America's Foreign Policy and the Sword of Empire

Category: Americas, World Affairs Topics: Democracy, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Russia Views: 4258

On November 6th, George W. Bush announced that America, through it's interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan was leading a "global democratic revolution". That he should have made such remarks on the eve of Leon Trotsky's birthday - the architect of "global socialist revolution" - was of course just coincidence. However, the similarities between Trotsky's idea that socialism should be spread at the barrel of a gun and the idea that democracy can be forced upon the Muslim world through violent occupation and threat of invasion are obvious. 

Contemporary American foreign policy is Trotsky's revenge. The neoconservative movement that holds Washington in its thrall is itself merely a warmed-up version of Trotsky's Fourth International. As Michael Lind wrote in Britain's The New Statesman (April 7th, 2003), the neocons are "products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history." If the neoconservative vision of a "democratic revolution" in the Muslim world mirrors Trotsky's equally flawed vision of a permanent socialist revolution, then will America's reaction to democracy in Iraq mirror Brezhnev's doctrine of "limited sovereignty"? 

In early 1968, the Czech Communist Party under Alexander Dubcek attempted to introduce a series of reforms. In May of that same year, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev invaded Czechoslovakia, justifying the invasion by claiming that "Czechoslovakia's detachment from the socialist community would have come into conflict with it's own vital interests and would have been detrimental to other socialist states". In other words, the invasion was to protect socialism as an ideology. Once a nation chose socialism, the soviet state could never allow it to turn back. A nation's sovereignty was limited by a tight ideological straitjacket. 

As America attempts to extricate herself from the Iraqi disaster, it has promised a free election next year. If the Iraqi people are given a true democracy, then America must face the bitter prospect that, finally able to choose their political destiny, Iraq may choose a government that is not malleable to American interests. As both Shi'ite and Sunni Iraqis mobilize politically, it seems certain that the government ushered to power will actually reflect more the wishes and aspirations of Baghdad and Basrah, than the Beltway. If that happens, will America accept that the people have spoken - albeit with a possibly anti-American and anti-Israeli voice - or will America invoke its own Brezhnev Doctrine of Limited Sovereignty and demand Iraqis adopt America's export-grade democracy. 

Yet seeking to prevent terrorism and promote democracy by vetoing the people's democratic aspirations is, like the strengthening of the West's totalitarian "allies" in the region, a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the day that Pearl Harbour was bombed, ex-President Herbert Hoover warned that as long as America continues "putting pins in rattlesnakes" it is only natural that one day those rattlesnakes would bite. 19 of those rattlesnakes attacked America on September 11; these same rattlesnakes kill and attack American soldiers every day in Iraq. 

As the neoconservatives push America towards war, they charge those who argue for realism in American foreign policy with "appeasement". Yet, it is not appeasement to recognize that one's actions and policies are counter-productive to one's stated objectives: fighting terror. There are one billion Muslims in the world who adhere to a religion that has withstood a thousand years of attack by ideological and military opponents. It will take more than the demands of a cabal of intellectuals in Washington to transform the Muslim world. 

A secure and prosperous future for America will not be found in "permanent democratic revolution"; "benevolent hegemony"; "creative destruction" or any of the other neocon code-words for empire. Since World War II, the United States has intervened in over twenty countries, with no democracies resulting. 

The solution lies in a return to the foreign doctrine articulated by Thomas Jefferson in his farewell address. The United States should seek, "peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none". Likewise, John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States articulated, Americas "goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own". 

It is these "entangling alliances" that have led to so much hostility against America in the Muslim world; particularly America's alliance with Israel and its interference in Muslim societies. Rather than seeking honest friendship with the Islamic World, the American administration has entered into Faustian pacts with the totalitarian governments of the region in the interests of "regional security" and has attempted to forcefully spread its export-version of democracy to a people who just want to be left alone. 

America fails to see where the real battle for security must be fought. Fighting off the hordes of rattlesnakes is not the answer; nor is "liberating" Kabul or Baghdad. Rather America must liberate Washington from those who are, through their self-destructive idealism and zeal for democratic revolutions, perpetually sticking pins in the tails of these rattlesnakes. America's foreign policy should once again be the shield of the Republic, and not the sword of Empire.

Amir Butler is executive director of the Australian Muslim Public Affairs Committee (AMPAC). He can be contacted at [email protected]


  Category: Americas, World Affairs
  Topics: Democracy, Foreign Policy, Iraq, Russia
Views: 4258

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Older Comments:
From Ward "Why would Allah stop the Germans from destroying the Godless communists? Quite silly. You should refer to my response to BNAK. You have provided no logical arguments that God does not favor the USA because there are not any. I look forward to hearing what you have to say."

