Why London bombings are not the work of 'Islamic' terrorists
Destruction near Tavistock Place in London following a bomb blast on a bus |
When asked whether the simultaneous bombings across London on July 7 were the work of Islamic terrorists, London's metropolitan police commissioner responded that there was not enough information yet to point fingers, but that the culprits certainly were not Islamic terrorists, because Islam and terrorism simply don't go together. He could not have been more accurate in his response. And such a fair and objective answer was especially welcome after Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the terrorists had acted "in the name of Islam," (although Blair admitted - almost as an afterthought - that most Muslims around the world would "deplore this act of terrorism.")
The truth is that no religion - including Islam - condones the killing of innocent people. Already, Muslim clerics and leaders as well as countless Islamic groups around the world have condemned the London attacks on moral, humanitarian and religious grounds. All agree that there is nothing Islamic about killing ordinary civilians taking the subway or bus to work or school. And there is nothing in the Koran or the Hadiths that could possibly condone such a deplorable and calculated murder. In fact, Islamic texts clearly condemn the killing of innocents. Such acts of terrorism are both morally reprehensible and in direct violation of Islamic teachings.
Some might naively argue that the terrorist attacks in London were a political response to Britain's involvement in the Iraq war. True, London has been fearfully bracing for such a possible backlash ever since the Madrid attacks of March 11, 2004. But there is no political message that can be conveyed or transmitted through brutality and violence. The perpetrators, whether they turn out to be fundamentalists or some other group, will fail to promote whatever political cause they pretend to espouse. The only message that they will successfully convey is that they have a passion for bloodshed and violence. While terrorists may hide their love of violence in political terminology, it is the satisfaction of an unquenchable appetite for mayhem that is their only recognizable and sincere motivation.
Sadly, the victims of their crimes are not only those who were killed or wounded or terrorized in London yesterday, but all Muslims, particularly those in the West, where they have been looked at with increasing discrimination and suspicion ever since September 11, 2001. Muslims will undoubtedly suffer even more discrimination in the wake of these latest attacks. In spite of the fact that all acts of "Islamic" terrorism blatantly contradict Islamic teachings, such acts serve to further distort the image of Muslims and Islam.
The ramifications of the terrorist attacks in London will undoubtedly be far-reaching and will be felt around the globe. They are also likely to further inspire a wave of international counter-terrorist cooperation between governments and security agencies, thus wasting valuable resources - time, money, but most importantly good will - that would have otherwise gone toward more productive endeavors.
Topics: Conflicts And War, England, London, Terrorism, Tony Blair
Views: 20683
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you be the judge....
think its a joke??
think again, The capital of knowledge has always been Baghdad
This is what we opose, a bad propaganda done against Islam as a way of life. As the examples above were not typical of Christian behaviour, although present in everyday Christian life. The same with Islam, people that happen to be Muslims might not follow Islamic issues but economic, political and mob law, but they do not represent what Islam stands for. That's our beef with your biased media.
Al-Qaida didn't create this problem - they are tapped into something that was already there and exploited it.
It's not that we need to change the Quran, it's that 'religious' men, and sometimes women, are reading the Quran and drawing some very different conclusions than hopefully the rest of us are. If not Muslims, exactly who is supposed to set straight this problem?
"...whosoever killed a soul not to retaliate for a soul, nor for creating disorder in the land, then it is as if he had killed all mankind. And whoso gave life to one soul, then it is as if he had given life to all mankind..."(5:32)
So every kind of killing innocents is Haram..
thank u
for those hell bent on making this a muslim or islamic deal, get over it. it is not. muslims are about 1.5 billion people. how many of them have committed terrorirst actions? not even 1%. but 1% of muslims is more than the entire jewish people in the world.
a little reflection, please. you are humans....... use your god-given brain :-)
" But again, you didn't get my point which honestly surprises me."
Quite often people don't get other's points. Unfortunately.
"I know you as a witty man and you proved to be not an enamy of Islam, not a friend either, mind you, but as long as you are impartial and allow your logics and good sense to override your Christian urges, we are cool."
I'm not evangelising at muslim sites. Nobody here will see a day when I try to convert you people.
" I was taught Christianity at a rate and means that you could not have matched mine by a long shot."
" It sounds stupid the same, "Love your eneamy, bless those that hate you."
So it sounds stupid to you.
"Did you turn the other cheek to the Native Americans, Mexicans, Communists, Blacks, Japanese, Muslims, Terrorists? "
I guess we still see this other cheek thing very differently. So be it. You've said yourself that Islam should not be condemned because of some people's behavior. Well, I see that the same applies to Christianity.
"Don't choose to get me started in a new feud with you my friend because it won't be pretty! You are knowledgeable and so am I, therefore an argument between us would be unnecessarily dumb."
I'm not purposely begging a quarrell with you. That doesn't nececcarily mean that such a thing couldn't happen. But if there is, as I believe, mutual respect enough, we don't have to go too low in it. I respect and tolerate different wievs, and I expect that from my partners too. If this is the case, there should not be major problems.
Back in August, peace.
"Peace!...This untill the rise of morn."(Quran:47-5)
So it looks like the suicide murderers were born and lived in my hometown. These people did not lack freedom or opportunity. They did not live in a ghetto, in fact where they lived is quite multicultural. They were not poor or destitute. They were not victimised or discriminated against. They could work, demonstrate, worship and vote as they pleased. From the cradle to the grave, our state provides. Maybe their life lacked a purpose or maybe there's a generation gap with their elders?
Maybe they felt the pull of international Islamic politics. Empathy with fellow Muslims is praiseworthy, however when that empathy does not stretch to the rest of humanity, that is when the fabric of society starts to smoulder. Maybe they were groomed by radicals with the dogma of al-Maudoodi / Abdullah Azam / Bin Laden. If so, that smouldering resentment could turn to burning hatred. A fiery hate so intense, they could not see the evil in their barbaric plans of mass murder. The promise of praise and paradise sealed their fate and that of the innocents they murdered.
The preachers of hate and division have a lot to answer for. They might say they worship and pray to the same God as me, however where they end up is not where I seek to go.
