point - there is more to American society than just people who can be "black or white." Thank Allah I live in Canada, and do not need to be streamlined into such a melting pot society where I will eb looked at like an outsider if I am different, especially in my views or beliefs. Wassalaam.
Any Muslims out there that actually like white folks? Do you actually know any for real? You know Edison, Bell, etc., were white and benefited a lot of humanity. Living back in the 15th century wasn't all that great folks -- come on into the 21st century and give up that terrible chip on your shoulder. I see the guy who wrote the article enjoys living in "Suburban Philadelphia". Probably uses a computer, the internet, and all sorts of stuff created by white people -- white folks that didn't kill or enslave anybody.
"If people studied or took the time to discover human history, we wouldn't see the world in just black and white, but everything else in between is disregarded and given no attention. I find that pretty offensive, Sirius. Think about that and ask yourself if you're really "white!"
Do you mean you think I see world black and white? If that means B&W thinking that's something I hate very much. I do know there are sliding colours between peoples of the world. If you were offended because I used word "white" it's okay with me to use word caucasian instead. Using word white is something very common, and most people don't get offended with it. I quess you should be offended by dr. Siddiqui too, because the title was "White mans burden".
Anyway, the point is that we all know well to whom (despite of which word used) Hudd addressed his insult. And racist that offence was.
What this means is, to do away with the elements in your culture which go against Allah's commands, and more importantly, to KEEP those elements of your culture and your cultural institutions which are within the limits of Islam, and do NOT go against Islamic values.
Again, our Muhammad (SAAW), was referred to as a walking Qur'an, because he prescribed by the ways of the Qur'an in his actions, character, dealings, etc. etc., perfectly, and this is why Muslims see him as the model to follow. Muhammad (SAAW), also said, woe to those who made things rigid. Before the collapse of the Ottoman leadership in the world for Muslims, Shariah varied from place to place, and was not stagnant and rigid. This is because Shariah literally means way, and to my understanding, is likened to a stream of flowing water. Ever since Islamic leadership was dismantled, interpretations of Islam by a group from the Najd (East Arabia), have stigmatized the natural development of Shariah, and financed it with their oil wealth. These "kings" in Arabia were put there by the British, and are still British agents who assist now the, America and it's leadership under Bush and his associates, to perpetually plunge Muslims into a deep abyss of misguidance and rigidity.
Now if I am not mistaken, that is not only racist, but anti-Islam, targeting Muslims of various backgrounds as somehow being outside the realm of American society, meanwhile there are 7-8 million Muslims in the USA!
You talk about Muslims calling you names and so on...have you ever looked at your own words?
If you want to accuse Hudd D'Alhamd of being a racist, then maybe you should consider doing away with your racist tendencies first. I would also suggest you to take a look at what millions of your fellow non-Muslim Americans say about Muslims, day in and day out. In that sense, Muslim Americans are different from those Americans.
I disagree with br. Hudd D'Alhamd's comment about this so-called whiteman as being highly intelligent, because that is somethign determined on an individual basis...
I do not believe there is such a person who is a "white man," or woman for that matter.
Caucasian is a better word to represent those of pale colour, since their ancestors the world round came from the Caucasuses Mountains between two mountain passes that sit between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Some went to Europe, some travelled to the far East, and some settled in Al-Hind, Afghanistan, present day Iran, and then there were some of these "caucasians" who remained between these two mountain passes called the Caucasus Mountains, known also as Khazaria. These people, I believe, were Gog and Magog or, Yajuj wa' Majuj. Interesting to note that the Kingdom of Khazaria later converted to Judaism, and are NOT ethnically Jewish. One should realize...in Germany, a Jew of Khazarian ethnicity, is called a Ketzar...so how many of the Jews in Germany were Sephardic Jews/Ethnic Jews?
I conclude that therefore, Anti-Semitism against Jews of Khazarian ancestry is therefore impossible.
