How Allah Found Me in Texas
In high school, I received a jolt to my long-held belief when a Christian friend told me that the Holy Trinity was not true and that Jesus was not God. "He was wrong" I told myself. Jesus had to be God. God and humanity were disconnected by the sin committed by Adam and Eve. God sent his only 'begotten' son to die because He loved us so much. Because only God forgives, Jesus had to be God. I even had the Bible quotes to prove it! Indeed, being a devout Roman Catholic Christian, I have read almost the entire Bible. In high school, I was a lecturer, usher, Eucharistic minister, and CCD teacher. I am the godfather for a nephew and a niece. The idea that Jesus was God made much sense.
I am a Mexican-American who comes from a modest background. I spent my adolescent and teenage years in such small Texas Panhandle towns as Quitaque, Turkey, Lakeview, and Memphis. None of them has a mall, a movie theater, or a McDonald's. Memphis, Texas, population 2,300, proudly proclaims itself "The Cotton Capital of the World." In Memphis, if you hear a fire truck or police car, either your neighbor's house is on fire or your neighbor is being arrested. Growing up in small communities gave me much appreciation for the simplicity in God's creations.
I graduated from Memphis High School in Memphis, Texas in 1994. I did well in high school and would attend Texas Tech University in Lubbock. In 1998 I began attending the University of Texas at Austin. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in MIS in December 2001. Not bad for a kid who had to hoe cotton most of his junior high and high school summers to pay for his clothes and school supplies! My dad was a cotton ginner. Now, he is a custodian at a junior high school in Pampa, Texas. I had eight siblings, but in 2000 my 17-year old sister died in a car wreck.
I have always had respect for other religions. I would often attend other Christian churches and join interfaith Bible study groups. While in one such group, I told my friend Chris that I was a Catholic. Chris blatantly told me that the Catholic Church was "a false doctrine." As you can imagine, I defended my religion. Chris accused me of worshipping Mary, Saints, and the Pope. I argued that we only revere them. Around this time, I happened to see a man praying. His knees, hands, and forehead were touching the ground, and he was barefoot. After he finished praying, I introduced myself to him. He said his name was Armando, and that he was a Muslim. I thought to myself: "Ok, freaky, you're Muslim. You can't be Muslim. What's this Hispanic guy doing praying to Allah?" He later told me that Spain was Muslim for over 700 years and that thousands of Spanish words have Arabic roots. The ruins of mosques with Qur'anic writings have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas and Nevada.
Most importantly, Armando spoke to me about Islam. I began to realize that my reverence for Mary and Saints was much more than mere reverence. Chris was right. However, we were both worshipping Jesus! Armando said that Jesus was only a prophet and that nothing and no one is worthy of worship but Allah. Allah literally means "The God" in English and "El Dios" in Spanish. Submission to the One Creator of the Universe and Humanity - "Islam" is the universal religion of God.
Many of my questions were answered! What is the purpose of life? How can the Father be the Son? Why can't God just forgive anyone He wants? What happens to babies who die before baptism?
In Quran 5:83, Allah states: "And when they (who call themselves Christian) listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognized. They say: 'Our Lord! We believe; so write us down among the witnesses.'"
Indeed, my eyes overflowed with tears as I read that verse. Yet I did not embrace Islam until three years after meeting Armando, because I did not want to change. A struggle occurs within everyone, everyday, and everywhere. We struggle to attain what is most important for us. By embracing Islam, we tell Allah that He is the most important and that we are prepared to struggle to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong. I am a Mexican-American Muslim.
Topics: Allah, Prophet Jesus (Isa) Values: Education
Related Suggestions
To Christina Torres, please let me know your
address, so that I can ensure that our
Muslim centres here or else where sent you
books on guidance on how to pray.
Insya Allah it is the responsibilities of
every Muslims to guide our new Brothers and
You are our responsibility, your well being in
the faith and your need for further guidance,
understanding and attention.
