Can Palestinians expect the International Court of Justice to stop the Gaza war?

Conflict Zone interviewed Mustafa Barghouti, who is the head of the Palestinian National Initiative.

The discussion revolves around the Israel-Hamas conflict, with specific emphasis on the accusations of genocide against Israel in Gaza. The interviewer questions Barghouti about the goals of Israel in the conflict, the viability of destroying Hamas, historical perspectives, and the potential for peace.

Barghouti discusses his views on the situation, arguing against Israel's approach and advocating for a peaceful resolution. He addresses issues such as the destruction in Gaza, the impact on civilians, and the role of international bodies like the International Court of Justice. The interview also delves into the broader context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the history of negotiations, the role of the United States, and the possibility of a one-state solution. Throughout the interview, Barghouti emphasizes the need for international law, an end to occupation, and the importance of hope for a better future.

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