Confidence in Allah: "Until They Change Themselves."

Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured Topics: Allah Values: Hope Views: 9809

Do you ever have doubts about Allah's Abilities? Not necessarily expressing it, but deep inside, do you find yourself saying, "No...I don't think Allah could do that"? As Muslims we should have unshakable confidence that Allah has Ultimate Sovereignty over this Universe. He controls everything, and nothing happens without His Will. Do you know why we sometimes fall into this mistake? It's because we correlate Allah's Ultimate Abilities with the appearance of the results that we want to see. If we want something specific to happen, like someone dear to us that is severely ill, to become well, and we pray to Allah for this and then this person dies, doubt starts to crawl into our hearts. We start, in our subconscious, to doubt that Allah has the ability to cure. Allah Has Ultimate Wisdom, and it is not always that we grasp the wisdom in different things. But because we are sure that Allah is The Most Merciful, we are certain that what ever happens is for our benefit. We must have firm belief in Allah's Sovereignty and Ability. It's a Divine Law: If you have unshakable belief in Allah, He will help you.

For example, when Moses (pbuh) fled with the Children of Israel from Egypt and they found themselves in front of the Red Sea with the Pharaoh's army behind them and there was no way out, what happened? The Children of Israel said, "We are sure to be overtaken." (26:62). But Moses (pbuh) was certain that Allah has power over all things and could get them out of this situation, with confidence, "(Moses) said: "By no means! My Lord is with me! Soon will He guide me!" (26:63). He didn't know "how" Allah will help him, but he was sure that Allah "will" help him. So Allah ordered him to hit the water with his staff and the sea split open making a path between two mountains of water. Allah, The Creator, changed the properties of water, He is the One that decreed them in the first place and He is One that could change them if He wishes.

Take another example. When Abraham (pbuh) was thrown by a catapult towards a huge bonfire and while flying in the air, Jibreel (Gabriel) came to him asking, "Need any help?" Abraham replied, "From you? No thanks". Abraham was confident, totally confident that Allah Sees and Hears what's happening, and that if Allah wants to save him, He will. And that's what happened, Abraham was saved, but how? Did Allah order the sky to rain and turn out the fire? Did Allah order the wind to blow Abraham off course so that he wouldn't fall into the fire? No. Allah changed the properties of fire and ordered it to be cool and safe for Abraham. Why did Allah do this? One reason is so that people would know that Allah is in control of everything and to strengthen their faith in His Ability. It was so that we Muslims in the 21st century realize that we worship The King of this whole universe and that nothing happens without His permission and that He has the ability to do anything He wills.

Allah says, "With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knows but He. He knows whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. There isn't a leaf that falls but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read)". (6:59). Do you see how Great and Knowledgeable Allah is? And guess what? We Muslims believe in Him and obey Him. We depend on Him and He is there to help us.... What then could possibly go wrong?

In another verse Allah says, "Say: 'O Allah. Lord of Power (And Rule), You give power to whom You please, and You strip off power from whom You please: You endue with honor whom You please, and You bring low whom You please: In Your hand is all good. Verily, over all things You have power'" (3:26). See how powerful Allah is? Imagine if your Boss at work, the Dean of your college, or the Principle of your school was your father and he promised you that he would help you with what ever you need. Imagine the feeling of security you will have, imagine the confidence you will feel. Now think about this; The Ruler of this whole universe is Allah, The Powerful, The Merciful, The Ever Living, and He says, "Behold! Verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve; Those who believe and (constantly) guard against evil;- For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity." (10:62-64).

Bothers and Sisters, lets reinforce our confidence in Allah. Lets turn to Him with humbleness and devotion, and ask Him to help us revive our Ummah. He is the One who Gives Life, lets ask Him to give life to our Ummah. He is the Guider to The Straight Path, lets beg Him to Guide us all. Nothing is difficult for Allah. When Allah ordered Noah (pbuh) to build an ark (boat), Noah was in the middle of the desert where there was no sea or river, but because he had confidence in Allah, he got to work. To a non-Believer it would seem insane to built an ark in the middle of the desert, a waste of time. But when the flood started, the wisdom behind building the ark became obvious. Today we are building an ark that seems nonsense to a non-Muslim, or may even seem as a waste of time for a weak Muslim. The ark we are building today is "Until they change themselves". It needs lots of work and may seem pointless to many. But the day will come when those who participated in building this ark will succeed, and those who wandered away will regret. Lets get to work, all of us, because this ark needs a lot of effort, patience, and confidence in Allah!

