Israel, Suicide Nation

Category: Middle East, World Affairs Topics: Occupation Views: 7312

A nation which enslaves another forges its own chains. 

-Karl Marx

Politics, being the art of deception, must certainly recognize Israel as its Da Vinci. Its smug self-portrait as a 'civilized democracy', rendered with brushes dipped deeply in the oil paint of antipathy for Arabs, has won much admiration among impressionable Americans. Galvanizing and amplifying latent Western hatred of Muslim Arabs in order to rally the West under the banner of 'Judeo-Christian civilization', and intimidating doubters by abusing the memory of the Holocaust to claim special 'unique victim' status, Israel intones, 'Stand with us because we are white and bomb towel-heads in F-16s just as you do, and don't dare stand against us because you once persecuted our forefathers and should atone for your sins - by abetting ours.' 

The result of this most cynical ploy is that the Palestinians, dark-skinned victims of Israel's perpetual campaign of ethnic cleansing, torture, theft, and humiliation, are always grotesquely caricatured as mindless savages with a fetish for suicide attacks. There is, however, one major credibility problem with this racist rhetoric: Israel itself is in the process of committing suicide. 

The trouble hardly stems from any defect in Israel's elaborate propaganda campaign. To the contrary, its message has been widely accepted with fawning awe and reverence by all dominant presses, pundits, and politicians, whose necks and knees strain from displaying the proper respect accorded to the lies of the powerful. The Israeli narrative, preserved, polished, and peddled by the generously-funded pro-Israel lobby and various sycophants, has easily withstood the fleabites of facts and evidence presented by critical Jewish- Israeli scholars, historians, journalists and commentators, which go unnoticed in mainstream discourse. 

No, Israel's crisis has not emerged because its packaged lies have been unwrapped for the public by sentimental sectors of corporate capital moved by the plight of the oppressed, but rather because the oppressed themselves, viciously maligned and virtually alone in their struggle for survival, have refused to bow to the logic behind those packaged lies; that is to say, they refuse to be exterminated, disappeared, destroyed, or spirited away, as Zionism has been demanding of them for one hundred years. As one Palestinian recently wrote in response to Ben-Gurion's famous quip on expelling Arabs, ('The old will die and the young will forget,'): 'The old are dying, and the young are dying too, but no one is forgetting.' 

What is therefore falling to pieces is not Israel's 'smug self-portrait', but rather the cheap, crumbling edifice of arrogance on which it and all the other aspirations of Israeli colonialism are mounted. Propping up this arrogance in the past was the basic assumption among Israeli elites that after enough murder, rape, torture, bulldozing, looting, and expropriating, the Palestinians will break. This prognosis has failed miserably. Compounding the original crime of mass expulsion with more violence has not allowed Israel to escape its consequences. Zionism's 'original sin', as one Israeli historian calls his nation's original 1948 expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinians and massacre of hundreds more, is the basis of both Israel's existence and the continued non-existence of the more than four million caged, dispossessed Palestinian victims who demand justice. 

This demand for justice expresses itself in continued endurance and resistance, separate forms of defiance with interdependent consequences - consequences that Israeli society cannot cope with and sees as its greatest threat. 

Endurance means, first and foremost, staying in place. Its greed for land and settlements partially hindered by Palestinian presence, Israel has responded by robbing the natives of any legal, political or human rights, and has constructed what Israeli anti-occupation activist Jeff Halper calls a 'matrix of control' to stifle their lives, including settlements, military checkpoints, roadblocks, curfews, embargoes, and detention centers. But merely living in this hellish scenario constitutes a victory against the root logic of Israeli colonialism, which is to 'purify' the land by removing its indigenous population. 

Resistance, on the other hand, refers to active measures against the occupation. In the first Intifada and in the beginning of the second Intifada this almost always took the form of unarmed protest or stone-throwing, but Israel responded by mowing down hundreds of Palestinians with machine guns and breaking their bones, bringing in bulldozers to demolish homes and tanks to enforce even harsher living conditions. Their restraint further rewarded with an atrocious death ratio of 25:1, Palestinians tired of digging rows of graves for their children and patriots just to be patted on the head by a few polite Western liberals, and turned to armed struggle, the most extreme form of which now manifests itself in suicide bombing. 

The remarkable reality of sustained Palestinian endurance and resistance in the face of overwhelming power has precipitated two crises for Israel so entwined that they are best referred to as a dual crisis: that of its political legitimacy and self-proclaimed moral purpose. 

