Noam Chomsky on Clinton vs Sanders Noam Chomsky on Clinton vs Sanders 9975 1721 0 Feb 29, 2016 February 29, 2016 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><div class="su-youtube su-u-responsive-media-yes"><iframe width="1200" height="675" src=";autoplay=0&amp;mute=0&amp;controls=1&amp;fs=1&amp;loop=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;__playlist=btJfkPBLULg&amp;rel=0&amp;showinfo=0&amp;theme=dark&amp;wmode=&amp;playsinline=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture" title=""></iframe></div> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Mehdi Hasan By: Mehdi Hasan   Source: Al Jazeera Mehdi Hasan Al Jazeera Featured, Videos, World Affairs Bernard Sanders, Elections, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Islamophobia featured videos world-affairs bernard-sanders elections hillary-rodham-clinton islamophobia Renowned political theorist Noam Chomsky is often cited for his criticism of the US political system. In the second of a special two-part interview, Chomsky sits down with Mehdi Hasan to discuss the US presidential election and the rise of Islamophobia. The US academic says Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has the "best policies", but… 1 Bernard Sanders Bernard Sanders 10 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 0 1 1 n/a:cell-part-1.php 1 same-as-desktop 1

Noam Chomsky on Clinton vs Sanders

Renowned political theorist Noam Chomsky is often cited for his criticism of the US political system.

In the second of a special two-part interview, Chomsky sits down with Mehdi Hasan to discuss the US presidential election and the rise of Islamophobia.

The US academic says Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has the "best policies", but little chance of winning in a "mainly bought" election.

When asked if he would vote for presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton if he lived in a swing state, Chomsky says: "Oh absolutely... my vote would be against the Republican candidate."

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