Amr Khalid is an Egyptian Muslim activist and preacher. The New York Times Magazine, in reference to Khaled's popularity in Arab countries, described him in its April 30, 2006 issue as "the world's most famous and influential Muslim televangelist. Amr Khaled has recently been chosen as number 62 of the world's most influential people by Time Magazine.

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured
  Topics: Allah  Values: Hope
Views: 9809

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Older Comments:
Finally one more thing Yohan,

If Jesus ( J-pbuh ) is God as you claim, a son of the God in your bible, then why was he a previous follower of John the baptists, as stated in your bible too ? Why should " God " be a follower of a human being ? Why should " God " dwell among the people, that he ate, slept and and capable of being betrayed ? The answer is all too simple and yet never contradicting, Jesus ( p-buh ) is a human being, a messenger of GOD and yes, he ( a.s. ) is beholden to the one and only GOD, ALLAH swt.

And unlike what you written in your post, I say this Yohan, ALLAH has no helpers. Tell me where in the Quran has it mention that ALLAH ALL Mighty needs helpers ?! Where ?!

If whatever HE decreed or will, so will it happen. HE Created the universe, the earth without any helpers, and any assertions that ALLAH needs helpers is " shirk " or ascribing partners to him. I thought that you also mentioned this in your 1st. post in the 3rd. paragraph. But nonetheless, you are again reverting back to the position of ascribing partners to the One and Only GOD.

If you claim that your " God " has helpers, then I just wish you the best of luck in your belief.

And looking at the Christendom countries now, the advent of Godless beliefs, gay priesthood, pro choice, separation of church from the daily lives of christians, ya, may be your " God " needs a lot of helpers.


While I respect your choice to stick to your Christianity, at least I made my call to you. At least my Brother Babandi A. Gumel had made his call to you. So that if ALLAH later ask both Brother Babandi and I in the Day of Judgment, at least we can say we tried to spread HIS message.

And to conclude, for all intents and purposes, you are not a Muslim by now, so please do not make a presposterous claim that you are a Muslim. You are not and do not confuse the issues here. La kum di nu kum, wa li ya din. So let it be your religion be yours, and my faith be mine.

Over the years as I read your post I see you as a man of contradictions Yohan. There is an ongoing inner conflict in you and yet you refuse to admit it.

Be that as it may, the choice is yours to live with this conflicting conscience, and if that is the way you want to live with it, then so be it.

Kris Mc Pherson and Babandi A. Gumel,
Thank you for your concern and calling to me to take Shahada to become a Muslim.
I must inform you here at this point that I am already a Muslim in the way that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Y'Shua HaMashiach) said to the Jews: "before Abraham was, I AM", I also say that "before the last prophet for the deception of the Arab people was known, I am a Muslim" and feel no need to take redundant Shahada unto apostasy and perdition. You create a similitude of the Almighty and Worship your own making of one and only true God. When we compare your only god with the teachings in the Bible, he has many helpers but you deny. We Worship the true God who is for ever and does not change in purpose at any point of time nor does He change His Words to His humble Servants. We do not barter our little good grasped with our limited capacity being tempted with much that is fake.
Regarding begetting and begotten, you greatly misunderstand and teach us your version of the doctrine only as a proof of your struggle against the Holy Bible. The Lord God created the material things by His utterance but begot mankind by His Will in His own image although the physical form was made by His Hands taking substances from the creation. Those who submit to His Will are those begotten by Him and know Him in their spirit and Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, even when it lacks grandeur and show in this dunia (the make belief world with multiple religions).
True, He has no grand children or other relatives but a Son He Has and in Him and by Him the children also. True, the Father is not begotten but begot His Son in whom we are begotten by His Will in the new creation after the fall of first Adam bringing the sentence of death to himself and his progeny after the dust. True that He shares not the glory with any other being as co-equal/partner with Him but calls His Children begotten by His Will to abide with Him in glory!

