Islamophobia spreading far and wide

Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Islamophobia, Racism, United States Of America Views: 11148

The growing new phenomenon labeled "Islamophobia" - the paranoid fear of Muslims - is fast spreading, both in the United States and in Western Europe, warn academics, Middle East experts and senior United Nations officials. 

Alarmed at the rising racial and religious intolerance, the UN is expressing "deep concern" over the increase in anti-Semitism, Christianophobia and Islamophobia worldwide. A resolution adopted by the 191-member UN General Assembly this week calls upon all states to cooperate with the UN Commission on Human Rights to eliminate the growing new trends in racial and religious discrimination. 

For the first time, the UN this month hosted a seminar zeroing in on the subject of Islamophobia, symbolizing the gravity of the situation. 
"When a new word enters the language, it is often the result of a scientific advance or a diverting fad," said UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. "But when the world is compelled to coin a new term to take account of increasingly widespread bigotry, that is a sad and troubling development. Such is the case with Islamophobia." 

Addressing the seminar, which was attended by religious leaders, academics and senior UN officials, Annan said efforts to combat Islamophobia must also contend with the question of terrorism and violence carried out in the name of Islam. 

"Islam should not be judged by the acts of extremists who deliberately target and kill civilians. The few give a bad name to the many, and this is unfair," he said. 

"The Christian West has feared Islam both religiously and politically," said Seyyed Hossein Nasr, professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University and keynote speaker at the seminar. "Today, the paradox of Islamophobia remains that many people afraid of Islam know very little about it. They feel a great need to see 'the other' as the enemy." 

In the United States, the targeting of Muslims was triggered by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, because all of the attackers were of Middle Eastern origin. 

Last week Cornell University released the results of a survey it conducted in September revealing US citizens' willingness to restrict the civil liberties of Muslim Americans. The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has previously accused US law-enforcement agencies of racial profiling of Muslims living in the United States. 

"In US media and political discourse, a mixed - and often implicitly negative - view of Islam exists," said Norman Solomon, executive director of the Washington-based Institute for Public Accuracy. "There's a lot of anti-Muslim bigotry. Some of it is based on religious chauvinism from Christians and Jews. Some of it is racist." 
The perception that Muslims hate Israel has fed anti-Islamic fervor among strong supporters of Israel. And - particularly since September 11 - US nationalism has largely and foolishly identified Islam as a major threat to America, said Solomon, co-author of Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn't Tell You. 

"Ultimately I believe that public hostility toward Islam in the United States today is mostly a matter of geopolitics and US nationalism," he said. 

"While the [September 11] attacks clearly had an impact on Islamophobia, it is important to recognize that this phenomenon has been around in one form or another virtually since the advent of Islam in the 7th century," said Mouin Rabbani, a contributing editor to the Washington-based Middle East Report. 

It has developed and changed over the centuries on the basis of a variety of religious and racial prejudices, he added, as well as associated political factors such as colonialism, nationalism and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and socio-economic issues like oil and immigration. 

"Islamophobia as a phenomenon has evolved and ebbed and flowed over time and across space," Rabbani said. 

In the United States, for example, Islam was largely associated with the African slave population and resistance to slavery (and to a lesser extent subsequent black-American militancy), and Islamophobia served as part of the process of the dehumanization and domestication of this population. Since 1945, by contrast, US Islamophobia has largely been projected externally, particularly against Arabs (and Iranians - who seem more often than not to be identified as Arabs - as well as assorted others such as non-Arab, non-Muslim Sikhs, for those incapable of making distinctions). 

This, Rabbani pointed out, is related to the emergence of the United States as a global power, its pursuit of control over the strategically significance Middle East, and its increasingly close embrace of Israel. 

More recently, with the end of the Cold War (during which prejudice against Muslims coincided with support for Islamic militancy), some intellectuals, such as Samuel Huntington and Bernard Lewis, sought to formulate a theory of Islam as an enemy civilization. 

In a report to the General Assembly last month, Doudou Diene, special rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights, said, "There appears to be agreement that racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are on the upswing in Europe." 

Rabbani said European Islamophobia has had a somewhat different trajectory, emerging initially in response to the theological and territorial challenge presented by the rise of Islam as an alternative monotheistic religion and the expansion of Islamic empires. It was then put into the service of European colonialism in the Middle East and other Muslim territories, and more recently in response to the growth of Muslim migrant populations in Western Europe. 

"My impression is that while prejudice against Muslims has certainly intensified, hostility to Islam as a religion has grown exponentially - though the two are obviously interrelated," Rabbani said. "A main effect of [September 11] has been to make Islamophobia not only more widespread but also considerably more mainstream and respectable - it has let the genie out of the bottle." 

Solomon said that until recent decades, the US mass media and overall political climate have unequivocally embraced only Christianity. Anti-Jewish undertones - and sometimes explicit anti-Semitism - were present through the middle of the 20th century, until the Jewish faith gained general acceptance, at least in public. 

Before and during the air war on Yugoslavia in spring 1999, for instance, a lot of sympathy was generated by the White House and the US news media for Muslim victims of Serbs in Kosovo. 

"Granted, this was opportunistic and propagandistic. But the US establishment is quite capable of at least going through the motions of lauding Muslims," Solomon said. 

