How Did We Become So Hateful?
America's long festering animus toward Arabs and Islam has finally arrived. From black tie affairs to your local barbecue, you can see it in the U.S.A. You can hear it, too, whispering in the White House and booming from Capitol Hill. Language that would get people fired if applied to blacks or Jews now passes without comment when used against Arabs and Muslims. It can be found somewhere, every day, in almost every newspaper and TV news show in the land. We tend to view this disturbing trend as the result of two, or twenty, or fifty years of politics and events. But we are children of a history we do not know. The roots of our "new" bigotry stretch through our racist American past to a thousand-year old blind spot, one big enough to drive half the world through. It's time to learn where we came from.
It's true that our reaction to September 11, twisted and amplified through the gov-media input stream, opened a dark door in the American heart. Softened up by decades of neoconservative, fundamentalist, pro-Israeli and Hollywood propaganda, we were easy marks for politicians brewing a spirit of national retribution.
But we had already shown our stripes, long before the bigotry got organized enough to establish its own think tanks. From our demonization of Nasser and the PLO to the Iran hostage crisis of 1979, when Iranian-American citizens instantly became "sand niggers" and victims of mobs and hate crimes from coast to coast, we had revealed a wide seam of hatred for Arabs and Islam in the bedrock of our national character.
Today, after years of diligent polishing by powerful friends, this obdurate stone of intolerance is passed off as a sparkling gem, a dynamic, no-nonsense political point of view enjoying the highest official approbation. Bush foreign policy and the continuing round up and incarceration of Arab citizens and immigrants make the identity of the enemy crystal clear.
We have returned to our former habit of publicly attacking races, cultures and religions as a matter of national politics. American racists once again have a "legitimate" language to express their hatred. No longer must the dirty business be kept behind the curtain, when the nation is willing to watch, mute and compliant. Instead, we hide the enemy, especially if she is dead. It seems to be easier to accept what's going on, if she has no humanity, if the dead and dismembered civilians can't be seen, if their race and religion are inferior, if "they will have to change anyway, one way or another", as Tom Friedman might put it. We slip into it so easily, it's as if we've been doing it for a thousand years.
Have you ever stood so close to a Monet that the image dissolves into a sea of swimming color? Step back a pace, and the background begins to resolve. Back another pace, and the foreground jumps out with a sudden force. If we take a few steps back into the deep history of our problem with Islam, we may see the background for what it is. And that may help us to resolve the turbulent foreground of our picture.
For example, what is the background to the new bigots' favorite claim, that Islam is a "uniquely violent religion"? The scriptural perspective is simply embarrassing. Both the Old Testament and the Torah chronicle God's recurring commands to the Hebrews to wipe out everyone in sight, so copiously that the Qur'an looks downright tame by comparison. Christian and Jewish fundamentalists defy their own scriptures when they defame Islam as a violent religion.
Empirically, since the beginning of Islam fourteen centuries ago, the Europeans have been far more bloodthirsty, perhaps by a power of ten or more, than the followers of Mohammed. ("Christendom" casts a wider net than my argument intends, so I will use the term "Europeans", i.e. people of European stock and heritage, wherever they may be.) Not only did Europeans leapfrog the Muslim world in developing sheer killing power, they have also been at each other's throats in large conflicts far more frequently than have Arab Muslims in their own sphere. And of course Europeans nearly invented large scale genocide and colonization of foreign lands as a state-commercial enterprise. What do Muslims have in their history that even begins to compare with the seizure, annihilation, and occupation of an entire hemisphere?
And what, to cite just one example, do Europeans have to compare with the Moorish occupation of Spain? Instead of sowing lasting bloodshed and dispossession, Islamic Spain allowed Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in fairly peaceful co-existence for 800 years, as they co-developed the beautiful Spanish language and culture. You could take a lot of Spanish in a lot of American schools without learning much of anything about this rich and instructive heritage.
In a recent article in the New Statesman, Ziauddin Sardar gets to the heart of the matter when he writes that "the west's hatred of Islam stems from, more than anything else, the denial of its true lineage. The western world as we understand it is a child of Islam. Without Islam, the west - however we conceive it today - would not exist. And, without the west, Islam is incomplete and cannot survive the future."
If you're having trouble with "the western world is a child of Islam", welcome to your blind spot. Happily, it's not about theology, but to clear it up we'll have to go back thirteen hundred years, to the first contacts between Islam and Christian Europe. You may experience some embarrassment along the way, especially when you realize that it's a natural and important part of the history that Arabs and Muslims learn today.
In the year 700, Islam and the Arabic language were on the move. Soon their influence would stretch from India to Spain. Europe was entering its Dark Ages, nursing its dwindling links to a dead Roman culture. Arabic scholarship, science and invention surpassed Europe in every way. Arabic scholars would soon include Greeks, Persians, Indians, Africans, Christians, Jews and more. Arabic would become as essential as English is today. Europe would cling to Latin, already a dying language.
Four hundred years later, Europe began to catch on. Translating more Arabic texts in Latin, we began to learn. Not only did we imbibe the fundamentals of our math, science and technology in Arabic, we learned the very roots of our culture and democracy at the feet of our Islamic neighbors. At a time when very few in Europe could even read Greek, the Arabs were already rescuing the genius of ancient Greece from oblivion. They translated Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, the whole Pantheon of Greek learning and art into Arabic, and brought it back to life in Islamic culture.