Kris Mc Pherson and Babandi A. Gumel,
Thanks for your concern and calling to me.
Regarding your advice of taking Shahada to become Muslim, I must inform you that I am already one in the way that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Y'Shua HaMashiach) said to the Jews: "before Abraham was, I AM", I also say that "before the last prophet for the deception of the Arab people was known, I am a Muslim" and feel no need to take redundant Shahada unto apostasy and perdition. You create a similitude of the Almighty and Worship your own making of one and only true God. When we compare your only god with the teachings in the Bible, he has many helpers but you deny. We Worship the true God who is for ever and does not change in purpose at any point of time nor does He change His Words to His humble Servants. We do not barter our little good grasped with our limited capacity being tempted with much that is fake.
Regarding begetting and begotten, you greatly misunderstand and teach us your version of the doctrine only as a proof of your struggle against the Holy Bible. The Lord God created the material things by His utterance but begot mankind by His Will in His own image although the physical form was made by His Hands taking substances from the creation. Those who submit to His Will are those begotten by Him and know Him in their spirit and Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, even when it lacks grandeur and show in this dunia (the make belief world with multiple religions). True, He has no grand children or other relatives but a Son He Has and in Him and by Him the children also. True, the Father is not begotten but begot His Son in whom we are begotten by His Will in the new creation after the fall of first Adam bringing the sentence of death to himself and his progeny after the dust. True that He shares not the glory with any other being as co-equal/partner with Him but calls His Children begotten by His Will to abide with Him in glory.


To my dearest Brothers in this world and Hereafter, Brother Babandi, and Brother Zinedine,

Happy Eidil Adha Brothers, and particularly all our Brothers and Sisters performong the Hajj now, they are ALLAH guests and may it be a Hajj of Mabrur. How I wish I have the same level of knowledge as Brother Babandi, everytime when my family reads your post Brother Babandi, we'll be touched by it's content.

Our hearts felt merrier Brother, on any reminders that ALLAH is Ahad, there's none like HIM, and HE is every OmniPresence Brother. And only HIM and HIM alone is worthy of worship. Let us worship HIM not just for rewards, but above all, for the love of ALLAH, HIM and HIM alone.

I pray that the bounties and the Rahmah will be endless to you Brother, and Brother Zinedine and to all our Brothers and sisters elsewhere too.

Yes, we call upon all humanity to embrace Islam, that there is no God but ALLAH, and that Muhammad ( s.a.w ) is HIS messenger. The messenger that was sent to perfected the Islam, the same Islam that was sent to Adam ( a.s ) Hud ( a.s. ) Luth ( a.s ), Noah ( a.s ) Abraham, ( a.s ) Issac, ( a.s. ), Ishmael ( a.s ), and all other messemgers until Moses ( a.s ), Jesus ( a.s ) and finally Muhammad ( s.a.w ).

And on this Eidil Adha, we say we love to all the messengers of ALLAH and we'll strive to continue to what was left, our duties and responsibilities as the khairum ummatin, and we'll try and ALLAH Knows our abilities and our limitations. At least if ALLAH ask us, in the hereafter, what have we done for HIS Deen, have we attempted to spread HIS message, at least we can say we tried.

And as long as we live, we'll keep trying, Insya ALLAH.

I was quoting Romesh instead of Yohan may be because he was so popular and argumentative in this forum.Nonetheless May Allah give all of them Hidayah,whoever is sincere definitely Allah would guide him/her to the right path. Read and Study the Quran carefully you will soon come to the conclusion that no one is worthy of worship execept Allah the Everliving who begets not nor was He begotten.He is not the father of anybody nor Uncle or Grandfather of anyone of us.He is the only Creator who created everything and never died and will not die in future unlike us including Prophets Jesus Muhammad Peace Be Upon them and all other Creations of Allah.