(especially to the latest innocents, murdered and mutilated by a perverted dogma - Iraqi children who will not wake up tomorrow to see a beautiful and fine day).
Paul, I applaud your poetry and feel sympathy for the innocent that lost their lives that morning. And Ronald, I too agree with you and do not understand why we all can not live in peace!
The world is such a complex and politically charged sphere. The innocent are constantly being killed, in London, in New York, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Palestine, etc. And while most of us cherish our freedoms and liberites, there are innocent civilians being held captive in Guatanomo Bay, in Iraq, etc.
Where do we go from here and what do we do about it?
It's a bit naive interpretation to assume that one should turn other cheek in every situation. For example: if a drug addict in his paranoia attacks me, I certainly won't "turn other cheek".
Remember Hudd the first contact between us: I attacked you because I misintepeted consept "white man". You counterattacked in a way that our posts were not put on the board at first. Then, without knowing that I had got the word wrong I made a U-turn:made a friendly approach. You were smart and noble enough to realize this, and our situation calmed down. This is how I see this "other cheek"-thing. One should not always give a punch after punch, espesially if peace is the aim.
The other- cheek- principle worked between us.
Some comments.
- it seems that some people wander around without hearing or seeing anything. Muslims (individuals,organisations...) have condemned this acts globally, but still some got nerve to call MOST muslims terrorists. Or is media's state in america really that bad that these news can't be heard? Generalizing is a EVIL thing, cos then you lie about most of the people. It is among the first steps to demonize a whole group of people. The next steps are... well, do some history learnig. This (generalizing) is too common a phenomena, muslims are no way immune to it, as I've noticed for example at this website.Let's all fight it.
- It seems that some muslims can't get that there are people among them who 1)want to commit such acts 2) are capable to carry out them. Mossad, CIA... -cards can't be played many times. It's reality escapism to address them all the time.
- some said that it's muslims task to clean their hordes. I don't disagree, but I want to remind it's very hard task. Why don't you american christians clean your hordes too? Start with that ex-drunk warmonger at the Capitol Hill.
- if it is those bombers aim to islamize world and ruin "western" societies, by their bomb-diplomacy their goals get further and further in distance. Blast by blast. If this is someday going to happen, it certainly not is achieved by those "big children with big fireworks". It is achieved by people, who's living example folks find admireable. These firecrackerboys fail profoundly to understand westeners:forcing believesystems won't do.
- Hudd, you don't seem to be at ease with this "turn the other cheek"-thing. What Jesus meant by this is that you always have an option to give peace a chance. Hate can't be won by hate, its just like trying to damp fire with gasolin. (to be continued)
It is reported that the bombing was done by "english muslims" This to me is great as it shows that the arab and other muslims had nothing to do with it. But while it shows this it is also sad as it also shows that ideas like the way they push their ideas around is spreading and more people will be hurt or killed in the same brutal way. I don't understand and I guess that I probably never will why people can't live together in peace. Whether you refer to Him as Allah or God I for one just know that He didn't mean for life to be like this. I know that there are those who will say that this is just the way life is or something to that effect. The trouble with me is I know that it doesn't have to be. We choose to be like this by the desission we make, and that we can change and make this a world of peace where we can all live together as brothers and sisters.To Allah be praised for the good that people do do is my prayer.
as-salamu alaykum
I hear frequently from this site about America and its war against Islam. I know there are many Muslim Americans who know better. They need to stand up and speak the truth. America is not at war with Islam. Freedom of religion is one of our most hallowed concepts in our constitution. The problem is the same problem I hear complained about in regard to the American Press. Just because a lie is repeated often doesn't make it so. The same people who say that the terrorists can't be Islamists are the same people who say America is a war with Islam because we fight terrorists. Now tell me, which is it?
I keep coming to this site because I want to understand the Muslim community. I see a lot I like and take exception to what I feel is wrong. I would hope that most of you take my comments for what they are, an attempt at understanding.
I appreciate your support of free discourse. I am aware of the Palestinian situation and I believe that most Americans support the concept of a Free Palestinian State. There have been many atrocities committed against the Palestinians who have been occupied by the Israelis. Of this I am aware and do not dispute. There have been many times the door of reconciliation has been opened, only to be slammed shut by hard-liners from one side or the other who tear open another old wound.
What is keeping America from pressing Israel harder to make concessions in the name of peace is not the "Zionist who control the power"; it is the continued terrorist attacks leveled indiscriminately at civilians and the lack of support for a strong leader who will work in the Palestinians best interest. Whether the terrorist feel their actions are warranted or not is immaterial. The fact that they continue to happen is counter-productive to their cause. If the people who have the most power in Palestine are spewing hate toward America and practicing indiscriminate violence, we have no reason to stand up against a country (Israel) that professes to be our friend. In spite of Abbas making a courageous stand against the terrorists, bombings are still happening. The people of Palestine as well as the rest of the Arab world need to accept the fact that: 1) Terrorism is not working; 2) Aid sent to Palestine needs to be spent helping people and growing industry not making bombs; 3) They do not speak from a position of strength. They need to set their testosterone aside and do what is best for their people.
Continued next posting
To paraphrase Apollo 13 "Islam, you have a problem" And to be quite honest, either you take steps to clean it up or we will.
Condemn terrorism? Stop the insurgents in Iraq from murdering moslems. Stop blaming kuffars for everything wrong. Everytime you point a finger three are pointing right back at yourselves.
Bruce, I have been compared to you and accepted the comparison based on your ability to share in
iViews. Many people have no desire whatsoever to look at the possibilities, or another point of view. With respect to your comments re the Islamic World not speaking out against the murder of innocent women and children in Palestine do you mean innocent Palestinians? Please remember that what's happening in Palestine is in fact a war..what makes this war different is that one side has been given permission to have an army with all of it's modern missiles and other equipment while the other side has no control over when they can visit their family in the next village (or if a woman can pass a checkpoint to deliver her baby in the nearest hospital). The reality is that the Israelis are occupiers; should other Middle Eastern countries stand up for the rights of the occupiers and not for those who are suffering under the occupation?.