MAASHALLAH, Very well written and researched. Please keep up your work as we need to know the truth from falsehood which has been bombarded onto us day and night everyday. I am sick of hearing their lies. It's time to expose the truth, no matter how harsh it may seem to the so-called "civilized people." As Prophet Muhammad (May Allah's Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) said, that "I will never renounce even if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left," so please keep up this work. May Allah help you and Guide you further, inshallah.
Salamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatahu
If you are a Christian, Jew, of Muslim, you will know that the songs of Prophet Noah (as), were Shem, Kham, and Japheth. From his three sons, after the flood, the world was populated by their offspring. In general description, if you study a little, you will find that the offspring of Japheth settled in the land known today as the Causacusus mountains, between two mountain passes that sit between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, in a place where there was murky water, and this is also described in the Holy Qur'an. A lot of Muslims have written books about this, and that Japheth's grandson's uncle's name, was Magog. Now I am not saying this is where Gog and Magog (Yajuj wa' Majuj) originally came from, and subsequently spread around the Earth to spread corruption, but it is a possibility. This whole story and name of Magog as Japheth's grandson's uncle's name, is confirmed in the Bible as well. Now these people thus gained the name Caucasians because they were from the Caucasus mountains. There were more ppl who descended from Japheth, Turkish ethinicities, and Oriental ethinicities, along with the Caucasians who still reside in Russia (the name in the bible is given as the people of Rosh).
I have a good friend from Kashmir who has a "whiter" or just as "white" complexion than a French or British, German or Russian person!
If people studied or took the time to discover human history, we wouldn't see the world in just black and white, but everything else in between is disregarded and given no attention. I find that pretty offensive, Sirius. Think about that and ask yourself if you're really "white!"
article. It seems that most Muslims especially those
who have been colonized and have succumed to
western values and have forgotten the history in which
the West have gained power over the world. They feel
defeated, and have succomed to the old phase "If you
can't beat them join them. I that this article can circulate
to more Muslims Insha-Allah to wake them up form their
deep sleep. May Allah reward you for your efforts.
I strongly recommend you read the following:
Road to Makka by Mohammed Asad
Islam at the Crossroads by Mohammed Asad.
You will gain considerable insight into many matters pertaining to Islam and Muslims, and you would be glad that you read it.
I respect your enthusiasm and fighting spirit; unfortunately, I differ from the method you adopted in replying to Peter, Paul, Nicholas, etc.. the tone and foul language that is oozing out of your prolific passages are outside the Islamic recommendations - please read prophet's advices authentically recorded in the Hadith collection..read Quranic passages, where Allah(SWT) commands the Muslims to deal with people of the book in the best of manners and with wisdom..
I understand you are of Palestinian origin and, therefore, your anger; you have legitimate right to be angry for what the Brits, Isrealis and Americans have done to your people; as a Muslim, I too am angry about it. Islam rightly has given rights to fight back in selfdefence, but there are guidelines to follow. In Islam, end doesn't justify any means, even in the worst of our conditions.
It is true that west has done unspeakable atrocities against the eastern people, in particular against Muslims. But, accusing the community of "whiteman" as a whole is consummate ignorance of psychological and sociological process of "making of a human being". Islam differs from most of the Christian understanding of God (except that of Unitarian Christians), but Muslims share many of the underlying human vaues with Christainity. Accusing the whole christianity for the erroneous behavior of some priests, even if they form a sizeable proportion, is stereotyping. I have come across many Christians whose character reflects what our Prophet has advised us to inculcate, and I pray that May God ALmighty guide them to the right path.
Christianity has erroeneous priests, and Islam has many half baked scholars; there are many Tomothy McVeighs among Christians so is there are many Bin Ladens among Muslims; Just like west has their oppressors (Cheneys, Wolfies, Rummies..), east had their oppressors (Saddam, many ME dictators,...)
Let us have civility and humility in our discussions.
I would like the WOrld to know that I get hurt when my past gets analyzed thread by thread, fiber optics by fiber optics, in order to paint the true picture of my people (the WHITES) and of myself (a resident of Caucus Mountain), not Tora Bora. I neither smell like a goat nor that of a Camel nor have I come from a desert, although I speak and write broken English.