And in fact, the rhetoric of the administration of President George W Bush, with some lapses, has tried to make clear its supposed respect for the Islamic faith while singling out a few Islamic terrorists for condemnation, according to Solomon. 

"That said, the hostility toward Muslims in the United States is, overall, appalling. The events of [September 11] were used as an excuse to greatly magnify that hostility and cloak it in pseudo-patriotism."

Source: Asia Times

  Category: Americas, World Affairs
  Topics: Islamophobia, Racism, United States Of America
Views: 11148

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Older Comments:
Bruce, look at it this way. Just as we perceive, in fact know Saddam was a murderous nut - he was OUR murderous nut. We put him there. Whom do you think supported his war against Iran, the Kurds and somewhat the Kuwaitis until he got greedy? We did - big time. If a regime change was apparent to us because we created a monster, then to those who view us from the outside, be it Europe or Asia, we are the nation that has been going about creating strife, misery and destruction the world over through our wars waged for one reason or another, be it National Security or Oil or protection of Israel or the need to spread Christianity. The world sees us needing a regime change because our leader is seen as a mad man - juxtaposing the lack of WMDs, torture, murder and rape of Iraqis and Afghans, we come out looking like absolute lunatics who must be stopped at all costs. In all fairness to GWB, our history is rife will killing others for one thing or the other and boy do we know how to kill. They look at our history from the massacre of Indians to the current state of affairs in Iraq and Afghanistan. And as much as we delude ourselves and repeat to ourselves till our voice turns hoarse that we are the good guys, and honest examination of facts will make you realize - we are not - not by a long shot. Putting a hand out towards friendship is good but understand and appreciate what we have been doing for the past 300 years.

Part 2
The only answer I can come up with is that much of the ME makes the same mistake you do in misreading our intentions. They seem to think that the invasion of Iraq was an invasion against Islam. For whatever reasons there were, (you say economic, I say security) an attack against a monotheistic religion would not be something Americans would stand for.

Bush's big mistake is not recognizing this potential. I believe he was thinking in a political sense and did not grasp the religious connotations that would be inferred. He listened to expatriate Iraqis who had their own agendas. He didn't think deposing a despot would be seen as an assault on Islam. I also lay some blame at the feet of the Mullahs who fanned hate and bigotry toward the US to suite their own gains. Issuing fatwa urging the killing of Americans wherever they are and prohibiting Iraqis from participating in their own governance is a twisted perversion of their religious power. You ask, "Why couldn't it be just political strife?" It is not the US that has turned it into a religious struggle.

How would you propose we as citizens of North America begin toward healing this disease?


You repeatedly misread America's intention if you think it is Islam that is being attacked. The vast majority of Americans feel no ill will against the religion of Islam. Bush has stated and on this I think he is telling the truth, that it is not Islam, but the militant political groups who hide behind Allah that are our enemy. The problem is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference. You say we don't have a right to keep track of who enters our country? How else are we to tell the terrorists from the true Muslims? One alternative would be to exclude all Muslims. This would be definitely more Nazi-like and would be against our principles. Your suggestion of instead making a file on all Americans would turn America into a Gestapo state. Visitors to any country should expect that the host country has a right to make sure they are not there to do mischief. The devil is always in the details. I would agree that if innocent people are being unfairly targeted due to this filing system, then they should be prosecuted. The problem is the terrorists have forced us to be overly careful as one mistake could have devastating consequences.

Whether you agree with the action or not, Saddam was overthrown and there is a need for a government in Iraq. What is the best way to achieve this? Killing the very people who are trying to restore order? Is everyone in the ME so intent discrediting the US that they are willing to destroy Iraq? If we pulled out now, who would take their place? Everyone was invited to take part in the interim government and no one has been excluded from running for office. Why are the polling workers and the Iraqis themselves being targeted? Why couldn't the insurgency wait until after the election to see if the US would keep their promise and move out? These are questions I don't have answers to.


Bruce, I appreciate your comment, however to tackle this issue is not easy. My question would be, why must be Islam that is attecked? Couldn't be just a political stife? Why must be harmed so many good people belonging to a great religion? Because it doesn't revolve around Jesus Christ? For the love of God, you preach tolerance and freedom toward whom? Yourselves? In this stands my anger, the Western hypocracy toward their own values. What can be worse? You probably would say, the hypocracy of the Muslim leadership. Two bads don't make a good. Somebody must start repairing this desease, personally I believe that the Western world should make the first step toward reconcilliacion with the Muslims because they have the best resources and influence to do that. And I mean a real inteligent move, not one accompanied by tanks, bombers and body counts! How easy is to smash somebody's face if he doesn't agree with you and you are far more stronger! That's easy. To bring an accord when you have a discord, now that's art! Getting back to your comment, you should watch Fahrenheit 911. I'm asking, why would US spend half a trillion dollars to invade and occupy a country that will claim a lot of American and indigen casualties in the long run when at home in USA there are people that live in the most terrifying conditions on earth! I'm talking about the slums the downtowns and all those grey areas of the "great" American cultural byproducts! It's pathetic. With the hundreds of billions spent by now on the Iraq war, USA would have solved every social, economic, security and political problems she has! Do the Americans care more for the Iraqi Muslims than for their own? That is the image the US government wants me to see in their actions! My friend this is such a transparent lie that you don't need an IQ to see through it! US means business, all the contractors in Iraq are foreigners. Iraq doesn't want US there and they don't want the US democracy to rule in their country. Simple.


