The Life of Jesus as Revealed to Mary
Interpretation and Meditation on Holy Quran 3:45-55
The angels called: "Dearest Mary, listen. Allah Most High sends you joyous news of the Divine Word, emanating directly from the Source of Love, whose name is Messiah and who will be known as the noble Jesus. He will be profoundly honored in this world, and in the realm of Paradise he is eternally beloved, abiding with the most intimate companions of Love, deep within the Radiance of Allah. The Messiah Jesus will transmit Truth to humanity, beginning as an infant in his cradle and continuing until he reaches manhood. He will be truly righteous and pure of heart."
The Virgin Mary turned directly to the Ultimate Source and prayed: "Most precious Allah, how can I bear a child, since no man has known me? " Allah Most Merciful then awakened Mary spiritually by placing these Divine Words in her heart: "My beloved Mary, the Source of Power can manifest whatever is needed to guide humanity. To project any being or event, Allah simply affirms it and it is. Through your spontaneously conceived child, the Source of Truth will confirm the truth of the Holy Torah. Through this luminous child, the Source of Wisdom will transmit the wisdom of the Holy Gospel. My beloved Jesus will declare to the People of Israel: "Behold, I have come with wonderful sings from the Source of Love and Power. As a child I molded from river clay the likeness of a bird. When I breathed on it, by the mysterious permission of Allah, it became a white dove that took wing before my mother's eyes. Through me, the Divine Power heals those born blind, cleanses lepers, and reawakens those who have fallen into the sleep of death. I demonstrate the Power of Allah by knowing precisely what people have experienced, what worldly wealth they have stored in their houses, and what spiritual treasure they have hidden within their hearts. These are demonstrations of Love to turn human beings toward the Source of Love. I have come to confirm the Words of Torah that were revealed before me, and also to bring new spiritual freedom. To give the people of Torah confidence in my Prophethood have I come with powerful signs from Allah Most Sublime. By responding wholeheartedly to me, you will be turning toward the Light of Allah. Allah alone is my Source and your Source. The direct path to illumination is to turn your whole life toward the Ever-Present Source."
The Resonance of Allah continued to spring forth in the heart of the Virgin Mary: "When the noble Jesus teaches thus, he will help to bear and to transmit the Truth of Allah that is flowing through me?" The blessed apostles will respond: "Revered teacher, we will be your humble companions and the instruments of Allah Most High, for we have surrendered our lives to the Source of Life. You can witness our submission. We believe wholeheartedly that you are sent as Holy Messenger from the Source and Goal of Being. May our names be inscribed in the Heavenly Book among those who will follow and serve the Messiah Jesus always."
"After the bitter scheming of those who live in negation of Love has been brought to nothing by the Power of Allah, the Voice of Truth will call these Divine Words into the heart of His holy servant: "My beloved Jesus, I now draw you back to Me and exalt your being. I now purify and heal you from the harsh touch of those who deny that you are messenger from the Source of Love. Be assured that I will transfigure with My Love all those who sincerely follow you, and awakening from the sleep of death, they will experience the radiant resurrection of Paradise. Be assured as well that all souls will eventually return to Me to resolve the conflict and confusion of their earthly journey."
Excerpted from "Heart of the Koran" by Lex Hixon also known as Sheikh Nur al Jerrahi.
Topics: Interfaith, Mary (Mother Of Jesus), Prophet Jesus (Isa) Values: Love, Spirituality
Views: 30157
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Thanks for the beauty of the words about the messenger of ALLAH "ISSA"! No doubt about JESU's(ISSA)prophethood, and may ALLAH bring the hearts together so that people will stop fighting each other! Islam is a great religion as well as those revealed to the messengers of ALLAH that came before Mohamed(PBUH)! Let just be careful on how we convey the message of ALLAH and let us all remember that you will be held accountable for your says and deeds!One think is clear though, ALLAH made it clear in the sourate IKHLASS that HE "ALLAH" is the only ONE GOD and HE "ALLAH" had no son!
Jaza khamulah khairan
You wrote (john 14:6),
Did Jesus (pbuh) said " I am God worship me " ?
Look Jesus (pbuh) never claim that he is God , but you just follow blindly that he is.
I am somewhat concerned for the source of this article. because when I looked up the author I found he was not muslim. what is the accuracy of this article with relevance to Islam.
Jazakhallhu khairan
Asselamu Aleikum
It is really a great article . Hope this will open the eyes of those who do understand PROPHET
JESUS(ISSA)wrongly ,actually exactly as he thought his people at his time. Allhamdu LILAH for making us understand the correct religion and I pray for humanity to get the right guidance and that is ISLAM.
Blessings to the writer.
By accepting Islam, one will love Jesus ( J- pbuh ) more. That it is more meaningful to love him as a human being, a dearly beloved Prophet. That one will never have contradictions and conflict of conscience anymore.
Believe me on this.
1- Allah (swt) can will anything. So it is not a big deal from this perspective
2- Virgin births (asexual reproduction) is very common in nature - amongst frogs, plants. Just last Oct/Nov a shark gave birth without a mate.
Like Hafeez said, christians are too hung up on this miracle. Ultimtely they fail to realize that what they follow is not prophet Issa teachings but corrupted teachings.
The verse of Surah Al-yasin always comes to mind when I hear them talk - that a veil has been put in front of them and they cannot see. This despite the fact that history, logic bears truth out to be opposite of what they believe
(its like me in Math - the text is there but I still cannot understand it !!)
