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University blasts in Pakistan and the future of Islam

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Category: Asia, Nature & Science Topics: Pakistan, Schools, Taliban Values: Education Views: {file:content.php} {function:blp_getCustomField} {postID:3666} {customField:ic-view-count}4197

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When the Taliban attacked the International Islamic University in Pakistan this week, many were shocked that militants were targeting an Islamic school. In fact, the double suicide bombers were going after a university that is at the forefront of changing the way Islamic and Western knowledge are brought together in the Muslim world.

I also had some misconceptions before I had lectured in the very building where the second bombing took place. But the encounters I had there in 2007 utterly changed my understanding of Pakistan, as well as the future of Islam.

I had only landed in Islamabad just a few hours before I was scheduled to give my first talk at the university, and whether it was the 13-hour time difference with Los Angeles, two nights flying in coach, or walking through an arrivals lounge that had recently been attacked by terrorists, I felt more uneasy about being in Pakistan than Baghdad or Gaza during their own periods of intense violence.

Matters weren't helped when I was introduced to a group of male religious studies students by my host as someone who'd lived in Israel and speaks Hebrew. In fact, my stomach sank a bit - especially as their long beards and traditional dress reminded me a lot more of the Taliban than the graduate students I normally spend time with.

But as with most things in Pakistan, appearances were deceiving, and the situation was far more complex, and inspiring, than I'd imagined.

It turned out that the students with whom I was meeting weren't merely studying Islam, they were PhD students in comparative religion. They were situating Islam, its history, and its religious dynamics within the broader study of religious experience worldwide.

Moreover, the recently established program in which they were studying was a model for the International Islamic University's drive to develop a new curriculum, one that would combine 1,000 years of Islamic learning with the latest developments in American and European humanities and social studies scholarship.

The students explained they were all learning Hebrew, as well as biblical criticism and contemporary approaches to religious studies as part of their course work. As we began to talk it became clear that neither students nor faculty had much time or desire to engage in spirited critiques of the United States or the West.

They were much more interested in discussing how to better integrate "Western" and Islamic methodologies for studying history and religion. And more telling, they were trying to figure out how to criticize the government without "disappearing" into the dark hole of the Pakistani prison system for five or 10 years, or worse.

Colleagues in the history and political science departments were just as eager to develop the most up-to-date curriculums possible, and in so doing lay a benchmark for the development of their fields, not just in Pakistan, but globally.

This is not to say that the members of the University community supported US policies in the Muslim world. Far from it. But as good social scientists (or social scientists in training), they understood the importance of the interplay of local and global dynamics, and of the problems in their own societies that contributed to the violent relationship between the US and many Muslim groups around the world.

Indeed, when I delivered my second lecture on globalization early on a Saturday morning, the room was filled with students, more women than men (upward of half the student body at the University are women), who grilled me about the assumptions underlying my research and methodologies. Would that most of my students back home were as interested in what I was teaching as were they.

As I walked around the campus, and met faculty and students who'd come from all over the Muslim world to study there, the role of the IIU in the larger context of Islam globally became evident.

The University was carving out a much-needed space in Muslim intellectual, and through it political, life through its bringing Muslim and Western traditions into dialogue.

Yet it was receiving, and continues to receive far less attention from scholars, commentators, or policymakers than the fully American-style universities being opened across the Persian Gulf. This is most recently evidenced by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, or KAUST, just established with great fanfare and a $10 billion endowment from the king in Jeddah.

Such a venture is surely important, not just for having one of the world's fastest supercomputers or giving every newly hired professor $400,000 in research money - I got $3,000 when I was hired at University of California, Irvine, and that was when the university was flush with cash.

Yet the singular focus of KAUST on hard sciences is ultimately myopic and will likely produce little in the way of the larger societal change in Saudi Arabia predicted by the new university's boosters. Such changes come only with a robust public sphere where citizens who are educated broadly and humanistically are equipped with the social knowledge and skills to challenge the dominant political and social-religious discourses.

Building such an active Pakistani citizenry was and - I imagine despite the bombing - remains a major goal of the IIU.

Sadly, it's just such a goal that probably made it a "legitimate" target for the Taliban, for whom a healthy public sphere populated by educated citizens willing and able to challenge, potentially democratize, and clean up their government would pose at least as big threat to its position in the country as the army they are now fighting in the country's northwest.

Not surprisingly, the core mission of the IIU would also not win it many friends among the country's corrupt economic and political elite, who, as many of the senior education and religious officials I met confided to me, share the Taliban's desire to silence any kind of critical scholarship or societal debate.

With this attack, the Taliban has struck what until now was a sanctuary, however fragile and inchoate, where the emerging generation of Pakistanis and Muslims could determine on their own terms how best to bring together their cultures and traditions to grapple with the profound challenges faced by their societies.

I hope it doesn't weaken the spirit and resolve of the thousands of students who've come to the IIU from across the Muslim world to help build a better future. They are not just the future of Pakistan, or of Islam; they are the future as well.

Mark LeVine is a history professor at University of California, Irvine and currently a visiting professor at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University, Sweden. He is the author most recently of "Heavy Metal Islam: Rock, Resistance and the Struggle for the Soul of Islam" and "Impossible Peace: Israel/Palestine Since 1989"

  Category: Asia, Nature & Science
  Topics: Pakistan, Schools, Taliban  Values: Education
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Older Comments:
Just want to remind ourselves: all in the "chain of command" for this and other terrorist activities will themselves burn in Hellfire in their afterlife FOREVER or till God wishes (which for the average person is likely not more than 50 years away till physical death comes round). All evil and disguised evil shall be unveiled. No wonder some people will be laughed at at that time. I am begining to understand this part of religion better. HOW CAN anyone kill another? What right do they have? Obviously these people are NOT God-fearing. Maybe hypocrites or frank unbelievers but definitely not God-fearing. Islam expressly forbids terrorism. Prophet Muhammed even forbade the cutting of trees/plants during war....My heart bleeds with the innocent people whose lives are shattered. Everyone's life is affected. May God put sense into humanity so that terrorism can stop. Who gains from this? No one.

