Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Righting a Perpetual Wrong

Category: Middle East, World Affairs Topics: Lebanon, Occupation, Palestine Views: 4265

Finally, a parliamentary debate in Lebanon over the human rights of Palestinian refugees. What is unfortunate though, is that granting basic civil rights to over 400,000 Palestinians - 62 years after their expulsion from their historic homeland and the issuing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - has been a topic of 'debate' in the first place. Equally regrettable is the fact that various 'Christian' Lebanese political forces are fiercely opposing granting Palestinians their rights. 

Most Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are second and third generation refugees. Impoverished camps are the only homes they have ever known. In Palestine, their real home, their villages were destroyed, their fields were burnt down and their culture was eradicated. An ongoing attempt at erasing every aspect of the Palestinian Arab identity in today's Israel continues unabated, strengthened by the rightwing government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who is recognized in many political circles as 'fascist'. 

But what 62 years of dispossession, massacres and untold hardship failed to destroy - the memory and the belonging - will certainly not be eliminated now by some rightwing politicians and few parliamentary bills at the Israeli Knesset, including one that forbids Palestinians from commemorating their Nakba (Catastrophe of 1947-48). 

The ongoing debate in the Lebanese parliament, however, is of a different nature. Lebanon is striving to settle many hanging political questions. Despite Israel's devastating wars, a more confident Lebanese populace is emerging. This was largely empowered by the success of the Lebanese military resistance to Israel. A country of law and order is replacing that of chaos and turmoil, and a level of political independence is making some promising appearances after decades of total political dependency and proxy civil wars. 

However, there are those who want Lebanon to remain a country divided on sectarian lines, a characteristic that defined Lebanese society for generations. Only such a division could guarantee their survival at the helm of dismal clan-based, sectarian hierarchy that has long degraded the image of the country, and allowed outsiders, notwithstanding Israel, to manipulate the fragile structure for their own benefit. 

The denial of rights for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon is an old subject that often resurfaces as a political ploy to serve immediate interests. This time, however, things seem to be different. Lebanon needs to move forward. Denying 400,000 people living a most wretched existence in scattered refugee camps, surrounding by mass graves, military checkpoints and no political horizon whatsoever is not conducive to the process of political and social progress.

Of course, those who dread the possibility of a modern Lebanon unified by one common identity - one that is not held hostage to sectarian allegiances or tribal affiliations - want Palestinian refugees to remain perpetual victims. The good news is that the bill is supported by who are otherwise political rivals in Lebanese politics - Saad Hariri, the Lebanese prime minister of the Future Movement, and Hezbollah and Amal, among others. 

The bill, introduced by the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) on June 15 "would cancel prohibitions on property ownership and social security benefits for Palestinians, and ease restrictions on their right to work," according to Human Rights Watch. Nadim Houry, HRW director in Beirut, said, "Lebanon has marginalized Palestinian refugees for too long (and the) parliament should seize this opportunity to turn the page and end discrimination against Palestinians." 

Indeed, it is an opportunity. But MPs from the Free Patriotic Movement, Phalange and Lebanese Forces are strongly opposing the measure. Phalange official Sami Gemayel, for example, has tried to delay the measure, hoping perhaps to deflate the strong movement that no longer tolerates denying Palestinian refugees their basic rights. "A matter that has created a number of crises for more than 60 years could not be tackled within three days," the Lebanese Daily Star quoted him as saying. Of course he could not help but infuse the same old tired mantra, stressing that "integrating the Palestinians in the Lebanese society would undermine their right of return and fulfill an Israeli demand." 

Not one Lebanese could possibly believe that a Phalange official - whose party worked with Israeli forces in the summer of 1982 to orchestrate and carry out the killing of thousands of defenseless Palestinian refugees in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps - could truly be concerned about the Palestinian sense of belonging, identity and right of return. It is obvious that the measure could embolden refugees into demanding full integration into Lebanese society, which would completely undermine the foundation of the sectarian society that the Phalange official stalwartly champions. 

