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The believer who has no book

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    Posted: 24 May 2005 at 11:48pm

"al mu'minu bilaa kitaab"(the believer without a book)

A man can be a believer without trusting in another man's words, for instance a man in a far jungle somewhere whom Allah wishes to guide, thinks deeply and realizes that he, and everything else is created and sustained by One with great power, and that The One who creats and sustains everything is the only one who deserves to be worshipped. That he has to be good to others as He is and has been good to him, as He created for him food and water and all that he uses, that he should mind Him more then anything else, since nothing exists except by His will, that he should do deeds trying to please Him, worship you see? If a christian missionary comes to him and starts telling him about someone dieing on a cross for his sins, and that he should open his heart for the words of God(actually the words this missionary says) so telling him to open his heart to him and his claims, this "heathen" as the missionary would call him, will surely remember that people can be wrong and can lie, he knows from own experiance that something told about someone usually changes over time and when it is told to others who heard it from others and so on. Especially when it is something contreversial, like faith. and will probebly smile and excuse himself...........Those who call themselves christians probebly did not fully understand this in the past on more then one occasion, and tried to force people into what they accepted from those who they took as leaders as being christianity. One should be careful who he or she follows, because if one is not upright and not truthful, he will follow one who is a liar, and one who is truthful will follow one who is truthful also, because it is impossible for someone who is truthful to follow a liar without his heart being restless and in a state of war all the time, his or her heart will not find peace in their words or deeds and will eventually leave the liar and his followers. How does one know if he or she is truthful and upright? the only answer i have is that fearing Allah(the god of Abraham) is the best provision, fearing Him makes you real careful as to what to accept and reject, because you realize that you will stand before Him and that you will have to explain your choices.  The koran tells us there is no compulsion in the religion. (so stay away from those who try to push you towards what they accepted as truth) a verse from the bible :" it is better to seek refuge in the Lord then to trust man" Psalm 118 verse 8.

Hey now to you, how would this believer react to your words when you tell him about your faith?

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote UmTayyab Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 May 2005 at 8:48am
Originally posted by Community Community wrote:

"al mu'minu bilaa kitaab"(the believer without a book)

A man can be a believer without trusting in another man's words, for instance a man in a far jungle somewhere, thinks deeply and realizes that he, and everything else is created and sustained by One with great power, and that The One who creats and sustains everything is the only one who deserves to be worshipped. That he has to be good to others as He is and has been good to him, as He created for him food and water and all that he uses, that he should mind Him more then anything else, since nothing exists except by His will, that he should do deeds trying to please Him, worship you see?

How can a man formulate such thoughts without any teaching or example?  If this were commonly possible, why would Allah send us 124,000 prophets as examples and sources of teaching?  Of course Abraham came to the proper conclusion, but these teachings and examples existed before his birth.

And what deeds would such a man invent to please and worship God?  How would he know what pleases God unless God communicated with him in some way? 

I don't understand what you are trying to say with such a postulation. 

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Ali Zaki Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 May 2005 at 11:11am


I have heard alot recently on this forum from those who are clothing themselves in the garb of Islam (i.e., using a picture of Quran as an image and using a Muslim sounding name) in an effort to gain some type of credibility for their ideas. To those who are doing this, please stop it.

I respect people who are honest, even if I disagree with their ideas. There are many participants in this forum who challenge Islam while admitting that they are non-Muslims. This is fine and appropriate for this forum. We will speak with them with the understanding that they do not accept our faith. ... however,

Their are others who begin their diatribes with "Bismillah A'Rahman A'Raheem", and then go on to say that "We are all prophets and messengers". There are others who try to quote the Quran and the Bible as if they were both equally valid. These people are misguided, and they have the potential to misguide others.

If you are not sure, or confused, or you are not a Muslim and do not agree with the teaching of Islam then just, please, for Gods sake, admit this and be clear about it. For those who are trying to create a new religion, or think they are prophets, or that we are prophets please be aware that  Allahs (Gods) hand is over your hands whether you like it or not.



"The structure of faith is supported by four pillars endurance, conviction, justice and jihad."

Imam Ali (a.s.)
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Originally posted by UmTayyab UmTayyab wrote:

Originally posted by Community Community wrote:

"al mu'minu bilaa kitaab"(the believer without a book)

A man can be a believer without trusting in another man's words, for instance a man in a far jungle somewhere, thinks deeply and realizes that he, and everything else is created and sustained by One with great power, and that The One who creats and sustains everything is the only one who deserves to be worshipped. That he has to be good to others as He is and has been good to him, as He created for him food and water and all that he uses, that he should mind Him more then anything else, since nothing exists except by His will, that he should do deeds trying to please Him, worship you see?

How can a man formulate such thoughts without any teaching or example? answer: honesty in thinking, because a creation can not exist without a creator creating it, he could have formulated this thought while making an arrow for the hunt,he would think: "if i do not make this arrow, it would not exist", and then he would look at the trees, and think:"someone created the trees and the wood with which i make these arrows", so he would reason further and further and realize that He is The Creator of everything. Since this man is grateful to Him who created everything for him, he is a believer, "kafir" in arabic,which is commonly tanslated as "disbeliever" means also one who is ungrateful, only the ungrateful do not worship Him. 

 If this were commonly possible, why would Allah send us 124,000 prophets as examples and sources of teaching? He sent prophets and messengers so that no one has an excuse on the day of judgement, so that no one can say:"if only a messenger was sent to us to warn us and tell us the truth we would have been guided" i hope this sounds familiar, help me because people need to be reminded, even though not everyone forgot.