You are right, I do not know everything. If(I) thought you were stupid, I wouldn't bother having this discussion. I am trying to learn and a dialogue with those I don't understand seems to be a productive way of learning. It is always easier to see someone else's inconsistencies than your own.

You do misinterpret my statements on hate. Discussions on who started hate are not going to get us toward understanding. Every ethnic and religious group have episodes in their past that they are not particularly proud of and could be a source of continued animosity if such feelings are stoked. I'm sure the Muslims in Turkey would like to forget about the Armenians. The purpose of history is not to remember a reason to hate, but to learn from past mistakes and not repeat them. Americans could do well to remember this as well.

If I sound like I am trying to legitimize US actions, you should understand that there is a lot I don't like about what the US has done. I do grow tired of the US being demonized by everyone. Instead of trying to understand why America acts the way it does, it's easier just to make up stories about how the US hates Muslims and wants to steal all the oil in the ME. I am an American and I do not hate Muslims. I do feel we are at war with terrorists who have declared an unconventional war against the US. These terrorists invoke the name of Allah but are no more Muslim than Saddam. If the reasonable Muslim majority does not think this is a problem, wait until they get into power and then try to practice your brand of Islam without interference.

Hopefully the Palestinians have elected a leader who can move past the hate and do what is best for Palestine. The years of Arafat have not been good to them. Hopefully the young Palestinians who have known nothing but violence can learn to settle disagreements without bombing each other. I will pray with you for their success.

CHINOOK, you obviously represent the typical American goof ball. Osama was a CIA man. It was the US who engaged him to organize Afghan resistance against the Russians. However you clowns did not factor in the possibility that he may become a "real Islamist" and in fact beat you at your own game. Were you still in your mother's womb when president Regan hosted a reception for the Taliban, and on introducing them stated to the press on the grounds of the White House, "..the values these gentlemen are the closest thing to those of this nation's forefathers" So CHINOOK, if you can get a break from your janitorial duties at Pfizer, maybe you watch something other than Fox News and Pat Robertson. Can you Americans at least pretend to be smart ?

Bruce, you think you know it all, maybe, but then you are deceiving and that's dishonesty. I'm answering to your sequence of comments this for the part 1. You try to legitimize US actions as a result of Muslim hate. Maybe this is news for you but America and American people hated Muslims from the start. Go back to your history books and learn how the Americans screwed over the Moroccans, the Ottomans, the Arabs and Palestinians in special. US has a history of hate and propagation of hate and strife among Muslim nations. You really thought I was stupid? Remember, I am Canadian and thus educated unlike your compatriotes that in the name of patritism are seduced to do and believe the most unbelieveable things(straight lies). Yes I agree with you on this one, hate generates hate, American hate created directly the Muslim hate. Try love and you will see change.
Your second point is true for Muslim countries as well, the Canadian Muslim, Maher Arar was deported by USA to Syria when in transit there and the Syrians put him in jail and tortured him without charges. They did this because USA said so. What would you call Syria? I call her a US Dog. Try that with Canada or with France.
Of course, I've been sarcastic calling OBL a caveman, didn't you realize? What are you talking about Bruce? OBL targeting the innocent as oposed to US military? What about Abu Ghraib? About over 100 000 civilians killed by the US? What about GITMO? Whom are you trying to fool? And to what purpose? Muslim doesn't mean automatically criminal! Reversed? OBL being in the service of such a power versus a rebel? I don't know and it's hard to tell. One can only assume and we all know what assuption is.
Answer to part 2
Your comment in your first paragraph is uneducated and ignorant. You solved the Palestinian-Israeli problem, by Palestinians to stop bombing. What about the Israelis stopping to rob land, kill the youth in gunfire, assassinate anybody they don't like,calling him a terrorist?


Part 2

I realize that the Palestinian issue is dear to all Muslims. I, too, have sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians. The use of violence on both sides has been the integral factor in the continuation of the downward cycle in the lives of the Palestinians. Just about the time the Americans put pressure on the Israelis to settle the problem, another bomb goes off and Israel feels justified in retaliation. The continued bombings take away any claim the Palestinians may have for the moral high ground. There are too many people on both sides of the fence that have vested interests in continuing the violence. This is another example of how religion and hate are interwoven for the political purposes of their leaders. I think I know the American public better than you. Americans would begin to back the Palestinians more than they already do as soon as the bombings stop.

Maybe if we weren't told every day that the Americans were the sworn enemy of every devout Muslim, we would not have to buy the friendship of the Israelis.



Let me make several points in response to your posting.

Everyone who is the target of hate has a reason to be concerned. Hate leads to actions that cannot be reasoned with or predicted. Religion has very little to do with this basic trait of humanity other than to be used by those who hate to "justify" their behavior. You can find examples of this throughout the world. Using your example, the Orangemen may not become Christianophobes, but I can assure you that the retaliation will be done by Catholicophobes. When, or if, the U.S. stops becoming a common object of hate, the Sunnis will resume their dislike of the Shii. Maybe I am too sensitive, but I see much more hate speech directed at Americans from the ME than vice versa. Your quote "Get the people ascared and afraid and you can toy with them as you like, trust me on that, I saw it done" is a perfect description of how OBL recruits an army.

