Rajieen | We Will Return

Category: Featured, Highlights, Life & Society, Middle East, Videos Topics: Palestine Channel: Nasheed Views: 2941

As a direct response to the ongoing crisis in Gaza and the unwavering struggle of the Palestinian population, 25 exceptionally talented artists hailing from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have united to present "Rajieen," an anthem that transcends boundaries, embodying resilience and resistance.

Lyrics (English Translation):

We are returning

Have we forgotten
That I'm in my land, and this is my country
And in my country, I’m imprisoned?
In my country, I’m imprisoned

And here
We water it’s soil with tears
And the blood of its defenders
The blood of its defenders
Here our story and victory is written
Our country is ours, from sea to river
Often we say tomorrow will be better
But only ever see oppression
All we asked for was the freedom to live
But all we got in return was death and displacement
Not even a spoken word is allowed
It’s a prison of borders and silenced expression

What crime did the murdered child commit
Who dreamt of only a modest future
And what of the child who survived
Only to lose their family

We haven’t forgotten
What’s happening to us
You never abandoned us on your soil
And the blood of our defenders is a sacrifice for you, oh my homeland
We suffered, and those who used to console us have gone
Who is left among us?
I swear, I terribly miss the people who used to stand with me

And every day
They tell me my patience is my weapon
While our timer ticks towards death
While everyone watches, But no, it doesn’t matter
My voice is life
And I stand alone
The world against me
And I don’t fear it
They take my soul, only to claim my soil

But the key to my home remains in my heart
And I'm returning with my children in my arms
Even if the whole world stands against me
I am returning, O my country
I am returning

But the key to my home remains in my heart
And I'm returning with my children in my arms
Even if the whole world stands against me
I am returning, O my country
I am returning

We are calling upon you Arab leaders
Our families in Gaza today are subject to extermination
We’re given two choices: either death or victory
A Palestinian - condemned to death since birth!
But be patient, those against us will not prevail
Where are the Arab nations? It’s time to rise up
How can we declare peace, When Belfour’s declaration stands?
Still my heart is Palestinian, in life, in death

All the world is my country far and wide
All people are my brethren since the days of old
Borders are the differences between us
And words are written on paper
And what was written has become a chain
Denying me from seeing my country

They killed us, they displaced us, and now the stones in our hands are our weapons
Checkered in black and white, my Kufiya is the secret of my success
In my hand, I carry my coffin, and in your hand, you carry revenge
The key to my home hangs on my neck, eternal and never swaying

But the key to my home remains in my heart
And I'm returning with my children in my arms
Even if the whole world stands against me
I am returning, O my country, I am returning

But the key to my home remains in my heart
And I'm returning with my children in my arms
Even if the whole world stands against me
I am returning, O my country, I am returning

O Lord, I raise my hands to You
I ask You to relieve my agony and my sorrow, and You are the Responsive One

The lands of the Arabs are my homelands
From the Levant to Baghdad
This is my land and my country
And all the Arabs are calling out
My occupation is violent
Killing my children and ancestors
You keep calling me a terrorist
I ask you if you’re an occupier

Sorry that I'm not from Ukraine
Sorry that my skin is not white
Sorry to my children, that I brought you into a hypocritical and unfair world
Sorry, the dream is far away, my son
Sorry, the burden is heavy, my son
No sorry for all the “sorries”
We have nothing but to endure, my son

Here, death is easy but living is hard
A false freedom in a world of tyranny
We don’t receive guests, we receive our death
We haven’t forgotten Al-Durrah and the bombing of The Baptist Hospital
Mass destruction, children and women
As our dear ones die, we don’t cry, it’s for the cause
Victory, victory, and only God is the Almighty
We will return, oh Al-Aqsa, for His promise is certain

By God

No displacement!
We’re a standing mountain that fears no bombardment!
Oh Gazans, our victory is coming for sure!
Our resilience will overcome this sinister occupation!
No empathy for us – even while our children are dead in our streets
The childrens’ souls are entrusted for us to honor... a noble trust
So, we continue to defend, we will die so Palestine can remain!

What’s happening is horrible, and selling out is even worse
And all who speak up are silenced
People hold their tongue for fear of losing their platform, my brother
My blood boils, and my heart burns
My eyes can’t bear to see the images they’re seeing
A devil sits on a throne and his minions protect him
In ‘48, death came into Palestine
75 years of bombing
But even if a generation leaves, we will flood back

My heart is pure but won’t find peace
Until we find justice for the hospital
Injustice has become blatant
Where are the men? Our are hearts are parched
My friend, no matter how harsh the world gets, and the oppression has reached its breaking point
We send peace to Gaza, never forgotten
God willing, we will meet in Al-Aqsa

And this land is ours
Whether above the land or beneath it
We’ll resist, united in numbers
I am a hurricane, I roam and protect it
And Al-Aqsa is ours
Even if my enemy erases its name
Even if the most vicious of people oppose us
I am returning, O my country, I am returning

We have no hope but Him
Our Lord, deliver unto us salvation

Our souls are heavy and weary
In our hearts, a nation erupts
And with the strength in my heart and soul…

I’m returning again to my land
Al-Aqsa is where I will hold my next prayer
Come at me with your planes?
I’m waiting for you on the land
My redemption, My redemption, My redemption
I’m not leaving; I’m rooted here
On the frontline, every night and day, even if I have to die for my country

Until the breeze comes
How can we back down?
We are in the rank of the Mighty One
Forgive us, O Merciful, for our helplessness, but we have never normalized
We saw the butchers
Slaughtering the innocent child
Sanctioning his blood
As they falsify history with crocodile tears

Condemn the killers of children
Makers of terror
Purveyors of lies
Thieves of hope
Our children live in paradise
This is our land and we shall not leave
Our land, in which we are planted
Isolated without weapons, however
With us is the Lord of the worlds
(Only the Almighty is our refuge)

Should I lose my voice, yours will remain...
Should I lose my voice, yours will remain...
Should I lose my voice, yours will remain...
Should I lose my voice, yours will remain...
Should I lose my voice, yours will remain...

( Source: LyricsTranslate )

  Category: Featured, Highlights, Life & Society, Middle East, Videos
  Topics: Palestine  Channel: Nasheed
Views: 2941

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