My response: The Nazis were evil but not stupid,Moscow from a military point of view was the perfect staging ground from which Hitler could have carry out his attacks to take control of Europe that was why he sent his best troops to try to take Moscow,Allah helped the Allied forces not the Communist by preventing the Nazis from getting a strangle hold on Europe.Allah later brought down the Communist when a group of Muslim Afgan farmers with homemade rifle took the fight to them to free their country from the communist.

As for God not favouring America: Wild fires,hurricanes,flash floods,tornados,deadly flu outbreaks all across America,moral decay,an economy going east ,a falling dollar and above all Bush, I could go on but I hope you get the point.

Allah is the Greatest.

Ward's comments are an excellent example of american "thought," a sick combination of arrogance and ignorance.

1. Well, you are changing your statement from your original comments now. YOu made a clear statement that "But for the USA, Islam would have been destroyed 60 years ago". And, there is no logical link between God favoring USA and true descendents being from prophet Isaac (PBUH).

2. Your belief of Islam spreading by sword is incorrect. Trying to force religion on a people will only have negative consequences. It's the appeal of a religion that makes it spread fast and makes it acceptable to a person. I hope you are aware that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world including in the USA. Then, who's spreading it with sword right here in the USA?

3. Please get your knowledge right about Islam. When the fair-minded Christian or Jew sees the followers of Islam believing in Musa (Moses), 'Eesaa (Jesus), and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and in the original Torah and Gospel, as well as the Qur'aan, and sees his own people denying the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and rejecting the Qur'aan, wouldn't his open-mindedness make him think that the Muslims are most likely to be right? You have given divine status to Jesus Christ (PBUH), calling him Son of God, simply because he was born without a father, then how about Adam (PBUH) who had neither father nor mother. I already believe in Jesus (PBUH) so, I think you need my prayers more than I need your prayers, so I shall surely pray that Allah guide you to the right path. Also, there is a Prophesy about the coming of Mohammed (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) in the Bible that your not aware.

4. God calls all humans through His messengers to tread the right path. It's for all people to recognize their faults and try to be as righteous and humble in life as possible, not just muslims.


Why would Allah stop the Germans from destroying the Godless communists? Quite silly. You should refer to my response to BNAK. You have provided no logical arguments that God does not favor the USA because there are not any. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Amir Butler has made an excellent case in outlining the current American administration's foreign policy agenda. It is not difficult to verify or find out who the strategists are, what they stand for, and what they were up to. Look up a search-engine on neoconservatives, neocons, PNAC, or Richard Perle--presto! The hands that stir the cauldron is "kristol" clear. The least an American citizen can do is find out who design the agenda of what is done--in our name, with our money--to other peoples and places in the world. Should we continue to drop bombs on other people's children and homes just so we could be secure? Should we just bomb people away... until they embrace the (imperial) American way?

As for Mr. Ward comments (19706) citing the United States as the savior of Islam (from destruction by the Germans, some 60 years ago) ... My, my, what a grandiose, novel theory?!!

For those who do not know, Islam is the religion revealed and chosen by God. Thus, He is the One who safeguards it and the One who gives it victory. Neither the Germans, the French, the Russians, nor all the armies of the world in cahoots together can destroy Islam; nor save it, except by His will. Islam will continue to prevail long after you, I, and all who read this are dead and buried.

To, his credit Mr. Ward did understand the fact that Israel was carved out of Palestine by the British imperial machinations. Is that a godly enterprise? What IS its (current) legacy?

As for which people or nation God favors--He gives and He takes from whomever He pleases. Some He tries with hardship and scarcity, others He tries with comfort and abundance. Those who despair of God's mercy are ruin; while those who strut about God's earth thinking they are its favored owners are deluded. The successful ones are those who give what is due to kindred, the needy and the wayfarer; they humbly seek the Face of God in times of trouble, and in times of ease (al-Qur'an, 30:36-38).

PatricK Ward wrote "You forget that Islam would have been destroyed if it were not for the United States nearly 60 years ago when we stopped the Germans." Learn your history Patrick. It was not the US that stopped Hitler but Allah.Hitler sent his most elite troops and heavy mechanised divisions to take Moscow but Allah stopped them in their tracks with one of the most brutal winter that Moscow has ever seen.When the Russians found them, most of them were frozen to death including the oil in the engines of their tanks.The US certainly did not caused this to happen and by the way if these elite troops were
sent to the beaches of Normandy, the Allied forces would have been destroyed because they would have been like sitting ducks for the Nazi.Also don't forget Churchill was the man!