Because Palestinian-Arab population growth in historical Palestine (Israel, Gaza, West Bank) greatly exceeds that of the Jewish population, Jewish majority status in the area - assiduously obtained through a century of mass murder and mass expulsion - will be imperiled and surpassed within a mere two decades. That these growing Arab millions stand stripped of elementary rights and suffer the deprivations of a racist military machine undermines Israel's claim to the mantle of democracy. Panicked Israeli protest to the effect that Palestinian growth is some sneaky maneuver to 'destroy' Israel only reinforces its status as an apartheid state, since a democracy that fears the democratic enfranchisement of half its population is no democracy at all. 

Furthermore, Israel's viciously disproportionate use of force against all forms of Palestinian resistance to the occupation has created a maximum escalation of violence in which any citizen of Israel is now a potential target of weaponized desperation - suicide bombing. Rocking Israeli cafes, discos, and streets at will, this tactic has narrowed the 25:1 death ratio to almost 3:1, and exploded Israel's basic founding ideal - that it is a safe haven for Jews. Indeed, Jews are now safer in almost any place in the world other than Israel.

In responding to this dual crisis, some in Israeli circles of power have expressed quite reasonable ideas. Last September, Israeli politician Avraham Burg, former speaker of the Knesset, declared his country was resting 'on foundations of oppression and injustice' and advocated full withdrawal from the territories to create a Palestinian state. The same month 27 air force pilots, considered the military's elite, refused to implement assassinations, describing them in a letter as 'illegal and immoral attacks.' In November, four ex-chiefs of Israel's vaunted internal security service, Shin Bet, jointly declared themselves against Sharon, the apartheid wall, and their country's 'disgraceful' and 'patently immoral' behavior against Palestinians, prompted by concerns that 'Israel will no longer be a democracy and a home for the Jewish people.' In December, 13 reservists (including three officers) of Israel's top commando unit joined hundreds of other Refuseniks in refusing to serve in the occupied territories, saying that they 'have long ago crossed the line between fighters fighting a just cause and oppressing another people.' 

But flirtation with reasonableness by these small few stands in stark contrast with Israel's long-time marriage to racism, colonialism, and growing 'fascist tendencies,' to borrow Israeli historian Baruch Kimmerling's words. Representing these tendencies are rightists at the helm of Israeli society - the settler movement, military, and right-wing parties, spearheaded by prime minister Ariel Sharon, a war criminal responsible for several bloody massacres that have left hundreds of civilians dead. 

Sharon's 'solution' to the country's dual crisis is in the tradition of Revisionist Zionism, founded in the 1920's by Ze'ev Jabotinsky, an admirer of Italian fascism who wrote honestly but with the aspirations of a conquistador-cowboy that Palestinians 'look upon Palestine with the same instinctive love and true fervor that any Aztec looked upon his Mexico or any Sioux looked upon his prairie.' One disciple of this doctrine was Israeli war hero Moshe Dayan, who admitted, 'There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population,' and advocated the following method to expand this theft: '[Israel] must see the sword as the main, if not the only, instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may, no - it must - invent dangers.' 

The assassination of Hamas leader Sheikh Yassin epitomizes and exemplifies this strategy for addressing Israel's dual crisis. While the murder of a blind, crippled, wheelchair-bound quadriplegic outside a place of worship appears cowardly, and the inevitable blowback against Israel gives the impression Sharon has lost his mind, the strike is part and parcel of a consciously calculated game plan that is perfectly rational within the framework of Zionist logic. For the assassination of Hamas' main symbolic leader is designed to provoke it into an extreme 'mega-terror' act or a series of terror attacks, severe enough to marshal chauvinist-Israeli support for a final solution to the Palestinian problem - complete ethnic cleansing and removal of all Arabs from historical Palestine. 

This is not some imaginary scenario, but a definite escalation of existing Israeli tactics. An attack of September 11th or similar proportions would allow Israelis to heighten their coveted 'special victim' status, bolster their image as fighting for the 'Judeo-Christian' cause of the 'war on terror', and purge the re-demonized Arabs without international interference. In one fell swoop, Israel would be able to complete what it started in the 1948 war and its dual crisis would be solved. 

