Islam is a religion of the middle path

Category: Americas, Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Life & Society Topics: Islam Views: 13388

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. The peace and blessings be upon you all, brothers and sisters.  Praise be to Allah and a hearty thank you to for allowing me to write about discovering Islam.  My name is Lee Glaesemann, and I currently work as a reading and study skills for college teacher at a high school in Minnesota, a northern state in the United States.

One glance at what I like to do and one can tell that I am your typical American male: I root for the home team (Go Minnesota Twins and Vikings!), I play many different sports, I lift weights, swim, and pedal on the Stairmaster at the local YMCA, and I even hang out with my family at Apache Mall or at the Chateau movie theaters. In other words, I am another American citizen attempting to live the American dream. 

While I love my country and all Americans, I recognize now that an aspect of my identity runs counter to mainstream convention: I am a mainstream American living as a Muslim in the United States.  To an American, this profound awareness of Allah's Truth is both exhilarating and frightening; the former because your heart has found its true partner; the latter because what you know often is difficult for most Americans to understand. Stephen Covey, a renowned self-help writer and business leader, states that one of our greatest challenges is to be understood by others around us.  To be understood, he says, is equivalent to a starving man craving bread.  To be understood, therefore, is essential to our existence. In the next few paragraphs, I would like to explain not only how but why I chose to be Muslim; in addition, I would like to identify the common struggles that new American Muslims encounter when they explain their decision to non-Muslim Americans. 

I was your typical American Christian prior to becoming Muslim, growing up Lutheran in adolescence and early adulthood.  Approximately five years ago, (I am 32 years old now), I had a chance to complete a cultural diversity project at my university.  I decided to study Islam and Muslims because, as a Christian, I had been raised to believe that Muslims were the enemy. 

The first Muslim I met was a student from Saudi Arabia, Khalid al-Khalifah.  He had completed a degree in Arabic and Quranic Studies at his college, so he was the perfect one to teach me about this group that appeared so foreign to me.  Admittedly, I was intimidated because the people looked so different; who were these girls who wore scarves and confining dresses?  What I soon learned, though, would leave a distinct mark on me for the next five years.

As a "pretend" Muslim for three months, I prayed, ate, fasted, and talked with Muslims from around the globe. For the first two months, everything felt so odd, so strange, so counter to the way I live my American life.  In addition to learning about Islam, I was inculcated by the cultures associated with Islam. 

I finished my cultural diversity workshop, and, to be honest, even though I knew Islam was the true path for me, I continued with Christianity, mainly due to its familiarity -- it's uniquely American -- and its cultural comfort.  What, no praying or fasting?  Count me in! Yet, while I was a committed Baptist in Houston, Texas, where I taught ESOL for five years, Christianity never completely made sense to me.  The dilemma we American Muslims face is that our proclamation in Allah runs so counter to the dominant culture's insistence that anything outside Christianity is misguided, misunderstood, or, in some eyes, "cult-like." 

The other thing an American Muslim learns is just how marginalized many groups are in American society. While we can "pass" if we wear western clothes, we realize that many groups lack these options.  If you're marginalized in American society, and, worst of all, if people know it, you're never really comfortable in your surroundings.  The true key to feeling comfortable as an American Muslim is to embrace what you believe while maintaining the "qualities" which make you proud to be an American.  Aren't there millions of Muslims in this world who are proud to be Saudi, Somali, and Malaysian?  They know, and we should learn as well, that a person has to love Allah but at the same time love the country from which they come. 

One of my students in my reading class is a very devout Muslim.  One day in April, he invited me to a workshop on understanding Muslims, which I gleefully attended.  When I listened to Jamal Badawi from St. Mary's University speak Arabic, my heart just sang again. Within two to four weeks, I took the greatest step by saying shahada (declaration of faith) on IslamiCity.

One of the things I think the Muslim ummah must address, though, is the initial isolation new Muslims, especially American Muslims, feel when they must interact with the public once they've altered their identities.  One thing is that it's very difficult to let people  know that you are Muslim. 

I am cautious to let everyone know about my new identity. Too many Americans, unfortunately, associate Islam with terrorism or violence, primarily as a result of what is reported in the mainstream media.  When people hear that you're Muslim, they automatically assume that you've become like the American Taliban John Walker Lindh, ready to take up arms against the "Great devil" United States.