And to the rest of the non Muslim e-mail writers,
I call for a dialogue and not a confrantation in
face of your assaults on the Islamic faith.
Jesus ( peace be upon him ) is a Prophet and
he is not GOD. One writer Katia wrote on
why did GOD SAYS " WE make images of ...."
First of all, even in Quran,
GOD decreed in many terms. HE may either says " I "
or " WE ". But WE here is to describe
never be interpreted to mean the plural God.
HE Created human or mankind alike
by breathing HIS soul unto them even before
they were born. That is why Islam believes
that all new birth are born free
from sins ( fitrah ). We Muslims don't
believe in originating the sins of our
forefathers or ancestors. A child only
grew up later to be shaped by his
parents or guardian or surroundings
that will determine his or her faith.
There are so many bibles and each and
every one is different in certain texts.
But there is only one Quran for either Sunni or
Syiah and AL Mighty GOD has promise to protect
and preserve the true word of GOD
until the end of time.
It goes to show which faith is actually
the Truth from GOD, Insya ALLAH. Wassalam.
salaams, peace and blessings to all.
Congratulation brother and welcome to Islam.
I would like to let you know that here from Jakarta Indonesia I pray to Allah for you and feel free to contact me at [email protected]
My brother I do want you to know that Jesus is God,(read john 1) He and only Him we ought to worship(hebrew 1). The bible make it clear that Jesus is our redeemer, He paid for our sins at the cross even in the Old Testament the spalmist prophesied about the dead of Christ(spalms22) and other old Testament prophets like Isaiah(chapter 7 and 9). That is an heresie when someone said that jesus christ was only a prophet, in the baptism of Jesus the even was opened and God said "this is my beloved son in whom I am well please"(read the gospel). Jesus while He was leaving on earth was 100%God and 100%man, He was divine because He was born of a virgin influence by the Holy Spirit and the prophetIsaiah also prophisied about the virgin birth of the Messiah, His name is Immanuel means God with us, it was the presence of God with the human race; what the prophet Isaiah had said was fulfilled(read the Matthew) the Old Testament. In His human nature the Bible clearly said that"The child grew and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him."(luke2:40), and also to prove his human nature Jesus fell in sleep in the boat with the disciples(mark6:45).
Only God(Yaweh) has the power to create, the book called "Genesis" tells us how God created the world, if Jesus was not God how can God refere to Himself in a plural form,"let Us make man in our image"(gen1:26).
Always read your Quran. May Allah continue to guide us aright and bless us.
I came to read the other commenary of some christian brothers and I want to stop at two points they mentioned; the first one is the claim that Islam was copied from the jewish religion and the other one is that Quran is full of hatred.
There is one clear fact that you don't realise which is that Islam as faith ( the faithful submission to the almighty ALLAH) started with the start of humanity, being the faith and the core message of all prophets and messengers sent from God; from Adam through Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and finally Mohammad (peace and prayers from Allah be upon them all). That is Islamic faith is not actually limited to the modern times or to specific race or geographical distribution. Therefore Muslims(who are the ones embraced the faith of faithful submission to the Almighty God) are the ones who followed their prophets throughout history and followed the messagengers when they reveal their message. Hence, Jews were considerd muslims whenn they followed Moses till the time of Jesus. And again, people who followed jesus are considerd muslims till the time of Mohamad ( peace be upon them all).
As you see, the original message is the same, and being completed, cleared and finalised by the last prophet Mohammad (peace and prayers from Allah be upon him).
Any fair reader of the holy Quran will find easy to recognise it high standard language (even after translating the meanings of the words, not to mention the the glory of the original absolutely original and un altered arabic text)
Quran reflects mainly the core faith, the core regulations and roles together with many intellectual and scientific signs. It is clearly misunderstood, when Quran is accused to be full of hatred, be aware that these accusations based on putting verses out of context.