No serious person denies that Hamas will retaliate; the organization has vowed to attack any Israeli from Sharon on down and political analysts even within Israel recognize that it is only a matter of time before it strikes. Nor is Israeli provocation which aims at or leads to getting Israelis killed unprecedented. In fact, it is commonplace. On July 22, 2003, the Israeli daily Yedioth Achronot reported that the heads of Tanzim, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, approved a unilateral cease-fire, and that former Palestinian Security minister Dahlan had met Sheikh Yassin, who agreed to the cease-fire principles. 90 minutes later, the same paper reports, Israel assassinated militant Salah Sheadeh, 'in the course of which dozens of civilians were killed and wounded as well.' Israeli writer and professor Ran Hacohen noted that in November 2001, 'the assassination of the Hamas activist Mahmoud Abu Hanoud was carried out just when the Hamas was respecting for two months its agreement with Arafat not to attack inside Israel,' and that 'in January 2002, the assassination of Raed Karmi ended a few weeks of relative quiet in the territories.' All of this obviously had disastrous consequences for Israeli civilians. 

Then there are those infamous media-created 'periods of calm' during which no Israelis die but dozens of Palestinians are murdered and thrown into the trash heap of forgotten history, such as August 1st, to September 1st, 2002 when 39 Palestinians were killed; 18 days later a suicide bomber exploded in Israel - a 'shattering' of the 'lull'. (Haaretz, September 2, 2002). Even more telling is a study conducted by the Israeli weekly, Ha'Ir, of ten Israeli assassinations against targeted Palestinian activists that followed periods of relative calm (a revelation in itself), from July 31, 2001 to September 9, 2003. The results? In retaliations immediately following the deaths of the ten targeted militants, a total of 180 Israeli civilians were killed. (Ha'Ir, September 25, 2003) 

This makes the results of recent Israeli polls all the more remarkable, for they show not only that 80% of Israelis believe the Yassin assassination will increase Palestinian terrorist attacks, but that 62% of Israelis support it. (AFP, March 23, 2003). Even a generous interpreter would have to admit that a significant portion of those who predicted dire consequences from the attack nonetheless approved of it. That Israel's political strategy involves the jeopardizing and killing of its own citizens, apparently with loud approval from some of its own population, speaks volumes about its moral bankruptcy. 

Along with this bankruptcy comes a high degree of irony, since Israeli propagandists never tire of demonizing Palestinians based on suicide bombings. Their smugness precluding any possibility of sincerity, Israeli pundits ask, 'Why do Palestinians blow themselves up just to kill us?', and always answer themselves (who else is there?) in a somber tone as if they are suddenly concerned with Palestinian well-being, 'They place no value on their own lives.' If given a chance, the Palestinian native would respond, 'If you would be so kind as to donate us those tanks and helicopters you safely slaughter us with from afar, we would be happy to spare you the agony you undoubtedly feel about our deaths.' 

But it turns out that Israel is now neither safe nor far from the reach of its victims, and that its main strategy for addressing its problem involves exposing all its citizens to injury and death just to whip up enough self-righteousness and hate to repeat the cycle all over again until the conditions are ripe for mass expulsion. In this sense Israel is akin to a guilt-ridden wife beater; acutely aware of its own immorality, it provokes its victim into some futile kind of resistance to inspire itself with enough hatred to justify continuing the beating, awaiting all-out world war to finish the job without eliciting much protest. 

Many IDF officers probably do not even see the demented logic of their own strategy and have convinced themselves that it is beyond reproach. Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon and his crew proudly announced that they plan to 'liquidate' the entire Hamas leadership, removing those who train suicide bombers, and thus rid Israel of Palestinian terrorism once and for all. What these fine gentlemen fail to understand is that they will accomplish absolutely nothing of the sort. In the Israeli daily Haaretz, September 14, 2003, it was pointed out that in the past two years, the IDF had claimed to have killed or captured the Hebron 'head' of the military wing of Hamas no less than five times - and each time it was a different person. Moreover, the notion that bombers need to be 'trained' is absurd: how much practice does it require to put on a bomb belt, walk into Israelis, and explode? All the 'training' required is amply provided by the daily supply of Israeli atrocities that make one final death appear preferable to a humiliating life in which one's dignity and hope are killed a thousand times over. 

Ya'alon himself must know this; a few months ago he declared that Israeli tactics were only creating hatred. It is worth quoting one of the former Shin Bet heads, Major General Ami Ayalon, on the subject: 'Terror is not thwarted with bombs or helicopters. Why does this increase terror? Because it is overt, because it carries an element of vindictiveness.' Israeli elites who hope to snuff out the Palestinian demand for land, freedom and justice by crushing the Palestinians themselves should take heed: their history of vengeance is no match for the vengeance of history. 

