Israel`s failure

Category: Middle East, World Affairs Topics: Occupation Views: 4617

A Lebanese man retrieving his personal belongings from the bombed out buildings in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

They made a desert and called it peace. Srifa - or what was once the village of Srifa - is a place of pancaked homes, blasted walls, rubble, starving cats and trapped corpses. But it is also a place of victory for the Hizbollah, whose fighters walked amid the destruction yesterday with the air of conquering heroes. So who is to blame for this desert? The Shia militia which provoked this war - or the Israeli air force and army which has laid waste to southern Lebanon and killed so many of its people? 

There was no doubt what the village mukhtar thought. As three Hizbollah men - one wounded in the arm, the other carrying two ammunition clips and a two-way radio - passed us amid the piles of broken concrete, Hussein Kamel el-Din yelled to them: "Hallo, heroes!" Then he turned to me. "You know why they are angry? Because God didn't give them the opportunity of dying."

You have to be down here with the Hizbollah amid this terrifying destruction - way south of the Litani river, in the territory from which Israel once vowed to expel them - to realise the nature of the past month of war and of its enormous political significance to the Middle East. Israel's mighty army has already retreated from the neighbouring village of Ghandoutiya after losing 40 men in just over 36 hours of fighting. It has not even managed to penetrate the smashed town of Khiam where the Hizbollah were celebrating yesterday afternoon. In Srifa, I stood with Hizbollah men looking at the empty roads to the south and could see all the way to Israel and the settlement of Mizgav Am on the other side of the frontier. This is not the way the war was supposed to have ended for Israel.

Far from humiliating Iran and Syria - which was the Israeli-American plan - these two supposedly pariah states have been left untouched and the Hizbollah's reputation lionised across the Arab world. The "opportunity" which President George Bush and his Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, apparently saw in the Lebanon war has turned out to be an opportunity for America's enemies to show the weakness of Israel's army. Indeed, last night, scarcely any Israeli armour was to be seen inside Lebanon - just one solitary tank could be glimpsed outside Bint Jbeil and the Israelis had retreated even from the "safe" Christian town of Marjayoun. It is now clear that the 30,000-strong Israeli army reported to be racing north to the Litani river never existed. In fact, it is unlikely that there were yesterday more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers left in all of southern Lebanon, although they did become involved in two fire-fights during the morning, hours after the UN-ceasefire went into effect.

Down the coast road from Beirut, meanwhile, came a massive exodus of tens of thousands of Shia families, bedding piled on the roofs of their cars , many of them sporting Hizbollah flags and pictures of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's chairman, on their windscreens. At the massive traffic jams around the broken motorway bridges and craters which litter the landscape, the Hizbollah was even handing out yellow and green "victory" flags, along with official notices urging parents not to allow children to play with the thousands of unexploded bombs that now lie across the landscape. At least one Lebanese child was killed by unexploded ordnance and another 15 were wounded yesterday.

But to what are these people returning? Haj Ali Dakroub, a 42-year old construction manager, lost part of his home in Israel's 1996 bombardment of Srifa. Now his entire house has been flattened. "What is here that Israel should destroy all this?" he asked. "We don't deny that the resistance was in Srifa. It was here before and it will be here in the future. But in this house lived only my family. So why would Israel bomb it?"

Well, I did happen to notice what appeared to be the casing of a missile hanging from the balcony of a much-damaged house facing the rubble of Ali Dakroub's home. And a group of Hizbollah militiamen, one of them with a pistol tucked into his trousers, walked past us nonchalantly and disappeared into an orchard. Was this, perhaps, where they kept some of their rockets?

Mr Dakroub wasn't saying. "I am going to rebuild my home with my two sons," he insisted. "Israel may come back in 10 years and destroy it all over again and then I'll just rebuild it all over again. This was a Hizbollah victory. The Israelis were able to defeat all the Arab countries in six days in 1967 but here they could not defeat the resistance in a month. These resistance men would come out of the ground and shoot back. They are still here."

"Come out of the ground" is an expression I have heard several times these past four weeks and I am beginning to suspect that many of the thousands of guerrillas did indeed shelter in caves and basements and tunnels, only to emerge to fire their missiles or to use their infra-red rockets on the Israeli army once it made the mistake of sending troops into Lebanon on the ground. And does anyone believe that the Hizbollah will submit to their own disarmament by a new international force of UN and Lebanese troops once - if - it arrives? There was a symbolic moment yesterday when Lebanese soldiers already based in southern Lebanon joined Hizbollah men in Srifa to clear the rubble of a house in which the bodies of an entire family were believed buried. Lebanese Red Cross and civil defence personnel - representatives of the civil power which is supposed to claw back its sovereignty from the Hizbollah - joined in the search. The mukhtar, who so blatantly regarded the Hizbollah as heroes, is also a government representative. And at the entrance to this shattered village still stands a poster of Nasrallah and the Iranian President Ali Khamenei.