We learned "our" Greek heritage by translating the Arabic translations into Latin. For centuries, the fundamental texts of budding European scholarship were based on Arabic translations, and Europe's scholarship continued to be informed by its more learned Arabic contemporaries. Europeans even copied principles of Islamic scholarship and academic organization in building their own nascent academies. But soon we were spinning the myth that we'd got it all directly from "our" Greek ancestors. Which may have made it easier to launch the Crusades, to begin murdering our teachers.
The injection of ancient Greek learning and art into Church-bound Europe is generally held to be the engine of the Renaissance, and the beginning of our humanist traditions. The fact that we learned it all from our Islamic intellectual superiors has been blotted out of Western history for a thousand years. The language of algebra and the concept of zero were also vital to the growth of Europe. By the year 800, Arabic mathematicians had learned these tools and the place-valued decimal system from the scholars of India. Four hundred years later, Fibonacci wrote his groundbreaking Liber abaci to introduce modern (Arabic) numerals and the Hindu-Arabic decimal system to a Europe still muddling with Roman numerals.
The word 'algebra' is Arabic, from the book "Hisab al-jabr w'al muqabala", written around 830 by the renowned astronomer and mathematician Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi. When translated into Latin, it caused a sensation in Europe - 310 years later. Where would Newton have been, without the Arabs? On what would he and Leibniz have based the calculus? Whither Maxwell and Einstein, without Islam? How can we receive such gifts and perpetually rebuke the giver?
There are many other examples, including the Arabic roots of European music and musical instruments, and the rich Islamic/Arabic influence spanning the people and cultures of southern and eastern Europe, to name but two. We have a lot of history to recover. Who would we be, without this cornucopia of gifts?
Even the engines of our world dominance are built with intellectual hand tools forged in the Muslim mind. If we are not the child of Islam, we are at best its kid brother. The one that likes to blow up frogs with firecrackers.
Being a kid brother myself, I know the signs, when it's time to grow up and show your big brother some love and respect. A time to reconcile the past, and talk man to man. You find out he's not such a bad guy after all. And he sure knows a lot.
James Brooks, writer and former business owner, resides in Worcester, Vermont. He is also the webmaster for
Related Suggestions
renounce judaism now, thanks to you, Allah hu Akbar.
It is still badly informed and incorrect.
I repeat: apart from all the rest, it's impossible to translate Socrates and Pythagoras. They didn't leave one single written line.
Why don't you check your sources ?
These people are clueless when it comes to history, hell they dont know their own, much less ours.
My regards!
What is even more ridiculous, is the idea that Arabs translated Socrates and Pythagoras. There is not a single line extant by those two authors. Difficult to translate them.
Bes regards
Carlo Chicco
For whatever it might be worth, I fully imagine that there is no future in either intolerance or bigotry. Unfortunately, you already seem to have made up your mind.
[Quran 22:40] ...And had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein Allah's name is much remembered, would surely have been pulled down...
Paix et sans rancune
Inside the base, there were also Iranian military that dressed like they were off the street. They were going to the schools as we were.
I recall having dinner in the 'chow hall' and normally ate alone. There was a disturbance a table away and I began to pay attention to the conversation. It was an angry Iranian bothering everyone trying to enjoy our meals, a difficult thing to do with navy food...
He kept threatening that americans were going to die, this was 1976 and before the downfall of the Shah of Iran.
So, Mr. columnist, we have many divisions in this world:
1. Race - color - language - ethnicity
2. Religion - atheism
3. Country - monarchy - democracy
A lot of room for disaggreement and hate.
I hope this translates into other languages because they have hate too.
I am a college student, taking a class on Early Modern European History, and I have to admit, this class leaves no doubt in my mind that, while the Muslims were advancing in fields such as science, technology, mathematics, literature, etc, unfortunately, the Europeans were busy fighting amongst themselves. And, it is through the Crusades (which is the correct term for a "holy war", as oposed to "jihad" which means "struggle", so please get it right) that Europe came upon the Renaissance, otherwise, it would have never occurred. So you wouldn't be sitting here dreaming of how evil and wicked Islam is, because half the things you have and know, are a direct result of higher learning. Since the West is an offshoot of Europe, no less, and Europe developed with the help of Muslim contributions, simply logic tells you that the West is successful largely due to Muslim acheivements. Now, I am sure everyone can understand that, right?
NO hard feelings, though. Because now, the West controls the media and is free to distort the facts any way it wishes.
However, there are, fortunately, scores of people the world over that are well aware of the tricks and schemes of the West and especially of the United States ( look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, need I continue?).
Man, I love this country.
Thank you so much for bringing out what I'm trying to say, what's in me, I know it and it's choking me to get out somehow!