For more details please check and compare with translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali or any other good translation like M Asad or Picktall. You may find the words different but the essence of the sentences is not lost.
If anyone has the time you can refer to Ahmed Deedat - New Deceit in Christian Evangelism
To Naseer -
I would like to correct you, we Muslims believe him to be God's word not God word. And same for the rest of the sentences where you have missed the ('s).
Very well said by brother Al-Buruni, JazakAllah.
I congratulate Sister Sara for coming a few steps closer to the truth. It takes courage to accepting the truth after seeing it. May Allah bless & guide you.
Well said - I couldn't have given a better response to Andrews question.
every article appears so many comments-all of of U sometimes are 2 smart 4 ur own gd. Try be more merciful like in the bk "slaves of the all merciful", especially hafeez in replying 2 andrew. sometimes our opinion reflects our arrogance of holier than thou ( a satan trap)- be kind and be nice in writing comments-not everybody r smart like u guys-the poor, the oppressed, the hungry etc of all age, race and religion are 2 stupid or not able 2 understand u guys.
my dear brother or sister of this article of jesus the son of Mary. This sounds like an article written by someone who worships jesus christ as a lord over a throne or better yet treats and give an indication that Allah is treating him like a special son. Id like to indicate that Allah is the source of power might the wise he does not display a over abundance of this love as he does his power of authority over all his creatures. Please if you will rewrite this article because it sounds like something out of the biblical text
No, its not weird at all. Firstly, we muslims love and respect all prophets who were sent down to preach the Oneness of Allah (swt). But, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) is more special to us because he succeeded in guiding humanity to the path which leads straight to Allah (swt). With 1.3 billion and counting fastest, mainly because truth always triumphs, do you need more proof (but I trust you will dispute that). Even Allah (swt) refers to him, in the Holy Quran, as a Mercy to Mankind.
Without him, we muslims would be just like you guys, wandering blindly through life (yes, on the way creating some brilliant things with His permission), saying things like the 'trinity', 'only begotten son', 'died for our sins', 'elephant god' (astaghfirullah) and other nonsense like that. I ask, what good are man's brilliant accomplishments, when they fail to understand the one simple fact that will eventually save them from the fire.
You guys are too hung up with miracles which happened 2000 years back. We muslims have a living miracle with us now, the Holy Quran, handed to us by our beloved Prophet. Allah (swt) has promised its protection, and to this day He has kept His promise, so shall He until the end of this world. And, I know you guys will try your creative best to try and malign it, change it, whatever. But, you are all destined for a humiliating failure.
Salaams to all my brothers and sisters,
we call him god word.
we call him god spirit.
we call him god massenger and prophet.
we call him god honrable slave.
we call him one of the five great massengers of god.
we follow him and follow Bernabas gosbel the most sincere deciple of christ who did not alter his teaching or bertryed him and turned him to the romans.
the probaganda aginst muslims that they are antchrist and worship different god and idol worshipers and that is the reason of hate.
the west think that islam is like hunduism and buddism and hence they treat us like that.
we have to emphsize the abrahamic faith and the oneness of god the creator of the world.
accordingly. If you can accept this, then you have taken
a great step in becoming the humble servant that you
should be. Life has a very simple purpose; to establish
order on the basis of goodness (as opposed to chaos
fueled by selfishness and vice).
Peace loving children of God who understand our times
and work to preserve and salvage a balance in all that
God has created--humanity, wildlife, the planet itself--
have heard the calling and are of the same faith.
Religion can be a contaminant for it is the creation of
Dear Andy, if you are sincere in searching for the truth, you can ask and speak directly to Allah, Who is All-Hearing, be true and honest, and pray to Him to guide you to the truth. He Who is the All-Knowing knows what is in the depth your heart and He will surely guide you if indeed you are sincere, because he is The Guide.
You could start off by reading the Quran in order to know more about the message of Islam. It is also recommended to know the attributes of our Creator. Just like we want to know better a person who we like, then why not knowing better our Creator (in fact it is a duty) and getting close and intimate to Him.
Hope this humble info from me is of any use to you & also to myself & the rest..
Thus we as a special being created with intellect and free will our main purpose is to recognize Allah the One, our Creator, as the Truth, and to submit ourselves and worship Him (by being Muslim, which literally means - a person who submits to God). This is what the message of Islam is all about, revealed to the prophets and taught to us (fellow human beings) by them, starting from Prophet Adam (AS) and completed and sealed by the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We believe that Jesus was amongst these Allah's greatest prophets, a messenger with a revelation and mission but whose teachings was tampered with and distorted by human hands. That's why there are a lot of contradictions in the bible.
Dear Andy, if you are sincere in searching for the truth you can ask and speak directly to Allah, Who is All-Hearing, be true and honest, and pray to Him to guide you to the truth. He who is the All-Knowing knows what is in the depth your heart and He will surely guide you if indeed you are sincere, because he is The Guide.
You could start off by reading the Quran in order to know more about the message of Islam. It is also recommended to know the attributes of our Creator. Just like we want to know better a person who we like, then why not knowing better our Creator (in fact it is a duty) and getting close and intimate to Him.
Hope this humble info from me is of any use to you and also to myself and the rest... Peace!
What is the purpose of islam faith? Did Allah die to save you? No? Then whats the message of islam?
In christianity Jesus was sent to earth to preach the gospel and then die to forgive our sins, so that we can be forgiven and meet God in heaven when we die.
God Bless you