Far from driving the Hizbollah north across the Litani river, Israel has entrenched them in their Lebanese villages as never before. 

They made a desert and called it peace. Srifa - or what was once the village of Srifa - is a place of pancaked homes, blasted walls, rubble, starving cats and trapped corpses. But it is also a place of victory for the Hizbollah, whose fighters walked amid the destruction yesterday with the air of conquering heroes. So who is to blame for this desert? The Shia militia which provoked this war - or the Israeli air force and army which has laid waste to southern Lebanon and killed so many of its people? 

There was no doubt what the village mukhtar thought. As three Hizbollah men - one wounded in the arm, the other carrying two ammunition clips and a two-way radio - passed us amid the piles of broken concrete, Hussein Kamel el-Din yelled to them: "Hallo, heroes!" Then he turned to me. "You know why they are angry? Because God didn't give them the opportunity of dying."

You have to be down here with the Hizbollah amid this terrifying destruction - way south of the Litani river, in the territory from which Israel once vowed to expel them - to realise the nature of the past month of war and of its enormous political significance to the Middle East. Israel's mighty army has already retreated from the neighbouring village of Ghandoutiya after losing 40 men in just over 36 hours of fighting. It has not even managed to penetrate the smashed town of Khiam where the Hizbollah were celebrating yesterday afternoon. In Srifa, I stood with Hizbollah men looking at the empty roads to the south and could see all the way to Israel and the settlement of Mizgav Am on the other side of the frontier. This is not the way the war was supposed to have ended for Israel.

Far from humiliating Iran and Syria - which was the Israeli-American plan - these two supposedly pariah states have been left untouched and the Hizbollah's reputation lionised across the Arab world. The "opportunity" which President George Bush and his Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, apparently saw in the Lebanon war has turned out to be an opportunity for America's enemies to show the weakness of Israel's army. Indeed, last night, scarcely any Israeli armour was to be seen inside Lebanon - just one solitary tank could be glimpsed outside Bint Jbeil and the Israelis had retreated even from the "safe" Christian town of Marjayoun. It is now clear that the 30,000-strong Israeli army reported to be racing north to the Litani river never existed. In fact, it is unlikely that there were yesterday more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers left in all of southern Lebanon, although they did become involved in two fire-fights during the morning, hours after the UN-ceasefire went into effect.

Down the coast road from Beirut, meanwhile, came a massive exodus of tens of thousands of Shia families, bedding piled on the roofs of their cars , many of them sporting Hizbollah flags and pictures of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's chairman, on their windscreens. At the massive traffic jams around the broken motorway bridges and craters which litter the landscape, the Hizbollah was even handing out yellow and green "victory" flags, along with official notices urging parents not to allow children to play with the thousands of unexploded bombs that now lie across the landscape. At least one Lebanese child was killed by unexploded ordnance and another 15 were wounded yesterday.

But to what are these people returning? Haj Ali Dakroub, a 42-year old construction manager, lost part of his home in Israel's 1996 bombardment of Srifa. Now his entire house has been flattened. "What is here that Israel should destroy all this?" he asked. "We don't deny that the resistance was in Srifa. It was here before and it will be here in the future. But in this house lived only my family. So why would Israel bomb it?"

Well, I did happen to notice what appeared to be the casing of a missile hanging from the balcony of a much-damaged house facing the rubble of Ali Dakroub's home. And a group of Hizbollah militiamen, one of them with a pistol tucked into his trousers, walked past us nonchalantly and disappeared into an orchard. Was this, perhaps, where they kept some of their rockets?

Mr Dakroub wasn't saying. "I am going to rebuild my home with my two sons," he insisted. "Israel may come back in 10 years and destroy it all over again and then I'll just rebuild it all over again. This was a Hizbollah victory. The Israelis were able to defeat all the Arab countries in six days in 1967 but here they could not defeat the resistance in a month. These resistance men would come out of the ground and shoot back. They are still here."

