Nasyid Raqqat Ayna

Category: Australia, Life & Society, Videos Topics: Madinah (Medina), Nasheed, Prophet Muhammad (S) Channel: Nasheed Views: 2087

Nasyid Raqqat Ayna performed by Iman Farrar and the Malay Chanting Group at the Sydney Multicultural Mawlid Concert in early 2015. (Lyrics below)

رقت عيناي شوقًا .. ولطيبة ذرفت عشقًا
My eyes are full of longing, and they have shed tears due to missing Taiba (Madinah)

فأتيت إلى حبيبي .. فاهدأ يا قلب ورفقًا
So I came to visit my beloved, Calm down my heart and be gentle

صلِّ على محمد
Send your peace and blessings upon to Muhammad

الصلواتُ عليك يابن عبد الله
Peace and blessings be upon you, O Son of Abdullah

أنت رسول الله يا حبيبي
You are the beloved Messenger of Allah

يا نبيَّ الله ، يا رسول الله
O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah

Hatiku sarat merindui
My heart is so full of longing

Inginku dekat denganmu
I wish to be close to my Beloved

Ku impi saat-saat di Madinah
I dream to walk in the streets of Madinah

Menghilangkan resah dijiwa
And to quench the thirst of my spirit

Ku ziarahmu ya Muhammad
By visiting you O Muhammad

الصلواتُ عليك يابن عبد الله
Peace and blessings be upon you, O Son of Abdullah

أنت رسول يا الله حبيبي
You are the Beloved Messenger of Allah

يا نبيَّ الله ، يا رسول الله
O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah

I left all my troubles and worries
As I entered your Mosque so gently
And as I finally stood there before you
I couldn't stop my tears from falling
In your presence, oh Muhammad

الصلوات عليك يا بن عبد الله
Peace and blessings be upon you, O Son of Abdullah

انت رسول الله يا حبيبي
You are the beloved Messenger of Allah

يا نبيَّ الله ، يا رسول الله
O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah

يا طيبة جئتك صباً
O Taiba I came to you sick from longing

لرسول الله محبا
Full of love for the Messenger of Allah

بالروضة سكنت روحي
My soul settled in the Rawdah

وجوار الحب محمد
And resided beside our guide Muhammad

Oh Madinah, kota barakah
O Madinah the blessed city

Ku kembali dengan keinsafan
It brought life back to my spirit

Kasih rindu dari hatiku
Love and longing in my heart

Selawat salamku untukmu
May blessings and salutations be sent upon you

الصلوات عليك يا بن عبد الله
Peace and salutations be upon you, O Son of Abdullah

انت رسول الله يا حبيبي
You are the Beloved Messenger of Allah

يا نبيَّ الله ، يا رسول الله
O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah

  Category: Australia, Life & Society, Videos
  Topics: Madinah (Medina), Nasheed, Prophet Muhammad (S)  Channel: Nasheed
Views: 2087

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