American bulls in the Iraq shop
The Pentagon, a.k.a. the International Trust for Historic Preservation, has once more shown the world its deep cultural sensitivity.
Franklin Graham, the Christian evangelist who has branded Islam a "very wicked and evil" religion, was the honored speaker at the Pentagon's Good Friday service.
After a Christian singer crooned, "There is one God and one faith," Graham told an auditorium of soldiers in camouflage, civilian staffers and his son, a West Point cadet: "There's no other way to God except through Christ. ... Jesus Christ is alive because he is risen, and friends, he's coming back, and I believe he's coming back soon."
When Muslim groups complained that the Pentagon was "endorsing" his attacks on Islam, Graham asked for a photo op with Muslim Pentagon employees. They declined.
Muslims suspicious that America is on a crusade against Islam were inflamed to learn that Graham is taking his missionary act to Iraq. They are still scorched by his remarks to NBC News after 9/11: "It wasn't Methodists flying into those buildings, and it wasn't Lutherans. It was an attack on this country by people of the Islamic faith."
He wrote in his last book that Christianity and Islam were "as different as lightness and darkness," and recently told the Sunday Times of London, "The true God is the God of the Bible, not the Quran."
Workers from Graham's Christian relief organization, Samaritan's Purse, were in Jordan, waiting to inveigle Iraqi infidels with a blend of kitchen pantry and Elmer Gantry.
Treating Operation Iraqi Freedom as a lucky break for Jesus, Graham told the religious Web site Beliefnet: "We are there to reach out to love them and to save them, and as a Christian I do this in the name of Jesus Christ."
The 50-year-old son of Billy Graham has close connections to the president, who was in charge of evangelical outreach during his father's '88 campaign and who pressed war in Iraq by calling liberty "God's gift to humanity."
Both scions "recommitted" to Jesus Christ after periods of rebellion. Franklin Graham gave the prayer at W.'s inaugural. The president said Billy Graham "planted a seed in my heart" to stop drinking and embrace Jesus.
In Baghdad, it was Bad Friday. On the Islamic holy day, thousands of Iraqis marched through downtown, shouting for America to "leave our country." Looters, continuing their rampage, stole vials of polio virus from a public health laboratory and set the Information Ministry on fire.
Mullahs were happy to talk -- and balk -- after suffocating under Saddam.
"You are masters today," Sheik Ahmed al-Kubeisy lectured America in one Baghdad mosque. "But I warn you against thinking of staying. Get out before we force you out." (Isn't this how Osama got started?)
Back here, the neo-cons and war planners were too busy gloating to worry about the ambient sound of civilizations clashing.
Rummy, once a Bechtel Iraqi pipeline booster and now busy planning to load U.S. military bases into Iraq, seemed almost perversely determined to act as though the vandalizing of relics of the birth of civilization was insignificant, something only sissies could cry over.
The Pentagon could easily have saved the national museum and library if they had redeployed the U.S. troops assigned to guard Ahmad Chalabi, the Richard Perle pal, Pentagon candidate and convicted embezzler who is back in Iraq trying to ingratiate himself with the country he left 40 years ago.
Instead of hectoring those who expressed any doubt about the difficulty of occupying Iraq, the conservatives should worry about their own self-parody: pandering to the base by blessing evangelical Christians who want to proselytize Muslims; protecting their interests by backing a shady expat puppet; pleasing their contributors by pre-emptively awarding rebuilding contracts to Halliburton and Bechtel; and swaggering like Goths as Iraq's cultural heritage goes up in flames.
Talk about a baptism by fire.