Check out the website Jerusalem Gate. Another reality is that Arab leaders Muslim and Christian have spoken out against the atrocities taking place in this land for years. Palestinian leaders have been asking for UN or outside monitors to come in and see what's going on since the beginning of this Intifada. It is the Jewish leadership that has not allowed outsiders to come in and monitor. Why? Think about it. Palestinian and non-Palestinian journalists/photographers have been shot at and some fatally wounded because of their work. Huum, before the advent of computers, it use to be said that a picture can speak a thousand words, I might add of truth.
So when you say Islamic people are not speaking out against the murder of innocent women and children you are very much mistaken.
Asalam Alaykum Hudd...you did not read the entirety of the last paragraph. If so, it seems you were so insulted by my question (which I admitted may not hold water ) that perhaps you didn't digest the rest of my point. I understand that there would be a root cause, my question is does the end justify the means...my next question was is there another way to address the crisis of atrocities taking place around the world. I now understand that I asked this as though the bombers are indeed Muslim and yet only Allah and the perpetrators of this act know the truth (L.Alahem helped me understand this)and I stand corrected. Unfortunately, there is a time delay in the posting of comments so there exists a break in the dialogue. As far as my sounding like Bruce I can actually accept that ( at least Bruce is having dialogue). Like Fed-up, no I don't accept that. I was born and raised in America so I do have a different frame of reference than people born overseas, I won't apologize for that, I'm here to learn. May Allah guide me to the right. Asalam Alaykum and JZK for your responding.
I contend that they are, in fact, enemies of Islam intent on creating and spreading hatred against Muslims. Their unwitting partners in this crime, are the media who perpetuate the myth by always preceding the words 'terrorism' and 'terrorist/s' with the words 'Muslim' or 'Islamists'. By saying 'Islamic terrorists', one is not only forming an oxymoron but is also defaming every Muslim in the world.
The Islamic Councils of the world should, on behalf of all Muslims, sue for defamation and religious vilification, anyone who describes terrorists as being Muslims and, furthermore, sue any media outlet which broadcasts such outrageous lies. If anyone wants to claim that terrorists are Muslims, they should be forced to prove, in a Court of Law, that those who commit such heinous acts do so because they have submitted to Allahs' Will and are, therefore, Muslims acting in accordance with Islam, but they will never be able to do that. When terrorists realise that they can no longer count on the worlds' media to spread their hatred and to vilify Muslims, they will soon cease these atrocious acts.
Truly those who commit terrorism are enemies of Islam, but those who commit such acts, calling themselves Muslims, are even worse enemies. Moreover, those who broadcast the terrorists false claims and defamatory lies are aiding and abetting them and should, as a consequence, be brought to account.
I believe the 'War on Terror' will be won, not with guns, but in the many Law Courts around the world.
Have you heard the name of the little girl Hannan Salih Matrud? Or of the boy Ahmad Jabir Karim? Or Sa'id Shabram?
Yes, our dead have names too. They have faces and stories and memories. There was a time when they were among us, laughing and playing. They had dreams, just as you have. They had a tomorrow awaiting them. But today they sleep among us with no tomorrow on which to wake. We don't hate the British people or the peoples of the world. This war was imposed upon us, but we are now fighting it in defense of our selves. Because we want to live in our homeland - the free land of Iraq - and to live as we want to live, not as your government or the American government wish.
Let the families of those killed know that responsibility for the Thursday morning London bombings lies with Tony Blair and his policies. Stop your war against our people! Stop the daily killing that your troops commit! End your occupation of our homeland!
Iman al-Saadun, Friday, 8 July 2005
The Prime Minister of your country, Tony Blair, said that those who carried out the explosions did so in the name of Islam. The Secretary of State of the United States, Condaleezza Rice, described the bombings as an act of barbarism. The United Nations Security Council met and unanimously condemned the event. I would like to ask you, the free British people, to allow me to inquire: in whose name was our country blockaded for 12 years? In whose name were our cities bombed using internationally prohibited weapons? In whose name did the British army kill Iraqis and torture them? Was that in your name? Or in the name of religion? Or humanity? Or freedom? Or democracy? What do you call the killing of more than two million children? What do you call the pollution of the soil and the water with depleted uranium and other lethal substances?
What do you call what happened in the prisons in Iraq - in Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca and the many other prison camps? What do you call the torture of men, women, and children? What do you call tying bombs to the bodies of prisoners and blowing them apart? What do you call the refinement of methods of torture for use on Iraqi prisoners- such as pulling off limbs, gouging out eyes, putting out cigarettes on their skin, and using cigarette lighters to set fire to the hair on their head?
If all Muslims are not terrorists, why are almost all terrorists Muslims...?
It is perhaps time for the Umma to wake up and open its eyes...
are YOU people for real??????
i used to think iviews was a place for some rational discussion. OY vey.
people assume it is Muslims.
Doesn't anyone see that it is a planned War of US Bush and Britain Blair'sand in Europe controlled by Zionists pro Israelis, who control the business to mediaand in Europe.
They are the ones waging War against Muslims, discrediting them and than attacking and killing and taking over land and wealth.
One can see the pattern now. Since it happened so many times. I was thinking soon they will find an Iranian or Syrian passport somewhere to find excuse to attack those countries.
It does not matter if it the tallest building in the world, train or bus is wrecked they always seem to find the passport or car parked with passport left in trunk. It is just unbelievable people are so gullable.
CIA, FBI, M15 all are involved. How is it possible England and US are under siege for years now and specially when G8 leaders are coming bombed can so easily planted and blown.
Al-Qaida may have been a small unknown group. Now I think Israel, US and Britain are do these acts and using the name Al-Qaiyda.
Muslims should stop appologising and start asking questions who gives them this right to attack a country on those basis without going to World. They are going blind with power.
May Allah helps us and make our Imaan stronger, Ameen.
These all are happening because of Muslims, muslims are separated from one another and are not blieving the brothers of Islam to unite to be one soul.Allah is the great...
Asalam Alaykum.Hena,Abdul Razzaq,Hudd, L. Alahem
Hena..Allah guides hearts..I'm going to attempt to address your question;I'm starting with a question for you. How would someone make you change your point of view or at least consider theirs? For many people, the way to begin to open the door to understanding is to demonstrate first of all that each persons point has been heard; there's value in that and it demonstrates a level of respect for the other person. One can take it from there. As you see though from the way some of the comments are being presented, people are venting..InshaAllah, once they recover from the horror of their own emotional reaction they can return to listen...if not, to them be their way.