I'm a muslim, I'm originally from Iran and I've tolerated all the violent American hatred towards muslims and Iranians as a child in elementary school. But I've also seen the Islamic community. I've been to Iran, I've lived in Iran, I know with all my soul and body and mind that Islam is superior, it creates superior people, superior thoughts, great inventions and so much progress. It builts enough strength in it's beleivers to scare the globalization efforts so they start to kill muslims before the muslims ever get a chance to say anything and defaces them before they even get a chance to introduce themselves. Which is what they are doing to Iraq. They were insuccessful with their efforts in politically and economically dying out the Iranian Islamic Republic, only to see that they have grown superbly day by day and have become persistant awakeners of the middle east neighborhood of the Israel subject and the globalization efforts. They killed the could-be Ayyatollah Khomeini, Ayyato-llah Hakim and so on...
There will be a day, I beleive, that they will see with their own eyes how disgusting, disgraceful and unpleasant their goal was and they will find no way to escape their past behaviors and acts.
Thank you very very much for this great article!!!
Sorry but I am the mother of three boys so you are going to have to do a whole lot better than that to impress me. Furthermore I am not sure who in the world you think you are; but I find your comments no more important than mine, so deal with it!
Maybe its because most of you westerners are so used to controlling the discourse about non-westerners in general that you found my comments shocking. I was defending the author, a humble Christian mind you, for shedding light on some historical facts. The amount of racist hostility generated by the article speaks for itself.
This is not Fox news or any other organ of american state media, if you lie and spew venom at people, you'll be aptly corrected and set straight. Muslims are not going to your punching bags nor are we going standby and let our history be debased by immoral apologists of empire.
It seems you can dish it out, but cant take it, which is not at all surprising.
Next, you claim that you are a Christian, well so is the author of the article you attack. Apparently your version of Christianity is the same one which is espoused by the Armageddon fanatics who want to destroy the Islamic world. The same bastardized polemic adopted by Falwell and other equally corpulent christian charlatans. Does Christ(s) have surprise for you !
The claim that Christians are persecuted in Muslim countries is without merit and the product of christian propogandists who to want fill up their coffers with loot from unsuspecting dullards like yourself. The oldest Churches and Synagogues are in the Islamic world, where people are free to practice their religion. Tensions are often started by crooked missionaries trying to fan the flame of sectarian violence.
As for 9/11....your own CIA assetts attack you and Islam is responcible ?! Muslims did not celebrate the attacks, you're desperation in looking for a handfull of losers in the UK to justify your petty hatred of Muslims is pathetic. You owe Muslims one hell of an apology for what you criminals did in Iraq, not the other way around. I'm not holding my breath though.
Now that brings us back to your poorly typed canard, as all other attacks on the article, none offered any evidence to the contrary except to hurl cheap slanderous invective. How pathetically typical of a society of failures and illiterate warmongers.
People are not racing to come to American shores, this is a myth propogandists like yourself focus on to point to the perceived magnanamity of your supposed tolerance, as well as to gauge the xenophobia prevalent in your society. We do fine in the Middle East thank you very much, there is the problem of terrorists from the Western world launching wars of aggression against us, but God willing justice will prevail.
Second, technology doesnt belong to anybody, it is the process of history and civilization that knowledge has flowed throughout the ages. No Muslim asks for special recognition in regards to this, but we will speak out and set the record straight when our history and its contributions are denied and belittled by vulgar fanatical illiterates who are in the business of empire worship, that is pax americana. You are basically dishonest and conceited people, and we know it. YOu cant change history, God knows you're not learning from it.
Finally, I notice you had nothing to say on the subject of Iraq. The silence is deafening indeed. Nothing surprising in that. The rape of Iraq was a concrete example of your criminal and predatory character at work. And I'm not even going to mention your Armageddon fairy tales in regards to this. Unfortunetly for you, the jig is up, we've seen your barbarity in the open. The only hope your dying parasitic "civilization" has are the millions of young people who marched against the war and are fed up with whats being done in their name throughout the world.
Furthermore, if 9/11 was "sanctioned" by Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) - according to an authority on Islam (recently in the news) - then how about our invasion of Iraq? And if Muslims are freed by "polytheists" then are those Muslims violating some sort of a law by thanking Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) for their deliverance? Perhaps might it actually be imprudent NOT to thank Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) for receiving that for which we have perhaps made dua for more than three decades? Who knows? At least America is showing, for the time, that we are - partially (astagh-firullah!) - willing to compensate our victims in the on-going global campaign. May the cups of the righteous be filled (Ameen).
Alhamdulillah. Subhanallah. Allahu-akbar!
Assalamu alaikum wa barakatuhu (wa lihub-billah).
--Yahya Bergum
Your analysis is completely without merit, as if your contempt for facts in general. A fine reflection of a society of failures and warmongers.
If I may (please!) offer just one suggestion, we might wish to consider allowing our intuitions to hold us back for perhaps a moment or two - before submitting any sentiments POTENTIALLY critical (without realizing it!) of that which (all) members of our Ummah consider to be very special. Sometimes a second look will lead me (Allah be praised) to soften up what I wished to say, to limit it somewhat or to even change my comment to be less "hypocritical" towards myself - insha'Allah.
My point would be something like: not only ought we consider how we might better observe ahadith - and peace be upon Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) - but also we might wish to consider applying the lessons of ahadith to perhaps even more of our daily lives. For example: we hem up our garments to avoid dragging them along the ground - but other expressions of vanity (or perhaps even wealth itself) perhaps might just as easily keep us from entering Paradise - so perhaps we might let the need to correctly hem our garments serve us as a reminder concerning expressions of vanity in general. I am "afraid" to be less "cryptic" than that - for which I apologize.
