Prime Minister Trudeau delivers a message on Ramadan

On 15 May 2018, The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement on Ramadan:

“Tonight at sunset, Muslims in Canada and around the world will mark the beginning of Ramadan.

“Over the coming month, families and friends will gather in mosques and homes, fast during the daytime, and, in the evening, break their fast with iftar and pray together.

“Ramadan is a time of prayer and spiritual contemplation, and a chance to reflect on values like compassion, gratitude, and generosity. For all of us, Ramadan asks us to do more to put those values into practice, appreciate our many blessings, and give generously to others in our communities and around the world.

“In Canada, Ramadan is also an opportunity to celebrate our country’s Muslim communities, and the important contributions Muslim Canadians make each day.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish all those observing this holy month a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.

“Ramadan Mubarak!”

( Source: Prime Minister of Canada )

  Category: Featured, Life & Society, Videos
  Topics: Canada, Interfaith, Muslim Western Relations, Ramadan
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