If I have said something wrong may Allah SWT forgive me.
Abdul Razzaq, the page you listed for Islam online isn't coming up...can you give the title of the article you're directing folks to. JZK
Brother Hudd, Thank you for clarifying your statements, there was a grey area in your response that could cause people to misconstrue your point. What we are repeatedly subjected to is blame for seemingly turning a blind eye to "these bombings committed by Islamic terrorists/terrorists doing these bombings in the name of Allah etc." "We" are blamed as a nation because so often the atrocities committed against Muslims everywhere is often raised as a result of these atrocities not receiving worldwide attention, sympathy, outrage etc. To some, one has nothing to do with the other. Many have noted what you have, we do not know what happened and as L. Alahem pointed out, even when people proclaim Everybody knows...they were later proven wrong. Alhumdulilah L. Alahem for pointing this out. May Allah guide us all InshaAllah. Salam
Yor second point, what are you saying that there is no root cause to terrorism? Being Muslim or Islamic is a terrorist's identity? You call yourself Umm Iman? You insulted me with your inane questions. I expect those kind of Q from Bruce, Fedup, etc! Make up your mind Sr and unswer yourself the Q:"whom do I serve?"
When that starts happening, thinking people may start to realize there is such a thing as a God-loving, decent human being in the religion.
The United States has done more than any other nation to protect the followers of Islam, they brought down a horrid dictator who had murdered hundreds of thousands of your religion, but instead of thanking the US, we are vilified and lied about. How about telling the truth, to include the truth that the ones desicrating the Qaran are in most case actually members or your religion, evil as they may be.
God is the One God of everyone. He created all life, not just the Islamic life. And, in point on fact, most of the great religions of the world were here long before Mohammed came on the scene.
May God bless us everyone.
Since the event of the sept. 11, Mulims have become No. 1 suspect even though there are no convincing facts to prove this assertion as apptly captured by western media and general opinion of Americans and Europeans alike.
The recent bombing of London has further broght to fore this assertion of the west as evidenced by the pronouncement of the Britsh Prime Minister, American President and other world leaders.
In order to solve a problem the root cause of the problem must be identified.
In this view i challenge the West and America to use their sophisticated machinery to uncover those behind this spate of human carnage by prooving to the world beyond reasonable doubt the real "terorrist", so as to exonorate Islam which is princpallly a religion of peace and peacefull coexistance.
An effectively functioning Media is supposed to be the cornerstone of a democracy. In fact, it is the nervous system of a democracy. But, sadly, our mainstream media does not match up to that ideal. An effective media is the one that keeps a constant watch on the Government's activities and asks tough questions. But, sincerely our mainstream media is not doing it's duty. If our media were doing their duty, we would not have been in the situation we are now, being hated not only in the Muslim world but also in many European and Asian countries and by our own neighbours like Canada. Our Media is here only to tote the Administration's line and has continued to support every evil act this government has carried out in our name.
1. It was our media that supported the false claims that Iraq had WMD.
2. It was our media that did not report the war as it was unfolding in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
3. It was our media that was responsible for hiding the real reasons our government went to war with Afghanistan and with Iraq and is now planning to invade Iran and Syria.
4. It is our media that always fails to report about the Palestinian suffererings under the evil occupation of Israel while it never fails to report even a single Israeli casualty . Palestinian deaths to them are "relative calm" while Israeli deaths terrorism.
5. It was our media that did not ask tough questions to the government in the aftermath of 9/11.
I am pretty sure that people like Maureen, Bruce, FedUp etc get their news from the Mainstream media, which explains their distorted view about Islam, Muslims and the so called War on Terror. Unless they start getting their news from independent sources they will continue to remain in the blindspot created by the news sources they follow and they will continue to remain misinformed and mislead about the reali
Abdel Kareem - The very meaning of your name is the slave of the Most Generous. You open your comment in the Name of Allah the Most Gracious The Most Merciful. You then proceed to quote the word of Allah (swa) out of context with out true Tafsir-(An educated explination of the meaning of the translated verse)
Remember you to will be held accountable for all you say and do- especailly when you say it in the Name of the Creator of all that is in existence.
Are you using the same reasoning as those you condem as opressors. Does that not make you an opressor yourself?
As one who claims to follow the word of Allah and the example of the prophet Muhammed (swa) and all the prophets before him you are then to hold yourself to a higher standerd of Morals.
Remember Allah doesnot need any of us we need him , so we must truly be responsible with his words and what we calim to follow. Because if we opress others as Muslims we understand that in the act of opressing others we are truly opressing ourselves. When we do an injustice to another human being we are inevitably committng an injustice to our own souls.
Your second paragraph puzzles me. Your statement indicates that my inability to send a message across to my non-Muslim fellow humans is liable of being interpreted into enormities. It is not easy for me to find a common ground with you, but I'll try. Don't take me amiss for the second time, the difficulty stands in both cultural and geographic differences. Canada is not exactly USA, with the exception of those extreme WASP's among us who believe that Canada is run by the French Quebecois and that Canada should be under Washington as their Northern Province. Other then them, there is a strong national spirit which flactuates in its approval of American policies with individual communities. To answer to your 2nd paragraph, let me mention the followings: 1st-there is no confirmation of who did it as yet. Pointing to possible "islamic" terrorists is Blair's "intelligent" assuption, picked up by a Zionist-orientated media. 2nd-if you read or follow British news you realize that many Muslim commutors have been hurt and even killed. So it was at 9/11, but Fox news deliberately forgot that aspect out of their broadcast. My comment was nothing about not condemning, agreeing or justifying. Let me be clear to you in one point: I am a Muslim. My guidance is the Quran(The Holy Scriptures), Hadith(The Narrative of the actions of the Prophet) and the Fiqh(Islamic Jurisprudence). According to these, if a man killed another man, it was like he killed the whole of humanity; and if a man saved a life it is like he saved the whole of humanity. I am against war of any kind. I am horrified of roadkills. I am extremely distress when violence of any kind breaks out, be that the thugs from the hood or police brutality! However, Bruce, all these have a root cause and along the line they could be solved peacefully, including the elimination of the roadkill!
