Summit Gives Hope to the Muslim World

Category: Middle East, World Affairs Views: 2828

The extraordinary Islamic summit in the holy city of Makkah was a resounding success as it approved a 10-year action plan for the overall development of OIC member countries and gave the world's 1.5 billion Muslims a new hope about a bright future.

Unlike the previous summits of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Makkah summit was well prepared and presented a future-looking agenda for the Muslim world. It also wanted a complete facelift of the organization in order to play an effective role on the world stage.

The 10-year action plan focuses on reforms and human rights and urges the member states to adopt a united stand on all issues at international forums. It has given the OIC secretary-general more powers and additional financial resources to carry out his mission.

The progressive action plan calls for greater political participation, equality, freedom and social justice for people in OIC countries, and it demands transparency and an end to corruption. It called for cooperation of member countries to achieve amicable settlement of regional conflicts.

The summit authorized the board of governors of the Islamic Development Bank to take necessary steps to increase the bank's capital and strengthen the International Islamic Organization to Finance Trade. The board is also instructed to set up a special fund to fight poverty as well as to study prospects of either reducing or writing off the debts of certain deserving governments owed to the member states.

Before the summit, a group of leading intellectuals and scholars met in Makkah and presented a new vision for the Muslim world. They stressed the fact that the thoughts and energies of Muslims should be directed toward formulating answers rather than repeating questions. What is needed is a change motivated by and within the Islamic world and not imposed from outside.

"The new vision presented by the scholars was designed to call upon the member states to radically reform their international organization with a totally new mandate," said OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. "A new OIC based on the principles of transparency, accountability, effectiveness, flexibility and pro-activeness must take the initiative to deal with the urgent problems of our day and age."

A new OIC will have a more comprehensive and larger scope of activities. These activities include monitoring, coordinating, agenda-building, advocacy and raising awareness about such crucial issues as conflict prevention and management, minority affairs, disaster relief, policy harmonization, economic and commercial development, science and research, education and cultural issues, women's and children's rights, preventing extremism of all kinds, and easing religious, sectarian and ethnic tensions through the guidance of scholars and leaders.

The Makkah summit and its main architect, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, drew applause from Saudis as well as expatriates. According to Abdullah Omar Naseef, former deputy chairman of the Shoura Council, the summit was a big success. "It has presented a number of ambitious and forward-looking programs for the renaissance of the Islamic Ummah," he said.

The summit has taken concrete steps to strengthen the OIC. "For the first time, we hear the OIC secretary-general talking in a new language, explaining the weaknesses and emphasizing the need for change in order for the OIC to play an effective role on world stage," he said.

Naseef hoped that the secretary-general would follow up implementation of the decisions taken by the summit.

Abdul Ilah Saati of King Abdul Aziz University said it was the most successful OIC summit in terms of attendance and adoption of vital resolutions such as the 10-year plan, the firm stand against terrorism and the call to reform school curriculum. "I have not seen such resolutions in previous summits," he added. He said the summit was one of the biggest achievements of King Abdullah.

Ali Hekami, a journalist who covered the summit, attributed the success to non-indulgence in thorny political issues.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, however, said the summit had discussed issues such as Palestine, Iraq and Kashmir.

Badr Olayan, director general of the Islamic Education Foundation in Al-Hamrah, said he was satisfied with the summit's resolutions. "I believe if our leaders continue to hold such meetings in order to solve our problems they would have tremendous impact," he said.

Olayan emphasized the importance of collective decision and action by OIC countries. "Individual action will not be enough and will be very weak," he pointed out. He said all member countries should follow the decisions taken by the majority.

He said the whole Muslim world would soon enjoy the result of the Makkah summit.

Businessman Khaleel Bahadur praised the resolution calling for increasing trade between OIC states by 20 percent in 10 years.

Abdul Rahman Faqeeh, a well-known Makkah businessman, called upon OIC leaders to establish a permanent exhibition center for the products of member countries in the holy city.

Mustafa Hashim, editorial assistant of "Muslim Youth", published by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, commended the king for his initiative that resulted in the 10-year plan, which includes programs to cultivate the spirit of moderation among Muslims and lead the Ummah on the path of modernization through science and technology.

In his comment, Saifudeen Thassim, assistant manager of the Samba Financial Group, made a pointed reference to the 10 fundamental principles outlined by Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. He said the Malaysian model called for harnessing the resources of the OIC countries for the development of science and technology in the member countries. Another important aspect of the Malaysian model plan, he said, is increasing transparency and accountability among the member countries. He predicted that this would go a long way in promoting good governance and combating corruption, which is endemic to some of the member countries.