Does it behove a professor of History to state that the blasts were carried out by the Taliban when the proof needed for this was not furnished by him, nor people of his ilk. Here is one more attempt at trying to drive a wedge between Muslims, though couched in language and idiom that would well pass of as sympathetic to Muslims. Can it not be said that such blasts were engineered to sow discord between Muslims in the first place. What other purpose was served?

I find the level of enlightenment on this site to be facinating. According to James, the bombing is linked to the Americans being in Muslim lands. I'm not sure why a group of Afghanis and/or Pakistanis would bomb a Pakistani University to protest Americans, but, if this site is an indicator, that's what passes for logic in some parts.

Then we get to Mary who also seems to have inside information about what is going on. According to her, it's those uncircumsized Indians. And the CIA. Oh. And Mossad. Also, in her world, no Muslim would ever kill another Muslim. Wow. That last one is a -real- head scratcher. Can you say Sunni and Shia? My history books must be way off, because I'm pretty sure they've been killing each other for centuries.

And finally, there is Anonymous, who has some really fine inside intelligence. According to him, we 'know' that XE/USA send people with hidden bombs. Well, Anonymous knows this. He didn't bother citing any sources. I'm assuming his word is good enough, so I'm just going to start telling people that this is what really happened. I mean an anonymous post on the internet should be good enough for anybody. It would have been nice if he had of given some pointers to where the answer was in the Quran, because I have no idea. I'm not 100% sure what the question is, actually.

There were two bright spots in Zu and Yohan. I'm pretty sure that there will be some posters along shortly to tell everybody how those two are not 'real' Muslims, though.

James, pathetic James wants to retain Islam in the pages of the book but does not want to permit its practice through proper learning! James is afraid of loosing his worth and place if other people with knowledge fill the societies.... This is jealousy. The Lord grants James' version of Islam that does not profit humankind to the worms and vermin ... The real Islam has to be practical and liberating from the dominion of injustice and iniquity...

Hey Marry, of course its the Taliban. Not every dam thing is a conspiracy. Did you see the CIA or the indians do this, they dont commit suicide acts like we do. The taliban and others like them have been notorious for blowing themselves up.
Im not for America being in Afganistan or Iraq, but I still think suicide bombings or car bombs, or any other kind of bombs are haraam and a grave sin.
Whoever engages in these acts is kidding themselves if they think there going to heaven. A blazing fire awaits anyone who takes there own lives and others in the process.
These violent acts are not the answer for muslims nor will they ever be.
Inshallah the Taliban and Al qaeda all just die along with all the pain they caused other muslims just because they dont see things as they do.

Zu, brother Zu, fellow Muslim voice, Amen. You are a true Muslim, not those that choose death (murders) for others and prefer the same (suicides)to themselves above life!

Islam protected the believers from corruption of Roman religion (idolatry) but are destroying themselves as unenlightened, unsaved....

Mark LeVine and his ilk need to take lessons in logic. We don't know this attack was from Taliban, all we know is that XE/USA send few people with hidden bombs and detonated them, giving apperence of sucide bombing. This tactic has been documented by Journalists before in Iraq. Muslims need to look at Quran and Sunnah and answer is glaring in their face. Don't belive every thing you hear.

the real taliban are someone else these hakimulah and behtullah are all agents set up by INDIAN raw and US and mossad CIA to destroy pakistan. no fundementalist muslim would destroy other muslims unless they were gambling drinking or doing prostitution it has never happened in history . some of thes efake taliban when they were caught yesterday actually wer shaving the beards and thei hair to look like the pakistani army now the religious muslim would not give up his honor or faith form fear of enemies he would fight till very end these uncircumcised hinud or bribed people from other parts of the world. why should the poor orignal taluba be blamed for the cations of the hypcorites and the enemies of Islam doing this. undoubtedly . when they wer caught they are already being shown which country they belong to. hindus also wear balck thread around their waist and red thread on their wrist or ankel they are supertsitious people . . US Israel and INDIA your strategy is failing.

Am sorry to say that the future of islam is in the Quran not the university bombed. I think if the US and other western nations want peace, they can't be present on Muslim soil and bombing, inciting hatred, destroying masjid, firing drone attacks on populated areas. Dialogue doesnt make any sense while occupiers drop bombs illegally to justify it actions. The pakistani govt should decree that US and allies in its territory stay off it soil. But they wont do that because they have given pledge to Kuffar and bow to the Law of Kuffar. Therefore, those who believe in Shariah would definitely have problem with that.

Pakistaliban, is where so called war on terror will be lost. Allah Akbar

Assalamu alaikum.

Thanks for describing the good work the International Islamic University is doing to combine the 1000+ years of Islamic scholarship with more recent worldwide (esp. Western) scholarship. Allah (swt) asks us to seek knowledge and we should seek to learn the best with a clear, broad perspective as the IIU seems to be doing.

Hopefully insha'Allah this university and other Islamic universities will provide excellent avenues for developing better people and building a better future. I hope to be part of that betterment if Allah wills.

Thats all these cowards from the taliban can do is blow themselves up and kill innocent students and people.
They listen to these Dumb Imams that tell them they'll go to heaven if they carry out these evil suicide bombings.
As a muslim myself, I say anyone that takes his own life in cowardly suicide bombing attacks is going straight to hellfire!
The Quran does not permit anyone to commit suicide no matter what the reason is.