"Come out of the ground" is an expression I have heard several times these past four weeks and I am beginning to suspect that many of the thousands of guerrillas did indeed shelter in caves and basements and tunnels, only to emerge to fire their missiles or to use their infra-red rockets on the Israeli army once it made the mistake of sending troops into Lebanon on the ground. And does anyone believe that the Hizbollah will submit to their own disarmament by a new international force of UN and Lebanese troops once - if - it arrives? There was a symbolic moment yesterday when Lebanese soldiers already based in southern Lebanon joined Hizbollah men in Srifa to clear the rubble of a house in which the bodies of an entire family were believed buried. Lebanese Red Cross and civil defence personnel - representatives of the civil power which is supposed to claw back its sovereignty from the Hizbollah - joined in the search. The mukhtar, who so blatantly regarded the Hizbollah as heroes, is also a government representative. And at the entrance to this shattered village still stands a poster of Nasrallah and the Iranian President Ali Khamenei.

Far from driving the Hizbollah north across the Litani river, Israel has entrenched them in their Lebanese villages as never before.

Robert Fisk is a British journalist, currently Middle East correspondent for the British newspaper The Independent. The New York Times described him as "probably the most famous foreign correspondent in Britain". He has over thirty years of experience in international reporting, dating from 1970s Belfast and Portugal's 1974 Carnation Revolution, the 1975-1990 Lebanese Civil War, and encompassing the 1979 Iranian revolution, the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, 1991 Persian Gulf War, and 2003 Invasion of Iraq. He is the world's most-decorated foreign correspondent, having received numerous awards including the British Press Awards' International Journalist of the Year award seven times. Fisk speaks good vernacular Arabic, and is one of the few Western journalists to have interviewed Osama bin Laden (three times between 1994 and 1997).

  Category: Middle East, World Affairs
  Topics: Occupation
Views: 4617

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Older Comments:
Salaamu alaikum Hala,

First of all I would like to thank you and Mark Reid for your efforts. Kudos to Mark Reid for nailing John who needs to admit that he is either a Zionist or pro-zionist. I won't waste my breath on a zionist, there is no point in pouring water on sand (john) because when you plant seeds in the desert, it won't turn into a tree. It's fruitless period!
On the other hand, you have people like Hala who is genuine and caring and truly wants peace and happiness for the peoples of this earth is worth discussing and communicating with.

To you Hala, there is no doubt that the Assad family are dictators; none of us Arabs will forget Ma'saat Hamaat (the tragedy of Hamaat) and how Bashar's father who expectdely groomed his son, monarchy style, to become Syria's president ordered his army to invade Hamaat and kill thousands of its own people. I know that the Alawi regime of the Assad family is brutal and of course that the Iranian government supports them simply because the Alawiyeen of Syria are Shia. I know that Hizbollah receive their support from Syria and Iran also because they are Shia. There are two things we cannot deny that when parts of Bilaad Shaam was a French protectorate, France divided Syria into two countries Syria and Lebannon & Syria still feels bitter about it. Worse France made political arrangement in its usual divide and conquer policies by which it created an invironment of mistrust between Christians & Muslims passing power to the minority Christians and making sure that Sunnis have little power and that Shia's have no power in Lebannon. The Shias in Lebannon have suffered a lot at the hands of Israel & were discriminated against by the Maronite and the Sunnis alike and brutally attacked by the TERRORIST STATE OF ISREAL. Hala, the Shias are not attacking your people Hala, Israel is and you should be grateful to the Shias for their Jihadi spirit and if it was not for them Lebannon would be annexed to Isarel.

John, if the number of the innocent massacred by Israel, the babies, women, the elderly and even disabled hospital patients, is indicative of their victory then I agree with you, Israel won. But seriously is that victory? Its easy to kill unarmed civilians something that Israel and the US are very adept at, as their history shows, fighting only those battles that can be easily won. Typically slaughter of entire civilian populations who can do nothing more than throw stones and hurl nothing more than insults. If you think beyond your victory in killing babies and children, you will realise that every single group previously divided over religion, language, ethnicity and political affiliation in Lebanon and Syria are now solidly united against a common enemy, the Israel/US coalition. Admit it John, you people and your hill-billy president screwed up big time. You massacred 30,000 civilians and what did you achieve? Victory ? seriously John be honest with yourself. Read something other than US newspapers and TV spots other than Fox News, and you will realise that your little bloodlust excursion has yielded a new yet amazing development, from Lebanon to Indonesia, every Shia and Sunni leader are now united in calling for united front against the US/Israel duo and even previously 'secular' pro-western parties are joining in this new front, because it is the most popular public mandate. Even the Arab Christians who were previously famously solid behind Israel, are now organising and uniting with Arab Muslims, Shia and Shia. John when a man cannot be honest with himself he leads a miserable and wretched existence indeed.