For it is precisely the vengeance of history that haunts Israel today; conceived and inserted into the heart of the Islamic world at a time when Europe looked highly upon colonialism, the memory of the Holocaust fell heavily upon its conscience, and Muslims were politically weak and motionless, Israel's confidence appeared justified. But now, Europe has largely abandoned its colonialist attitudes, Israel's abuse of its vast military power has earned it the label of the world's greatest threat to peace within Europe and inverted its image from underdog to occupier across most of the globe, and the first signs of Islamic awakening and resistance, though often primitive and backward-looking at the moment, are emerging. 

Israel's reliance on the waning forces which precipitated its creation in its war against the very people who were dispossessed during that creation has locked it into a self-destructive dynamic. Its set of solutions consist only of increasing: (a) colonial brutality by killing more natives, (b) sympathy for and anger over Jewish suffering by getting more Israelis killed, and (c) prospects for an intensified 'war on terror' in which anything goes and actions (a) and (b) would be justified in the long run. 

Plan (c) is certainly the clincher in Sharon's vision of purging the Palestinians, as he always justifies his atrocities as complementary to the American-led 'war on terror' and constantly advocates bringing this war to Iran, Syria, and elsewhere. Thus from the Zionist viewpoint, America replaces Europe and its crusade against terrorism substitutes for colonialism, allowing Israel to thrive again. But Israelis who cling to this new savior fail to see that this is only an escalation of and not an escape from the self-destructive dynamic. Sharon's decision to follow Dayan's directive to 'invent dangers' by inciting and exacerbating the Islamic threat along with America means that the whole nation's very existence will be imperiled, not simply that of a few dozen Israelis every few weeks, as is presently the case. 

For assuming our 'war on terror' is still raging two decades from now as desired by Sharon and company, what will Israel do when it is surrounded by over 300 million neighboring Arabs and 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide? Does a sane nation of a mere few million place its hopes for survival on the permanent subjugation of a quarter of humanity that surrounds it? Israel on its current path is like a man who swims off the coast into the ocean and happens on an island, only to complain of being surrounded by water. Its citizens should start asking themselves and their leaders, 'What will we do when the typhoon comes?' 

M. Junaid Alam, is co-editor and webmaster of the online youth journal Left Hook. He can be reached at [email protected]

  Category: Middle East, World Affairs
  Topics: Occupation
Views: 7312

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Older Comments:
Hats off to you Hudd. The comments of pro-Israeli hacks are sickening and reveal more about their own twisted ideology.
The ENTIRE supports the heroic Palestinian people, while Israel has no one but jewish extremists and right wing Christ0-fascists from the US. Never mind the fact that the Evangellicals want to forcibily convert the jews in Israel anyway. But I guess if you're a desperate zionist, you'll take help from anyone.

Answer to Jack. First of all, Jack, before opining you have to read the article. You didn't read it, or you are answering some other article on a different website. Mistakes happen. However, I don't like your tone of super smart white supremacist one-sided Christian bastard! There are good and reasonable Christians even in USA, you are not one of them. Your denomination says nothing, since your political makeup as it transpires is neo-con, Zionist and Christian fundamentalist.
#1, fool, no Muslim wrapped his child in bombs. The suicidal bombing phenomenon in Palestine is a reaction to a brutal and cruel occupation. What news are you watching, punk, because if you just watched CNN(a ridiculously Zionist station) you could have a relatively true picture of Rafa refugee crisis, if you were decent enough to search for the truth. I personally doubt it, that you had the good sense of a summer fly on a Florida beech! That the people of South America are dirt poor? Whom shall they bomb? their government? Moron, the Palestinians are bombing an occupation alien force not their own government. The motive is occupation not poverty, are you acomplete numb-skull, what the hell does your imbecilic religion teach you, skunk? Isn't Christianity supposed to be the religion of love, compassion and mercy? That is what you goddamned Christians showed Iraqis in their own country? Why are you talking, you bigoted Christian-wanna-be, lost in space, piece of human waste!?
Nobody asked for the world to abandon Israel or any nation for that matter. What Muslims asked for was justice, which your blindly stupid American government failed to deliver from the very beginning. Problem is that USA is a hypocritical government. They call injustice justice. Let the US government be honest and come out from the closet with her whore Israel and declaire to the world:"Folks, no matter whom Israel screws, I am with her 'cause she's my bitch!" This would be honest and we would all know this officially.