Instead, Quran was very clear in prohibiting agression except in self defense and promoting rational in con
dear brother in Islam congratulations on your conversion.MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY
Also, I have discovered that the loss of a response can sometimes be a mercy, even if at first the loss may seem a bit frustrating. However, if you are trying to convince someone who is fasting during Ramadan to worship someone other than God, my GUESS is that you're wasting God's time - unless perhaps you're open-minded about the subject you're debating.
Praise be to God. May God's peace be upon you.
I hope this clears up some misinterpretations.
Repeat the Our Father and you will not find Jesus (PBUH) referring to himself as God nor commanding others to view in this light. In fact, he says, "...give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us form evil" words hardly expected from someone who claims to be the son of God.
Several of the latter chapters of the Quran are, I would say, primarily concerned with the end of times - as well as with glad tidings and clear warnings, of course. For example, Surah (chapter) 54 opens with, "The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder." Whether or not I will still be alive, after the moon is cleft asunder, is something of which I have no knowledge. I think the point would be that I should consider what it is I ought to have been striving for, were I to suddenly discover that the prophesied event was about to occur.
The following addresses might provide you with verses of interest to you. Most of the prophecies about "cataclysmic events" seem to be near the beginning of each surah referenced below.
Also, the quran does not preach hate against the Christians or the Jews, it only states facts that they don't want to accept. As a matter of fact, the quran states that those Christians and Jews that truly believe in god (Allah!), his messengers and the last day, have nothing to worry about.
I'm so happy to hear that god (Allah) has choosen you to sumbit. Peace my brother.
Also, it is not we Muslims who worship prophets (peace be upon them). Matthew 28:9 reads, "And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him." And yet you said, "Even the bible doesn't say anything to pay homage to men but to God himself." So does God have feet? Or might you perhaps worship a man? Or might perhaps the Bible itself have been altered?
And why might you recite a creed that says you are going to be judged - if you yourself are asserting that you have already been acquitted of all wrong-doing? Furthermore, I would think, after reading Matthew 5:21-26, that you would want to avoid various unsettled complaints against you.
So what else might you have been taught - at your college that apparently assigns the Quran as required reading? According to what I myself have read in Quran 4:157, Allah (who, by the way, neither begets nor is begotten) seemingly confirms that a roman historian might well have believed the story he was recording. Also, the Arabic Quran is committed to memory by those we thereafter refer to as hafiz. Hafiz means protect.
Allah Hafiz.
baa rakallAhu fik.
Yahya, let me ask you and I often wondered about what did Muhammad prophesy?
If you look through out the whole Bible you will not find the word "Trinity" or that there are 3 gods. Like Muslims we also believe in One God. To my surprise (and increase appreciation) the Quran also teaches similar concept of who God is in much the same way as the Bible. Such as in Sura al-Nisa 4:171 "But Jesus Christ, son of Mary is the messenger of God and His Word and Spirit of Him that He gave to Mary." Here it clearly shows God, Jesus and Spirit. Also there are many references to Jesus being the Word of God in the Quran. How could Jesus know every thought and word of God if Jesus wasn't one with God? Also in Sura Al Imran 3:45 "the angels said to Mary, 'Allah proclaims to you a word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary.'" In John 1:1 speaks of the Word "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Then in John 1:14 "The Word became flesh (born of the Virgin Mary)and made his dwelling among us..."
There are many references as well in regards to God's Holy Spirit in the Quran. Sura al-Ma'ida 5:110 "Allah said to Jesus, 'Jesus, son of Mary, remember the favour I had bestowed on you and your mother, how I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit, so that you preached to men in your cradle and in the prime of manhood?"
May you have a blessed Ramadan.
Also, why might you expect you would be judged if you were in fact already acquitted? Naturally, as a firm believer in Matthew 5:21-26, I would not wish to have unduly offended you.