There are some dangers to having a free society. It is a society, good or bad that I have a say in. The perpetrators of violence are subject to the laws of our land. Most countries have extradition laws that bring criminals back to the country in which they violated the law to receive justice. Those other countries don't consider themselves "U.S. dogs" but rather do so in order to bring criminals to justice.

Describing OBL as a caveman is like saying Bush is a cowboy. Both were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and both have had the luxury of an excellent education. Both feel very strongly about their convictions and both have twisted religion to suit their purposes. Both have harmed innocent people in the pursuit of what they believe. The difference is that OBL targets civilians as opposed to Bush and the US armed services who attemptominimize collateral damage. How much restraint would OBL have used if their positions were reversed?


Patrick Ethington, your comment is just too nasty to let go of it on "free"! Your statement of typical American is quite ambiguous. What on earth would be a typical American in your books? I mean, you need to belong to a certain race, certain ancestry? Certain religion? Don't tell me that a typical American is a Whiteman of Anglo-Jewish ancestry of Christian or Judaic faith! You must be kidding yourself, because nobody would believe you. Let me give you the definition of a typical American: an individual belonging to any race imaginable including extra-terrestrials, of any possible ancestry including Jedis(Star Wars), of any known religion or system of believes there is on Earth and in the entire solar system, that share in to a commonplace heritage and constitutional rights and freedoms. That would make a typical American. Everybody would fit in this description including Muslims. But marginalizing Muslims and people of Middle East descent transforms USA in to an Apartheit state, similar to that of Former South Africa, or Nazi Germany. Not this America I know. America I know is a land of freedom for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and political believes. What kind of america you know, Patrick, the one that favours some and oppresses others? The America of Black Slavery? The America of civil Segregation between Whites and Blacks? The America of communist witchhunt during which innocent people like Sacco and Vanzeti, the Rosenberg family were fried on mere suspicion and irrational phobia and morbid fear against the unknown? What kind of America you know Patric? An America where the White Judeo-Christian is favoured, the Colored Christian is tolerated, the Non-Christian Colored is threatened and the Muslim Whatever Color is persecuted? Bravo! You call that democracy? You can have it and shove it, buddy! Over here in the Great North(Canada), the idea of democracy is a totally different concept. How many Muslims you knew? Or you don't deal with terrorists?

That's right, Bruce, you put it as it is, your thoughts on racism and phobia are legitimate. But still I believe that this fear toward Muslims is irrational and kind of manipulating. Get the people ascared and afraid and you can toy with them as you like, trust me on that, I saw it done.

Allow me to disagree with your last paragraph. "You say I have nothing to fear. Say that to people who lost family members to 9/11." OK, Bruce, let's be blunt for the sake of the argument. On a personal ground I entirely feel with the family members of the victims. I have Muslim friends that lost family in the attack of 9/11. So you see, those Muslims that lost family members in the twin towers should become islamophobes? Or those Christians that lost family members in the IRA bombing of Omagh and all other places, should they become Christianophobes? How many died in the 9/11 attack? Let's admit for simplicity thar 3000 died. How many die in USA from road accidents? Oh, I have even better, how many Americans die from stray bullits? From guns in general? I gues they die of gun related homocides in the tens of thousands! So you have a greater terrorist amongst yourselves, sharing in your style of life and because he is exactly like you, he is not conspicuous and can infiltrate in any neighbourhood and kill at will whomever he pleases. On,"OBL celebrated its success and has vowed to continue his grisly work. He says he doing God's work and has enough supporters to elude the United States Army." I don't know how much is true of this and how much is propaganda. He or anybody because he says he does the will of God doesn't mean that is true! The head of the Spanish Inquisition when he was burning at stake old women and black cats was doing the will of God, wasn't he? I don't know how a man in a cave in the remote mountains of Tora Bora could concoct such a "brilliant" military strategy? This must be then the Napoleon of the Muslim rebels! Far more endowed than the US president.


My point is that Islamophobia, like racism or prejudice of any flavor may start as a legitimate fear and then is extended beyond any reasonable boundary. Islamophobia takes over when we begin to see all Middle Eastern appearing people as terrorists. This happens when we stop talking to our neighbors, stop seeing them as individuals with human feelings and lump them all into a group of irrational terrorists.

One of the quickest ways for racists to strip a person of their humanity is by hurling epithets at them. Words such as "Terrorist", or as I have seen on this website, "Crusader, Infidel, Dog" express hate and quickly supplant any reasonable discourse. When those words are used to describe me, I start to lose my rationality and start responding emotionally. I begin to see the source, not as a neighbor, but as an enemy. The little fear, which may have been legitimate in my eyes, could now grow into an irrational phobia/hate. In my irrational and emotional response, I just verify the source's own bigotry and the cycle begins again.

To stop the cycle of hate/phobia we must on both sides stop calling each other dehumanizing epithets and see each other as human beings with a right to exist.