I am neither Muslim nor Jew, but I do not think this article treats the problem very intelligently. The author is so full of bile that he cannot address the position advanced by the other side. For instance, he simply dismisses the objection that many of us feel about the tendency of some Muslims to wrap their children in dynamite and having them go into a crowd of civilians. I search in vain for the Muslim objection to this practice, but all I see is something like what the author has written: The Israelis have the tanks, so we need to use our kids. This is absurd. Suicide bombing is rare outside of the Muslim communities. Even the Japanese, at the end of WWII, used soldiers against military targets, not kids on busses. What other excuse do you have? Poverty?? The people of South America are dirt poor, but they don't wrap their kids in bombs. Muslims even give money to the families of suicide bombers, and make the kids heroes. This is sick, not desperation.

Even agreeing that the creation of Israel was a bad thing (which I do), the Americans and Germans won't abandon them, yet your leaders keep talking about the destruction of Israel. The hatred of your author blinds him to the practical realities in the region, and as long as Muslims maintain the positions he promotes, they will be frustrated and ineffective. Take it from an old Methodist, Israel won't go away and the sooner you get over this the sooner you can join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Jack

This answer is for Imat, I really approve with the article.
Imat, maybe you don't realize that your comment is one of the most racist comments I read on this web. This comment of yours would motivate Hitler like Nazis to initiate anti-Semitism. The black slaves of America were told similar things about the white people, like the whites were superior and the blacks were just talking animals.
Yet to prove you wrong, the Jews are not persecuted all over the world, the Muslims are. I would say the Jews are promoted in USA and they are holding key positions in governments all over the world, not because they were smarter and especially endowed but for the same reason Capitalism is there, namely, dishonesty, indecency, inequity, exploitation, oppression, etc. It's not a Jewish feature to be greedy, but rather a low human status. Don't try to present lack of ethicality as virtue, it would just more drastically undermine your original claim: "God's chosen"?
They are not chosen, present tense, they were chosen to herald the laws of God and bring the light of universal Godly righteousness to the world(they should have been a nation of righteous rabbis), they failed though, to their own selfish greed. They are not alone in this, so the Jews are not the most despicable people on earth, all of us are that chose to follow the doctrine of hate and oppression.
God created the Universe in His wisdom, we are all His creation, and we are all chosen to fullfill His Will and Plan in different ways, if yoy will.
Modern state of Israel? You must be kidding me. What modern is in occupying a foreign land? Didn't the ancient Romans do the same? What modern is in holding prisioners without charge or evidential proof of guilt? Didn't the Nazi Germans do the same? What modern is in that Israel differenciate between religions and doesn't allow mixed marriages? Didn't the Inquisition of the Middle Ages do the same?
Get used to Israel? We're used to it like a cancer patient to his ill

Your all wrong. The Jews are gods chosen people. Always have been always will be. They are persecuted all over the world because they are the smartest, most successful people, proof that they are chosen. And since God has chosen them as his people, the Modern state of Israel is here to stay. So get used to it.

Israel is a country founded upon terrorism and oppression of the land. Such a nation has no future, and no Muslim in their right mind can accept its existence, these are two factors why Israel has no future. It is not only the Palestinian people nor simply the Arab people but the entire Muslim nation that watches these events unfold and has been watching for nearly 60 years now.

Israel's oppressive tactics are only bringing closer its demise, they Middle East is a powder keg, it is ready to explode, if you look at the entire Muslim world from Morocco to Pakistan, it is all on the brink. It is frightning, and the US with its so called war on terror and Israels oppression, and the Abu Ghraib scandal, and the mountain keeps growing, how long will it last before it explodes?

Last week I saw something different in Gaza, the Resistance destroyed 2 Israeli vehicles without the usage of suicide bombers, that would be a change of tactics, it also seems that they are beginning to get a greater supply of weaponry. Israel was doomed from its creation, for Islam forbids the Muslims from simply giving up their land they must take it back, and with the current Islamic re-awakening as mentioned in the article, this is only bad news for Israel. And the US with its war on terror is only proding a dangerous sleeping lion, he has began to awaken yet is still quite drowsy.

