Lessons of Election 2008

Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Elections, Government And Politics Views: 2674

War is dirty as it justifies every possible trick to seek its purpose. Politics is even dirtier as it promotes every possible means to achieve its goal.

The Presidential or congressional election of 2008 in the US reminded us of this ugly truth more than once. Rather than showing respect to American voters by engaging them in intelligent debates about real issues such as economy, health care, education reform, Iraq war and the menace of terrorism, those contesting for various offices tried to rekindle the flame of hatred that we often tend to extinguish through our own consciousness.

They told us that Obama should not be elected because his middle name is Muslim or Arab sounding. (By the way, Hussein is an Arab name that many pre-Islam Arabs used to give to their children. Names such as David, Moses, Job, John, Rebbecca, Sara, Abraham, Isac, Jacob are more Islamic as they are mentioned in the scriptures of Islam.) They told us that we must reject the Democratic nominee because he once sat with a Palestinian professor who has different perspectives on the solution of the Middle East crisis. They told us that the first African-American candidate for the presidency of the United States is a socialist or Marxist and he would redistribute the wealth of the rich among the poor. They told us that Barak born to a Kenyan father and an American mother was not an American. One has to admit that much of this was directed against Obama as the Democratic campaign was generally non combative on personal issues.

The Republican Party showed its ugly face to America by indulging in a systematic campaign of character assassination.

Why is it that a party that quotes the Bible in defense of its policies and politics has fallen to such a low level of campaigning? There are a few harsh realities that we have to accept if we really want to make any sense of what has happened during the election.

A good number of Republicans have refused to acknowledge the changes in American demographics as they still believe in the supremacy of white race. They still believe that this country is primarily for the "White race". Since racism has become a slur, it is difficult for these Republicans to use the race card openly. They dabbled around terms to serve their purpose. When they said that Barak was an Arab or a Muslim, they were in fact saying that he is black and hence unelectable. This is a fact that we should not shy away from saying it openly. The GOP still has a substantial number of people who live in the old world of black and white segregation.

This can be understood from one of the conversations that I heard in a restaurant in Las Vegas. On the table next to mine, two white men were chatting about the election and one of them said, "We will never accept a black man as our president." He further added, "The good thing is that there is a white man, Joe Biden is on the Democratic ticket and after Obama's demise, he would become the President." This sums up the attitude of many in the GOP who are still living in the old world.

If the GOP wants to emerge as a true national party in the changing circumstances, it has to fight within its ranks those who promote racial and religious bigotry.

Substantial support to GOP comes from conservative Christians who want the state to implement their biblical agenda. They focus on a few items, abortion, creation, and same sex marriages. They are least concerned about poverty, exploitation, or human life of non-Americans as a majority of them want to turn the entire Middle East in an inferno so that Jesus can return. They control the Sunday pulpit and are in a position to incite people against anyone. Their sermons are more bigoted than Jeremiah Wright's in terms of describing non-Christians including Muslims or Buddhists. Usually, these sermons go unreported.

The North Carolina senatorial election illustrates the point of religious bigotry on the party of the GOP candidate when she described her opponent as a Godless person. Her message was not different than what one hears in many churches that those who are not Christians cannot be patriotic to this country.

In one of the forums at a prestigious university, one of the pastors speaking on faith and election asserted that, "only those who believe on Judeo-Christian traditions" can relate with the constitution and show their respect to it.

The rightwing of the GOP invokes the Judeo-Christian heritage to support it's doctrine of marginalizing Arabs and Muslims. It is ironic that Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah and Christian declare Jews as opponents to the Christ, there is hardly anything that can be described as Judeo-Christian. In fact the term was never used by any Christian or Jewish religious leader in the last 2,000 years of their bitter conflict. Only in the mid of the 20th century, a US president first used this term to make a political statement. Unless the GOP recognizes that America is a land of multi-religious communities, each with a right to live with dignity, the GOP would find it hard to attract Americans of other faiths and persuasion.

The recent economic crisis is built on the failed policy of Bush doctrine that believes in disastrous practices with full license of freedom to big businesses.

If one prepares a list of people who really profited from the war and the Bush fiscal policies, one can easily identify big businesses that have been supportive of the GOP.

While the nation was struggling with pumping gas into cars within the depleting family budget, these big businesses were collecting billions of dollars in profits. None of them even bothered to go beyond the doctrine of supply and demand and profiteering, creating conditions for fellow Americans that were unbearable.

GOP in its present form appears to be less compassionate and more focused on helping the big businesses. Certainly, in a global economy, the old rules of game will not work.

GOP's wealthy supporters have to realize that labor should have its appropriate reward otherwise capital would itself lose the value.

The GOP is devoid of any fresh ideas. Thus, it took refuge in the politics of character assassination and personal attack proving the point that political expediency is what dictates the conscious of certain people and not the ideals for which parties are created.

It is perhaps time that those who believe in politics based on ideals should take a lead. In the Obama camp there are millions of young ideal Americans. It is up to them to ensure that Obama or his party does not change the course and stay within the mandate for which it has mobilized the people. It is only a vigilant electorate that ensures that the power is not misused.

