The Wisdom of Prophet Suleiman's Dua

In his reinterpretation of the unique dua of Prophet Suleiman in Surat Saad, Nouman Ali Khan opens new vistas into our understanding of the value of our engagement in this world. At first glance, Suleiman’s dua for a kingdom that is not befitting anyone after him seems materialistic, but in fact he is asking for the capability to do more good for the sake of Allah. As Muslims we must take a strong cue from this noble prophet. Excelling in this world for the right reasons is in itself, an act of worship. We do not separate worldly life from spiritual life in Islam, but we must shake off the delusional fear that we’re not capable, and submit this life (our career, education) to a higher goal. When our heart is in the right place, Allah will give us resources beyond the imagination.

  Category: Faith & Spirituality, Featured, Videos
  Topics: Dua (Supplication), Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon)  Values: Wisdom
Views: 11607

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