All the same, beautiful - masha'Allah. Jazak Allah khair.
--Yahya Bergum
Alahamdulillah, I can definitely say that I learned a lot today and will, Insha'Allah, pass on this information--especially to all thise ignorant of the gifts and purity of Islam.
Righteousness, and absolute truth cannot be achieved by human beings. Only by the grace of Allah(swt) are we granted righteousness, and absolute truth is Allah's(swt) alone.
All civilizations are influenced by their predecessor(s), and not one civilization ever in existence achieved righteousness or lived in absolute truth.
Jews, Christians and Muslims are all in deep trouble because we, as a whole, are in error.
We are self-righteous, self-absorbed, and hypocrites. How can we claim to love Allah(swt), whom we have never seen(in flesh), but openly hate our brothers whom we see can this be?
As a Muslim, I am tired of fellow Muslims behaving as if they are so righteous and beyond reproach. Some of us act out our religion openly in order to gain praise from our peers as opposed to Allah(swt). Some of us act as if we are partners with Allah(swt) by forceably telling others how to think and act (threatening women who do not cover their head in public, etc).
Some of us are more concerned with carrying on pagan cultural practices, than with learning Al-Islam according to the prophets (may Allah be pleased with them). Some of us cry about Western racism, but when our children want marry a MUSLIM from a different ethnic background we show our true racist colours. I could go on, but the point has been made
Nothing can save us but the grace of Allah(swt), so stop pretending like you have the answers!
Turn toward Allah(swt) and do what YOU, as an individual, were commanded to do!
Respect me by leaving me to do the same without your corrupt guidance!
I kind wonder since the tragedy of sep. 11 how is it safe to express your view because the so called "patriotic act" is seems to be takin alot of freedom away from people. I am kind curiosus because it is easy for a Muslim person to be accused as "terrorist". I decided to WithHeld my name for the security reasons and my safty !!
it really made me sick from me stomach.To the haters you'll are ignorants.
Also, I can not recall ever having suggested that a Jew was not Kosher because they were Jewish. I can see no reason to defend the actions of Muslims who do. An intention to incite Jews against Muslims is the only motive I can even imagine - Kat - for an imam to insult parents of Jews in front of reporters. Surely, I expect it would be enough to cause temporary insanity - if directed towards a Muslim - would it not? (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.)
Furthermore, the Quran clearly describes various circumstances in which wars of aggression are called for. I know of no excuse for an invitation to blasphemy (to teach otherwise) - other than, possibly, as a pretense, to protect someone in immediate danger. I would - of course - hope a kindly someone would warn me (of such an error) if I myself were transgressing the limits (and may Allah be praised.)
Peace be with you. May you receive mercies and blessings of the one who is good. May we be grateful for what we do and don't receive.
--Yahya Bergum
hateful and intolerantl? How do you pretend
what you are not--you call Jews sons of pigs
and monkeys and then you whine about
respect. Respect is earned, not demanded.
Islam deserves no respect.
The Thursday, September 27, Cleveland Plain
Dealer headlined: "Imam says Palestinians
have the right to take up arms."
The story reported that on Tuesday night, a
Cleveland television station had aired a
ten-year-old videotape. It showed the Imam
raising money for a Palestinian "jihad" against
Israel. He called for "directing all the rifles
against the first and last enemy of the Islamic
nation, and that is the sons of monkeys and
pigs, the Jews." This is the man who told me
that there is no such thing as a holy war. "A
war can not be holy."
His explanation exacerbated his problem.
"The tape was describing me as asking my
community to contribute to the struggle of the
Palestinians in the Holy Land. This is their
right. My remarks were not directed at all
Jews. I have Jewish friends all over the world.
I am a man of moderation . . . a man of
reason," he told The Plain Dealer reporter
"muddling with roman numerals"
"at the feet orf our islamic neighbors"
"we learned it all from our islamic intellectual superiors"
"a child of islam"
islamic contributions are overblown. transcribing ancient roman and greek texts doesn't count. algebra didn't fully come from islam and the concept of zero is kinda in dispute as to whether it came from islam or hindu. the biggest insult is that muslims, christians, and jews lived peacefully together in islamic spain. it's the peace one gets from an islamic sword hanging over your head. there are many accounts of christian kings in the area who had to hand over virgin girls every year to fill muslim harems. then, of course there is jizya... enough said there. this article was written by someone who probably hates the west.
Assalamu alaikum (Peace be with you).
--Yahya Bergum
PS. It is my understanding that Alaihim is disinclined to be worshipped. It is Allah (who has honored servants and powerful slaves but is unpartnered) who alone is worthy of worship.
The Western world has been on a campaign to exterminate Islam since the first crusade was launced. While the face of this campaign changes from time to time, the original intention is very much intact. The phony "war on terrorism" is the latest example.
The fascists further claim that their civilization is benign and under attack from Islamic opportunistic self delusion to justify wars to secure resources of the "other."
