Letter to Beloved Prophet (PBUH)

Dearest and Beloved Prophet,
I bear witness that there is no god except Allah and that you are His last Messenger and Prophet.
I have wanted to write to you since your message reached me over ten years ago, but I did not know that this was even possible. There are so many things I wanted to tell you.
Dearest beloved Prophet. May Allah, the All-Merciful, shower you with endless blessings and peace.
Whenever I look at the sun, I am reminded of our most merciful Creator and of you. Because you brought the light of Islam. With your message, you brought us from darkness into the light. Making you the sun of my life, Allah took me out of layers and layers of darkness.
Dearest beloved Prophet. May Allah raise you to the most honorable position.
Whenever I look at the moon, I am reminded of our most loving Creator and of you. You are the glowing hope in the darkness that still surrounds me sometimes. You are the cooling calmness of my unsteady soul. Whenever I look at the moon, I am reminded of Allah’s miracle He gave to You. The splitting of the moon in your homeland - desert. Bringing complete conviction to some.
Oh Allah, because of your most beloved slave, protect our belief and grant us a good death.
I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is His last and final Messenger.
Dearest beloved Prophet. May Allah bestow perfect blessings and peace upon you.
Whenever I witness Allah sending rain to earth, I am reminded of our most merciful Creator, who created the heaven and the earth and everything in between. And I am reminded of you, oh my Prophet.
Your message is the rain on my soul.
Your words are the rain on my heart.
Your words are the rain on my mind.
The rain of your words cleanses me.
The rain of your words refreshes me.
The rain of your words motivates me.
I bear witness that there is nothing worth of worship except Allah and that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is His final Messenger.
Dearest beloved Prophet.
Every tree I pass by, my heart reminds me of our most merciful Creator, Who has blessed us with an amazing abundance of trees and plants. And my heart reminds me of you. You were the kindest to all creatures. You were sent as a mercy to all the worlds. Your were the kindest to animals and you even showed utmost kindness, gentleness and mercy to a tree trunk.
I bear witness that there is nothing worth of my worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Slave and final Messenger.
Dearest and beloved Messenger and Prophet. May Allah out of His infinite mercy make me meet you in His beautiful, eternal resting place for us - His paradise.
Whenever I see a mountain, I am reminded of Almighty Allah, Who has created the mountains as pecks to give stability to this temporary world. And my heart reminds me of you. How mount Uhud trembled under you, how you refused the riches and gold as big as mount Uhud. And how you sought refuge in a cave in mount Hira. Together with your companion, Abu Bakr. Learning your words is my flight to the cave of knowledge. Learning your supplications is my flight to the cave of rest from this worldly life. Reading your life story is my flight to the cave of love for you.
From the depths of my heart, I bear witness that there is absolutely nothing and nobody worthy of worship except Allah and that Rasulullah Muhammad is Allah’s last and final Prophet.
Dearest and beloved Prophet of Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. I ask Allah to shower abundant blessings and peace upon you.
When I look up to the sky and see uncountable stars, I am reminded of our most benevolent Creator, Who created the stars as a guidance for the traveler and seafarer.
And every cell in my body reminds me of you, oh teachers of teachers, oh beloved Prophet.
You said that your honorable companions are the stars for us to follow after you left this temporary world. Oh Allah, guide us to the straight path.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger.
Dearest beloved Prophet. May Allah shower peace and blessings on you.
Every time I look at my children. Every time I worry about my children’s future. Every time I ask Allah to make them good Muslims.
I remember you, oh dearest Prophet.
I remember your words, your supplications to Allah: “Ummati, Ummati - my community, my community”. Your worries for us.
Oh most beloved Prophet. We ask for your intercession.
I bear witness that there is nothing and nobody worthy of worship except Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His Slave and final Messenger.
Ya Allah, bestow the best and purest of blessings on our Prophet and send eternal peace upon him.
Dearest Prophet, please forgive my shortcomings, please forgive my openness and bluntness.
This letter was written as a response to a call by Anse Tamara Gray from rabata.org and Sanad collective to write a letter to our beloved Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bestow blessings and peace upon him.
Topics: Converts, Dawah (Outreach), Mawlid (Milad An Nabi), New Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (S)
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