Curveballs and Politics go hand in hand

Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Iraq, Saddam Hussein Channel: Opinion Views: 1713

Do you remember Mr. Powell's speech at the UN where he proudly presented the case for the Iraq war? He mentioned an authentic Iraqi source confirming what he said the world already knew. He called that source a Curveball. So authentic were these sources that the United States, the allies and the religious leadership of Iraq not only trusted him but gave a green signal to him for the destruction of the country. Based on the information received from the Curveball, the pentagon and intelligence apparatus of the country engaged in devising a plan to invade Iraq and sustain the US presence there.

Based on the information, the drama of bringing down the statue of Saddam Hussein was staged. 

The actors were selected and the script was read loud and loudly on television. Sermons were given in holy places using the information of the Curveball who was hailed by many of the scholars of Islam as the messiah, as the deliverer as the symbol of bravery and courage. Now the Curveball has been identified.

The sources say that the Curveball was an alcoholic, a failed engineering student, never had any access to the political leadership of Iraq, and was once convicted of theft. The sources also say that the German intelligence didn't trust his testimony and warned the US about him. The Bush Administration used his testimony. Who knows if someone in the Bush Administration prepared him to give the testimony that would later be used to serve the military plans. It is apparent, that the decision to invade Iraq was taken after the 9/11 attacks.

What is ironic is that the world's most sophisticated media bought the political propaganda of the Administration and banged the drums of war and sang the chorus of blood? 

We don't know much about the game as is played in the highest echelons of politics. We know only what we have been informed of by the elites. Rarely, do we find someone with a clear conscience speaking out to reveal the truth. But even then it does not bring about any significant change in the situation.

The lies and the unholy alliances between the world's leading arm dealers and a naive religious clergy driven by its zeal to grab power and settle political accounts with the dictator Saddam Hussein have created an Iraq where death and destruction are justified by everyone who is involved. 

None of these leaders care about the death of more than half a million people that resulted from US actions based on the testimony of the Curveball.

In fact, many of these leaders can easily be accused of perpetuating war crimes and committing genocide. It is reported by many media sources that during the early years of the invasion, efforts were made on the part of the controller of the war to fan the Shia-Sunni divide and support the two groups as needed with arms and explosives. It is clear that even the most powerful elected body in the US cannot do anything to bring about changes in Iraqi policy. The congress, despite having a democratic majority, could not do anything about the military spending even though every Democrat spoke about it and pledged to work to bring the war to an end. 

It is obvious, that people are powerless in the US when it comes to the interests of arms dealers. It is obvious that the so called representatives of people often become the representatives of the most powerful in the world and ignore their own mandate. It is obvious that despite all major international documents on the sanctity and sacredness of human life, those who are powerful are not concerned about a few million lives lost in their efforts to increase their profits through selling arms and guns. It is obvious that there are many among religious leaders who are willing to trade off the truth for a cheap price. It is obvious that the truth is often ignored by the media and that part of the truth is displayed which serves the interests of the most powerful.

The Curveball, apparently, curved a lot more than expected causing so much curves in world politics that the dead bodies resulting from its bounce were covered with lies, the blood and bones of humans were piled up as a monument of democracy and those who were responsible for all the destruction were projected as benefactors of the world. Indeed this Curveball was the deadliest the world has ever seen.

Dr. Aslam Abdullah is editor-in-Chief of the Muslim Observer and the director of the Islamic Society of Nevada as well as the director of the Muslim Electorates Council of America.

  Category: Americas, World Affairs
  Topics: Iraq, Saddam Hussein  Channel: Opinion
Views: 1713

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