The author has simply stated what is obvious and painfully true. Its no surprise that the frothing apologists of empire are foaming at the mouth at this article. Well done Mr. Brooks.
thank you James for revealiig something so essential to our understanding of history and the present- the truth!!
your objective- hatred of Islam is caused by the masses denying its glory and the outstanding achievements of its followers, is so vital to understanding current day situations.
Even more important than that though is recognisiing the truth of civilisation.
thank you so much, wish there was more like you!!!!
Also, when the author says "Islamic Spain allowed Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in fairly peaceful co-existence for 800 years"- he states a fallicy- for, rather than cultivating the spanish language( which originates from latin ) they attempted to continue their invasion of europe, into France, where they were eventually defeated by Charles Martel. The Islamic religion is not at fault for anything, for, as in any religion, there are flawed followers- The bloodthirsty, greed-driven invaders from Arabia in the middle ages were not acting out of religion, but out of poiltical and monatary ambition. You can make a claim that the Muslims of the era were excelent invaders who took advantage of a devided and disoriented time, you cant, however, make the claim that they are the roots of the west- plus, even if that were true, it has no modern relevency. The west may have taken that information, but from there, it was all them. The west continued to advance and move forward with the info, while the arab world stood still.
As well, Modern western man isnt antagonistic toward the Muslim world for ancient cultural root issues- the average western man is concerned with the present, in which he sees a violent and agressive faction of Islam attacking him and his fellow citizens for no reason he can think of- That is why this theory holds little weight on teh current issues...
Of course, right now there is a high level of animosity towards the Islamic world, but lets be objective here - you guys are the only people to kill 3000 Americans on home soil in unprovoked outrages. Even if that isn't representative of mainstream Islam it is perceived as so. And that is why there is so much hostility.
Don't make historical comparisons and allege there is some 1400 year old plot in the west against Islam. There isn't. The Crusades after all were only started when Muslem armies threatened to overrun the Italian principalities and the Catholic church.
This doesn't mean we ideologically like Islam, or that we have ever particularly liked it. But to argue that we have spent the last 1400 years harbouring a special hatred and plot against you guys is just paranoia, an Islamic urban myth. Westerners are not even aware of Islam 99% of the time.
And for the record, when this article paints Europeans as a particularly murderous bunch that have no parallel with anything in Islamic history I would just have to ask whether you are in denial about the genocide of the Armenians in 1916. Perhaps the only reason why Muslem societies have not killed as many people is because Muslem societies have lagged technologically so far behind that they lacked the capacity.
What recent history does teach us is that there is no want of wickness in Islamic circles where mass murder is concerned. Perhaps, if Bin Laden was allowed his way, he'd make up for the disparity in blood in Allah's name.
I would like to tell those who hate us, we are human beings just like any other humanbeings we are not some evil beings who are all plotting and working to destroy the world. We are as diverse as any people, and our faith does not teach us to destroy other people and force them to be the way we want them to be.
Terrorists are of all faiths, just in the last decades there have been tens of thousands of innocent civilians who died at the hands of non Muslim terrorists some of them were; South American terrorists, Sikh terrorists, Irish Catholic and Protestant terrorists, Jewish terrorists and African terrorists. All the victims of terrorism are equally precious, but it seems only those killed by Muslim terrorists are more important to the media, since they have done a good job ignoring the rest of the victims.
We (Europeans, Americans) have returned to our former habit of publicly attacking races, cultures and religions as a matter of national politics.
No longer must the dirty business be kept behind the curtain, when the nation is willing to watch, mute and compliant.
May I remind you that Christ died and arose from the dead, as payment for the sins of ALL People a full 500 years before Muhammed was born.
As far as a common thread, the only one is Abraham. I know that Islam teaches that Jesus assended directly into Heaven and was not crucified, the facts do support that idea. Simply put you have too many witnesses to His excution. I'm NOT referring to just the Bible accounting. You have the Romans themselves who carried out the execution. Are you foolish enough to believe that this skilled excution team would allow this "revolutionary" to survive His punishment? If He were to survive, and appear like He arose from the dead, this would certainly create a very difficult situation for the Roman goverment. So I'm quite certain they made sure that He was dead. As for the Resurection, too many people involved again that saw everything.
We also have the Shroud of Turin which supports the most documented execution in history. As for the Shroud's authenticity, now that the carbon dating issue has been put to bed, there is no doubt about the fact that this indeed is the Shroud of our Lord.
Mr. Brooks does not speak for all Americans, any more than I do. I will say that I know hundreds of people who are not bigoted, racist, or as ignorant as this article would have you believe. You cannot hope to educate and enlighten people by first beating them over the head and insulting them! Rigid fundamentalists of all religions don't understand this, but intelligent, well-meaning, knowledgeable people, like the author should!!!
My own readings of the four Canonical Gospels would seem to indicate (to me) that through the Messiah our chances of salvation are perhaps made possible - but we are still not off the hook. It also seems (to me) that the Quran was revealed (at the time it was revealed) partly to address popular "abstract concepts" not in conformance with the teachings of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).
What would be the purpose for giving the people so many teachings apparently along the lines of Matthew 5:26? At what point were Christians first taught that their debts would be excused through no effort of their own - and according to whom? For that matter, what would be the point in seeking to avoid the wrath of elohim if Christians have no reason to fear Elohei? (May Elohei forgive me!)