You say I have nothing to fear. Say that to people who lost family members to 9/11. OBL celebrated its success and has vowed to continue his grisly work. He says he doing God's work and has enough supporters to elude the United States Army. If he is such a fringe in Muslim thought, why is he still at large?

Salam Sirius, well Nazism is a by-product of this culture(white). You see, to better understand what is meant through the term "white man" consider, Nitsche, Rudyard Kipling, The British Empire, the Napoleonic France, the philosophy of those civilizations that promoted the supremacy of a predominantly Caucasian rase to the level of global educators and law givers to the rest of the world that was regarded as ignorant savage and barbaric. This would be the negative side of the white man's story. The positive side is just so great that by only mentioning it, one would be tempted to forgive this "white supremacy" ideology for all the wrong it did. That wouldn't be fair though, to so many affected nations. However, nowadays, fortunately the young choose more and more not to see human colours in a racial way but rather as diversity of biological manifestations of the same human family. You can further elaborate on this thought by considering that Hispanics, Italians Greeks, etc wouldn't call themselves whites but rather what they were, "I am Latino, I am Italian, I am Greek" a white man when you ask him he will tell you, "I'm white!"
Sirius, if you judge a religion after the deeds of the priests or the actions of the ignorant, you will have the wrong information. The Quran says:"There shall be no compulsion in the Way(Deen)." The Way or Deen(Arabic) means largely Islam or the Way God revealed for things to be. Man was created with a free choice, if he doesn't exercise this fundamental God given right, he is not a human. But any choice a man should make must be when knowledge is fullfilled. Could an ignorant man make decisions in the affairs of the state? Let's admit that Bush is a sad exception, or is he? Bush is more obvious in his ignorance because of the position he fills. However, same ignorant "kings" and maybe even of a more objectional nature lead nations into chaos in this world. Ruwanda massacre was an aftermath of such misgovernace and ignorant decisions.

this article is somewhat misleading...Samuel Huntington does not reject Islam out of hand as an "enemy civilization", he merely states that many civilizations throughout the world (i.e Christianity and Islam) are now are in the future likely top clash as a result of cultural perceptions and divergent ideologies...this piece seems to suggest that Huntington is an irrational bigot who has some internal hatred of Islam..this is false..for he is simply just stating the can read into it whatever they choose...

Bruce. What is your fear? You give in to Islamophobia because your fear is unfounded. Do you really think that Muslims in US would overturn the government and establish an Islamic state? Now this is hilarious! Indonesia is the greatest Muslim nation in the world with the Muslims in the ninety's % while US has a Muslim population in the units %(how much is 1, 2 %?). Let's see, is Indonesia an Islamic state? Is US a Christian state? I would understand if Indonesia would be terrified at the possibility of becoming an Islamic state. As a matter of fact they are almost all Muslims! But US? Would the 1 or 2 % control the 99 or 98 %? Are you serious? Wow! You overestimate the power of the Muslims! With this believe you would make a fine Islamist my friend! You see I live in Canada and we have a great Muslim population in the city of Toronto alongside with Hindus, Sikh and others but without the fear. Mosques and Temples appear overnight like mushrooms enriching the scenary. We have a general Canadian sort of behaviour and mentality that illustrate our common way of life. In the end though we are all different, but not enemies. If somebody among the Muslims would say death to the Canadians, he would be thrown out of the mosque by the Muslims. You know why? Because every Muslim in Canada is feeling Canadian and displays more nationalism than even grassroot white Canadians. Maybe this is your problem. You make the American Muslims feel aliens and unwanted misfits in their own country! My neighbour is Rastafary, the other is Hindu. We are Canadians for that matter and when we meet we share that what binds us together, work, sports, family, shopping, entertainment and eventually politics and religiousness in the way of information. Like, hey neighbour, in Hinduism you count the year like in Christianity or you have a specific way? What is celebrated at Diwali, or Ramadhan? Thus, we all get smarter and we fear less to nothing from the peculiarities of our neighbour customs.

I agree that Islamophobia is a problem. I don't, however, think it is any greater a problem than racism and religious intolerance of any flavor. When I hear Muslims talk of death to the infidel and how they are working toward an Islamic State, it does give cause for fear. A fear is a rational concern based on facts as they are perceived, as opposed to phobias, which are irrational fears, which lead to irrational behavior. My fear is based upon direct threats to my country and my way of life. If the radical Islamists have their way, the world would be an Islamic state and I would be forced to follow their rules. If Muslims are concerned about Islamophobia, then they should speak and act in ways to assuage my Islamicfear. Seeing the truly devout Muslim stand up to the Islamic power brokers and demand true piety from their leaders would do much to minimize Islamophobia.

I live in a country that has as one of its basic tenets, freedom of religion. I live and work next to Muslims, Jews, and Christians and we can have a mutual respect for one another based on their character and not their religion. For all the Bush-Bashing I see, I have not seen a thank you from the Muslim community for his getting up in front of the county after 9/11 and appealing for calm and standing up against hate crimes against Muslims. I would like to see the Ayatollah of Iran stand up and make a similar speech.

If you want to stop Islamophobia, start by restraining your own hate-speech. Not using words like infidel to describe anyone who thinks differently than yourself would be a start. Not making statements that include goals of forming Islamic states across the world would be another step.

