Who's the enemy in Pakistan?

Category: World Affairs Topics: Pakistan Views: 1022

An observer of Pakistan politics will throw up his hands in despair. It is difficult to fathom "Pak Politics" these days. It is far from being "paak". That is what I have been told by Pakistanis from different political inclinations.

At the risk of ruffling a feather or two and causing some eyebrows to be raised, I would venture to add that the political picture there seems to be quite grim. 

A few days ago we read about the Pakistan Muslim League's rejection of the Prime Minister's offer for reconciliation saying the Government has not ceased its "victimization campaign" against the opposition.

Chaudry Nisar Ali Khan, a close confidant of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif complained about political immaturity.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Bhutto stated that her doors were open for talks with the opposition to create political harmony in the country and constitute a code of conduct inside the Parliament or outside. 

The opposition had earlier abandoned its policy of a long march.

The funny thing in the whole situation is that when the former government was in power the Peoples Party had also embarked on a long march which turned out to be a flop. It seems Pakistanis are quite happy to emulate the Chinese leader Maa Tse Tung who was the original inventor of "long marches". But his 'long march' was a necessity since it had to do with China's integrity. China was in turmoil after the death of the empress Dowager in 1911 and the chaos and confusion prevailing at that time along with occupation of parts of the country forced the Chinese leader to embark on this journey. However, no such situation exists in Pakistan.

The question arises then as to why this bitter enmity and feud. In all countries that are civilized and where the political process is set and defined there is a relationship between the government and the opposition. In Britain, for instance, during the time of Mrs. Thatcher there were many who were against her. They included the powerful unions whose back she broke. However, neither Arthur Scargill or the miners embarked on a long march. Was it because Britain has a fine rail road and a good transport system?

As someone who loves to visit the House of Parliament and watch the deliberations whenever I'm in London, I am amazed to notice that despite liberal use of semantics and some pedantry, there are no accusations between government and opposition that will institute a need for long marches!!

And then of course there are other disturbing factors in Pakistan politics these days. Revelations about Pakistan's nuclear program, detention of former secret service officials on charges of "jeopardizing and harming national interests" and stopping of people from travel.

It seems that the two leading parties are at logger heads. And only last week Hameed Gul, a former army officer, announced his decisions to join politics to "save the country".

He is against political parties and said his 'movement' will help save the country. A present look at Pakistan can hardly cause comfort for any patriotic Pakistan.

The squabbling by political parties and 'babus' along with a lack of cohesion and a national strategy is causing dismay.

Gunfights and bomb blasts are the order of the day. The "holier than thou" who speak of a masjid becoming "shaheed" here and there should take an inward look and notice that innocent people themselves are becoming "shaheeds" as they pray inside mosques in Pakistan.

Motorcycle driving gunmen spray people with machine guns something similar to what was happening in Saigon two decades ago. But there the scenario was different. It was the Viet Cong against the 'enemy' the United States. Who is the enemy here? This I would like to ask all Pakistanis especially those who proclaim proudly they are 'Mohajirs'. In the United States, there are no "Muhajirs". The moment you swear allegiance to the United States, you become part of the system. Can you imagine what would happened to the United States if they had the "Muhajir System"?

The ordinary people of Pakistan from Karachi to Pashawar and from Quetta to Sukkur want a country which will offer security to them. Many sacrifices were made for the creation of Pakistan and blood was shed. Today, forty seven years later and almost to the day of independence came, blood is being shed. This time the perpetrators themselves are the citizens of the country and the victims their brothers and sisters.

Enough water has flown under the bridge. Enough blood has been shed. A lot of words have been said - all professing that they and they alone and their party can save Pakistan. The people of Pakistan ask who can save them from these self appointed 'saviors' of Pakistan.

  Category: World Affairs
  Topics: Pakistan
Views: 1022

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