First of all I agree with this article and the way it is written. To me muslim isn't just a people but more importantly it is a wasy of life as well. You cannot be one without the other.
Their are plenty of people who were raised as muslim by there parents, but unless you follow the true teachings of Allah you are not muslim for to be one you have submit to Allah's will.
I know there are those who don't see it that way and it is sad because innocent people will get hurt in the process by those who don't see the difference. There is a good side to muslims and there way of life but due to terrorist and the way they do there own bussiness the world is and to some degree always will be blindsided.
I don't know everything about muslim but I am an admirer of their lifestyle from what I can gather. Especially the way they stress a modest way of dressing and praying five times a day. If more people would pray just twice a day at least with an sincere heart just think of how much better the world would be.
May Allah and His people rise above all of this is my prayer.
as-salamu alaykum
My fellow Americans, please come out of the blindspot created by the Zionist dominated mainstream Media that's relentless in keeping the common American people in the dark. Unless you stop getting your news from the Zionist sources, you would never know what our government is doing in our name in far away lands as well as our own backyard with our hard-earned tax dollars.
Reading through this essay I cannot help but think it's contridictary to the thesis the author is trying to support.
The following statement:
"The perpetrators, whether they turn out to be fundamentalists or some other group, will fail to promote whatever political cause they pretend to espouse."
Let it be known to all those who write about Islam.
A fundamentalists when used with the word "Islam" is someone who does the following:
- Believes in the Kalma
- Believes in Al Qur'an
- Believes in the authentic ahadith.
- Behaves in a way that's in keeping with the
pillars of Islam.
A Muslim fundamentalists is NOT:
- Someone who practices hate, envy, prejudice
- Someone who believes murdering themselves and
ANYONE else will land them in the lap of ALLAH.
- Someone who uses Islam as a tool to propogate
their POLITICAL cause.
As Muslims, we are bound by our deen to ensure Islam is not distorted or perverted.
We are so pacified by everything in the media, we overlook such statements.
WAKE UP...else our creator will replace us with a better people.
Let me understand your reasoning. You will not condemn their actions without examining the root cause of their actions. Does that mean that if you agree with their reasoning that you support their actions? Who decides whether their justification is valid? What checks and balances are in place to avoid wonton acts of violence without justification? Are they justified simply because they are Islamic? What is different between the terrorists bombing London and some vigilante in New York who happened to have a family member die in 9/11 traveling to Canada to bomb a mosque? You would expect me to condemn such an act and rightly so.
I do condemn acts by our government that disregard human life and disregard our own laws and sense of decency. Those people will be subject to prosecution under our laws. I just ask that you do the same for terrorists who act in the name of your religion.
Why do I have this sick feeling in my stomach? Could it come from another round of violence and the reaction to violence.
Insha Allah, they will find that the cowards that set the London bombs were demonstrating against the G-8 economic conference. Insha Allah they will find no connection to Muslims, beyond the unbelievably stupid claim from some wannabe splinter fanatic group that imagines itself to be Al Qaeda. One can always hope.
To Bob,
"EVERYBODY KNOWS the world is flat" 1100AD
"EVERYBODY KNOWS that the universe revolves around the earth" 1500AD
"EVERYBODY KNOWS that disease is spread by bad air" 1800AD
"EVERYBODY KNOWS that man can't fly" 1900AD
"EVERYBODY KNOWS the sound barrier can't be broken" 1920AD
"Everybody knows that Islam is a religion of violence" 2001AD
So Bob, exactly who is Everybody? Everybody seems to have made a few blunders over the years, wouldn't you agree? Perhaps you need to do a little research. And the next time you hear the words "everybody knows", get a little suspicious, EVERYBODY seems to be wrong. A LOT.
Perhaps you didn't read my letter to the editor, condemning the bombings. Oh, that's right, it didn't get published. Neither did any of the letters written by hundreds of Muslims across the country. Coincidence? perhaps, but I have my doubts. You don't want to hear us.
My response:
There will be a judgement at the end of days, and these cowards are not going to fare well. This crime is dispicable. There is NOTHING that can justify their actions, not matter who they turn out to be. The same applies to all those who kill innocents, whether by bombs, guns, or presidential mandates.
The first question is easy. Muslims do in fact condemn terror, ad nauseum. In fact, nowadays, that seems to be the only thing we do. But the way the media works, an explosion caused by a shadowy "islamic" group is big news, but subsequent condemnations by Muslims is not. The so-called terrorism experts get paraded on TV news shows, but how many Islamic scholars and leaders do you ever see? America is not interested, or rather the media establishment is unwilling, to have the Muslims' side heard.
The second question is the million dollar one. Why do Muslims seem to commit terror if it's not Islamic to do so? The answer is too long and complicated for this venue, but we need to understand a couple things:
(1) the world is not run by honest, moral, compassionate people, but rather by powerful people who do what they have to to meet their best interests. They can be ruthless, but they smile and wear a suite and can be loved by their people. We can't be naive; we need to realize that oftentimes war is viewed to be in their best interest, and 'terrorists' become very convenient.
(2) indiscriminate violence and carnage inflicted on an innocent civillian population should be called terrorism no mater who the perpetrator is, what color his skin is, what country his origin is, whether he wears a uniform or not, whether he pilots a jet fighter or not, whether he does it in the name of religion or freedom, and whether the death and destruction is featured on the evening news or not. If there's blame to go around, and there's plenty of it, the leaders of the world, including its superpower, need to look at each other and take some responsibility.
Perhaps, some group or groups of people have a global plan to cause anarchy and breakdown in societies world-wide.
If this is the grand plan, the culprits could be found in a long list of nations, including various countries' secret service agencies around the world. Paranoia or reality? Who knows!
Only thing that is coming through loud and clear is that Injustice is a Medusa.
This world will find Peace only when all of humanity decides to speak up against injustices and exploitation by the rich and powerful Pharoahs of this Earth. In the meantime, let us continuing praying....