If, by your actions, the world sees that Islam is the one true way and they choose to have an Islamic state, so be it. Rattling your scimitars will only cause unholy war and bring out the worst in all of us.

A.R FROM U.K said:
Mr President said "What happened in Abu Ghraib is not the value of American people".

This crusade....... had done its job in the footsteps of the first crusade centuries ago, the only difference was that this crusade....... was 'the champion of modern civilisation'.

American values?

You have got the chance to see it down here - how they speak!

Osama - Islam
Osama - Muslim
Osama - Muslim Terrorist

These juglar of 'god-man' and 'man-god' speaks the same way as their faith is, no matter if it is a Jewish tone or American values.

(As my dear brother Akbar Khan once said, nothing gets into their heads). What gets into their heads is

i know that iam a kid but my word counts you see we (mulsims) should try to make pople understand that not all of us are evil just because one man does evil does not mean the rest of us (muslims) are good

The problem is the allowance and funding of extremists. It would be comparable to Christian religious fundamentalists in the USA being funded by billions of dollars who murder opposition leaders. Then send disciples to the rest of the world. Both islamic and christian teaching says to treat all with kindness, yet also to go to war against non-believers. Until this is addressed by religious leaders of both in a world wide setting violence will continue with misguided self righteousness.

OSAMA should be thanked. All Muslims should continue to heap praise on OSAMA bin laden-as you have done so for the islamophobia that exists. You know he has been the stallion for the Islamic faith. He champions the right causes, forges the right deals and is working for all of you?!? WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES people. These long drawn articles are stupid. I can't believe your so called scholars spend so much time writing these areticles. This is the truth - let me spell it out. OSAMA has done more damage to your religion than anyone else. If you want to do yourself a favor - rise up, get your people together and hand OSAMA over to the US. He is in one of your countries and you are harboring him. As in the presidents own words - if you harbor a terrorist, you are a terrorist nation, and we will get you. This way, we will stop kicking all your asses that are in our way. We will get OSAMA - it is a matter of time.

I agree that Islamophobia is a problem. I don't, however, think it is any greater a problem than racism and religious intolerance of any flavor. When I hear Muslims talk of death to the infidel and how they are working toward an Islamic State, it does give cause for fear. A fear is a rational concern based on facts as they are perceived, as opposed to phobias, which are irrational fears, which lead to irrational behavior. My fear is based upon direct threats to my country and my way of life. If the Islamists have their way, the world would be an Islamic state and I would be forced to follow their rules. If Muslims are concerned about Islamophobia, then they should speak and act in ways to assuage my Islamicfear. Seeing the truly devout Muslim stand up to the Islamic power brokers and demand true piety from their leaders would do much to minimize Islamophobia.

I live in a country that has as one of its basic tenets, freedom of religion. I live and work next to Muslims, Jews, and Christians and we can have a mutual respect for one another based on their character and not their religion. We have accepted, I admit not always easily, people into our culture from all over the globe. For all the Bush-Bashing I see, I have not seen a thank you from the Muslim community for his getting up in front of the county after 9/11 and appealing for calm and standing up against hate crimes against Muslims. I would like to see the Ayatollah of Iran stand up and make a similar speech.

If you want to stop Islamophobia, start by restraining your own hate-speech. Not using words like infidel to describe anyone who thinks differently than yourself would be a start.
If, by your actions, the world sees that Islam is the one true way and they choose to have an Islamic state, so be it. Rattling your scimitars will only cause unholy war and bring out the worst in all of us.

Give it a rest "bill." You make me laugh with your phony claims. The only ones who need to be detained are terrorists who murder innocent men, woman and children eg- American war criminals in Iraq.
As for Osama, who nurtured him and supported for over a decade ? Do you have the guts to face the truth ? No, I didnt think so, you rabid Islamophobe fascist.

To all who care.. I am a typical American raised in the North. My casual observation of muslims and there religon in "general" as was stated before by Hudd, not all muslims are terrorists. And that may be true. However why are all terrorists muslim? Furthermore you come over here to exercise your freedoms of America and want to "make" Americans accept your customs like sueing the state of Florida for not letting some woman have her face covered on her drivers licence photo? What is up with that? And that head covering thing with the school girls awhile back. That is exactly the type of thing the helps to fuel the negative fire against muslims. And finely, in reguards to Israel. As everyone found out that Bethlehem is not the land of the PLO or it's like.