salamu alaykum zenedine
well, you only have to hear bashar asad's last speech to know who assassined rafik hariri, leave the respectable journalists and go by yourself to lebanon, i lived there all my life. see how syrian system never hesitated to assasin anyone who stands in its way, and as the investigation says now, not only in this case, also in cases where the targeted people lived to talk and have investigations of their own. i live there zeneddine, i know syria, and hizboullah stands for the tyrant, if it was workin for the muslim nation, as you suggest, it would not stand for the unright to keep its own interests, because these are the islamic morals right? it wouldn't bring a war, without even informing the lebanese people about it, because, after all, it is their land too, right? it wouldn't establish its own shi3i country inside lebanon, with my respect to all shi3a, but they should learn how to be loyal to 1)God 2)their country, not 1)nasrallah, 2)iran. when will muslims know that they won't "change" until they change what in i saying something wrong here? we cannot fight the wrong by standing with the other wrong. why do arabs always have to say, if you are not with hizboullah, you are surrendering to israel and usa? this is what the tyrant leaders want all to believe. no. no for all wrong, and yes to quoraan. nasrallah doesn't even want to be in the lebanese army, doesn't want anyone else to fight with him, he wants his own state. he and his people, in his last speech, were making so much distinction between lebanese and them. plus, arrogance is not and will never be a muslim trait. go to lebanon, talk to hizbullah supporters, and see what you get. listen to nasrallah speeches.

I have seen some other comments stating that Hezobollah was victorious aainst Israel. If it was victory for Hezobollah then Hezobollah would have had troops in Israel.Besides no Arab or muslim nation will be a match with Israel as Israel has at least 200 nuclear bombs, and has the best trained airforce in the world. Well all Hezobollah did was kill a few soilders and take 2 israeli hostatges. Hezobollah is not the Lebanese government, and they did not at all consult the government or Lebanese military for that matter, as any attack by Hezobollah by Israel would bring massive retaliation and as a result all Lebanese would suffer.

Salaamu alaikum Hala,

First I thought you were a Maronite Christian but now that I know that you are a Muslim, I confirm that my statements come from honest journalists worldwide. All decent journalists who's articles are either on the back pages of newspapers and magazines or do not even have their article figure in major newpapers know that Rafiq Alhariri was killed by the Mosad with the cooperation of the CIA...

in response to zinedine, salamu alaikum.
Well, the lebanese people are the ones who wanted syria out, and they managed to do so in the cedar revolution. Syria was robbing us, lebanon was left with a 40 billion debt because of syrian robberies, they were oppressing us, and the lebanese governors back then were nothing but toys in their hands, and rafik harrirri's assasination was done by top syrian commanders in lebanon, which are now in prison, some commited "suicide" in syria. So please, the only democratic country in the whole arab world is lebanon, and what nasrallah was cheering for before he brought this bloody war to lebanon, was syria, syria bashar al asad, the tyrant. when will arabs and muslims know that our situation won't change unless we stop blaming everything on west and israel, israel that never and will never hesitate to kill and bomb innocents, and start fixing our own systems, because they are only oppressing systems, and start going back to our book, the Grand Quoraan. So please, stop cheering for hizboullah, which is a tool in the hand of these systems, because the lebanese are the only ones who lost here, and they are still wounded. When isarel crushes a country so brutally, you cannot cheer for anyone. You cannot say that anyone who wants a free strong government you are an israeli ally. you cannot crush a will of a whole people, who are loyal to God, and to their country.

i just want to know how you call this victory???? when 1000 of my people are dead, 3000 are wounded, and 3.5 billion material losses. they left the country wounded, and hizbullah are playing fireworks, how can they play fireworks over innocent blood??? nasrallah in the end of the war which he started was pleading "if you cease fire we cease fire" which was not the same as when he started the death campaign to lebanon " this is my war, and i want to do it whether you agree or do not agree". well, he acts and still acts as if he has his own country, within lebanon, they donot even pay electricity bills.. this is pathetic, victory, against what? against lebanon. they never acted as lebanese, their loyalty will never be for lebanon, they brought destruction to whole lebanon only to keep their arms, and they managed to. they defend iran and attack lebanese government. hizboullah is victorious only in 1 way, lebanon is destroyed and they now say : we will never ever surrender our arms, which they never dared to say before. If you want to live in a place you should respect the government, not establish your own government. I am a lebanese, and lebanon is wounded, and let the arab mobs stop cheering for people who care nothing about them, and renew their hared for them every year for 10 days.