People have a tendancy towards idolworship/ associating others with Allah(shirk), so Allah sends messengers, warners, and bringers of good tidings to the believers, an example is Noah, he was a a prophet, a believer and those with him on the ship were also believers, Allah drowned the others who refused the truth and stayed behind, but those who came after Noah, started to worship idols again, associate others with most people have a tendancy towards associating others with Allah. We should therefor fear Allah and be on our guard against it. Of course Abraham came to the proper conclusion, but these teachings and examples existed before his birth. From the decendents of Noah was Abraham, his father and his people were idolworshippers, and Abraham had to search for himself and make conclusions, indeed, he was honest, Allah guided him.

And what deeds would such a man invent to please and worship God?  How would he know what pleases God unless God communicated with him in some way?  he would feel humble towards His god when he realizes even he is created by Him, he would bow down and put his head on the ground for Him, the humbelest as he can be, and thank Him, and praise Him, for all that Allah has given Him as sustainance.  Allah guides whom He wishes, and no one can guide besides Him,  (see the post on islam and science  "Allah vs. God (it's in the name)")

I don't understand what you are trying to say with such a postulation. .

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Originally posted by UmTayyab UmTayyab wrote:


"al mu'minu bilaa kitaab"(the believer without a book)


I don't understand what you are trying to say with such a postulation. 

i will try to clearify the point of the story, Men have the ability to lie deceive and be wrong, i am sure you know this, they say: "jesus died for your sins on the cross" or "the holy spirit came upon this man and guided him to write this down, and so it is part of the gospel"(as "the christians" do it) or "these are sayings from great rabbis and the scholars should be obeyed like Moses(as "the jews" do) or "the prophet said this and he said that, and you need to follow a madhab or, no you need to be salafi to be saved, and this verse is abrogated(does'nt count anymore, how dare they?) because it was like this and the prophet then said.....and then this verse was sent down"(as "the muslims" do). How can someone expect someone else to accept his claims without any real proof? true faith, is faith in Allah not in people and their claims. They may threat and reward those who actually listen to them and follow them but The religion is clear, Engaging the peace with The One and Only god, Allah.(working to achieve Allah being pleased with you, gaining His peace). how does one engage the peace with Allah, by worshipping none but Him. There is no religion accepted on the day of judgement except this religion. may you be jew, christian or muslim, if Allah being pleased with you was not your goal, your works will be in vain. Others might be pleased with your obediance to their words and by observing their ways and this may have become fair seeming to you, but they will avail you nothing in the hereafter.

[[Say I am but a man like yourselves, it is inspired to me, that your god(ilaah)is one god(ilaah).So who ever wishes and expects the meeting with his Lord, let him do a mending work, and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone]]. [Holy koran, chapter 18 "al kahf" the cave verse 110] the koran should be read in arabic, this way there is no chance of being confused by some interpertor, sometimes they are just downright wrong, i hope for their sake it is out of ignorance that they are wrong in translating words,but how can these then become interpertors of the koran if they don't even seem to understand arabic or english correctly? woo to those who translate words wrong intentionally.

Qul innama ana basharun mithlukum yooha ilayya annama ilahukum ilahun wahidun faman kana yarjoo liqaa rabbihi falya'mal 'amalan salihan wala yushrik bi'ibadati rabbihi ahadan

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Originally posted by Ali Zaki Ali Zaki wrote:


I have heard alot recently on this forum from those who are clothing themselves in the garb of Islam (i.e., using a picture of Quran as an image and using a Muslim sounding name) in an effort to gain some type of credibility for their ideas. To those who are doing this, please stop it.

I respect people who are honest, even if I disagree with their ideas. There are many participants in this forum who challenge Islam while admitting that they are non-Muslims. This is fine and appropriate for this forum. We will speak with them with the understanding that they do not accept our faith. ... however,

Their are others who begin their diatribes with "Bismillah A'Rahman A'Raheem", and then go on to say that "We are all prophets and messengers". There are others who try to quote the Quran and the Bible as if they were both equally valid. These people are misguided, and they have the potential to misguide others. someone who is guided by Allah will accept the truth and follow it when he  encounters it, even in the bible, so i am not saying the koran and todays bible are equally valid. 

If you are not sure, or confused, or you are not a Muslim and do not agree with the teaching of Islam then just, please, for Gods sake, admit this and be clear about it. For those who are trying to create a new religion, or think they are prophets, or that we are prophets please be aware that  Allahs (Gods) hand is over your hands whether you like it or not.


I am wondering why you posted this post, are you confused about what i am saying? is it not clear enough for you? Allahu Akbar means Allah is greater, and i am one of those who engage the peace with him, "innanee minal muslimeen"

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Originally posted by UmTayyab UmTayyab wrote:

Originally posted by Community Community wrote:

"al mu'minu bilaa kitaab"(the believer without a book)

A man can be a believer without trusting in another man's words, for instance a man in a far jungle somewhere, thinks deeply and realizes that he, and everything else is created and sustained by One with great power, and that The One who creats and sustains everything is the only one who deserves to be worshipped. That he has to be good to others as He is and has been good to him, as He created for him food and water and all that he uses, that he should mind Him more then anything else, since nothing exists except by His will, that he should do deeds trying to please Him, worship you see?

How can a man formulate such thoughts without any teaching or example?  

The same way religion started in the first place? The guy looks around and is impressed by what he sees and figures it was created by someone kinda clever and/or God puts the thought in his head. One assumes that's how prophets come to exist in the first place - God puts thoughts and words in their heads.


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