No one can destroy Islam, Destroy Islam and Allah will destroy this world!!!


I think you misunderstood a few things.
1. The whole point of mentioning WW2 was not to say that Hitler could have really destroyed a religion it was to show that the favor of God was with the United States to stop these madmen and to re-establish Israel as the Jewish homeland thus providing great evidence that the true descendents are from Isaac.
2. If God really left Muslims because of their disunity He would have left them right from the start when Shite broke from Sunni or vice versa. This began Muslim disunity. God has never favored the Muslims and thus has never left them. Any religion could spread fast by the sword but Christianity spread fast by the Word, NO VIOLENCE FROM THE START!
3. Saying that disproving Islam disproves Christianity is so silly I cannot believe it. The central tenet of Christianity is the divinity of Jesus which Muslims deny. Christ was the fullfillment of prophesy. There was no prophesy for Muhammed. Islam is much like the Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists whom created scriptures after Christ because they, like Muhammed, could not understand the divinity of Jesus. It is a difficult concept but it is the truth. BNAK I certainly hope you find Christ because salvation is glorious. I will pray for you.
4. I am quite aware of the Palestinians suffering and I it is terrible. However, sometimes we cannot understand God's will much like a bear cannot understand why a friendly stranger seeking to help remove his injured foot from a steel trap to free him (salvation) may actually need to move the foot further in and cause more pain so that the foot could be freed. The Palestinians are being called by God as are all Muslims in this time to recognize their faults and accept Christ.

Blessing me with sanity shows how effected you were by my comments. I hope you were genuine. Claiming I am insane, evidenced by blessing I retain some sanity, seems like an insult. You have fire in your heart. May Christ be you

May I also add to my original comments one more thing that Islam not only approves Christianity in it's pristine form as it was revealed to Jesus (peace be upon him), but also, it approves Judaism in it's pristine form, as revealed to Moses.
So denying Islam is like denying all the previously revealed religions that Islam acknowledges and approves. Just fyi.

As an Arab-American and a conservative - I cannot figure out why there are those who think that the Arab world is incapable of or does not want democracy. The article seems to support the rule of the dictator. I am also tied of the left and their continued moral revelancy between American intentions (some flawed - mostly meant well) and communism. For all its flaws - where else in the world do you see such freedoms (religous, personal and financial). In case any body noticed - empire, died with Great Britan.
Lets get the facts right. I did not know that South Korea is not democratic. There are a few more - not perfect - but the people seem to enjoy political freedom however shakey. Thank You.

Admittedly, I don't understand paying someone $400,000 a year to train someone paid $50 a month. Such a practice might suggest the possibility of "colonial aspirations" on the part of those who are paying for the training.

Unfinished business: thank You, O Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). Seeing justice served in Iraq was, I believe, never my countrymen's concern. It has been reported that Iraqi judges will preside over the tribunal (of members of the former regime) and that Iraqi lawyers will argue the cases.

Allahu Akbar!

BNAK, Americans ARE for democracy, free speech and all those lovely things they claim to have invented, just dont disagree with them and everything will be fine.
Dont expect anything of substance of a nation of overweight, overmedicated FOX news watching nutcases.

Patrick Ward: What happened on 9/11 was due to the Middeleast policy of the USA and it is very unfortunate. Islam does not advocate the killing of innocents whichever religion they may belong to. The perpetrators of 9/11 are sinners and Allah willing, shall be held accountable for what they did, so shall the perpetrators of Afghan war, and the Iraq war as Wars only bring Death and Destruction. You say that but for the USA, Islam would have been destroyed. This is your narrow mindedness and malicious thinking towards Islam. Religions within themselves are so great that one country
or one bloody dictator cannot hold them for ransom, nor could spell the destiny of a people following them. Holocaust against the Jews was one of the gravest atrocities that happened on the planet of God. You would only realize the Palestinian problem if Israel were to be born out of a land snatched out of USA, and if USA were occupied by it, if our homes in US were to be destroyed by Israel, if our innnocent people including small children were to be killed day in
and day out by Israel. Sitting miles away and talking about people under occupation is easier than to experience the pain and trauma occupied people undergo, struggling even for the basic amenities in their own homeland leave alone living a free and luxurious life like us.
You say that God has favored USA, nay! God has left muslims because of their disunity and indifference among one another and towards God. But remember, this won't continue for long. God sometimes gives free hand to the Oppressor
as a way of testing the faithful. Tide of Time will change it's course and His Judgement will come soon.You say you have disproved Islam in 2000 words, But nay! if it were INDEED true then you have actuadisproved Christianity, as Islam approves Christianity as it came to this Earth through Jesus (peace be upon him) in it's pristine form. Disproving Islam is Disproving Christianity. May God Bless you with some Sanity and Peace

9/11 seems to have been for the liberation of Arabia. Ironically, the liberators might be Shiites.