I looked in our local paper and find no such statement. I also don't believe a true muslim would do such an thing. I am Mormon and I have read parts of the Quran and while some of it is hard to understand when I read it I don't see a people behaving like those who are terrorist.
I injoyed reading your story and it is nice that someone would make a statement like that and more needs to be done like that.there are some muslims in my city and while I may not know them I admire their beauty of their women. How they conduct themselves. In our comunity there were two girls who won the right to ware thier head covering with thier school uniforms. My children and I thought it was great. I wished more people would try to see and understand the differences in a true muslim and someone who conducts themselves otherwise.
Asalam Alaykum brother Hudd. I've read and re-read your response to Bruce, and agree with several of your points. I do want to ask you to do something. You are in Canada as a result of Western aggression in the M.E. I have alittle understanding of what this means but for those who have no understanding can you please delve more into details as to how the West's aggression caused problems i.e. if you are Palestinian,
the Palestinian diaspora, people in refugee camps today, lack of work (reason), i.e. Israeli's don't allow Palestinian farmers to export their harvest etc..
I do have a couple of questions to ask you as well: you stated in your response to Bruce that you will not denounce their act without first determining the root cause of this diabolic act. Later in the same response you say, one can not solve a feud by starting a new feud. These points are in contrast to each other. I ask a hypothetical Q: Should I have a friend whose cousin (who lives miles away) killed your cousin, for whatever reason, & your family decided to avenge his death with death, & I was visiting that day so I was caught in the slaughter- would that be just? My question may not hold much water, but my Q is was killing the entire household a real solution. I'm sure you know that many British citizens throughout Britain spoke up loudly against the Iraqi war, at one point it was thought that P.M. Tony Blair's re-election was in jeopardy. Now after this bombing, many of those who spoke out against going into Iraq could possibly be dead, injured or just plain hurt and angry. Regardless of the root, was this a solution? Many people understand that when an oppressed people speak out it's as though they whispered, humans don't pay attention (Allah swt does) but when bombs go off the world hears & sees the devastation. Your points & the pts of others are correct: All oppressed people need to be free from oppression; is there another way to affect change? Sal
TO ALL who read and post comments on articles posted on this site:
Many people (certainly not ALL), when giving feedback on an opposing opinion are often accustory towards the PERSON/opinions of those they oppose. When history enters into the dialogue it seems to be expressed in a "check it out stupid" way. One thing about emails is that there is a lack of understanding of intonations one has used while writing their "piece". There is though blatant accusing and categorizing going on, not only between Muslims and non-muslims but also between Muslims. However the responses are delivered, they are all food for thought for those with an open mind. CAN WE BEGIN TO TALK ABOUT WHERE TO GO FROM HERE. In the name of Allah, how many people are working towards understanding? Allah created man of many tribes and nations that we may know one another. We may not agree, and in that case, after listening, we may agree to disagree..we can all live our lives and go separate ways until we find ourselves faced with a castrophe (which we are all seeing alot of these days) tsunami's, hurricanes, landfalls, earthquakes in addition to bombings. War is certainly not new, though how we are able to discuss war is. Let's all open our minds to the understanding that every nation has faced massive suffering, there have been no exceptions. While we may not be aware of that due to the nature of how we live our lives, lets try to listen to our fellow "postees" with an attentive heart rather than coming back with "check it out stupid". One thing we ALL know for sure: we are ALL going to die, when, where, how, only our creator knows but it is a certainty nontheless. How we respond to crises, who we become out of crisis makes all the difference in the world, having a heart filled with contempt without searching for solutions is in itself a crisis-let's not let our souls become buried in despair & darkness. Prayer is a solution for a despondent heart Thank A
I won't try to justify any of the US actions to you as you are already formulating your reply and will not hear what I say. However, if the US acted like any other superpower in the history of the world we would not care what kind of government exists in Iraq or Afghanistan as they would just be part of the US. Just be glad the US has been around to oppose real dictators like Hitler, Tojo, Stalin, Milosevic and yes, Saddam.
I was saddened to hear your story of your parent's death. Losing one's roots is a great loss. They were caught in a series of events outside of either of our or even their own control. In life we occasionally brush up against the worst of the world. I do think it is time to move on and see if you can put your energies toward bettering our world.
To Virginia and all other non-muslims reading articles on this website. May our Lord, the Lord of all mankind bless you. Your participation in this site means you want to share and want to learn...and Allah is the best to direct.
I do need to ask a question: Do you believe that I or my Muslim neighbor knows who the perpetrators of these acts are. Unlike a country that declares war, these are random acts, How on earth do we know who's doing them? I'm raising a small daughter alone because her father was killed during a robbery...I take my daughter to school, work in Social Services, pick her up, come home, cook (if i'm in the mood for cooking)eat, bathe her, read to her and that's my day. I drive to visit my parents when I am able to and I enjoy barbacues at my friends house when possible...The biggest difference in how I spend my day and how non-muslims spend their day is that I strive to keep my five daily prayers and read the Quran/books about Islam whenever I can.
Are we really that different? Even if my husband were alive, and I were a stay at home mom, would I really be that different from any other American. I've been to the Mid- East, everyone wants to live a peaceful life, except those who have a sickness in their hearts. Another person brought up the KKK...they had a sickness in their hearts...during that time in the south, white people didn't speak up even when then knew who was hiding under those hoods...We don't know who these sick people are who are committing atrocities, that's the difference. Unlike the KKK, whose members paraded themselves through Southern towns, these bombers aren't doing that...so how would I or my neighbor know who they are..do you?
To Gene and all others who believe we can stop these despicable acts:
How? How many people stood up and marched, lobbied their congress people, wrote letters, emailed newspapers, radio stations etc against the IRAG war or for that matter against Vietnam.