Dr. Aslam Abdullah is Editor-in-Chief of the Muslim Observer, director of the Islamic society of Nevada, Las Vegas and acting president of the Muslim Council of America, a Washington-based newly formed groups of Muslim activists.

  Category: Americas, World Affairs
  Topics: Elections, Government And Politics
Views: 2674

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Older Comments:
Another good lesson of Election 2008 is that what we see in Arkansas and California refrendum. These refendum is the only effective tool against the establishment and has been used very smartly and the future lies here the new power to the people is in these Refrendums on specific issues. I see power to the people going back to the people via ballot polls. This is democracy I salute.

Barack Obama is the first American President in history to not receive a majority of the vote of white men.

White folks voted 41% for Barack Obama, 54% for John McCain

the main problem in US is not economy, immigration, health care but indeed Racism. And US has been racist to japs and in Nam and in africa and places where they still call white american Grinzosi.e, latin america. This needs to be done away with.
And with others ways of life as well especially these days with muslims around the Globe via Palestine's Apartheid.

BTW the only solution to Palestine is a 2 state peace process One Israel and One Palestine living side by side as good neighbours.
And forwhich Israel has to give away all the occupied lands of Arabs.

I can find true Muslims around me, Chander. I only need to look around me; and I find compassionate, peaceful humans. Do you know what a true Muslim is?

To Justice,

Yeah, that's the old ignorant Romesh, a pretender of knowing everything. And in his pretense, he sure made a fool of himself.

Gosh this site is obsessed with America.

Dr Edriss:

You write "a real moslem should call for the right and justice between humans".

Well, where can one find a single REAL MUSLIM? We live on planet earth, not in God's Kingdom.

Could you tell us where can one find even a single True Muslim? I wonder if you qualify as one?

GOP stands for "Grand Old Party." The Republican Party was the party of Abraham Lincoln. That's the party that ended slavery in the United States.

Despite Obama and the other Liberals, the practice and spread of Biblical Christianity will go on by Christians.

I think the Grand Old Party (GOP/Republican) has to get in touch with modern America


Read your history book GOP is the abbreviation for Grand Old Party and not Pary of God as you claimed. Your comment shown the ignorant which is very common out there lately.

mccain's party has aready rigged the elecetion . just like in India when you press the button for one party instead the vote was going to the other party. its like heads I win tails you lose. .unless they change the voting machines nobody else other than them is hoing to win. it is already too late maybe obama should try in another four years. when more damage is done and the people will put the republicans on trial for murders and corportae crimes

I have selected "I am for it" as my overall opinion but the selection really is not accurate. I am not against it. I am not indifferent. I select this option because I feel strongly that other people have valid points of view worth considering. A label such as Democrat or Republican implies too much. We may register as one or the other but, in truth, we choose whom we will when it comes to an election. We choose those persons whom we feel most closely represent our ideals. Both parties have proven to me they are interested only in maintaining their own power and influence. Candidates are salesmen who will say anything to close the deal but reality it always what we will get when the victory party is over. Yes, the United States is a country of diverse people. Immigration from all over the world of peoples seeking freedom to build homes, raise families, and worship without fear of persecution and violence has made this country the power that it is. May it always be a power for freedom and peace. May we as citizens seek ways to better understand each other, better ways to work toward common goals. Once the divisiveness of the election is over, let us again refocus on the matters that bring us together. I am a registered Republican.

If Obama becomes president, Christian Fundamentalism will rise. Not because of his race but because of his leftist/liberal ideology.


stop selling the Democratic Party to the moslems in America? there is no real difference between the republicans and the democrats when it comes to black and white... "THE ONLY AMERICAN VALUE produced by America".

when Obama was running against Hillary clinton, half of the Democratic Party showed the same ugly face of character assassination...

if there is anything to be said about this elections, it will be Obama defeated this hypocrites's system who run America. he mastered this game very well.

He is the only Maverick I see in this elections.

as a true moslem, I don't advocate oppression and hypocrisy in any system of ruling around the world. that's why I don't like see someone selling this systems to the moslems.

there is nothing wrong to express a kudos to Obama. his win is a proof that the white and black American value is in it's way to crumble...

Nominating Obama itself is something which the Americans should be proud of.They are hundred years ahead of other European Nations who are still behind in terms of race relations. Unfortunately the Caucasians would not think of presenting a blackman as candidate for the post of Prime Minister or President here in Europe or any where.So Whether he wins or not its is giant step forward for the Americans. We commend them for the initiative especially the Democrats for moving forward making the dream of Martin Luther King becoming a reality. So others should take cue and it serves as lesson to all.

GOP stands for "God's Own Party". Sorry, it does not mean Party of Allah; but Party of Jesus/Yahaweh.

GOP written in reverse stands for Party of God.

As usual, Dr Abdullah shows that he has no understanding of politics. Politics in US is no different than politics of Islamic rule for the last 1400 years.

And as usual, Dr Abdullah is just a crybaby. Politics is art of winning, not the art of whining.