Salaamu alaikum,

The Zionist media wants the world to believe that Hizbollah started this war. No absolutely not; this war was planned before planning the forceful withdrwal of the Syrian army from Lebanon. You don't need to be a genius to put 2 & 2 together and see the whole picture. First the American gov and Israel wanted to weaken Lebanon by forcing the Syrian forces out of it thru the UN that is (America & Israel's puppet)to make sure that it's easier to take on Hizbollah and destroy them and Lebanon along with them.

Now, saying that Hizbollah "kidanpped" two israeli soldiers in Israeli territory is untrue. First of all these two soldiers were not kidnapped they were captured; second of all they were captured in Lebanese territory and third of all it was in response to a planned provocation by the Israeli army under Halutz and Peretz & of course this happened with the blessing of the Bush gov because they want to see a demo prior to an attack on Iran. Again CNN and BBC & the Sky news etc want the world to believe that "guilty & dangerous" Hizbollah started this war and innocent, dovish & defensless Israel had no choice but defend itself. Just take a look at Israel's history you don't belive Muslims then (read Israeli Jewish journalist Uri Avnery's articles" to see that all Israel's wars were pre-emptive wars. To make you belive otherwise, is a total lie propagated by Zionist controlled Western media.

Long live Lebanon long live our heroes HIZBOLLAH!!!

Long live the victors! Long live the resistence! Long live Hizballah!
SorrytoSay,or shall I say,Doin Phine,D.Thoamas.Tommy D.? You signed off on those names and you resurface on this new name-phrase pseudoname,eh? Nice try,buddy,your broken record opinion is undoubtfully you. I can figure you out no matter what name you use. It's the morbid ideology,e.g.,Zionism and Christian fundamentalism that betray you. Although,mind you,you declared yourself atheist but still stick to Judeo-Christian values,isn't that weird? Sorry to say,but no Muslim would give up Islam,maybe the faithless,not the strong or fundamentalist ones. I have the greatest respect for Hizballah. They are the heroes,they carry the day and this is the second Israeli defeat by the Muslim forces of Hizballah. 1996 the first and 10 years later. 2006! This is a great day for the Muslims everywhere,it proves that it can be done! God willing,peace will come to the region on the terms of the natives not the invaders!
So long,mon ami!

VICTORY? HEROES? This is a family feud, not a great jihad. This isn't even the lesser jihad that the Prophet, pbuh, fought. This war is over bragging rights and territory, not the defense of Allah ta' allah, Who is the Ruler of the Day of Judgement and certainly needs no "defense". Israeli's are not interested in turninig us from Islam; they are interested in territory and power. Nobody will win this tiny jihad without first winning the Greater Jihad--the Jihad for our souls. There will be no "victory" for Hizbollah, for Lebanon, for all of mankind, until we first give Allah victory over our own lives. Rushing around shouting "ALLAHU AKBAR!" does not make us holy jihadis. Until we are able to worship Allah as the Prophet worshipped Allah, we are only indulging our own egoist objectives. I thank Allah who has granted this cease fire, but I do not agree that this is some sort of "victory". And those who call it a victory are satisfied with very little. What victory is it with so many innocents dead? What have these "heroes" conquered? Certainly not their nafs. May Allah 'ta 'allah wake us all up to the love of peace over war, the love of ALLAH and the pursuit of the Greater Jihad over our own love of conflict and violence.

Well written article. If the facts stated are true then Muslims should take it as an example of those fighting with faith in Allah SWT against those who do not believe. May Allah in His infinite kindness and mercy help all of us to do the things required of us as Muslims and to achieve the purpose for which we were put on this earth. Ameen

I do not know who failed or who had victory? But it is sure the muslims are still not united and have the sectorian differences for stupid reasons.

It is a shame for any country to use WMD, occupy, invade other country that is crippled by conspiracies (UN military and economic sanctions). They call themselves as CIVILISED ?
There should be match of weapons in the war. All countries have the right to make all kinds of weapons to match the enemies' arsenal.