"The proposals were really encouraging, but they need the right Islamic spirit for effective implementation," said Habib Badr, a freelance journalist.

  Category: Middle East, World Affairs
Views: 2828
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Older Comments:

brother, may Allah rewards you for your coverage.
Oh! "O" I "i" see "C". at least now they begin see...after 10 years they may start to hear...

Part 2: conintued from part 1:

Because we are entrusted with the duty of leading our people, we expect to be compensated for our pain. As compensation we declare that all the oil that is produced in the lands we lead belongs to us - sheikhs, Emirs, and Sultans. We are just keeping the oil for ourselves. All other natural resources such as goats, camels, cows, dogs etc that do not belong to us, belong to the people. Don't you think this is fair? Through my greatness I answer, this is fair, this is fair, this is fair. We are great, we are great, we are great.

The leaders of other nations have to study and be highly educated to be leaders. We don't have to be educated or elected. We lead because our names are prefixed by Emir, Sheikh, Sultan. We lead by inspiration. How great are we! We are great, we are great, we are great.

Human rights and Amnesty International have charged that we maim, oppress, suppress, depress and repress our people. Well, what do they know. We opress, suppress, repress, and depress our people because only because we have great affection for people who are lesser beings. We opress, supress, repress and depress to teach people lesser than us, our elightened ways. We are indeed great, we are indeed great, we are indeed great.

Educationists contend that our people are the most backward people in the world. We have not produced a great thinkers, nobel laureats, and scientist for centuries. To that I respond - we Sheikhs, Emirs, Sultans are lacking in education, and yet we are great. So is education really necessary for greatness? I say not! There are other drawbacks to education. Education has led some of our people to question our greatness. This clearly shows that education is wrong. How can our greatness be in question? We are indeed great, we are indeed great, we are indeed great.


I have obtained the text of the inaugural speech of the Summit. The speech was given by Sultan Nahiyan of UAE. Here it is:

Salam. I, Sultan Nahiyan of the United Arab Emirates, am honored to give the inaugural speech of the OIC. It is a privilage for those who are able to hear me speak - for I am great. And I am in the company of greatness. I am glad to behold the noble face of Sheikh Abdullah, the newly elected monarch of Saudia Arabia. I welcome my, brother, the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah. And I welcome my fellow Emirs, Sheikhs, Sultans, kings, monarch of the GCC nations. Together, we are indeed great, we are indeed great, we are indeed great.

I am in the presence of a Hashemi, king Abdullah of Jordan, whose family roots can be traced to the family of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Although, some Jordanians claim that king Abdullah is from the Abu Lahab side of the family. (Pause for laughter). We are indeed great, we are indeed great, we are indeed great.

Because we Sheikhs, Emirs, Sultans, kings and monarchs are so great, we have been charged with the duty of leading our subjects. Our gratness, wealth, opulence contrasts with the poverty, and simple-mindedness of our subjects in the Arab lands. The Arabs should be happy that they are being led by such charismatic, noble, proud, good, famous leaders as us. We are indeed great, we are indeed great, we are indeed great.

Beacause of my gratness, I will now address some the charges levied against us Sheikhs by lesser humans.

First, foreign investors have charged that we do not treat our people as resources, and we squander the oil wealth of our nations. But I ask those foreign investors, are they great? NO! Are the Arabs that we lead great? NO! We are great. An example of our gratness is that many of our leaders do not have a high-school diploma, and yet they are doing such a fabulous job of leading those citizens.


Unfortunatly, I see no change in the unforseen future unless OIC member states begin the implementation and following-up on the 10-year plan.

'OIC' is rightly derided in the Muslim world as Oh I See..What can the muslims expect from such a coloniol tool whose sole prurpose it to keep the Ummah devided into small and pathetic bickering states with White House/ Downing street spointed stooges and agents..
No matter what linguistic sophestry you employ to hide this obvious fact , the Ummah is well aware of it.
From the perspective of the 'actual reasons' behind the creation and its continued existence of such an Organisation ...the OIC has indeed been a Grand success..Wether this can contninue to be the state of affairs is a point worth discussing..In the light of the continued revival of Political Islam and the urge of the return of the Khilafah among the Muslim masses , your guess is as good as Mine...Ameen.

ws wr wb