Did it help? How many parents are members of DARE..the group against drunk driving, how many parents shout: Save our children from Pedophiles, how many people stand up to say stop violence in our communities. Yes, change is possible, we must all be optimistic that these fires can all be put out...but it takes time, lots of it...remember this important quote from our own American History, " You can change the laws, but you can not change the hearts of man"
What each of us can do is pray for peace, peace for all of humanity, and during these days of such suffering, pray for peace to descend upon all families in every part of the world who are losing loved ones to the multitude of despicable crimes. For those who do not believe in God, have moments of silence to reflect on the shape our world is in, and release energy towards the positive. Our Lord's light will not be turned off, there is light in being able to communicate in this forum, can we respect each other and learn from each other and not cast blame on the innocent...Would it be right for African - American people to blame every white person in America for slavery..how many of you bought and sold slaves? Should we condemn all Whites for that atrocity..of course not and why should we..I understand the anger, but please, lets work together as there are Jewish and Arabs working together for peace..Jewish families who have lost loved ones in this intifada and Arabs who have lost loved ones in this intifada...if they can come together, even in small circles, why can't we. May Allah guide us all to the right way.
Would he spread terror, by cowardly blowing of innocent people ?
Answer is no.
Than what would he do ?
He would sacrifice his entirely family in the name of Islam. Fight like a brave lion on the battle field, well knowing that the end is death.
He would leave his son Imam Ali Zainul Abedin to be tortured after his death.
Even though Yezid matyred the entire family (Ahlul-Bayt) of Imam Hussain, do you think he won the battle ?
Why don't we see in todays Muslims who fight for Islam the knowledge of Imam Ali, the bravery and sacrifice of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, the forbearance of Imam Ali Zainul Abedin and above all the 'Noor' of my beloved Prophet Muhammadan Rasulallah (SAW).
So now the question remains why has Islam turned into what it is today ?
Well we all the know the answer both historically and logically, yet we deny it, so be it.
It is imperative that we are not mislead by the mainstream media, the easiest
assesment is to point the finger to 'Islamic militants.' After all Lord knows they hate our freedoms and are barbaric people
there can be no other explanation right?
Unfortunately our governments have proved themselves to be nothing other than serial liars who tricked us into war for their personal gain. I can't help but question the timimg and motives of such an attack.
The G8 summit burning issues of Climate change and African Aid now firmly on the back burner,
reason for UK troops to stay in Iraq, just watch the ID card legislation being passed through with
little public opposition.
I feel such anger I can hardly bear it.
If you are truly interested in what Muslims are saying go to your local mesjid and ask one. Obviously you are not in contact with many if your view points are so narrow and judgemental. The average intelligent person knows that they need to look beyond their local news to get a true diplomatic view point on all issues.
I for one am not going to go up to every non- muslim and say I am very sorry for the acts of those that I have no association with. Do you Elisabeth and Virgina go up to every Native American and apologize for the Genecide that occured to their people? Did you go up to every Iraqi and apologize for Lindie England and the others who raped and murdered those in Abu Ghraib? Do you go and apologize to every African American who's ancestors were enslaved for centuries? - Probably not.
As to answer your question there are many Imams and ordinary Muslims who are constantly condeming the act of murdering innocent people, because it is not part of the tradition of Prophet Muhammed (SWA) and Muslims themselves have been victims of these crimes way before September 11,2001. So once again instead of taking the easy road and point the finger and deem yourselves the superior look again at the true problem. It is opressive governments all over the world, corruption and poverty. Before you decide to blame a religion followed by billions learn about the religion from the right sources and make an educated comment not one filled with conjecture and hearsay.
why whenever there is a 'terrorist' attack we automatically think of Muslims , the beautiful name of Islam is linked to terrorism, how many innocent poeople are killed daily in Irak and Afghanistan to bring 'democracy' to the region , is democracy brought on war planes and war ships? but who dares say that USA and Britain are the founders and leaders of terrorism around the world?
Islam forbids the killing of Innocent people , kids and old people on periods of war , hundreds of civilians are killed daily in the name of freedom, democracy , etc.
Amazizng to see that many people automatically stick the 'terrorism' labour on Islam when we find that British officials have not yet found out who did it. This illustrates the hatered of some westerners of Islam , but ALHAMDULILLAAH Islam is well and it is spreading all over the world because it is the religion of truth , and because it is the true religion chosen by Almighty Allah to his creatures , and there is no better than the creator to know what is good for his creatures....Islam statreted as 'strange' spreadibg in the Arabial Island when the idolatery was leading the world at that time same as modern idolatey is leading the modern world...Islam won over idolatery 14 centuries ago and it will sure win over the modern pharaons of the 21st century, there is light at the end of the tunnel , and Allah's light will spread all over for sure , for after night there will surely be daylight however long night may be ...INCHAALLAAH TAALAA
In which you urge us to:
"Cast out and condemn those who dare call themselves Muslim and commit terrorist acts
such as these, Absolutely do not accept them, do not shelter them or feed them and do not recognize their affiliation with the Muslim faith".
I just wanted to let you know that everything you have outlined is EXACTLY what real muslims do and are doing. It's already being done - you just don't see it because the media does not portray anything positive about muslims so how will you get to hear it? How many real muslims do you know before you make such remarks? Have you read what organizations such as CAIR are doing? You can't expect an average, good muslim to suddenly take on superhero powers and with his x-ray/terrorist-weeding-out vision destroy the bad guys. Trust me, nobody hates the terrorists who carry out such atrocities in the name of Islam, more than TRUE muslims. You pale in comparison. True muslims DO not accept ANY aspect of such terrorists. (Read the views and articles of islam.org even; OR do you even know of the petition that hundreds of thousands of muslims have signed on the "Not in the Islam campaign against Terrorism?"
Look around and try to find out what real muslims are doing before thinking that each mosque is allowing hundreds of prostrating individuals to cheer on and create terrorists! (just like the Fox TV Channel would like to imply!)
community is doing to combat racism and intolerance in
their society. Are fundmentalist clerics condemned for
preaching violence? Is there a movement for increasing
tolerance in the Muslim world? Could I wear a crucifix
in public in Saudi Arabia, or openly celebrate
Christmas? When will women in all Muslim countries
be allowed to drive, work, vote and participate fully as
human beings? Why does the Muslim community keep
itself so isolated that the police need to form special
"outreach" groups seeking their cooperation? If you
realy condemn violence you'd cooperate anyway. And
what hubris it is to enjoy the freedoms and economic
progress of "infidel" nations and then to condemn them.
