Learn How to Balance your Hormones Naturally

Category: Featured, Nature & Science, Videos Topics: Brain, Health, Stress Views: 6783

Hormone Imbalance by Dr. Herb Akers DC CCN
Learn how to balance your hormones naturally

Hormone Health
* Are you having symptoms of imbalance?
* Would you be able to identify an imbalance?
* All people, young and old can experience imbalance due to diet, exercise, injury, depression and more!

Topics Covered
Survival Adrenal Hormones

* appropriate cortisol - “shock absorber” hormone, needed to maintain normal body function during times of stress, keep glucose available for an emergency, key to our survival, strong immune system, a “happy camper”.
* constant cortisol- chronic stress creates obesity, heart disease, diabetes, immune failure, depression, sexual dysfunction, Alzheimer’s etc...
* appropriate adrenalin- fight or flight response, es-sential for surviving a life threatening challenge.
constant adrenalin- chronic stress leads to heart disease, stroke, anxiety, depression.

Other Hormones
* estrogen- primary female sex hormone, regulation of re-production and secondary sex characteristics etc...
* bad estrogen- chronic stress leads to tumor formation etc...
* testosterone- primary male sex hormone, development of male reproductive system, muscle growth, body hair etc...
* bad testosterone- chronic stress converts testos-terone to survival hormones or estrogen... heart disease, dia-betes etc...
* progesterone- female hormone prepares uterus for a fertilized egg
* bad progesterone- chronic stress creates progesterone deficiency and hormonal

Importance of Meditation

Published on Nov 7, 2017

  Category: Featured, Nature & Science, Videos
  Topics: Brain, Health, Stress
Views: 6783

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Older Comments:
After my Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) diagnoses, I was immediately advised for a coronary angioplasty, then a stent. After a while my condition got worse again with severe shortness of breath and angina, so i started on a natural CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE (CAD) TREATMENT from Herbal Health Point, the herbal treatment was very effective treating my heart condition and the shortness of breath. I had a total decline in symptoms. Visit their web page w w w. herbalhealthpoint. c o m. Its been 2 years since the treatment, I do lots of walking and lost some weight. My daughter also used their CHF product for her congestive heart failure, very effective.

The only symptom that I had was tingling in my legs especially at night after I retired to bed. The tingling became more severe where I could not get them to stop. I thought I had restless leg syndrome. My doctor tested me for diabetes and found that I had type II diabetes and the sugar was attacking my legs because it had no place to go. He put me on a sugar free diet and Actos and within one to two days my symptom were gone.. One day I got extremely sick, could not keep anything down, had blurry vision, a rapid heartbeat.I Started taking metformin 1000 mg twice daily. I am writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the metformin (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Diabetes herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 7 weeks use of the Diabetes natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well, Visit there website This treatment is incredible!

The only symptom that I had was tingling in my legs especially at night after I retired to bed. The tingling became more severe where I could not get them to stop. I thought I had restless leg syndrome. My doctor tested me for diabetes and found that I had type II diabetes and the sugar was attacking my legs because it had no place to go. He put me on a sugar free diet and Actos and within one to two days my symptom were gone.. One day I got extremely sick, could not keep anything down, had blurry vision, a rapid heartbeat.I Started taking metformin 1000 mg twice daily. I am writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the metformin (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Diabetes herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 7 weeks use of the Diabetes natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well. This treatment is incredible!