Additionally, Allah does not deny (within the Quran) that Josephus, the roman historian, believed what he recorded. For whatever it might be worth to you, I would guess that the Arabic Quran has remained "good guidance for mankind" partly as the result of its verses having been committed to memory - as perhaps may have also been the case with the Psalms. Selah!
Peace be with you.
--Yahya Bergum
that you are a Muslim now. May Allah success you in the future and give you the Taoufeeq to follow Islam completely.
May Allah forgive mine and your sins that we have done in the past, are doing now(present) AMIN.
Jesus , the Son of God, died for your and my sins. He offered himself to die the worst imaginable death possible so that we could live.
Mohammad, Jesus himself proclaimed that he is the Son of God in Luke 22:66-71, John 5:16-30, John 15:1-8, and Mark 14:61-64. If these numbers don't mean anything to you then go to and see for yourself just imput them in the passage lookup.
Further more, Jesus was in fact crucified. Josephus, the roman historian, reported of this matter. Also the Jews would have disputed that fact because they were there.
Lastly, Jesus was a Jew not a muslim. Muslims only have similar customs because Islam is copied mainly from Jews. The Qu'ran was written more than a century after Mohammad died. The New Testament in the Bible was written 4-40 years after the resurrection of Christ.
Mohammad, I have read the Qu'ran and my college has read it as well as other Islam books. The Qu'ran is hate filled propaganda about Jews and Christians. Why would God be so hateful? Also, since Islam believes that Jesus and Muhammad were prophets, it is against God's Law to worship them as you do. Even the bible doesn't say anything to pay homage to men but to God himself. You are nothing but Catholics that are full of hate.
salaam alaika.
What can I say except 'Subhan-Allah' may Allah bless you with all his blessings my brother. There is nothing important than faith & I am really happy for you that you finally found your faith and a right path on whicn now you can lead your life & you will Insha-Allah.
As much as 'Baku Kali' is concerned, brother I want to tell you that "There is no limit to IGNORANCE" & you are as ignorant as one can think of. You said that you read the Quran and felt nothing, you know why because you start reading it with the prejudiced and hatred deep rooted in your heart. You read it just to find the mistakes in the Holy Quran (abt which I know u exaggerated) to bolster & to find excuses for your own false beliefs. As it is said that 'some people's herats are locked so they will never believe'. The Holy verses are not from Quran but from Allah the Almighty and they were revealed to the Holy prophet(PBUH) in the same way as they were revealed to Jesus(PBUH) through Bible.
Allah sent 1,24,000 prophets on earth including Adam, Nuh, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph & the Holy prophet Muhammed ( May Peace Be Upon All Of Them).The Muslim is the one, who 'HAS' to believe on all the prophets to prove his faith (As It Is One Of The Basic Principles Of Islam). But if anyone denies, even a single prophet he won't be considered as a Muslim & thus has to suffer the fire of Hell.
And we as Muslims believe that Jesus (PBUH) will return before the day of judjement (which is not that far).
In the end I want to tell you to show respect to all prophets, as they were the messangers of Allah like Jesus (PBUH) and it is also against the teachings of Jesus (PBUH). Don't invite the wrath of God upon you as someone has to become the fuel of Hell.
May Allah Guide you & others like you and show you the right path. Ameen.
For all who seek the simple truth and the blessings of Allah SWT, may he open up His doors of mercy.
As said before A muslim is someone who submits completely to the will of God. Even nature and the universe submit to the will of Allah. Let's say one of the planets in the universe gets astray, would'nt it be disastrous to the other creatures (planets) including to us in the earth. Allah ses to the creatures - u have to submit to My ways (or else things will go haywire). Allah is very merciful to his creatures. He created us equally - he gives air for us to breathe, rain for us to drink water from, land for us to stand and live on - so if there are different God, then we should not be living in the same world right? Allah created mankind with something wonderful ie the brain. Think and think. That is what makes us different from animals. And further more if Jesus conception is considered holy and a miracle - there are many testtube babies conceived by virgin all over the world. If doctors can do it now, Allah can do it too then. Many bible thumpers said that they have read the Quran - oh yes they do but it was done with a closed mind - refusing to accept whatever truths that may come their way, which is unfair and dishonest. For those bible thumpers - why not get some insight and knowledge from the many priests and nuns who had reverted to Islam.