Unfortunately, the deep-seeded hatred of Islam in the United States and in the west in general derives, in part, from the medieval Crusades; if you've read Dante's Inferno, a famous Christian Epic Italian  poem about a man's journey through the cantos of hell, guess which prophet is in the second to worst layer? This work of literature shows gruesome graphical details because what it considers corruption of the Christian faith.  That same mistrust of Islam and that same callous disregard for any religion "outside" Christianity still lingers in the hearts of too many Americans.

The second problem with being a new Muslim or an American Muslim is that Time becomes an enemy.  What do I mean?  The point is that, in general, Muslims
need approximately 15 to 20 minutes to perform each prayer properly.  In Saudi Arabia, for example, they will put people on hold, close down shops, and stop class in order for people to perform prayers.  In the fast-paced American society, businesses struggle to give employees one 30-minute break, 20 minutes if you are a teacher or a student.  I think, if you talked to several new Muslims, they will probably relate their frustrations in performing each prayer "on time."  Few businesses are willing to concede much to anyone, let alone a new Muslim who suddenly makes additional requests to perform something "not practical."

The third major concern is a new Muslim's relationship to his often non-Muslim family.  Whether we want to admit it or not, families like to build their cultural heritage around their faith.  A child's development is marked by his or her performance of certain religious rituals -- i.e. communion, confirmation, church retreats, Sunday school.  When a new Muslim finally garners the courage to tell his parents and relatives of his faith in Allah, there is a lot of heartache.  Sometimes it's so bad that parents and children never speak to each other again.  Sometimes it's just a matter of time. The point is that no one can control how another person feels.

The last major problem is that a new Muslim accepts Islam but is unsure which culture to embrace.  There is only one Islam, of course, but there are several different cultures that embrace it.  Often, most American Muslims will be in contact with other Muslims from very different cultural backgrounds.  Americans can be Muslims and follow Islam (alhamdulilah!), but most likely we've grown up in a distinctly western world with western ideas and western ways, which is not completely bad.  Last time I checked, Allah (subhanah wah ta allah) does not separate his world between the East and West; all of it belongs strictly to him. The struggle develops when Muslims from the East interact with American Muslims in a manner that seems a typical to the social customs of the West.  (I also understand that miscommunication is a two-way street!)

A Chinese philosopher once said that a journey of a lifetime begins with a single step.  I tend to believe that, with time, Allah-willing, most new American Muslims will achieve a peaceful balance between their identity as a Muslim and their responsibilities as loyal Americans.  I understand that Islam is a religion of the middle path; if Allah is the true source of common ground for all of us, then surely we can find a common ground within ourselves.

"Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses over mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness over yourselves .." Quran 2:143

  Category: Americas, Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Life & Society
  Topics: Islam
Views: 13388

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Older Comments:
An excellent inspirational writing. Thanks for sharing your insight.

But aren't you showing disrespect to your parents with your conversion?

Al hamdou li allah my brother.

Congratulations & thank you for sharing with the rest of the world & us Muslims.

Thank you with all my heart mind & soul.

Dear brother:
I dont know how long ago you wrote your article,Islam is a religion of the middle path.As you know the passing time has the best answer for many quistions that we find very difficult to solve at one time or other.
The first problem you mentiond about isolation feeling the newcommer to Islam has is just natural.The same as the feeling of early moslems, early Christian and early Jews in there socities praior to adopting the new faith.That is a priece they have to pay, and in the same time an extra reward that they chose and were selected by ALLAH to get.
As they have more and more of the faithfull who goes through the same thing they are going through, it become easer.
The second problem you mentiond about the prayer(salat). Let me ask you how many salat time comes during your work shift?. If you are like the typical workers not olny in the US but also in most of the world, 2 salat in the winter and one only in most of the rest of the year. that is, in your owen calculation 20mn most of the year and 40mn in the winter(where you need to do Aser in addetion to Zuher at work ). Of course if you cannot leave work you are permited to do it at work,and that is 5-10 mn each at the most. Many work places in moslem countries has prayer area as you perhaps already know. So lunch time for most pepole is 30-60 min.,not to say about hours that cold be used for bussness lunches. It is for the fathfull to decide how to use his or her time.
As far as the other salat when you are not at work, it take much less time than what alot of people spend everyday in shopping malls,sport clubs or even bars. It is your choice how to use your time. What is actully most usefull to you your family and your socity? Personally I feel salat is.
I hope that you already had a feeling of how good it is to do Fajer salat befor sunrise then go to work, and how productive and froutfull your day is.
I wish you the best , and hope ALLAH (GOD) will be always with you and guide

Indeed, Allah s.w.t. sees your efforts. He gives reward based on effort. Bottom line is you've embraced the mercy of Allah s.w.t. by entering into HIS deen. I pray Allah s.w.t. makes your journey to perfecting your deen, an easy one. Allahu Akbar!

may allah hlep you Ali, and may Allah help you Amy.