Hudd:"I hope you make the difference between white man and Caucasian."
It seems that there has been a severe misunderstanding in terminology, what does the consept "white man" mean over there? A nazi? If there has been misunderstanding I take my hat off and apologise my earlier attack on you. I guess based on that you called me a wolf. It's true, I sometimes become a ferocious one. I'm a tempered man, strong in love and hate and this feature has caused me some trouble even earlier. I'm working on the hate side. Babysteps...
"Some whites here in Toronto sympathize with Hitler, still that doesn't make them war criminals. They are wrong, all right, but as long as they don't set up concentration camps is one individual's freedom of opinion, isn't it?"
You may have spotted one of the main causes of fear of muslims,I guess. Westeners are afraid that some rights they have fought for a long time would be taken off them . In spearhead, freedom of thought and freedom of expression (what is free, what is not, I skip this time) They think they see muslims working for some kind of a totalitarian state and,I guess, you understand such a state would be almost next to nightmare in many minds.
But in quote above you,Hudd, seem to ALLOW even neo-nazis to keep their OPINION (I don't like them either). If this tolerance even for "strange" ideas is WIDELY spread among muslims,then even I have got it wrong at some points, admitted. Way to go, if all this is true I guess there should not be any major obstacles in the way of removing a huge part of this "islamophobia" away. You got to get your message through. Hudd, have your opinions been taken as too liberal among your brothers in faith,any time?
"If Usama is the culprit hunt him down, bring him in front of the high court, strip him of his riches and pay severance to the victims and if the jury sees so, give him the chair or inject him with death." If It's widely agreed among muslims that he is a evildoer...

Oh no Sirius, don't illusion yourself, I do not specifically target you. That's right I saw your name and remembered it, not in the best though, however you seem to have reached a different level. In your response to me your statements are more palatable, I must agree. You see, problem is that much is assumed about Islam and Muslims and those that would want to find out the truth and study Islam from a true source they usually turn out Muslims and thus they would fall in the disgrace Muslim generally suffer. Problem is not that such a theory exists, Amargeddon, but the fact that some lunatics believe that they could shape the future by causing a disaster. If you asked me if they could? Oh yeah, in the worst! And attributing that to the will of God is downright pathetic. In the end the ordinary man suffers and the innocent is killed. I don't know who caused 9/11, remember before Timothy McVeigh was found guilty all kinds of Muslims clerics were supposed to be the culprits. Admitting for the sake of argument that things happened as they are claimed, on 9/11, what is this to do with the extraordinary hate against Muslims? Hate was not pronounced against white fundamentalist Christians with the bombing of the trade center in Oklahoma, now was it? The culprit was prosecuted and subsequently executed. I see the same thing with 9/11. If Usama is the culprit hunt him down, bring him in front of the high court, strip him of his riches and pay severance to the victims and if the jury sees so, give him the chair or inject him with death. Only for the fact that he was a Muslim does not make all the Muslims in the world terrorists, whether they sympathize or not with him. Some whites here in Toronto sympathize with Hitler, still that doesn't make them war criminals. They are wrong, all right, but as long as they don't set up concentration camps is one individual's freedom of opinion, isn't it! I hope you make the difference between white man and Caucasian.

Face it. Media controls sentiment. Manipulation of media is being done for self interest. Listen to free speech radio and you'll find out more. There has never been more media manipulation than now. There has never been more islamaphobia than now. But don't forget, there has never been as much interest in islam than now. There are record number of people becomming muslim now more than ever. They don't like to show that information. Goes back to media manipulation. If anyone has bad things to say about islam. They are saying bad things about God, whether they think it or not. They will be accountable for it. And when Jesus pbuh returns and says I'm a prophet and not God. I am not the forgiver but only a warner. Then they'll see, but it'll be too late. So those who riducule the TRUTH are doing no one else harm but themselves. If they do think they are good Christians and Jews and what not. Then I challenge them to read the Quran with translation. They'll see for themselves if God wills, and if they are fortunate. They don't need preachers or other middle men. The truth does not need interpretations by man/woman. It holds it's own.

Hi Hudd, didn't take too long for you to show up after my appearance. Seems that I got a special guardian here! "Sirius, you wolf in sheep's skin.." Grrrrrrrr.. throw me a bone and you'll get a friend of me ;) "you want to use Saleem and Abdul Jaleel as examples for your theory that Islamic ideology is at the bottom of all modern times hate against Islam." Replace the word "all" with word "some","partly" etc. and you'll get it quite right. I admit there exists western hate towards Islam that is not reaction but self creation. Believe or not, I don't like it. "This notion is more of a Christian tradition than Islamic." More accurately, american Christian tradition. It doesn't play a role in debate here in Europe. "Too few Muslims are concerned with the end of times in order this to be an issue!" That's good news, I have no idea how many of you treats it as an issue. That's why I was a bit concerned. My point is no matter from what camp these "Armageddon designers" come from, they are harmful anyway. Believed prophesies are many steps closer to become reality one day than unbelieved ones, thanks to human tendency to act accordingly. If I had power to do so, I would erase the entire word/consept. Depends what is meant by far future. I'm not worried about the sun:it's cooling is a physical fact and can therefore be estimated quite accurately. Human behaviour can't be estimated that way. Far future can turn out to be tomorrow. There are warning examples in history quite enough. "Impossible" can become reality almost within a eyeblik.
I guess the rest of your post refers to war, this time in Irak. Hudd, we do have some things in common, more than two hands and legs. I agree 100% that "white men" should not send his armies abroad without heavy, very heavy reasons. This is not the case in Irak.
"Get a life, buddy!" Got one, quite happy, thank you.

