Many injustices

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Life & Society, Middle East, Women Topics: Injustice Values: Justice Channel: Opinion Views: 3723

Instead of fighting for the rights to drive, I wish these women would have initiated a struggle for higher causes in order for justice to prevail.

While I sympathize with the Saudi women who are fighting for the right to drive, I think they are misguided in their mission and have lost a sense of direction altogether.

At a time when there are many outstanding and grave injustices that are happening in the Kingdom, I find them to have lost a sense of priority for ignoring the most important and dire issues of the day.

Horrific stories and human rights violations are heard from almost every person who has worked there including racism, injustices, humiliation, and discrimination.

The swift justice is never applied to the Saudis except foreigners who are abused on a daily basis and don't enjoy their rights as human beings.

This was an input on the issue of Saudi Women's revolt to drive, in a coming story we will publish another op-ed for Saudi Women Drive struggle, to widen the discussion and display all opinions.

You, too, share with us your take on this issue.

Foreign workers who live in Saudi Arabia don't have the choice to quit and return home due to the money they borrow to go there.

Agencies that send them to the Kingdom confiscate their passports until they pay their debts.

Workers cannot buy even a car without an authorization from their guarantors as if they were slaves who have to get permission from their masters when they want to do anything.

Such guarantors sometimes fail to fulfill their end of bargaining and the worker cannot fight for his rights as there isn't a court of law that would rule against a Saudi citizen.

There is discrimination in the schooling system where foreigners are not allowed to send their children to get education. Many companies have to pay for their employees to send their children to other countries.

The United States and other western nations look the other way when it comes to the human rights abuses in that land due to their interest in the Kingdom's oil and other business related benefits.

Muslims on the other hand choose to keep silent about the human rights violations that are widespread in the Kingdom. Many people feel that criticizing the regime is like criticizing Islam.

They fail to understand the core message of Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, is to stand firm on justice even if it was against yourself or your own kin. Justice cannot be compromised in Islam even if it was against an important member in the society.

When people tried to intervene and sought intercession to have the punishment waived, Prophet Mohammed was angry and said even justice would have been applied even if his own daughter had committed the crime.

Standing for justice is an important principle in Islam. No one is above the law in including the rich and the poor.

Sadly, Muslims have lost the core values of their religion and that is why kings and regimes are getting away with blood on their hands.

Instead of fighting for the rights to drive, I wish these women would have initiated a struggle for higher causes in order for justice to prevail - not only for Saudis but for all humans.

I was hoping to see them pursuing the noble cause for justice as their counterparts in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and elsewhere are doing in order to have the rights to liberty, decency, freedom and justice and not only freedom to be behind the wheels.

Source: OnIslam - Abubakar Kasim

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Life & Society, Middle East, Women
  Topics: Injustice  Values: Justice  Channel: Opinion
Views: 3723

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Older Comments:
The Muslim women throughout the history have left there mark.Don't forget
Sayeedanah Safiyyah R.A, killed the attacker in the battle of Ditch. They were able
to ride the camels. It is more painful, to see across Kingdom,and Muslim countries
that the drivers who are not there Mehram, are taking our sisters,daughters to
different places. The Kingdom is not the only place to be the target of this
injustice.This is happening from Indonesia to Morocco.This is why I,like King
Abdullah,who left it upto the people,to decide,which direction,they want to
choose.We all need to wake up and get down to the table for talks.

I'm sorry I don't see what you see, your critism is out of line, I'm sorry if the The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not utopic what country is, I know Saudis who are punished and feel like they are unfairly treated I'm an expriate I love it here, if you don't, stay away or leave, you're free to do that.


I would like to highlight some of the points which has been
mentioned are untrue -

To own a car you don't need the sponsor's letter.

To have our children educated you can enroll your child in any
school in the kingdom.

To have a protest which is taking place is not at all supported
according the Sunnah by which there is a huge loss without any

And Allah is Best as a Guide.