After reading of the experience of this new American Muslim I have a question. I love so much of Sufi work. I know that the basis of Sufism is, at this time, Islam. I don't think that this has always been the case. I think that the recognition and respect offered other Ways by Sufis would allow this person to not feel the need to relinquish one religion to pick up another. As he said Allah is over all. Islam in its many forms as practiced today includes more than revelations of God. I think it also includes man made strictures that have been necessary in the past to insure the survival of the tribe. Although some of these strictures are still appropriate and all of these strictures should be respected (if not necessarily followed if they lead to harming other human beings) as solutions by learned people to problems at a certain time. The individual has to find the solution in his or her own heart without relying on a certain religion to bring it to him from the outside. It is not outside. Still the pillars of Islam are worthwhile and I follow or practice as many as I can. I do not think I would be allowed to perform the Haj as I will not join one religion over another - God is above all. I think that a notion, that is from the Quran, that each human being is a unique expression of God - is the most succinct description of our relationship to God. Important people in the history of Islam such as Al-Hallaj seem to have benifitted from exposure to Islam. In the end, however, his exploration beyond the contemporary strictures of Islam cost him his life. I think Islam owes a clearer explanation of the martyrs than has been given. I think this is true of all religions so I am not picking on Islam. If the truest adherents to all religions could edit their various texts and remove any tribal descriptions (as in: We are the chosen people, if you do this God will love you and you can be of our group, our group is the only good) all people could respect one another.


salam alaykum rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh
it is very insightful and true what you have related brother. also i too, have trouble at times keeping up with prayers at work but Allhamdililah i know there is a way eventually, and to this day my family does not know about my new identity (it has been 2 years). i too had very typical christian background. my conversion to islam has been the lighthouse in this stormy life. i agree with you that Islam is the ultimate magnet in our ummah and all else is secondary i also agree the the multiculturism in Islam sometimes can become very tribal and certain elements can cause dissention but muslims true in heart will always overcome it for they are the rightous servants of Allah SWT inshallah

Never have I heard the predjudice described in the article.

I am also facing every issue you have discussed as a western revert. Although i read things for a few years I said Shahada in january 2002. I have only a few muslims near me. There is no nearby mosque and i feel a sense of isolation. My family is not aware yet but they are busy with their own lives so that is probably not a big issue once the shock is over. I love Allah and I know this is right for me. I just wish I had more friends to come over and hang out with, shop with and pray with. The Christian world is tempting to relapse into but i won't. I wasn't happy and now I found fullfillment in my heart, alhamdulilah I will struggle same as you to merge two worlds into one. Majida Amal

asalaam aliakum,
dear Lee,
thanks so much for sharing your story.....its one i can relate to , as i am embarking down this same reading and learning at this stage.
I havent yet got to te stage of trying to fully assimilate, but its nice to know of the challenges I have ahead.....Ill know what to expect. Havent tried this on the family yet ewither, but my wife is very supportive of this path, although she herself is unsure.
Blessings on you and thanks for sharing...

Salaaamualaykum, I welcome you to Islam and I am so so happy that you have found the true path. May you live a healthy happy life with Islam as your guide...congratulations and may Allah (Subhannah Wa ta'allah) be with you.

Brother Lee,

I appriciate your courage. I cannot even imagine how difficult it is for you and most other American new Muslims. May Allah (SWT) bless you with the wisdom to face any challenges in future.

I totally agree with your sentiment. As far as prayer is concern,you just do the best you can. Allah is just and merciful. I was told Allah (SWT) wants to see your intent. If it is impossible for you,just pray when you get home. Islam is a middle religion.

Wish you a blessed life.