Maureen Dowd writes for The New York Times
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If you cant answer me then you have no difference with a dog eating a cat
The Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) Said a devout Muslim is like a leave on a date-tree they will never fall down; by this saying in Hadith Sahih Bukhari if my brother & sisters in Iraq are practicing Muslims then Graham and his follower should'nt be a threat.
on this matter have no one to blame, I will blame Arabs by not love each other and put their intrest in money and support usa.
surly with usa power and take control of Iraq's the level of Islam faith will soon be come down in Iraq's as far their will contuniue to other Arabs countries, every Christain's see Islam as evil faith no mistake about that, I live in Christain country I know the tyep of name the non-Muslim call us and so may challange against Islam and Arabs because they strongly beleive that Arabs are the people's who cary high position in Islam and by taking over this country and rules them the will no more Islam in the earth, which is a very big mistake by westen world.
my opinions is I call for Arabs Musilm united and Follow the messanger of Allah examples.
Question to Franklin Graham & Gee Wiz Bush--What if there's not enough water in Iraq to Baptise everyone? Will they need to divert the Jordan River if the Euphrates and Tigris dry up due to the furious rate of conversion that US expects will follow?
My understanding (from the Quran) is that Allah is the one who creates all things and the one who was never created - is the one who makes possible all that is done and against whom none prevail - who is the source of all blessings and is deserving of all praise - who is unequaled and without partner - who is the one true God.
My understanding (from the Quran) is that those matters over which we have differed will be made clear to us, when we have been assembled before our Creator. May we be guided by our Creator. May we follow our Creator's instructions. May peace be upon God's prophets (God bless them).
Also, to whom it may concern, I am a very right-wing American, who is also very grateful to Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala) for blessing me with Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. May Allah bring to him peace-salutations in addition to granting him blessings. Ameen.
As Salaamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you).
The Ummah in general is more interested in "westernization" of their lifestyles, adopting western cultures and abandoning the very fundamentals of Islamic teachings.
We only voice our Islamic identity when it is threatened; but fail to potray or even are ashamed at times to even behave as a Muslim when it matters.
One important factor is that our leaders must make a stand. They must unite the Ummah under one Islam; and not lead us astray into differring factions each claiming its own brand of Islam.
Remember that Islam is the religion to unite the Ummah; and not otherwise.
May Allah Lead Us In The Way Truth
Why do they suppose he was put to death? Because he challenged the beliefs of his time, and he was preceived to be a threat to the ruling party.
I am tired of people backbiting our Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. Do not place blame upon this noble Sheikh for the actions and misdeeds of those who CLAIM to follow him and his methodology. The only way to practice Islam is to follow the Quran, the Sunnah and do so in the footsteps of the Salaf. There should be no disagreement on this basis. I do not excuse the Saudi regime for their failure and use of Sheikh Abdul Wahhab's manhaj for political gain, nor do I dispute that many people who claim Salafiyyah hide Hizbiyyah and make takfeer. But the Manhaj is Sahih! The purest Islam is that distrbuted by the Prophet (saws) and the best generation of uslims were his Companions (ra).
Franklin Graham is no different from the wahhabi hawks that currently control most of Islam's outlets....I know I sit in a Masjid and listen to it every Friday.
This is not to say that Graham is not a biased, racist pig but to also say that the imam's that the mid-east has exported to the rest of the world, in particular Pakistan and the US, are'nt any better.
The rich arabs in the mid-east give to people all over the planet who wish to establish an islamic community, after the Masjid is built...they send in their version of Graham and that's the truth.
Muslims around the planet need to take back their religion and rebel against the stooges that the mid-east "rulers" have exported.
We are no better than Graham and his little possie of bible toting followers and until we clean our own UMMAH of the stinch and curruption that has covered it for the past 60 or so years...we have no argument.
Muslims everywhere are "freaked out" by the fact that Christians are in Iraq. What are we afraid of? Is our Qur'an wrong? Is their bible better?
I say NO! So why is everyone so afraid?
If we were just Muslims in the mid-east...we would welcome the Christians with open arms and teach them a thing or two about GOD!
Unfortunately, we're not and so we must be afraid...afraid that they will promote something more JUST and FAIR than WAHHABISM.
Islam is the best religion, muslims are the worst people....we need to fix that or continue to suffer.
The answer to Muslim problems are in Muslim hands.