I am NOT responsible for what my grandparents did 300 yrs ago in Africa and in America to the Blacks.
The Whites are saviors of the world today. We engaged in Space race (go to Moon and Mars) for controlling worldy resources (Know who Ronald Wilson Regan is?) We just gave freedom to 50 million people in Afganhistan and Iraq. Of course, every action must be returned/nourished with a reaction, in this case, cheap oil. See! How humanitarian we are! That's us - the Europeans and Americans! That's whom we will be generation after generation. That's our style and no one is going to break our style! unless a few dirty bombs dirt our 5 big cities.
Remember! the past behavior has no connection with present....although there is a real possibility the MOZLEMS may be put in concentration who refuse to become our PUPPETS AND PROXIES since we put the Japs in [ ] camps.
Thank you! Have Fun! Drink Moderately! Engage in accident moderately while sober! Committ Adultery Moderately while drunk, but dress modernly! Show off! Because We r a FREEDOM and self-expression loving people. So help us Jesus! In God We Trust! Hella--Lulia-o-ae-oa...Hel-al-Ola!
Peter, save me of your ignorance on any level and discipline, I am disinclined to acquiesce in your impudicity. As such, I hereby state that I extremely loath you and do not want any of your impertinent remarks thrown at me or the members of my family. Keep your mental garbage within your own scull and seal it because it stinks like hell!
Peace out, amigo!
And one on Arab colonialism (yes I know this site has an agenda and is bigoted, but do we cover our eyes and still point the finger)
Peace to all.
1. when I say 'ancestors' I mean the ruling elite who ruled over the plebeian masses ... we were not a democracy in those times (My great grandmother remembered the times when she excluded from voting. Unbelievable but true.)
2. White is a lighter shade of black, more pink / beige in colour, rather than white).
Peace to all.
Thank You.
rhetoric is. Just always keep in mind: how did muslims "colonize"
or rather convinced ohter folks of their ideas and art of life. And
then see how europeans did it. europeans shed in one war
nearly as much blood as muslim invaders did in the whole world
for the last 1400 years.
I am surprised after reading your posts to see you speakng in such a tone to Nicholas Gray. I don't think he is wily, he's just a young man (probably in college) who is here trying to reach out to you and members of your faith. This article that you love bewails the intolerance of the West, yet here you have responded in kind. How is Nicholas Gray to see the value in Islam if you reproach him so? Did you not comment earlier on your son dating a Gujurati woman?It is not for you to judge the worth or value of another, but for God alone, and profanity does not underline your sentiment, but makes it all the more offensive.
I applaud that your son is proud of who he is. Here in America I have known many Iranians that instead call themselves "Persians" so they do not suffer prejudice, this is wrong, they should be proud of their wonderful culture and history.
Again, I have had not a few friends who are Arab/Lebanese, who say now that they are Phoenician rather than Arab; this too, is a cause of concern.
I have felt too often the sting of prejudice, and empathize deeply with those who suffer the same in kind, but there's a way to go about redressing it, man, and violence and angry rhetoric will not work. Education and the spread of knowledge and wisdom is what will ultimately end this.
What is more, Christianity is most certainly not a mockery. The Church is against gay marriage, abortion, divorce and the evils of the West that are decried by the Dar Al-Islam. Did you know that the Pope has spoken out strongly against the American presence in Iraq? And as far as pedophiles go, there are far fewer of those than there are terrorists; no such a one acts thus in the name of Catholicism , there are no Catholic camps of terror and murder, but only voices of peace and moderation (as befits the religion of love). As I said before, we build hospitals and schools. Please, do not attack those who do not attack you.