Might Christians hope to be "judged" to have acted morally? Why would Christians even bother, with moral behavior, if they were already off the hook? Rather, of what might moral behavior, on the part of Christians, be a sign? (May I fear Allah - and follow a sin with a good deed.)
Are Christians afraid of acting immorally? And how might such "apprehension" square with traditional Christian doctrine or even currently popular Christian sentiment? Forgive me, but Christians do tend to appear a bit presumptuous - regarding disposition in the afterlife - perhaps from time to time.
May Peace be upon you, as well.
--Yahya Bergum
Until then, I'll continue to refer to them as what they really are, and I'll continue to expose their murderous religion for what it is.
Please send my your comments to [email protected]
Jesus is the only answer to our world's ills.
May His Peace be upon you.
P.S. I'm shaking and tears well in my eyes.
Assalamu alaikum.
--Yahya Bergum
Did the Muslim invent the word "nigger" did the Moslims introduce intrest that has put most world in debt?
About slavery, when there was slavery in the Islamic world, they ought slvaes from africans, hence slavery was common among alot of nations, no.2 the moslims treated slaves like their family and intermarried with them, we are not the ones who used slaves for amusement ( gladiators), the Qura,an never says that man is not equal, I can recall that in America, not sar far in the past that reserchers and scientists came up with some bull reasearch and conclusion of so called modern "Darwin theory" that blacks are lower tan the Aryan race. Look at your self before you speak I would not want to embarass you again.
It seems unlikely (to me) that non-Muslims will generally become more trusting of Muslims, until at least one sheik offers words of comfort for non-Muslim victims of violence committed by Muslims. Until Allah (subhanaha wa ta'ala) wills that such a gesture be made, by at least one Muslim religious authority, I would say that non-Muslims might have ample reason to remain suspicious of our intentions regarding their welfare.
Assalamu alaikum.
--Yahya Bergum
God bless all those working to correct those historical blind spots and promote Peace and understanding between muslims and others.
May God gives us all the wisdowm to learn to love and understand each other .
yearning for a chance to be able to talk to and listen to everyone without fear. My prayers are for the Arabs and Jews to live according to God's Law. Think what the Middle east would be if together. My guess? Absolutely Brotherly.
The westerners who hate Muslims would blame Muslims, following a long tradition of blaming the victims.
As they have blamed the native Americans of this country who were dehumanized as blood thirsty savages that had to be exterminated. Hollywood had done a good job depicting this. In the 30's, 40's and 50's most westerns were about the savage indians attacking vulnerable caravans of poor whites who just wanted to live in peace. The native Americans were always the aggressors and the white cowboys were always defending themselves. Does this sound familiar? Muslims are depicted the same way today.
I remember playing Indians and cowboys, all my playmates wanted to be the cowboys, because they were the heros and no one wanted to be the Indians who were the villains.
Even today, Americans are proud of their forefathers who committed genocide against the natives, they are talked about as corageous heros who established a great country.
I would like to know what is the difference between this kind of pride and the pride the nazis have of the genocide their predecessors committed in the 40's.
The nazis killed 6 millions Jews, the European settlers killed unknown millions of Native Americans, the first are the epitomy of evil and the other are the example of all that is good and virtues. Indeed, history belongs to the winners.
Thank you for your positive comments about Islam and Muslims. Today, we (Muslims) are orphans. Our own people have abondoned us. Our (Muslims) leaders are our worst enemies. They have sold their soul for a miserable price. Instead of helping us they are hurting us. They have deprived us of our natural resourses and dignity. They think that their masters (in the West) will help them; how deluded are they.
People like you are our hope, who see right from wrong, who acknowledge truth and justice. That is what God our Lord demands from us. Thank you for an eye opening article for people who are ignorant of history.
Sincerely, Mohammad Syed
Mr. Brooks is an enlightened and sincere individual who simply held up a mirror to reveal the pathological hatred which westerners are leaned and weaned on. Not a pretty picture.
Historians of repute have long documented that had it had not been for the Muslims, the so called Western world would have never been able acheive its own renaissance. Only a petty fraud would contest this.
Americans in particular are evidence of this. They prefer to believe fantasies and falacies over reality. A hallmark of intellectual and moral decline. They would rather believe that a small defenceless country like Iraq posed a threat to them based on lies about WMD, they prefer to believe that Ashkenazi jewish rejects from Europe have a right to steal and colonize the land of others based on some bizarre interpretation of shoddy piece of work called the Bible. Ofcourse there are numerous examples of this degenarate mindset...but its safe to say that these are dispicable individuals from a tyrant nation which is the greatest enemy of human freedom and dignity today. A true enemy of civilization.
US is a great country to practise all religion and infact after this incident(Sep 11) many Americans want to know more about Islam and what it teaches and the growth rate of Islam in US is greater than before.What happened in Sep-11 is the worst tragedy which kills many innocent civilians that we all know.It's true that becuase of this tragedy there were some groups which really wants to bring bad name to ISLAM and its followers but Allah is great and he knows better than all.Finally i can say that it's nothing but propaganda by some fanatic groups who couldn't tolerate the growth of Islam in all over the world.The Author of this article did a great job in letting people know about what we are and were we are.Dear brothers and sisters in Islam Wake up and be truthfull to Allah so that we will be safe by the grace of Allah.