Asalaam alaikum, brothers and sisters. Alhamdulilah, I am so happy to see so many responses to my article submitted to What I have thoroughly enjoyed the most is the discussion that our words generate within the umma community. One of the things the umma needs right now is a frank intellectual discussion on our relationship as Muslims and as US citizens. Recently, some readers have voiced their differences on my view of American patriotism and the middle ground. While I heartedly respect all interpretations of readers' viewpoints, I must emphasize that I think some have misread what is called the author's intention. Voicing my support of the United States or my love for my country does not suggest a nationalistic or patriotic viewpoint. In fact, if I remember correctly, no where in my article do I actually use the word PRIDE or NATIONALISM. Pride and nationalism were late 19th and early 20 century concepts which unfortunately lead to the tragedy of WWI. As human beings, we must accept the reality that our man made definitions have been responsible for so much bloodshed. That is not my view of LOVE for my country. Love of my country comes from the belief that I can make it better for Muslims and all Americans: that is my greatest desire is to envision an American society which embraces all. Also, if you read the Quran and the Sunnah--which I have--in its totality, I think Islam's beauty is that it is a religion of the middle--between the excess of Chrisitianity and rigidity of Judaism. Islam truly represents the middle, balanced path which all Americans could benefit from. Again, though, I sincerely welcome all intellectual discussion and would encourage all of us as Muslims to continue to strive for new intellectual insight.

asalaam alaikum.
It is a mistake to imply that the ayah "ummatun wasitan" [al baqara: 143] suggests moderation between American patriotism and Islamic religious identity. The author imposes his personal idea of moderation between these two concepts onto this ayah and uses it to justify his opinion. While translated as middle, "wasitan" has been recognized by the scholars of arabic and tafsir to indicate "just", being that the pre-Islamic arabic used to describe the middle element of a matter to be the "just". The totality of this ayah relates to the changing of the qibla and the selection of the Ummah of Muhammad (saaw) as a new, unique, and honored ummah distinct form the two previous ones. It is in this distinction that the scholars also recognize "wasitan" to refer to the ummah of Muhammad (saaw) being between the ummah of the Jews and the ummah of the Christians, thus referring to a middle and just ummah.


MUSA FROM U.S. said:
A Salaam Wai Laikum

I am also a Muslim who was born in the U.S. and raised to be a Christian. I became Muslim approximately 5 years ago. I agree with you about finding time to pray. It was difficult to make them all on time in the beginning. But now my general policy is that I won't miss it for any reason.

There is something we must remember when dealing with our pride in our country brother.

Muhammed told the Muslims that their were no nationalities or races within Islam. The worldwide Muslim community is one united community. Also, Allahs Messenger said that he who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise.

May Allah's peace mercy and blessings be upon you.

My Beloved Brother:

Just as a follow-up. I said Allah eases hardships when you purify your intentions and actions for His sake. Iv'e worked in many places and, Alhamdulillah, there was always a private place to pray. I believe this is from Allah's blessings because who else can read thoughts about the Muslim's dire wish to perform prayer on time but Him; and who else but Him will help the Muslim who turns to Him? this is over a course of years, and in all this time I was passed by few curious walkres who NEVER bothered me. Here again if you focus on Allah He will focus on you, to the point where you will slight any interruptions and just go forward relentlessly. "And whoever fears Allah will find an exit from every problem, and will receive bounty whence he does not expect," -Qur'an.

i like that story and it is very well said id like to get in touch with new muslims and i also like to hear new conversion stories all these stories interest me may allah guide this ummah. salam from sister

I found this a very familiar story. I am 35 y.o. new American muslim woman, and finding it very difficult to find my way. I love Islam and feel that it is the truth and the way, and therein lies answers to every question. However, it is hard to let go of dunya, the past, the familiar, especially when the new environment does not have open arms to embrace you. Insha'allah, Allah will make this easier for those who believe and are strong in their faith, and to put my faith and security in Allah is my goal. And yet, I fear losing my friends and family, and being alone and unaccepted by Muslim cultures that prefer young brides for their men, arranged marriages from their own countries of origin. Ha, my fear of Allah is greater and insha'allah I will be strong to bear this test with patience and hope for no bigger test.