Sirius, you wolf in sheep's skin, you want to use Saleem and Abdul Jaleel as examples for your theory that Islamic ideology is at the bottom of all modern times hate against Islam. Boy, sell your cucumbers elsewhere, we are all gardeners here! Armageddon? This notion is more of a Christian tradition than Islamic. Too few Muslims are concerned with the end of times in order this to be an issue! You know why? Simply because the end of the world for every one individual is when he/she died! Why would any sane person worry about things that might happen in the far future? Would anybody wail over the fact that the Sun would become a red giant in half a billion years from now? Dog, please, be sensible! Abdul Jaleel's comment is in fact the agenda of any religion, Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, name it. How do you want a religion to promote itself? By saying, "don't worry believers, you will be swallowed and raped by infidels and your places of worship will become whore-houses and your children will be slaves to the unbelieving nations" Do you know any religion that states these and still exists? You must be kiddind me, pal! Peace? Oh, yeah, it could be achieved if the white man would just stay home and mind of his wife and immediate neighbour that might cheat him under his own eyes than to encompass seas and lands for a misserable profit in killing the innocent and poking his red nose in other peoples' behinds! Yeah, then peace would germinate and grow into a splendid tree of life!
Get a life, buddy!

There are four main characteristics of condensed energy self organizing systems (SOS) that come into play in Islamophobia. They are the boundary, the area enclosed by the boundary, the paradigm that is followed to organize the features in the area enclosed by the boundary and the fact that all corporeal SOSs are open thermodynamic systems and therefore subject to entropy and energy constraints. The latter causes the SOS to try to minimize energy use, whether that be the energy used to think about something or carry out some political agenda.
What happens when two SOS's with different organizing paradigms come into conflict. There are four steps to the conflict. In step one, it is efficient to deny the existence of the other and therefore cut off energy expenditure with respect to the other. Typical language in this regard is "there's no such thing", "it doesn't exist", etc. Or its existence can be hidden by the SOS maintainers.
When the existence can no longer be denied the "truth" of the other can be denied. Typical language in this regard is "that ain't true" or for instance "Islam is a false religion." "They worship a false God.", "Their prophet was a epileptic, pedophile, megalomaniac ..." Anything but "rightly guided". Denying the truth cuts off energy expenditure both of the item examining the other and the effort needed to maintain control over the item examining the other.
With stage three however, energy minimization is no longer an option. Energy expenditure must now be ramped up.

Bill- What about those of us who despise the fundamental:ism of BOTH Bush and Bin Laden? Must we choose bewtween the two evils?

"For Armagaden (mother of all wars) will Never occur as long as there are modern muslim regimes.
If there is no Armagaden how will Jesus return?"
So there HAS TO BE this Armageddon?? If it ain't coming fast enough the process must be artificially fastened by evoking more trouble??
Abdul Jaleel:
"any muslim surprise on these events seems to be dead while existing. the most important thing for us as muslims is to re-awaken ourselves agaist the forces of darkness and falsehood, for darkness and falsehood will perish when there is truth and illumination.
sacrifice and being steadfast is the keyword, lots of us will die, but inshallah , the infidels will utterly perish - bi-hiznillah"
Could opinions like this, possibly, play some role in the rise of so called "islamophobia", what do you think?
I think It's high time for us peaceloving people of every religion to rise against this rising tide of madness.
Our Lord in the heavens, please protect us from evildoers.Have mercy on them whose hearts (Bush, Osama,....................) have been poisoned by blinding hate and show them a way out of their misery.Amen.
No justice without peace.


Muslims cannot be trusted because many of them supported or adore Osama BL more than they support George Bush. Muslims who supports OBL should be detained and probably charged with treason.

As Muslims we need to stand firm and not fight hostility with hostility, the message of Islam was spread through peace and understanding. we all need to be accountable for our actions and by acting honorable and stedfast like our holy prophet (saw) did we will win over the non-muslims.

any muslim surprise on these events seems to be dead while existing. the most important thing for us as muslims is to re-awaken ourselves agaist the forces of darkness and falsehood, for darkness and falsehood will perish when there is truth and illumination.
sacrifice and being steadfast is the keyword, lots of us will die, but inshallah , the infidels will utterly perish - bi-hiznillah

let them plot in unison, and let Allah plot singly, then let's wait and see who will be victorious. they should reason, despite all these massacre of muslims, they still form a large percentage of the world's population, and they are still increasing.

but, there is a fire on the mountain as far as this ummah is concerned. for an ummah without a leader will definitely be led by shaitan or hypocrites like we have in the arab worlds.

the infidels are gathering their arsenals in unison, forming united bodies while "the best ever evolved for man" is breaking away by seconds, what an irony to achieve victory.

where and who is the leader of this oppressed and sullen people, who have been brutalised, raped, massacre, tortured, jailed and bombed by a united forces of darkness, where is the likes of Umar (r.a), abu bakr, uthman and alli in our midst.

charity they say begins at home, the muslim youth must wake up and face this hypocritical and self imposing leaders of theirs who will always connive and sanction the killing of their brethen for a paltry dollars or security, security that lies in Allah and Allah alone, those who could not secure themselves and yet claim to have security. the hypocrites are the worst enemies if we donot know, they must be killed, exiled, maimed and bashed by all halal means.

afterwards, the war against the infidels will be a game between the arch angel (jubril) and the shayateens, just a dinner war, inshallah.

For Armagaden (mother of all wars) will Never occur as long as there are modern muslim regimes.
If there is no Armagaden how will Jesus return?