1) Europeans are the ones who confiscated land everywhere like USA and Australia from natives and created incompatible boundaries in lust of land and sinister plans like Iraq, India, Palestine.
2) Unconditional and unfair support to butchers of Israel in their pursuit of murders of innocent palestinians who are simply fighting for their freedom. You say that your founding fathers faught for freedom of US which actually belong to native indians and not you, but you ignore the struggle of palestinians for their own country. Who created Israel, mother of all problems. Britain again. And if you guys were so sympathetic to jews then why you threw them out of Europe in first place. Any idea how many jews were killed. Perhaps 60,000. Any more illumination you need about so called secular and humane West.
3) World history says that the most murderes in history have been Europe with their two world wars, mongolians and European who killed jews. Muslims dont figure anywhere near to you guys in your so called pro-humanity figures.
4) zionist agenda in palestine by opening Al Aqsa mosque to non-muslims for desecretion.
5) How many were killed in 9/11? 3000.. Well I am completely sympathetic to those who died in this violence, but have you any idea how many you killed in Iraq alone for your lust for OIL. Not to mention, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Kashmir, Chechenya, Phillipines. you need some illumination by going into history & origin of these conflicts. Just watching CNN & Fox may illuminate your rooms not minds.
6) Do you think its easy for anybody to suicide. One does it for a purpose and when no justice prevails anywhere. Can you do suicide. Others also love lives. Simple things to under
I truly admire you courage. You are revealing the true colors of the Islamphobics and of the eternal imperialists, racists, segregationists, and enemies of ONE TRUE partnerless God. And many of them seems to be unable to handle the TRUTH as it is apparent from their comments.
They are denying history. Anyways, if these people (not all) do not grow up, Big Bangs will not ONLY come from the Middle East, but from all over the world , except may be Israel, Coasta Rica and Micronesia if you keep supplying these 3 contrees w/ billions of dollars.
There are so many revealations like these in the Holy Quraan that when I read them I wonder how selfish and divided we are as we still fighting for what is the best religion. Also success of Islam is not building empires, it is the cleansing of society from sins by submission to the Almighty creator to whom all of us return. For Allah, our success in business or wealth or technology doesn't matter as He is the Creator and Sustainer of everything in this Universe. Only our submission to Him matters. But He asked us to study and think about His creation in almost 1000 ayas(onesixth of the Quraan) so that we can have a little understanding about His greatness. The most important commandment of prophet Jesus(pbuh) was that our Lord God is only one and we shall love Him with all our heart. This is nothing else but Islam. Wearing a long white robe or having an arabic name has nothing to do with Islam; they are tradition. Most of the Westerner think about Jesus as a white blond man but he was an Asian with dark hair as a Bani-Israel. Only difference between a Muslim and Christian belief is about the divinity of Jesus. For Muslims, it is crystal clear in Quraan and we all revere him as a Messenger of Islam from God. For christians, the clearest of evidence in Bible is in Act 2:22.
- Sept 11 definitely changed many minds on Islam's good will. Three thousand civilians (not military) died in the attack. It was discovered that the brave "martyrs" had financial help as well as tactical help from other "good" Muslims in this country. It would be unfair to paint all Muslims in America with the same brush, and 600 Muslims also died in the attack. Many say that their religion has been hijacked by fanatics and this is probably true. But I have heard again and again that the Muslims we meet don't seem to show the outrage that would come from any association with terrorists. As a result, we are not sure who is loyal and who is not.
- Events around the earth done in the name of Islam appall us. Suicide bombers target civilians at random and murder them. Earlier this year the news had a local council in Pakistan ordering the gang rape of a girl because her brother was seen in the company of an unmarried woman. A woman right now in Nigeria awaits being stoned to death for adultry. In my country we have had people murdered by other family members because they brought "shame" to the family. The slave trade is still practiced in parts of the world, especially , most recently in Sudan, where Christians are routinely enslaved. Stories like these occur every day and you wonder why we distrust Muslims?
- A final reson of the West's distrust of Islam is one that could be overcome. Muslim immigrants have a knack of emigrating to the West and then not assimilating themselves in the society. These people tend to have little to do with the natives and they keep to their little cliques of ex-patriots. The natives don't get to know these people, and when we don't know Muslims, it is easy to distrust them. Make friends.
I love your article. It just shows a different image of Islam as a faith. Islam of course encourages hard work, innovation, respect, love and all the positive things that we all cherish under God. I have distributed your article amongst my friends and colleagues here at Intel Corporation in Folsom. Many of them were impressed and slowly but surely are changing their attitude against Islam. God bless you and your work.
for building the foundations of modern
science, society and civilization. Oh, how did
the great and rational civilizations fall behind
the barbaric Europeans? The most barbaric
and cruel of all peoples were able to gain
technological and material wealth to carry out
evil against peoples all over. Introducing
imperialism, colonialism, genocide, racism,
and all kinds of hatred. Why could it not have
been a more mature and humane civilization?