I think this is one of the few articles that most if not all of us including Comrade Romesh whom we are hoping would consider taking the Shahadah in the Islamicity witnessed by millions of visitors. My Dearest Brother Kris Macpherson has already extended that invitation and I wish to reiterate the same invitation worshipping the ONLY Being worthy of worship ALLAH Subahanahu Wataala.Those who believe and they do not mix their belief with
injustice (associating partners with God) will have security and they are rightly guided.That was our argument which We gave to Abraham against his people.We raise by degrees whom we will.
Indeed your Lord is Wise and Knowing.An We gave to him (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob all of them We guided.And Noah We guided before and among his progeny David and Solomon and Job and Joseph,Moses and Aaron.Thus do We reward doers of good.And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias and all were (among) the righteous.And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot all of (whom) We preferred over the worlds(creations).And some among their fathers and their descendents and their brothers We chose them and guided them to the right path.That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whomever He wishes of His servants.But if they associated others with Allah then worthless for them would be whatever they did.Those are the ones to whom We gave the Scriptures and Authority and prophethood.But if they deny it then We have entrusted it to people who are not therein disbelievers.Those are the ones whom Allah has guided,so from their guidance take example.Say I ask of you no payment It is but a reminder for the whole worlds. Allahu Akbar this the message which we are trying to extend to every one including Romesh and all other sincere visitors to this popular Site the Islamicity which thousands of people get hidayah which is the purpose.Once again as my Dearest Brother Kris Macpherson has extended the invitation to Romesh I am doing so.May Allah be with Us Amen.


Brother Babandi, my good Brother. I learn from you again. Your writing is as soothing as always. How the angels would smile in noticing the efforts that you put forth. Jazaku' ALLAH khairan kathira for your jihad in spreading knowledge of the way to the right path.


Most surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that sail in the sea with that which profits men,and the water that Allah sends down from the sky giving life to the earth after its death and spreads in it all kinds of animals and the changing of the winds and the clouds made subservient between the heaven and the earth are signs for people who understand.
Unfortunately lots people do not reason as He mentioned in the next Verse 165 of Baqarah saying:
Yet there are some men who take for themselves objects of worship besides Allah loving them as Allah supposed to be loved.But those who believe are stauncher in love for Allah.And if only they who have wronged would consider (that) when they see the punishment (realising)that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is severe in requiting (evil).When those who have been followed
diassociate themselves from those who followed them and(they all) see the punishment and their ties are cut asunder .And those who followed shall say: If only we had another (chance to return to the World)then we would renounce them as they have renounced us,Thus will Allah show them their deeds as intense regrets and anguish and shall not come forth from the fire. The verses above clearly show that Allah is the ONLY being worthy of worship and no one else be it Angel,human being Jinn animal or anything in the heavens or the earth not to talk of an idol curved by a human being.Every thing is going to perish except Allah's Countenance. The Angel of death Himself is going to taste death so all the human beings including Jesus of course and all other Prophets would taste death.Only Allah is above death. He would take all our lives and would all go back to Him. He would question us and no body would question Him.He is Allah whom there is no deity the Pure, the Security the Guardian,the Exalted the Supreme,the Mighty the Compeller the Superior above all what they ascribe

This is the most beautiful article I have ever read.


I'm impress with the 3rd. paragraph of your post. Having said that, Why don't you consider studying Islam in depth ? The truth is out there for you to embrace, Yohan.


Allah says, "With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knows but He. He knows whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. There isn't a leaf that falls but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read)". Author

The above statements seem to be the testimony for another person. It requires only little wisdom to understand who that person is instead of mentioning that Allah said it of Himself. We believe that one from the realm of mortal has been exalted to the right hand of power with immortality and perpetual glory. The statements are made about Him, through whom mankind can turn back in repentance from their sins before the Day of Grace ends.

Allah has no other partner who shares glory together but Him that vanquished the power of Satan, destroying death and hell for those who believe, thus removing the reproach of Satan against all creation from the face of God.

the article is very informative
may Almighty Allah guide us all to straight path