But why should Palestinian refugees be humiliated for no fault of their own? Why should they live under the choice that they either suffer under draconian measures or risk losing their right of return? It's like repeatedly punishing the victim for 'allowing' his victimhood. The fact is, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, like Palestinian refugees elsewhere are utterly clear regarding their right of return and their adherence to that right. They need not to be fined or jailed for adding a bedroom to their ramshackle homes in the refugee camps. They need not be treated like tenth class citizens to be reminded of their love for Palestine, the names of their destroyed villages, and the memories of their ancestors. 

It is ironic how Mr. Gemayel found it implausible to reach a solution regarding the acknowledgement of Palestinian refugees basic rights in three days, while it was astoundingly achievable to butcher thousands of innocent civilians by Phalange forces in 36-48 hours in Sabra and Shatilla on September 16, 1982.

The survivors of those camps, and the rest don't wish to impede the 'Christian' parties' bid for demographic and sectarian 'balance' in Lebanon. Their home is Palestine and they cannot wait to return. But, until that day arrives, there is no need to deny them the most basic of rights and infringe upon their very dignity. One can only hope that Lebanon's new political development overpowers those who wish to keep the country fragmented, sectarian and forever hostage to the ghosts of its colonial past.


Ramzy Baroud ( is an internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor of His latest book is "My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story" (Pluto Press, London), now available on

  Category: Middle East, World Affairs
  Topics: Lebanon, Occupation, Palestine
Views: 4265

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Older Comments:
Mr.Salar and Mr.Patel, You are both right..I am not a very hightly educated person like you both, but I do know enough that Mr.Ramesh speaks
something that I hate but I also agree to what he says whether its right or wrong.

I dont agree with Tasneem, Educated person? Maybe you are not educated enough to differentiate between Educated and Idiot.

Tasneem. Isreal demolished more homes only recently. Isreal has never abide by any international agreement Ramesh knows this, but his intention is to suck weak ignorant muslim into his wrld of distortion and lies. its clear you get your news from america mainstream media.
Former President Carter wrote a book "Apartheid". why dont you read it and get your selfve educated on this issue before you start defend someone blindly.

Mr.Salar, you may be joking to give Ramesh a medal, but I am not joking..I would give this man
A medal as he always have an educated answer, and he speaks the truth though I hate it but he has never said anything that is not true..we Muslims are living in a La La Land and we are enjoying it too much to face the reality.

KAM FROM - said:
I am wondering why all the brotherly love of Islam is not being practised by Arab neighbours? During the recent Hamas's shooting rockets to Israel and Israeli murderous retalliation in return, Did any Muslim state do anything except blood curdling rhetoric. Even Egyptians did not open border gates until US and EU put pressure on Egypt. So goes the the fate of Palestinians in Gaza.

Salaam: There is one solution to achieve peace between Israel- Kick Hamas out , make peace with Israel for a two state solution and have treaty for permission to travel and trade between West bank and Gaza. Abandon the idea of wiping out Israel or pushing them out to the sea. Finally work with Israelis to build a nation. Wa Salaam

WOW Ramesh you are also an expert and Palestinian issues as well.
Somebody give the man a medal.

Strange, strange. Ramzy Baroud seems to be arguing that Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon have no possibility of returning 'home to Palestine'; and hence, their refugee status should be terminated and they be considered as residents of Lebanon and should become citizens of Lebanon.

Stark change in attitude of a hard line palestinian, who has always been arguing for their return to Palestine, has finally changed his mind based on the stark realities on the ground -- 3 defeats, 62 years of homelessness of 3 generations, no help from brotherly Arab Governments, always dependent on the handouts from EU, etc.

In 1948, what happened to the Palestinians who stayed? They still have their homes and businesses in Israel; that is a fact of life in Israel. Those who fled to other countries were disallowed to return; those are the rules of the war, like it or not; muslims used those same rules when they conquered vast territories.

Oh, why talk about Lebanon? Are not Jordanian-Palestinian refugees not in the same boat? I am assuming that 'Gaza refugees' are no longer considered refugees; they live in the refugee camps are in their own home; they have their own government elected by them; probably they could move to West Bank, too, another part of their home.

With this kind of change in mind, may be Palestinian refugee problem and Israeli / Palestinian problem will be finally solved.