Farabi: The Second Master After Aristotle (Ep 1)

Category: Featured, Life & Society, Videos Topics: Al Farabi, Islam And Science Views: 1557

Episode 1 - The Second Master After Aristotle

Farabi: The Renowned Islamic Philosopher documentary depicts the life of Al-Farabi, one of the most celebrated Philosopher in Islamic History.  The documentary is divided into 3 episodes.

Abu Nasr Al-Farabi was born in 872 in Faryāb in Khorāsān (modern day Afghanistan) and died 950 in Damascus, Syria.

He was a renowned early Islamic philosopher and jurist who wrote in the fields of political philosophy, metaphysics, ethics and logic. He was also a scientist, cosmologist, mathematician and music theorist.

In Islamic philosophical tradition he was often called "the Second Teacher", following Aristotle who was known as "the First Teacher". He is credited with preserving the original Greek texts during the Middle Ages because of his commentaries and treatises, and influencing many prominent philosophers, such as Avicenna and Maimonides. Through his works, he became well-known in the West as well as the East.

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  Category: Featured, Life & Society, Videos
  Topics: Al Farabi, Islam And Science
Views: 1557

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