The most important thing is to be true to yourself like our brother Juan here.
For those like brother Juan, I feel very happy to welcome u to our midst despite the many obstacles that may have faced u in embracing Islam. Kudos to your determination and bravery.
catholic church and when i was young, I wanted to be a
priest. A few years ago, I started learning about other
religions. Not to change or strenthen my beliefs but to
explore how Allah touches and reaches to all people. I read
about Buddism, Taoism, Hinduism, etc. and I came across
Sufism. There was something about Sufism that caught my
eye. After more investigating, I came across Islam. After
becoming aware of the fundamentals of Islam along with a
better understanding of Christian theology, I realized that I
am not a Christian, but I am a Muslim. I realized that
Christianity's Trinity is not one God, which I believe. La
illaha illa Allah-there is no god but God. So I have in a
sense always been a Muslim. I "converted" to Islam over a
year ago-Alhamdulillah! I use the word converted loosely
because though I now pray 5 times a days, fast during
Ramadan, etc., I have NOT changed. I have submitted
myself to God and I REALIZED I am Muslim. So I don't
consider myself a convert... I consider myself blessed that
Allah allowed me to realize the simple truth... la illaha illa
Brother Mohammad wrote a very insightful article regarding why one should choose a religion. I share his sentiments.
(John 16:13) When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
[Dear Christians - what has the Holy Spirit declared to you of the things that are to come? Are you then prophets?]
(Quran 30:33-35) And when harm afflicts men, they call upon their Lord, turning to Him, then when He makes them taste of mercy from Him, lo! some of them begin to associate (others) with their Lord, so as to be ungrateful for what We have given them; but enjoy yourselves (for a while), for you shall soon come to know. Or, have We sent down upon them an authority so that it speaks of that which they associate with Him?
(Quran 30:40) Allah is He Who created you, then gave you sustenance, then He causes you to die, then brings you to life. Is there any of your associate-gods who does aught of it? Glory be to Him, and exalted be He above what they associate (with Him).
As moslem we do not dispute Jesus Christ (just like when the creation of Adam as the first human created by Allah, he does not have parents but Allah has Created him and his mate Eve so is Jesus being created thru Mary womb as she prayed to Allah because the wickedness of people back then)but the ideology of christ being the son of God is the one that has to be corrected! and people are not lamb or sheep, we are human being! one of creations of Allah SWT.lamb is lamb, sheep is sheep! they are animals and they also creations of Allah christian all got confused by the Roman Catholic doctrins soon after prophet Jesus a.s died (offcourse with the help of children of Israel who denied christ! but not moslem).The trinity thing is bunch of lies! that is fabrications of roman empires! Holy father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit? how many God you have? three? and that's you called devine GOd? And why Jesus died? if he is God? why not back then he just demolished all those wicked people who sides by sides against his teaching? and no he was not dead, he was exalted by Allah and will return in the end of days to save the true believers. which is close and soon you will cry in tears.There's no God besides God and Muhammad is His messenger and that's I bear witness as Moslem.
Assalam Alaiykum.
Ramadan Mubarak and may Allah bless you and bless your friend Armando. Truly he is a "sadek" good friend. May Allah forgive all of our sins and shower us with his "Rahmah" mercy. Br. Juan, now it's your responsibility to introduce this great religion to the rest of your family and other friends. Any one accepted or rejected its Allah mercy gives it to whom he is pleased and blessed. We have no control over it, all what Allah is asking us to do is Da'wa to Him only.