This article contains overtones of anti-Jewish rhetoric in it. "Contemporary American foreign policy is Trotsky's revenge. The neoconservative movement that holds Washington in its thrall is itself merely a warmed-up version of Trotsky's Fourth International. As Michael Lind wrote in Britain's The New Statesman (April 7th, 2003), the neocons are "products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti-communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history." If the neoconservative vision of a "democratic revolution" in the Muslim world mirrors Trotsky's equally flawed vision of a permanent socialist revolution, then will America's reaction to democracy in Iraq mirror Brezhnev's doctrine of "limited sovereignty"? "

It sounds themes that are similar to the "Protocals of the Elders of Zion." As usual, it fosters the stereotype that Jews pioneered a Communist conspiracy to run America based on the fact of a small number of Jews being in the Communist Party and ignoring those non-Jews who composed more than half of the Communist Party. It also conveniently ignores those non-Jews how composed the leadership of the government (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Powell, Conni Rice, and Bush himself) and the fact that Jews have no cabinet level positions while conveniently ignoring those Wasp oil companies (Halliburton, Shell, etc) that are in bed with Saudi Arabia. Of course, it is politically incorrect to speak of a Wasp (Bush or Cheney) or Black (Rice or Powell) conspiracy to run the Muslim world. But Jews. That's okay.

However, this article deserves credit on one count

Let Bush go for it, the Muslims will have their turn... soon.

As-salamu-alakum (peace be upon you),

This article is deep. It is the first article I've read that speaks to Americans from an American point of view. I wish that all Americans could read this article instead of the gunho articles you read daily in the newspaper.

Your mention of the rattlesnake analogy seems like you are saying the United States asked for what happened on 911. When will you realize that these people would try to kill the US no matter what. This is nothing more than a struggle for power. It seems like you are almost defending them or are at least indifferent. This is the great problem with Muslims in the world today, deep down you realize bin Laden is fighting for Muslim power and things you due believe in but in a way you likely do not approve of. This leads to the indifference as the vast majority are not truly sure what he is doing is wrong. Afterall, he is fighting against "western oppression". As far as the statement that the United States has "forcefully spread its export-version of democracy to a people who just want to be left alone", this is a great example of how stubborn you people really are. Forcing something good on someone reminds me of a parent and his child. This article is nothing but leftist muslim crap intent to continue whining about their situation in the world. You forget that Islam would have been destroyed if it were not for the United States nearly 60 years ago when we stopped the Germans. Granted if one considers Islam the true religion it is logical there is no way God would allow this religion to be destroyed and since it is likely that without the United States Islam would have been destroyed it is also clear God holds favor with the US. Furthermore, at the ending of WW2, Isreal was reborn largely by the will of the the United States and Great Britian. Is it then a stretch to see that this God of Islam favored the United States to ensure the rebirth of Israel? God certainly let this occur and perhaps this was His plan for WW2. Now, here is the stinger. If this God allowed Israel to be reborn with the displacement of Arabs it seems a clear sign that he truly favors the Jews as his chosen people and not Ishmael. Not bad, Islam disproved in less than 2000 characters

Excellent article! The truth as it is!
All Americans and Brits should read it. Nay, all the peace loving peoples of the world should read this article.

As Salaamu Alaikum.

I do not believe that Democracy is the answer, either in the "so called" Muslim world or in the USA. If America is built on what many like to describe as Christian ideals then it would not be a Democracy rather it would be a country that follows the ideals of Jesus (prayer and peace be upon him), and countries that have Islam as the majority religion would follow the ideals of Muhammad (prayer and peace be upon him). These countries would have laws of the land that would be in conformity with their Holy Books, and the result would be more peace through love, mutual respect, cooperation, and a sincere desire to make this planet a better place for all.

As Salaamu Alaikum,

Let Bush spread his Democracy all over the world. The Muslims will have their chance too... very soon.