You continue with North Africa and ME being Christian? Don't ever mention that you are of Native American origin, shame on you, Peter! Shame on you! North Africa belongs to the African people and Middle East belongs to the Arabs. Christianity was brought to these places the same way it was brought to the Americas! If you had a little bit of decency in you, you would have disassociated yourself from the killer of your people. What would, Montezuma,Atahualpa,Manco,Geronimo,Sitting Bull,Seattle,Pontiac,Tecumseh, say to you, you wrotten punk, no-good whiteman's butt-kisser!? These people are not my ancestry, but I respect their struggle like my own! I hold them in high esteem, that no pedophile,gay-priest of the white klan could ever inspire me more than to vomit in disgust! You pathetic little creep, people like you would be the first to prove themselves to a sodomizing government and go off to remote countries to bomb a people they never met or know. Unsatiated barbarians.
Muhammad,pbuh, said to the Muslims,'if you enter the lands of far away people, do not reject everything different they might have and that you are not used to it. If it is good and halal(islamicly lawfull) and to your likeness, accept it, because likewise you enrich your heritage & broaden your tolerance.' Savvy?
Plus, I seem to recall that all of North Africa and the Middle East was Christian until it was conquered and colonized by Arabs(yeah that's right, colonized, those places also spoke Latin)-but I guess that's okay, becase they're Muslim (I'm being sarcastic).
Africa has many places that are and have always been Christian (Ethiopia for one), and much of what you say describes politics and economics from over 100 years ago. Oh and thanks for telling us that you guys practised "nice slavery" (uh, I guess that's what's going on in the Sudan?) as opposed to "mean slavery".
Muslims must fight with their brains too as Dr. Siddiqui has said.
Will Muslims ever learn? Not until I sadly believe there is a major catastrophie that befalls us.
Let me suggest a name, Dr Jamal Badawi and his ICNA? But the man is very soft. Subhanallah. May be Hamza Yusuf? or Who? Whoever, whatever something should start now! Check this out everyone:
Well done Dr Habib Siddiqui for not being afraid of speaking and writing the truth, and carry on with the good work!
As you already know, being a Muslim, that our prophet pbuh, brought this message of Islam to the worlod at large, for all nations and all creeds. It is not exclusive to any race or geographical boundaries.
As for your father saying that: "If you went to muslim country, do you think they would accept you?!"
Whilst i pray that most will receive you with open arm, as a Muslim myslef, I would welcome you with an open arm and perhaps accord you more respect than my own, because I would look upon you as a special person. There are those of us who are bron into Islam and there are those who have acquired through their own wisdom and they have a special place in my heart.
It is my inner feeeling that Islam will actually be saved by Westerners. By that I also mean those of us who have chosen to live in the West and/or bron in the West. I have a feeling that they will show us what Islam truly is. That is not to say that there are not many from amongst Muslim countries who do not know what Islam is but as this article clearly states, those Muslims who live in the West will be in a better position to acquanit their fellow Westerners with Islam. We in the East have not much solidarity to form a collective power, a unity. We are yet to learn what Allah means by Unity. It is a concept to most of us which is yet to translate into reality or action. Bless all of you. and peace be upon us all.
In addition to arming ourselves to the teeth - yes arming ourselves -because as one brother wrote beofe me - this is the only way - no one dares attack a strong person. Provided our army is central, united and works mostly to defend ALL Islamic countries and NOT an offensive force.
In addition to this, we must use the immense economic power that God has given us. namely oil. All ISlamic countries must coin one common currency. This currency should be the cuurency of ALL our trade. Every barrel of oil sold must be traded for and Islamic Dinar. You will then witness how they will all fall on their faces without a bullet being fired.
Economic power is indeed the ultimate power yet all Saudi could do is pump more oil to quell the insatiable Western thirst for their SUV's. No one has yet said: Why not cut back demand? That is not an option for an all-consumer society that we are also fast becoming.
No wonder Allah has abandoned us because we have plundered the wealth that HE has bestowed upon us and we have lost the UNITY that Allah preaches in almost every page of the Quran.
Peace be upon all.