What did israel achieve ? They destroyed so many human lives, infrastructure, tourism business, economy of your NEIGHBOR( the have forgotten their Torah-Talmut-Ten commandments and so on..?).There is no mention of two soldiers. Did they use this an excuse this time?. What will be the next excuse?

There is lot of controversy about the promised land in the religious books. ADAM was descended from heaven to the earth. What was his religion? Once these so called CIVILISED countries find out ,the world or the earth belongs to that people.

We are all children of Adam and Abraham and we are the people-three faiths BUT with one GOD and one father -ADAM.

What is absolutely startling is that no one, neither the UK/US media nor their public have paused a moment to reflect on the fact that given the extreme shock and temperature sensitivity of liquid explosives it is totally impossible for anyone to walk about sloshing explosive liquids in bottles or hand bags or luggage which as we all know is brutally manhandled at any airport and then make it to the aircraft in one piece, and yet live to assemble the bomb. Even certain chemicals that could possibly be used in liquid form, require a drying time for the crystalization of the reactive substance, achieveable in a laboratory setting would be impossible in a flight environment. I can see it now. The terrorist will request the airlines authority to please let them in first, allow them to set up their equipment, pipettes, burettes and all, and then when the reactive substances have dried enough, request the passangers be allowed to board very carefully so that they are able to set off the devise above the sea ? Is not this embarassingly ignorant US/UK claim utterly absurd and luricrious and indeed an insult to our intelligence? But then again it all makes sense when you consider who was behind this theory - Bush and his team of intellectual dwarfs. I can understand the ignorance of Americans who knowledge is limited to sports, pornography and beer and video games, but the British public is surely more analytical than their ignorant cousins? One may ask what has Musharaf got to gain by their laughable claims of the Al-Quieda links and what not other fairy tales. Given the bottom of the barrel ratings for the Bush/Blair/Musharaf trio of goofs, is it any wonder thay they are trying to pull yet another rabbit out of the bag? Its almost a comically predictable equation: Bush/Blair ratings are inversely proportional to the frequency of bogus terrorist alarms. What a sham. A perfect way to drum up public hysteria to cover the massacre of Lebanese civilians by Israel.

Sir Sorry to Say!!!

What's up? You have been acting here at this website exactly like an excited fish in a small pool of water in a nearly dry lake. The fish gets excited upon reception of new rainy water after a long dry season. The rain is the source of excitation for the fish. I am confused, but What is the source of your excitation?

You have been going on a ranting rampage. Don't you know that Israel, the self-declared Jewish State, and its supporter USA, are the root causes of choas in the Middle East.

Move Israel to Germany or the USA and disram both. THen all problems solved. Hizbollah is NOT the problem. You are the problem. STOP OCCUPYING. STOP INVADING. CHANGE YOUR FOREIGN POLICY. ELECT SOME SMART PEOPLE IN OFFICE. GET RID OF ZIONISTS FROM YOUR GOV'Ts. THEN and ONLY THEN ALL PROBLEM will be solved.

I am sorry to say that my comment is going to increase the activation energy required for you to get excited. I would NOT do the same to a fish, though.


ISraeli's failure according to the Islamic nations in the Middle East. When US and its allies think other wise. When the two Israeli soldiers were capture by the Lebanesse, Why wasn't Olmert willings to talk. Olmert ..was on cloud 10, with US green light to start war with any country.

all praise and thanks are due to the lord of the heavens and the earth, I was expecting this victory for my brothers and sisters in middleast, who ever allah supports is the winner, try to fight for the sake of allah, allah will support you, you will all join the holywar insha allah and you we will deafet the enemy of allah insha allah, all power and honor belong to allah

If the gov't of Lebanon doen't disarm Hizbollah, then they will be responasable for what follows. A gov't has to be sovereign over its lands, if it isn't then it is not a legitimate government, and has to suffer the consequences that follow. Lebanon can not hide underneith the skirt of Hizbollah, it is time for it to act. Once and for all times. Hizbollah doesn't care about Lebaonon, it is a tool of Syria and Iran. Building hospitals and schools over weapon stashes are not the sign of a caring or professional organisation. To put it bluntly Hizbollah hides behind the skirts of woman and befind the bodies of children. Propaganda is its strenght, hyprocracy and lying are its weapons.

The irak movie is repeated& to BE continued
Awn(Jalbi) came back from EU to pribe-take Islamist weapon of Iman shirak-germany(US) will expand EU to reach QazaUK(Abas)

Nsrallah president of leb district of Syria or NOTHING