Asalaam alaikum, brothers and sisters. Since I have had time to reflect on the meaning of my article, I have come to the conclusion that my chief focus was to examine both the blessings and hardships that new Muslims encounter in the United States. My recommendations for succssfully living as a Muslim in the United States were time and an unyielding faith in the peaceful balance Islam provides us. I still strongly urge new Muslims to embrace these two suggestions. Since accepting Islam, Muslims and non-Muslims know me either as Lee or Ali, Glaesemann or Mohammad. I am the only White American at my masjid, yet I haven't found my race to be the slightest issue, based on the equal and impartial treatment of the other Muslim brothers. Muslims at my mosque insist that I learn Arabic so that I can read Arabic in the Quran; however, there is a even ground in that they know that I'm brand new and have never practiced Arabic before; therefore, they volunteer their time to help me learn Arabic. What have my experiences in my article and in these comments revealed? In Islam there is total balance, a happy medium for human living. Too often in American society it is built on extremes, which leads so many to unhappiness and heartache. The beauty of Islam is that it expects us to remain even, level-headed, balanced, healthy, well-adjusted, and responsible. To me, the title is a beautiful reflection of how we ought to be living our lives.

Even though the title is "Islam is a religion of the middle path" your article does not substantiate it and give reasons for it. Have you borrowed the term "Middle Path" from Buddhism?

i loved the frankness and warmth that radiated from the article, i personally feel that expressing what one feels in respect to islam in their own way is more important than trying to please other people's expectation

Mashallah brother, welcome to islam. May allah(SWT) make life easier for you and make you prosper in this world and in the hereafter. Wasalamucalykum Waraxmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

Bless You lee Glaesmann for you good works.
From Micheala Franklin,M.D. Ph.D

Al Hamduillahi Rabil Alamin

As Sallamu Alakum Wa Ratmatullah Wa Barakatu

Welcome, May Allah(swt) Continue to guide you on your journey. Stay strong. The ultimate completion of your din is Paradise.
Surat Ya-Sin 76 should help when dealing with what others may say.

Mustaafa Ibn Yahya Hassan

Mashallah, you make me proud of being a muslim.

May Allah stregthen your eman.

NUR said:
Assalamualaikum AKHY Ali (LEE),

Your journey to be a muslim was very interesting. What a wonderful,creative,heart warming article!. Alhamdulillah you took the right step by choosing ISLAM as your religion. Masha Allah, consider yourself truly blessed, Akhy Ali. Allah SWT guides the chosen ones. Alhamdulillah :), I felt extremely happy to be able to read your wonderful article at Islamicity.


Oukty Nur

Congratulation on you decision.

Truth must be out. Now is the time to speek up of Islam as a Religion which respect all sort of Mankind regardless where they are, what they do or who are they. The World is one so as the Brethren in it. I think all Mankind final believes in ONE God whether directly or, in a different ways according to their believes.It is the right time that Muslim must speek of the real ISLAM and not politics or dirty propagandas. Respect and Trust to all Mankind are the answer to the World's religious,economical and political problems let Muslims show the way peaceful as the wisdom from Prophet Muhammad (PBH) and his good behaviour. Allah has set the DAY and the TIME of the Judgment for everyone, no requirement from anybody help. Once says " BE IT WILL BE" Qur-an 32:82. If everybody practice his/her religion peacefull without desturbing others or making any interference, the World would be the most beautiful place to live in, or at least order and respect can be observed throughout.

The West's mistrust of Islam dates back father then the Crusades. It dates back to 7 AD muslims invaded Europe. They invade Spain in 711 AD.

This article is a mirror of my thoughts.
But I must say, it is very difficult to have a Jewish name and be a Muslim. Most people cannot understand why I would even consider Islam. So I tell them this:
My mother is Catholic (Lebanese); my father is (European) Jewish. I learned both the Torah and the New Testament. Therefore, I cannot believe that Jesus was just another person, nor could I believe that Jesus was to be worshiped.
So I figured I'd just believe in God and obey the 10 commandments.
After I learned about Islam, immediately, I new this would be my faith. It made sense to me; it inspired me. When I went to Lebanon for the first time and woke up to the calling of prayer I thought to my self "this is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard". It is still my favorite thing to hear, something that I miss very much when I am home.
I struggle with my Western values and Islam daily. I find it difficult to pray at work (if not impossible). I have yet to find my "middle path", but I understand my challenges and work intensely to overcome them.

Alhamdullilah Allah guided you to the right path.May Allah give you the wisdom of teaching non Muslims as to what Islam is all about. Keep up the great job, mashaaalh.