It's my honor to call you Br. Juan. Welcome to Islam
Wassalam Alaiykum
Let me explain a few things for your benefit. First, if someone is interested in becoming a muslim because they are impressed with a person who happens to be a muslim, or if they dislike Islam because they are disgusted with some person who happens to be a muslim, then you have got your priorities wrong. Saddam Hussein is no more muslim then Bush is a christian. I am a muslim because I am impressed with God and his magnificence.
Secondly, muslims do not dispute Prophet Jesus's teachings. We believe that he will return to the world. But we believe that he is alive and was never crucified. Rather, God raised him to the heavens. Don't you think it is a little selfish of you to desire that your prophet would suffer extreme pain through crucifiction just so that you can be saved from Hell. As a muslim, I'd rather die for my prophet (that includes Jesus or Mohammad) than have him suffer any pain for me.
Muslims love God. But they believe that God is too powerful and magnificent to have the need to come to earth in the form of a human being. Tell me, if you love God so much and need his forgiveness, then why do you feel that God is so powerless that he would need a human body. We believe God is everywhere. He is the only reality and our existence (including that of the prophets) is contingent on God's permission to allow us to exist.
If you really want to learn about Islam, I would encourage you to read a book about our prophet or talk to a muslim scholar rather than listening to FOX news.
Finally, a definition of a muslim. A muslim is someone who submits completely to the will of God. As our prophet said, there have been muslims in all nations and at all times. Our prophet was a messenger and a human being, as were all prophets before him. Prophet Jesus never once declared himself to be a son of God in the Bible, because he was a true muslim. May God bless you with knowledge and understanding.
one of your muslim kurdish brother in Finland:
Ramadan Mubarak
In Sha'a Allah
Alhamdullilah brother I found your story touching , compelling, and and paralell to mine . I am a caucasian american who converted 13 years ago . Alhamdullilah knowing the haqq is definatly a blessing from Allah s.w.t. Inshallah everything goes well for you and rammadan mubarrick.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen
The Bible tells us what the purpose of life is, why the Father, the Son(, and the Holy Ghost), and what happens to children who die before batism.
Why can God not forigive those whom He wants? If a person askes for the forgiveness of God then why would the true God refuse to forgive that person.
I have read the Quran, to include Quran 5:83, and I have not had my "eyes overflowing with tears" because I have seen no truhs in the Quran. How can a person believe in a religion that wishes to dominate the world threw terrorisim, violance, hate, and bigotry. The leaders of Islam have shown there desire to fight peace and unity within the world comunity. Iraq is a perfect example of peace being brought to the nation and the "ture believer of Islam" fight those that would protect the inocent and defend the helpless-Those that Islam would persecute and destroy.
Without the Love and Forgiveness offered by God-The Great I Am, Begining and The End, Lamb of God, and Yahwey-all men are bound for Hell. I pray to the God of ALL people that you may find the Truth and Love of Jesus the Christ who gave His life so that you would not have to give yours.
I studied Islam for 25 consecutive years & I still ask scholars questions if needed. My belief in my religion grows stronger every single day. Alhamdu lillah!!!
I hope that Baku Kali who is an unbeliever & Texas Revert Too) who still has doubts read what these non-Muslims had to say about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him-the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.
G. B. Shaw, The Genuine Islam,
Vol. 1, No. 81936.
Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which humans greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?
Lamartine, Histoire de la Turquie, Paris 1854 Vol II, pp. 276-77.
For what they said about Islam please visit:
Baku Kali is congolais so you are highly likely a francophone. I speak French fluently beside my mastry of Arabic & please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]. This is for your own salvation. Lahuma balaght lahuma fashhad!
This way I wil
May Allah guide us all to a better understanding of the Qur'an & the su
read the article and was impressed.. it is allah who does favors to all and we should be thankful to him in all ways.. we need to pray for our muslim ummah and to be united.
brothers and sisters i only request u all to pray for my family who has reverted and then went back to her original religion once she reached home and started living with her family with my son. dont know what to do except praying for her to come back in islam. dont know whats the status of her at present as per islam.
may allah show her and my 3 yrs son the light of islam again in their hearts and may he keep away from the saitan.