Americans cannot face the fact that the creation of the state of Israel was a huge mistake. The survivors of the Nazi death camps should have all been repatriated to their countires of origin in Europe and made whole to the extent possible. If this had been done, there would be no Israeli-Palestinian problem. But we all know what actually happened, and we've been paying for this mistake for 50 years. What seemed a fair idea in 1948 was undoubtedly a crime against the Palestinians, but in America, the debates on the Israeli-Palestinian problem never acknowledge the true nature of the Palestinian grievance, instead all discussion begins with Israel's right to exist and need to disarm Palestinians and obtain their agreements to refrain from "terorism". Every point of "negotiation" the U.S. pursues favors Israel and denies justice to the Palestinians. Any fair judge reviewing this case would find in favor of the Palestinians, but not in America. The fix is in, no justice is possible. And so we fight the "terrorists" and wonder at their incomprehensible hatred and uncivilized tactics. The war on terrorism should start here, with honesty and a radically different policy, but it can't, it won't, anyone who would change this can't get elected, and we as Americans are in big trouble. Today's front page had side by side stories - Israeli tanks knocking down Palestinian homes, and American helicopters shooting up an Iraqi wedding party. The world hates us because we are on the wrong side.

You amplify my thoughts and frustration in so many words.
You use sound reasoning backed up with a logical and analytical analysis of the observed, recorded past events. Well Said!!! Allah is Great!!!


Salam all,

This is why the Zionists are attempting to kill of everyone who is not a Jew. It is very, very disturbing.Please, ponder the consequences of inaction:

This was truly a fantastic article. It is my hope and prayer that a unified global Islamic resistance will soon emerge. I am hopeful this spontaneous movement will counter the aggression of the Zionists and their supporters, and usher in an era of peace and tranquility.
I only wish Islamicity would post some articles that put in focus the utter lack of leadership, an in many instances collusion with the anti-Islamic forces demonstrated by Arab/muslim leaders, this is a fundamental problem preventing the greater muslim community from dealing with many of the problems that plague us today. How can we bring about a truly Islamic form of government without falling short at times and learning from mistakes, the stifling lack of freedom in many islamic countries is preventing this process. The Israeli-Palestinian issue could be dealt with more effectively if the current so called "leaders" were representative of the people, instead of using the issue as a diversion from their own ineptitude.
I believe Jews and Muslims can live in mutual respect, but the supporters of Zionism need to realise they are setting up a situation that will only end up in the annhilation if Israel, for the sake of humanity and their own sakes they need to change course. The solution is quite simple, treat Palestinians as humans, give them a viable state, and ensure accesibility to Jerusalem, that's all they need to do prevent the inevitable outcome and calm the muslim storm.

Can anyone see any way out of this "eternal" conflict? Jews think Palestine is their heritage, handed them by Jahve, many/most muslims think the whole state of Israel should be devastated. How can these wiews meet? I'm afraid there's no end for the bad news streaming from that part of the world.

Everyone seems to forget; Israel was born through sheer terrorism only and is occupying palestinian lands defying all international laws. One fourth of Gaza strip belongs to 7000 Israeli settlers and in the remaining three fourth lives more than a million palestinian people! This inhuman and barbaric treatment of palestinians by the brutal Israeli regime is the root cause of suicide bombings. Nobody has the guts to really stand up against Israel because of firepower only in a world where might is right.

I couldn't agree more with the article. It's understandable though that no one can provide a wonder recipe to solve this conflict. Or rather, who would listen to any rationale in a struggle headed to self distruction. Fact is that the Palestinians multiply 10:1 as compared to the Israelis, many refugees in the surrounding countries again increase their number at high rate. Not to forget the millions of Western citizens of Palestinian origin. Israel with her policies keep alive the Palestinian spirit even in conditions where it normally would fall into oblivion, I am talking about Western citizens of Palestinian origin, or half Palestinian mixed marriages, all because of Israel's policies and oppression, will feel 100% Palestinians or 100% with Palestine. I am Canadian, my father's father was an Arab Palestinian, and that's all what is Arab in me, still I feel strongly Arab and especially Palestinian. My children? Even more! As more we are attacked the more proud we feel for being related with the people that stand the formidable war machines of US ans US backed Israel. Naturarlly if you have a smidgen of decency in you, you will not side with the oggressor and the imperialist invading army. There is no chivalry in killing poorly armed people when you are at the top of the arms race. Like who praised the Nazi Germans for slaughtering the Polish army in 1939? The Nazis used tanks and machine guns while the Polish used horses swords and carbines. What a bravery from the side of the Nazis. It's all repeated now. US versus Iraqis and Israel versus Palestinians. Brave people both Americans & Israelis, psychopatic murderers would be my term. It was a time of relative calm when I forgot I was of Palestinian origin, but as soon as the Intifadah started and the Israelis began the slaughter it was clear to me who I was again and looked in to my background and ancestry and felt the pride of having an origin like that!
Allahu Akbar!