The person who suppported a boycott of American
goods really clarified it, boycott everything but those
American products that keep you healthy. Why not only
support Muslim pharmaceutical companies? Oh right,
ou don't have any.
Islam was once the basis for a great civilization and
was a light in a dark world when Europe was still a
colleciton of farming communities. Modern Muslims
have squandered this heritage. Don't blame the
Crusades, that was over a 1000 years ago and the
Muslims were not exactly blameless. Look at your own
bloody takeover of Spain prior to the 1400s.
This attacks won't stop until Muslims take responsibility
for them. You know who the perpetrators are. Don't
hide behind the civil liberties of nations you hate. Help
the world, not just Muslims, for a change.
Don't play semantic games -- chances are 1 in a million
that this is NOT some sort of Islamic-related terrorist
group. I know what you're saying -- true Islam
condemns this. OK -- fine, but we don't see enough
"true Islamists" standing up to these people and saying
once and for all that they will NOT accept them as
"brothers" in the fold. Why aren't "true Islamists" forcing
them out of their community then? Too many people
are guilty by association -- they KNOW who these
terrorists are in their midst yet the clan will not reveal
who they are.
Better that you should look to the people who preach
their hatred against anyone not in the Muslim tribe
instead of these weak, childish, defensive statements.
Get Real. Anyone who does NOT condemn this
behavior is just as guilty as those filthy creatures who
commit these crimes. Cast out and condemn those who
dare call themselves Muslim and commit terrorist acts
such as these, Absolutely do not accept them, do not
shelter them or feed them and do not recognize their
affiliation with the Muslim faith. THEN, maybe they will
see that these crimes only reveal them for the trash that
they are rather than heroes.
Unfortunately, some self proclaimed civilized people refuse to put their own minds to work and put the clues together to figure out the truth but just go with whatever's on TV.
2. We should boycott all American goods and services (except ofcourse medical equipment etc. that are necessary for our safety and survival), and also the goods and services of anybody who allies with the imperialists.
If there are strong effective nonviolent ways for muslims to react, then the violence will largely be unnecessary.
Speeches and articles condemning violence wont do a thing, unless there are other effective alternatives Muslims can use to fight the imperialist menace.
85:10 Those who persecute (or draw into temptation) the Believers, men and women, and do not turn in repentance, will have the Penalty of Hell: They will have the Penalty of the Burning Fire.
Beware. Allah is Juste.
Although I sense your fustration and anger. It seems to have clouded your judgement and many others who like to collectively put the blame on ALL Muslims. (Isn't that what the terroists are doing- collectively blaming the West for their reasons of doing this) The people who have done this are a gang of criminals outside of any law and religion just like the criminals who kidnap, rape and murder in the name of what ever cause they want to name inorder that they feel justifiedfor their political cause. They can say it is in the name of whoever and whatever. Just like the KKK (Or Christian Terrorists if I go with your logic) and many other terroisitic groups throughout history.
It seems that you have not been really listening to the Muslim community all over the world condeming these acts, since you're already convinced that we are all to blame. The author of the article himself is explaining that this is outside the fold of Islam. And it has been repeated many times over.
I for one am an American Muslim who lost a family memember in the World Trade Center attacks and there are probably many Muslim families who have been victims of yesterday attacks.
Unless we sincerly look into the reasons why this is occuring and other indiscrement killing of innocent people all over the world and try to find a solution, then it seems we are no better then the ones commiting the crimes.
Your article seems on the surface to have merit, but please read the following 3 excerpts I took from different websites in wake of the London Bombings. The distinctions you make may be lost on the impartial observer who would read both your article and these below.
Bob Kirby
......Say what you will, Islam is certainly NOT a religion of PEACE and never was....in view of the fact that Muhammad himself was a killer and advocated the killing of "infidels"as a way of furthering his cause. Neither Jesus nor Buddha had blood on their hands. They never once advocated the killing nonbelievers, as did Muhammad. EVERYONE KNOWS that all Muslims delight in the prospect of Islam taking over the world, by any means possible. So while publicly condemning the viscious, subhuman barbarisms regularly committed by their "fundamentalist" bretheren (to ward off suspicion to themselves, of course), they secretly snigger in their sleeves, and applaud the prospect that each new terror attack brings Islam that much closer to controlling the world. Many in the Civilized World are fed up with these Muslims, who come to our countries, and live off the welfare we provide, like parasites, while simultaneously plotting the destruction of the host country that offered them aid. Muslims contribute next to nothing to the Global Society at large. They are happy to parasitically live off, and make use of, the innovations developed by the skill and diligence of OTHER societies and cultures, such as automobiles, airplanes, ships, telephones, television, cameras, computers, electric lights, home appliances, construction equipment, & medicines, just to name a few....while contributing NOTHING of value themselves. The Arabs' greatest talent, for example, seems to be to suck oil out of the ground using pumps and refinery equipment created by OTHER countries. Most are so backward that (continued next email)
terrorism is not a problem, terrorism is a reaction to the a problem, the real issues is social political and economical conditions of both present and past of the muslim lands that are causing people to be radicalized and have wrong ideas,which itself a whole debate,iam certainly not justifying what happened in london, but unless we get to the real underline issues, we can't just put labels on everything.... america
This incident is so unfoourtunate and is uncalled for.Muslim world does not support this. The real Muslim World will regret this act because it is not consonant with the any provision of the Holy Quran, if any of the Islamic organization is behind the scheme.
Whether some people hide under Islam to do this and they claimed doing this in the Name of Allah does not mean they are truthfully representing Islam. Remember in any religion of the world there are bad eggs using teaching of their religions or way of life as some guys will qualified thier to perpetrate evil doings.
Famous Islamic leaders have stood againts this evil acts vehemently even in the US after 9/11 attacks. There are many publication to butress this.
The leaders in the WEST should treat the Islamic World with just. There should be no hidden agenda in their movements or acts Because God loves who is just and know everything that is going on.
I personnally strongly condemn this act and it is not Allah the instructed any body on this ugly act.
Shaitan is roaming the earth, collecting souls that lie in the deepest caverns of darkness.
Shaitan can not shut down the Nour of Allah.