Killing civilian non-combatants in violation of Islamic rules of war, is dishonorable and misguided. It is similar to the actions of a cornered animal that strikes out blindly. The young men who are doing this are frustrated and lacking in guidance. I plead to the muslim intellectuals to please stop playing like apologists to the west and start showing the light that will lead us out of this darkness.
Jazakumullah Khair,
My Allah reward you for your oustanding work!
What we need is to be Self-Sufficient from the West. Right now most of our food in the Middle-East is Imported. Big problem: Putting our daily needs in the hands of others.
If you ask me, the biggest enemies to Islam is corrupt Muslims, in other words US. We need to get back to our religion. Everything else will follow. Allah promised us Victory if we obey his Messenger.
Also to the line:
"The West needs to be confronted in detail, not with brave or empty slogans and purchase of more new weapons from it."
We do not even buy the latest weapons. Israel get the high-tech stuff, with the built in "system", we get the left-overs.
This is a brilliant article which very clearly defines what the west always tries to cover up. Namely, the brutal genocide of all the different cultures and people the world over by the European continent and their offshoots, America and Australia.
Chomsky is in one of his books says that Gengis Khan would have been a proud holder of the green card if he had been alive today. He would have been proud to be a citizen of a country who have killed more people that any other nation in history.
Hopefully, we muslims will realize how we have suffered and have been made to suffer throughout history and will do something to stop this.
Keep on writing Mr. Siddiqui.
really good article but .. there's one thing I find unfair in it - seems like the auther portraits Islam as a privilege of asian and african people only. I'm european,converted muslim and this article made me think of words of my father - "If you went to muslim country, do you think they would accept you?!"
About the pre-Columbian Muslims in America and names left by them in the local geography I can recommend you, Dr Youssef Mroueh in Pickering, ON, Tel:905-428-9333, he wrote an article on the subject and he has an extended research done, he is the best man to help you with this endeavour. There are quite a number of places in ON. Medina is a town on hwy 19 north toward the town of St Marys, between Woodstock & London. But there are dozens more, Alcona=al-qunah,the red people;Remi=Rami,Archer;Sultan=Ruler; Saquin=Tranquil;Quimet=Summit,Top; Nezah=Watering place;Sharbot(lake)=Drinking waters,etc. If you want I could give the locations but any map would do. They are all on the map, easily located either on an ON map or the yellow map book. This is not something to be proven: IT IS PROVEN. Call the Doctor, he will enlighten you, no doubt.
As-Salamu Alaykoom!
West does not, will not and has not in the past listen to reason. They only understand the language of power. Sallah Uddin proved that. Muslims must arm themselves with their own technology and weapons to be able to take the war to the west. Until then opression will not end.
lollll.....that was a good one bro, and SO TRUE!
I wanted to ask you following up to our discussion in another article... I've known about Muslims travelling to the Americas before Columbus for a few years now, and also I read up on a lot of natives in Tallahassee which I believe is in Florida, and how the Natives there have reverted back to Islam because their ancestors were Muslims. Also read about some Iroqois who still wear turbans like Muslims do. I actually knew for quite a while now, about Spanish, African, Turkish, Chinese Muslims travelling to the Americas way before Columbus was even born, and intermixing with the natives - But when you told me there were lakes or rivers called medina or Mekka in Ontario I was shocked I couldn't believe it, because that is so up North....and just recently I learned of Muslims going all over the USA and parts of Canada!! This is so shocking. But abou the lakes or rivers called Medina or Mekka I still can't find this I was wondering if you could help me out, Jazak-Allah!
We as humans need to examine history with a critical eye, to learn and not make the same mistakes as our ancestors. We as Muslims especially need to do the same with Arabic history. Maybe you will find Western and Arabic colonialism share many similar traits.
We as Muslims need to understand our religion in context to where and when it was revealed and adapt it to our current environment. Not to do so would lead to stagnation and arrogance to our neighbours.
Islam is not exclusive to a race of people, a language nor to a specific locality. I'm proud to be a Muslim White Westerner.
Peace to you all.
Peace out folks and have a nice weekend!