Welcome to Islam.
Hola hermano!! Como estas? Espero que estes bien. Acabo de leer su articulo sobre su realicion de Islam y me hizo recordar de mi camino pasado y la paz que mantengo ahora con el ayudo de Allah. Para mi, Islam, fue la realicion de humilidad y verdad por filosofia y logica y dialecto y claramente, espiritualidad. Te mando mis saludas, felizitaciones y invitacion para empezar y continuar un discurso sobre la vida, sumision, y que significado Islam tiene en su vida.. para mi, me inspiro en seguir mi educacion asi que puedo ser abogado internacional, algun dia insha'Allah. Yo naci en Mexico pero he vivido en los E.U. (Americanos/Gringos!) por la mayoria de mi vida (tengo 18 anos). Yo tambien fue Catolico por la primer parte de mi vida pero nunca lo acepte totalmente.. Nimodo, si estas interisado podramos continuar.. pero si no, esta bien! Cuidase bien y que Dios te Bendiga por siempre.. Tu historia es muy conmovedor y inspiracional! ***************
You are also an excelent writer in English and I look forward to being able to talk more. Perhaps you could help me improve and add to my Spanish theological/philosophical vocabulary.. I am just now starting to take up reading Spanish literature and history.. it's fascinating..
Adios, Allah ma'ak!
There is only one God, Allah. All the prophets and messengers are His servants (of high status), just as we ordinary mortals are.
Welcome to the straight path, the path of those who have earned God's favor, not the path of those who earn His anger.
Ma Salam
Baku, Muslims also love and respect Jesus too! To Muslims he is a prophet and is not dead.
Allah is the most forgivin, ask for forgiveness my friend for you are bringin wrath upon yourself.
Asalamu Alaikum
Welcome to Islam my dear brother. It is Allah himself who opens our hearts to perceive and receive the message of Islam. May Allah may your path easy for you as you begin your journey of Salaam (peace) and Najah (success).
This article is wonderfull and i feel happy that this kind of knowledge that we gain from our brothers who came back to our religion helps to get stronger and stronger in belief.May Allah show his mercy on us and untie the Whole Muslim Umma
I congratulate this brother on accepting Islam as the one and only true faith and reverting back to it.
May Allah make him a source for many others of our non muslim brothers to accept islam.
As the brother very rightly said that the doctrine of trinity is indeed false and blasphemous and does nothing but complements the other so called doctrine of the original sin which again is totally fabricated and false.
Both of these doctrines have no room for common sense even and thats why even when we have discussions with our non muslim friends they dont have any logical or even sensible argument to put forward and their own shadows of doubts creep out of their own statements.
But Alas!this false pride that every individual has in his religion without having the courage or wisdom to pry further into it or even question it, prevents them from searching for the truth and they comfortably snug back into their corner of ignorance and tend to forget about what touched their heart even if for a moment.
The millions of hindus today like for example, one by one all of them have fallen out of their faith. When ever you ask them about any incident from their books which does not makes sense, they always come up with an answer that Oh! its symbolic. You can even see some of them trying to hide their embarassment because their common sense guides them against their belief. But tragically again they prefer to lead their lives with their eyes closed. And same is the case with all other religions whether christianity or buddhism or whatever.
May Allah guide all of us. Ameen.
dear brother in islam,
it is really moves me whenever a person reverts to his true religion - ISLAM. may allah increase you worth manifold and make you the reason for others to follow islam. to keep going further and deeper into islam - knowledge is the way, be sure to acquire it.
See brothers and sister because of salah of brother Armando,the heart of Juan changed and he embraces Islam. Stay busy in Da'wa to others including Muslims who have lost their path.
Asalam u Alaykum