"Math and philosophy" from the Greeks and "decimals and zero" from India were moribund elements. Muslims brought them to the light of the sun and gave them a new lease of life. Such a Muslim-undertaking is just one of the multi-faceted Muslim-contribution to the humanity in general and the so-called Western renaissance in particular. We have to seek knowledge and this is the only way by which we can placate prejudice and hatred rampant in the West.
History is fact when you can prove beyond anybodies doubt and it is fiction when some centuries goes by because there is no way to prove it in way that no one can deny. Who knows what is the motive of the so called government paid historians when they wrote and analyze history. When muslim wrote the history they glorified their achievements and when west wrote the history they glorified theirs. Now the question is who is right and who is wrong. It depends how who you are and you will try to associate yourself with your glorified history.
Islam spread by sword or by something else it will make no difference all great civilations swollow others smaller and lesser groups to become biggest civilations. Romes did that and so do muslims.
One thing is for fact that none of those last forever and this is fact and no one can deny. Today muslim civilation is on the brink of extinction and so be it but it is great power at once. Flip side of this is today west is the greatest civilation but will it be forever.........hummmmm I think everyone in the west think it will but everything has its end and this is a physical truth that noone can deny so it will end and hit rock bottom as muslim civilation.
I think there is no need to defend muslims and Islam and neither muslim should try to explain everything to the west because this will not help as west on the whole don't see you equal in any way and they should not. Who really likes to hang around with some lossers we are with the winners isn't it. But remember my friends there is an other side of this picture too and I see west at the place of muslims, feeling the same thing that muslims do in these days.
"Might is Right" so be it
If people knew these facts,then all the fallacies about Islam would disappear. People would also see and appreciate the fact that Islam is man's natural religion and solution to the world's problems.Education is the key.Let's spread the word so lies and corruption cannot survive!
We in Malaysia has witnessed the violent nature of European Christian 600 years ago.
In the year 1400's, Malacca was an established and prosperous kingdom with its own political and government systems. Malacca port was one of the world's main port at the time.
The Arabs, the Chinese, and the Indian came to trade at Malacca. None of these people did any harm to us. Then in the late 1400's, the European Portugese came, first disguised as 'traders'.
Then later they showed their true color as the conquerers of Malacca. SInce then European had conolinised us for more than 500 years, from one coloniser to another. Starting with Portugese, Ducth, and lastly Britain. From 1400's until 1957 when we were independent from the British.
Thus, we the people of Malaysia had first hand experience how European Christians violently did harm to us 600 years ago.
In addition, our neighbors, Phillipines had to face worse brutality by Spanish Christian conquerers. Much of the Phillipines used to be part of Muslims world in 1400's. The Spanish Christians came and forced the people to convert to Christianity. Those who resisted faced death.
Nowadays, only the southern part of Phillipines, such as the Sulu Islands, remain Muslims.
I do not blamed Christianity for the above brutal history. I do blame how those Christians interpret the Bible teaching and transformed them into action that sometimes do harm to others. Like they did to us Muslim in Malacca and Philippines 600 years ago.
problem that plagues this country and the West for that
matter. As it is written in a way that develops into a
synopsis of Western and Muslim culture able to co-
exist, but a co-existence with mutual respect and
Starting with Saidina Umar Al khattab,he has made a postage system for posts and things relating to it.has build irrigation for the farms in the islamic country.Has created new towns.Invented the Islamic calender,has introduced Islamic currency.This is his doing not the non_muslims that has been counquered...Please use logical thinking,If u have been conquered would u give all your knowledge to your conquerers of course not!!you have lost your freedom and independence,your beloved leaders are gone, and so on.You may say that the muslims force them to give their knowledge to them but in all the history books and in context with the sunnah and the Al Quran no muslim is allowed to hurt or even force a dhimmi(non-muslim living in an Islamic state)to do things that he or she do not want to in the hadith:"Reported by al khatib,The prophet (peace be upon him) has said.Whoever hurts a dhimmi,i am his adversary,and i shall be an adversary to him on the day of resurrection.
so the argument u stated is not true,Another example is Cordoba in Spain the muslims and jews lived side by side learning and inventing new things even though they did not even conquered new lands,The muslims there has researched medicine when the Western world were still believing in witch craft,satanic posession and so on.You could also argue that the greedy western powers have conquered so many muslim,asian and african lands,and during this time they have created misery for so many people,and because of this got the resources to win the war.And they have made ww1,ww2(ww=world war)and without conquering the land they will surely loose the war with the axis powers.So this argument of Islamic nations becoming stagnant because of no expansion is totally absurd.
I find your article "thin" and bigoted.
Thankfully there is a small but increasing number of people in the West who are begining to fathom the facts for a change. I hope this trend continues. I've sent the article to all those on my email list
Thank you again.
The attempt to denigrade Islamic history and its over 1000 years of contributions to the fields of mathematics, social sciences etc is part of the Islamophobia which the West currently thrives on. But none of it would be possible if not for the culture of ignorance and malice towards the peoples of Middle East.
I've seen the arugment that the Arab world was like the Borg from Star Trek. They had to conquer new lands to get new ideas. When that was no longer possible, they stagnated and started to implode. I don't know what to say when presented with this kind of argument. Some help please!